class VmAPI(object): def __init__(self, manager=None, user_api=None, network_api=None, image_api=None, group_api=None, host_api=None): if not manager: self.manager = VMManager() else: self.manager = manager if not user_api: self.user_api = UserAPI() else: self.user_api = user_api if not network_api: self.network_api = NetworkAPI() else: self.network_api = network_api if not image_api: self.image_api = ImageAPI() else: self.image_api = image_api if not group_api: self.group_api = GroupAPI() else: self.group_api = group_api if not host_api: self.host_api = HostAPI() else: self.host_api = host_api def get_vm_by_uuid(self, vm_uuid): return self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) def get_vm_list_by_group_id(self, group_id, host_id=None, order=None, ha_monitored=None): return self.manager.get_vm_list_by_group_id(group_id, host_id, order, ha_monitored) def vm_uuid_exists(self, vm_uuid): return self.manager.vm_uuid_exists(vm_uuid) def attach_device(self, vm_uuid, xml): vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) return vm.attach_device(xml) def detach_device(self, vm_uuid, xml): vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) return vm.detach_device(xml) def set_creator(self, vm_uuid, username): vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) return vm.set_creator(str(username)) def set_ha_monitored(self, vm_uuid, ha_monitored=True): '''设置虚拟机的[高可用]属性''' vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) return vm.set_ha_monitored(ha_monitored) def create_vm(self, image_id, vcpu, mem, group_id=None, host_id=None, net_type_id=None, vlan_id=None, diskname=None, vm_uuid=None, remarks=None, ipv4=None): ''' 参数说明: image_id, vcpu, mem 为必要参数。 group_id, host_id 两者至少必须有其一, host_id存在时指定相应宿主机, 无host_id但有group_id时在指定集群筛选宿主机。 net_type_id, vlan_id 两者至少必须有其一,有vlan_id时使用指定的网段, 无vlan_id但有net_type_id时在指定网络类型中筛选网段。 其他参数都是可选参数。 ''' vcpu = int(vcpu) mem = int(mem) if not vm_uuid: vm_uuid = self.manager.create_vm_uuid() if not diskname: diskname = vm_uuid image = self.image_api.get_image_by_id(image_id) if not image.enable: raise Error(ERR_IMAGE_ID) image_info = self.image_api.get_image_info_by_id(image_id) if host_id: host_list = [self.host_api.get_host_by_id(host_id)] elif group_id: host_list = self.host_api.get_host_list_by_group_id(group_id) else: raise Error(ERR_VM_CREATE_ARGS_HOST) available_host_list = [] for host in host_list: if host.enable and not host.exceed_vm_limit( ) and not host.exceed_mem_limit(mem): available_host_list.append(host) if not available_host_list: raise Error(ERR_HOST_FILTER_NONE) if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', '可用主机列表', available_host_list) if vlan_id: vlan_list = [self.network_api.get_vlan_by_id(vlan_id)] elif net_type_id: vlan_list = self.network_api.get_vlan_list_by_type_id(net_type_id) else: raise Error(ERR_VM_CREATE_ARGS_VLAN) available_vlan_list = [] for vlan in vlan_list: if vlan.enable and vlan.has_free_ip(): available_vlan_list.append(vlan) if not available_vlan_list: raise Error(ERR_VLAN_FILTER_NONE) if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', '网段列表', vlan_list) while available_host_list: mac_claimed = False disk_created = False vm_db = None host = self.host_api.host_filter(available_host_list, vcpu, mem, claim=True) if not host: raise Error(ERR_VM_HOST_FILTER) available_host_list.remove(host) if not host.alive(): raise Error(ERR_HOST_CONNECTION) host_available_vlan_id_list = self.host_api.get_vlan_id_list_of_host( if not host_available_vlan_id_list: raise Error(ERR_VLAN_FILTER_NONE) for vlan in available_vlan_list: try: if not in host_available_vlan_id_list: continue if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', '开始创建', host, vlan) mac_claimed = False disk_created = False mac = self.network_api.mac_claim(, vm_uuid, ipv4=ipv4) if mac: mac_claimed = True if mac_claimed: if self.image_api.init_disk(image_id, diskname): disk_created = True else: raise Error(ERR_VM_CREATE_DISK) # image_info = self.image_api.get_image_info_by_id(image_id) xml_tpl = self.image_api.get_xml_tpl(image_id) print(xml_tpl) xml_desc = xml_tpl % { 'name': vm_uuid, 'uuid': vm_uuid, 'mem': mem, 'vcpu': vcpu, 'ceph_uuid': image_info['ceph_uuid'], 'ceph_pool': image_info['ceph_pool'], 'diskname': diskname, 'ceph_host': image_info['ceph_host'], 'ceph_port': image_info['ceph_port'], 'ceph_username': image_info['ceph_username'], 'ceph_hosts_xml': image_info['ceph_hosts_xml'], 'mac': mac, 'bridge': } print(xml_desc) net_info = self.network_api.get_net_info_by_vmuuid( vm_uuid) vm_db = self.manager.create_vm_db({ 'host_id':, 'image_id': image_id, 'image_snap': image_info['image_snap'], 'image': image_info['image_name'], 'uuid': vm_uuid, 'name': vm_uuid, 'mem': mem, 'vcpu': vcpu, 'disk': diskname, 'remarks': remarks, 'ceph_id': image_info['ceph_id'], 'ceph_host': image_info['ceph_host'], 'ceph_pool': image_info['ceph_pool'], 'ceph_uuid': image_info['ceph_uuid'], 'ceph_port': image_info['ceph_port'], 'ceph_username': image_info['ceph_username'], 'vlan_id': net_info['vlan_id'], 'vlan_name': net_info['vlan_name'], 'ipv4': net_info['ipv4'], 'mac': net_info['mac'], 'br': net_info['br'] }) if vm_db: dom = self.manager.define(host.ipv4, xml_desc) return VM(vm_db) else: raise Error(ERR_VM_CREATE_DB) except Error as e: if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', '创建失败', 'mac_claimed', mac_claimed, 'disk_created', disk_created) if mac_claimed: mac_released = self.network_api.mac_release( mac, vm_uuid) if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', 'IP地址释放', mac_released) if disk_created: disk_deleted = self.image_api.rm_disk( image_id, diskname) if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', '磁盘释放', disk_deleted) if vm_db: host_released = self.host_api.host_release( host, vcpu, mem) if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', '释放宿主机资源', host_released) vm_db_deleted = vm_db.delete() if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', '删除数据库记录', vm_db_deleted) if settings.DEBUG: print(e) raise e except Exception as e: if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', '创建失败', 'mac_claimed', mac_claimed, 'disk_created', disk_created) if mac_claimed: mac_released = self.network_api.mac_release( mac, vm_uuid) if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', 'IP地址释放', mac_released) if disk_created: disk_deleted = self.image_api.rm_disk( image_id, diskname) if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', '磁盘释放', disk_deleted) if vm_db: host_released = self.host_api.host_release( host, vcpu, mem) if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', '释放宿主机资源', host_released) vm_db_deleted = vm_db.delete() if settings.DEBUG: print('[create_vm]', '删除数据库记录', vm_db_deleted) if settings.DEBUG: print(e) return False def delete_vm(self, vm_uuid, force=False): vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) image_id = vm.image_id diskname = vm.disk host_id = vm.host_id vcpu = vm.vcpu mem = vm.mem mac = vm.mac ceph_pool_id = vm.ceph_id from device.api import GPUAPI from volume.api import VolumeAPI archive_disk_name = '' try: gpuapi = GPUAPI() if len(gpuapi.get_gpu_list_by_vm_uuid(vm_uuid)) > 0: raise Error(ERR_VM_DEL_GPU_MOUNTED) volumeapi = VolumeAPI() if len(volumeapi.get_volume_list_by_vm_uuid(vm_uuid)) > 0: raise Error(ERR_VM_DEL_VOL_MOUNTED) deletion_permitted = False if self.image_api.disk_exists(image_id, diskname, cephpool_id=ceph_pool_id): archive_disk_name = self.image_api.archive_disk( image_id, diskname, cephpool_id=ceph_pool_id) if archive_disk_name != False: deletion_permitted = True else: deletion_permitted = True except Exception as e: if not force: # 不强制删除的话抛出异常 raise e else: # 强制删除,不管其他操作是否成功,都删除虚拟机记录 deletion_permitted = True if deletion_permitted: if vm.delete(archive_disk_name, force=force): if not self.host_api.host_release(host_id, vcpu, mem): print('[delete_vm]', '释放宿主机资源失败') if not self.network_api.mac_release(mac, vm_uuid): print('[delete_vm]', '释放IP地址失败') return True return False # def reset_vm(self, vm_uuid): # vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) # if vm.is_running(): # raise Error(ERR_VM_RESET_LIVING) # archive_disk_name = self.image_api.archive_disk(vm.image_id, vm.disk) # if archive_disk_name != False: # init_disk_success = self.image_api.init_disk(vm.image_id, vm.disk) # if init_disk_success: # if vm.start(): # return True # self.image_api.rm_disk(vm.image_id, vm.disk) # self.image_api.restore_disk(vm.image_id, archive_disk_name) # return False def edit_vm(self, vm_uuid, vcpu=None, mem=None, remarks=None): vm = self.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) if (vcpu != None or mem != None) and vm.is_running(): raise Error(ERR_VM_EDIT_LIVING) if vcpu and not type(vcpu) == int: raise Error(ERR_VM_VCPU) if mem and not type(mem) == int: raise Error(ERR_VM_MEM) failed = False org_remarks = vm.remarks org_vcpu = vm.vcpu org_mem = vm.mem if not failed and remarks: if not vm.set_remarks(remarks): failed = True if not failed and vcpu: if vcpu > vm.vcpu: vcpu_claimed = self.host_api.host_claim( vm.host_id, vcpu - vm.vcpu, 0, 0) else: vcpu_claimed = self.host_api.host_release( vm.host_id, vm.vcpu - vcpu, 0, 0) else: vcpu_claimed = True if not failed and mem: if mem > vm.mem: mem_claimed = self.host_api.host_claim(vm.host_id, 0, mem - vm.mem, 0) else: mem_claimed = self.host_api.host_release( vm.host_id, 0, vm.mem - mem, 0) else: mem_claimed = True if not failed and vcpu_claimed and mem_claimed: if not self.manager.set_vm_configuration(vm_uuid, vcpu, mem): failed = True if failed: if remarks: vm.set_remarks(org_remarks) if vcpu or mem: self.manager.set_vm_configuration(vm_uuid, org_vcpu, org_mem) if vcpu and vcpu_claimed: if vcpu > org_vcpu: self.host_api.host_release(vm.host_id, vcpu - org_vcpu, 0, 0) else: self.host_api.host_claim(vm.host_id, org_vcpu - vcpu, 0, 0) if mem and mem_claimed: if mem > org_mem: self.host_api.host_release(vm.host_id, 0, mem - org_mem, 0) else: self.host_api.host_claim(vm.host_id, 0, org_mem - mem, 0) return False return True def migrate_vm(self, vm_uuid, host_id): #参数验证 vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) host = self.host_api.get_host_by_id(host_id) src_host_alive = vm.is_host_connected from device.api import GPUAPI from volume.api import VolumeAPI gpuapi = GPUAPI() volumeapi = VolumeAPI() gpu_list = gpuapi.get_gpu_list_by_vm_uuid(vm_uuid) volume_list = volumeapi.get_volume_list_by_vm_uuid(vm_uuid) #判断是否在同一个center if vm.center_id != host.center_id: raise Error(ERR_VM_MIGRATE_DIFF_CEPH) #是否关机 if vm.is_running(): raise Error(ERR_VM_MIGRATE_LIVING) #在新宿主机上创建 image_info = self.image_api.get_image_info_by_id(vm.image_id) xml_tpl = self.image_api.get_xml_tpl(vm.image_id) xml_desc = xml_tpl % { 'name': vm_uuid, 'uuid': vm_uuid, 'mem': vm.mem, 'vcpu': vm.vcpu, 'ceph_uuid': image_info['ceph_uuid'], 'ceph_pool': image_info['ceph_pool'], 'diskname': vm.disk, 'ceph_host': image_info['ceph_host'], 'ceph_port': image_info['ceph_port'], 'ceph_username': image_info['ceph_username'], 'ceph_hosts_xml': image_info['ceph_hosts_xml'], 'mac': vm.mac, 'bridge': } migrate_res = False if self.host_api.host_claim(host_id, vm.vcpu, vm.mem, 1): try: if src_host_alive: for gpu1 in gpu_list: r1 = vm.detach_device(gpu1.xml_desc) if settings.DEBUG: print('[migrate_vm]', 'detach gpu ',, r1) for volume1 in volume_list: r1 = vm.detach_device(volume1.xml_desc) if settings.DEBUG: print('[migrate_vm]', 'detach volume ',, r1) old_host_id = vm.host_id if self.manager.migrate(vm_uuid, host_id, host.ipv4, xml_desc, old_host_alive=src_host_alive): migrate_res = True old_res = self.host_api.host_release( old_host_id, vm.vcpu, vm.mem, 1) if settings.DEBUG: print('[migrate_vm]', '释放原宿主机资源 ', old_res) #重新attach device(只有云硬盘) for volume1 in volume_list: r1 = vm.attach_device(volume1.xml_desc) if settings.DEBUG: print('[migrate_vm]', 'attach volume ',, r1) except Exception as e: if type(e) == Error: raise e finally: if not migrate_res: new_res = self.host_api.host_release( host_id, vm.vcpu, vm.mem, 1) if settings.DEBUG: print('[migrate_vm]', '迁移失败,释放新宿主机资源 ', new_res) return migrate_res def reset_vm(self, vm_uuid, new_image_id=None): vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) if new_image_id == None: new_image_id = vm.image_id host = old_image_id = vm.image_id old_diskname = vm.disk old_ceph_pool_id = vm.ceph_id if vm.is_running(): raise Error(ERR_VM_RESET_LIVING) new_image_info = self.image_api.get_image_info_by_id(new_image_id) if not new_image_info: raise Error(ERR_IMAGE_INFO) from device.api import GPUAPI from volume.api import VolumeAPI gpuapi = GPUAPI() volumeapi = VolumeAPI() gpu_list = gpuapi.get_gpu_list_by_vm_uuid(vm_uuid) volume_list = volumeapi.get_volume_list_by_vm_uuid(vm_uuid) archive_disk_name = '' old_image_dict = { 'image_id': old_image_id, 'image_snap': vm.image_snap, 'image_name': vm.image, 'ceph_id': vm.ceph_id, 'ceph_host': vm.ceph_host, 'ceph_pool': vm.ceph_pool, 'ceph_uuid': vm.ceph_uuid, 'ceph_port': vm.ceph_port, 'ceph_username': vm.ceph_username } old_xml_desc = vm.xml_desc res = False try: #先detach设备(gpu,volume) for gpu1 in gpu_list: r1 = vm.detach_device(gpu1.xml_desc) if settings.DEBUG: print('[reset_vm]', 'detach gpu ',, r1) for volume1 in volume_list: r1 = vm.detach_device(volume1.xml_desc) if settings.DEBUG: print('[reset_vm]', 'detach volume ',, r1) #dom的destroy和undefine操作 dom_undefine_res = False if self.manager.domain_exists(vm.host_ipv4, vm.uuid): dom = self.manager.get_domain(vm.host_ipv4, vm.uuid) try: dom.destroy() except: pass dom.undefine() if not self.manager.domain_exists(vm.host_ipv4, vm.uuid): dom_undefine_res = True if dom_undefine_res: archive_disk_name = self.image_api.archive_disk( old_image_id, vm.disk) if archive_disk_name: init_disk_success = False if dom_undefine_res: init_disk_success = self.image_api.init_disk( new_image_id, vm.disk) if init_disk_success: #更新vm_db相关image信息 vm.db_obj.image_id = new_image_id vm.db_obj.image_snap = new_image_info['image_snap'] vm.db_obj.image = new_image_info['image_name'] vm.db_obj.ceph_id = new_image_info['ceph_id'] vm.db_obj.ceph_host = new_image_info['ceph_host'] vm.db_obj.ceph_pool = new_image_info['ceph_pool'] vm.db_obj.ceph_uuid = new_image_info['ceph_uuid'] vm.db_obj.ceph_port = new_image_info['ceph_port'] vm.db_obj.ceph_username = new_image_info['ceph_username'] xml_tpl = self.image_api.get_xml_tpl(new_image_id) xml_desc = xml_tpl % { 'name': vm.uuid, 'uuid': vm.uuid, 'mem': vm.mem, 'vcpu': vm.vcpu, 'ceph_uuid': new_image_info['ceph_uuid'], 'ceph_pool': new_image_info['ceph_pool'], 'diskname': vm.disk, 'ceph_host': new_image_info['ceph_host'], 'ceph_port': new_image_info['ceph_port'], 'ceph_username': new_image_info['ceph_username'], 'ceph_hosts_xml': new_image_info['ceph_hosts_xml'], 'mac': vm.mac, 'bridge': } dom = self.manager.define(host.ipv4, xml_desc) res = True except Exception as e: if settings.DEBUG: print('[reset_vm]', '重置镜像失败', e) res = False if archive_disk_name: #已经归档成功,重新恢复 self.image_api.restore_disk(vm.image_id, archive_disk_name) vm.db_obj.image_id = old_image_dict['image_id'] vm.db_obj.image_snap = old_image_dict['image_snap'] vm.db_obj.image = old_image_dict['image_name'] vm.db_obj.ceph_id = old_image_dict['ceph_id'] vm.db_obj.ceph_host = old_image_dict['ceph_host'] vm.db_obj.ceph_pool = old_image_dict['ceph_pool'] vm.db_obj.ceph_uuid = old_image_dict['ceph_uuid'] vm.db_obj.ceph_port = old_image_dict['ceph_port'] vm.db_obj.ceph_username = old_image_dict['ceph_username'] dom = self.manager.define(host.ipv4, old_xml_desc) if settings.DEBUG: print('[reset_vm]', '回滚成功') finally: for gpu1 in gpu_list: r1 = vm.attach_device(gpu1.xml_desc) if settings.DEBUG: print('[reset_vm]', 'attach gpu ',, r1) for volume1 in volume_list: r1 = vm.attach_device(volume1.xml_desc) if settings.DEBUG: print('[reset_vm]', 'attach volume ',, r1) return res def get_vm_disk_snap_list(self, vm_uuid): vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) return self.image_api.get_disk_snap_list_by_disk(vm.disk) def create_vm_disk_snap(self, vm_uuid, remarks=None): vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) res = self.image_api.create_disk_snap(vm.ceph_id, vm.disk, vm.image_id, vm_uuid, remarks=remarks) if res: return True else: return False def rollback_vm_disk_snap(self, vm_uuid, snap_id): vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) if vm.is_running(): if settings.DEBUG: print('[rollback_vm_disk_snap]', '运行状态无法回滚') raise Error(ERR_VM_CREATE_SNAP_LIVING) if settings.DEBUG: print('[rollback_vm_disk_snap]', '快照回滚:开始执行') res = self.image_api.rollback_disk_snap(vm.disk, snap_id) if settings.DEBUG: print('[rollback_vm_disk_snap]', '快照回滚:结束', res) if res: return True else: return False def delete_vm_disk_snap(self, vm_uuid, snap_id): vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) res = self.image_api.delete_disk_snap_by_id(vm.disk, snap_id) if settings.DEBUG: print('[delete_vm_disk_snap]', '快照删除', res) if res: return True else: return False def set_vm_disk_snap_remarks(self, vm_uuid, snap_id, remarks=None): vm = self.manager.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_uuid) res = self.image_api.set_disk_snap_remarks(vm.disk, snap_id, remarks) if res: return True else: return False