def main(args): global image rospy.init_node('skeleton_viewer', anonymous=True) image_info_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/rgb/camera_info", CameraInfo, image_info_cb) if test_mode: cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) size = (int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))) else: ic = image_converter() cam_model = PinholeCameraModel() while (not camera_info) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): time.sleep(1) print("waiting for camera info") cam_model.fromCameraInfo(camera_info) size = cam_model.fullResolution() print(,, cam_model.fullResolution()) fps = 30 rate = rospy.Rate(fps) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') writer = cv2.VideoWriter() success =, fourcc, fps, size, True) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if test_mode: ret, image = writer.write(image) cv2.imshow("Image window", image) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == 27: break rate.sleep() if test_mode: cap.release() writer.release()
class Colorama(object): def __init__(self): info_topic = camera_root + "/camera_info" image_topic = camera_root + "/image_rect_color" self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher("/database_color_status", ColoramaDebug, queue_size=1) self.odom = None set_odom = lambda msg: setattr(self, "odom", navigator_tools.pose_to_numpy(msg.pose.pose)) rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry, set_odom) fprint("Waiting for odom...") while self.odom is None and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(1) fprint("Odom found!", msg_color='green') db_request = rospy.ServiceProxy("/database/requests", ObjectDBQuery) self.make_request = lambda **kwargs: db_request(ObjectDBQueryRequest(**kwargs)) self.image_history = ImageHistory(image_topic) # Wait for camera info, and exit if not found fprint("Waiting for camera info on: '{}'".format(info_topic)) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: camera_info_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(info_topic, CameraInfo, timeout=3) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: rospy.sleep(1) continue break fprint("Camera info found!", msg_color="green") self.camera_model = PinholeCameraModel() self.camera_model.fromCameraInfo(camera_info_msg) self.debug = DebugImage("/colorama/debug", prd=.5) # These are color mappings from Hue values [0, 360] self.color_map = {'red': np.radians(0), 'yellow': np.radians(60), 'green': np.radians(120), 'blue': np.radians(200)} # RGB map for database setting self.database_color_map = {'red': (255, 0, 0), 'yellow': (255, 255, 0), 'green': (0, 255, 0), 'blue': (0, 0, 255)} # ========= Some tunable parameters =================================== self.update_time = 1 # s # Observation parameters self.saturation_reject = 20 # Reject color obs with below this saturation self.value_reject = 50 # Reject color obs with below this value self.height_remove = 0.4 # Remove points that are this percent down on the object (%) # 1 keeps all, .4 removes the bottom 40% # Update parameters self.history_length = 100 # How many of each color to keep self.min_obs = 5 # Need atleast this many observations before making a determination self.conf_reject = .5 # When to reject an observation based on it's confidence # Confidence weights self.v_factor = 0.6 # Favor value values close to the nominal value self.v_u = 200 # Mean of norm for variance error self.v_sig = 60 # Sigma of norm for variance error self.dist_factor = 0.3 # Favor being closer to the totem self.dist_sig = 30 # Sigma of distance (m) self.q_factor = 0 # Favor not looking into the sun self.q_sig = 1.2 # Sigma of norm for quaternion error (rads) # Maps id => observations self.colored = {} rospy.Timer(ros_t(self.update_time), self.do_observe) def _compute_average_angle(self, angles, weights): """ Returns weighted average of angles. Tends to break down with too many angles 180 degrees of each other - try not to do that. """ angles = np.array(angles) if np.linalg.norm(weights) == 0: return None w = weights / np.linalg.norm(weights) s = np.sum(w * np.sin(angles)) c = np.sum(w * np.cos(angles)) avg_angle = np.arctan2(s, c) return avg_angle def _get_quaternion_error(self, q, target_q): """ Returns an angluar differnce between q and target_q in radians """ dq = trns.quaternion_multiply(np.array(target_q), trns.quaternion_inverse(np.array(q))) return 2 * np.arccos(dq[3]) def _get_closest_color(self, hue_angle): """ Returns a pair of the most likely color and the radian error associated with that prediction `hue_angle` := The radian value associated with hue [0, 2*pi] Colors are found from `self.color_map` """ c = np.cos(hue_angle) s = np.sin(hue_angle) error = np.inf likely_color = 'undef' for color, h_val in self.color_map.iteritems(): cg = np.cos(h_val) sg = np.sin(h_val) # We need a signed error for some math later on so no absolute value this_error = np.arctan2(sg*c - cg*s, cg*c + sg*s) if np.abs(this_error) < np.abs(error): error = this_error likely_color = color fprint("Likely color: {} with an hue error of {} rads.".format(likely_color, np.round(error, 3))) return [likely_color, error] def do_estimate(self, totem_id): """Calculates best color estimate for a given totem id""" fprint("DOING ESTIMATE", msg_color='blue') if totem_id not in self.colored: fprint("Totem ID {} not found!".format(totem_id), msg_color='red') return None t_color = self.colored[totem_id] if len(t_color) < self.min_obs: fprint("Only {} observations. {} required.".format(len(t_color), self.min_obs), msg_color='red') return None kwargs = {'v_u': self.v_u, 'v_sig': self.v_sig, 'dist_sig': self.dist_sig, 'q_factor': self.q_factor, 'q_sig': self.q_sig} w, weights = t_color.compute_confidence([self.v_factor, self.dist_factor, self.q_factor], True, **kwargs) fprint("CONF: {}".format(w)) if np.mean(w) < self.conf_reject: return None hue_angles = np.radians(np.array(t_color.hues) * 2) angle = self._compute_average_angle(hue_angles, w) color = self._get_closest_color(angle) msg = t_color.as_message = totem_id msg.confidence = w msg.labels = ["value_errs", "dists", "q_diffs"] msg.weights = weights msg.color = colors[0] msg.est_hues = angle * 2 msg.hues = np.array(t_color.hues) * 2 self.status_pub.publish(msg) fprint("Color: {}".format(color[0])) return color def got_request(self, req): # Threading blah blah something unsafe colored_ids = [_id for _id, color_err in self.colored.iteritems() if self.valid_color(_id) == req.color] fprint("Colored IDs: {}".format(colored_ids), msg_color='blue') print '\n' * 50 if len(colored_ids) == 0: return ColorRequestResponse(found=False) return ColorRequestResponse(found=True, ids=colored_ids) def do_observe(self, *args): resp = self.make_request(name='totem') # If atleast one totem was found start observing if resp.found: # Time of the databse request time_of_marker = resp.objects[0].header.stamp# - ros_t(1) fprint("Looking for image at {}".format(time_of_marker.to_sec()), msg_color='yellow') image_holder = self.image_history.get_around_time(time_of_marker) if not image_holder.contains_valid_image: t = self.image_history.newest_image.time if t is None: fprint("No images found.") return fprint("No valid image found for t={} ({}) dt: {}".format(time_of_marker.to_sec(), t.to_sec(), ( - t).to_sec()), msg_color='red') return header = navigator_tools.make_header(frame='/enu', stamp=image_holder.time) image = image_holder.image self.debug.image = np.copy(image) cam_tf = self.camera_model.tfFrame() try: fprint("Getting transform between /enu and {}...".format(cam_tf)) self.tf_listener.waitForTransform("/enu", cam_tf, time_of_marker, ros_t(1)) t_mat44 = self.tf_listener.asMatrix(cam_tf, header) except tf.ExtrapolationException as e: fprint("TF error found and excepted: {}".format(e)) return for obj in resp.objects: if len(obj.points) <= 1: fprint("No points in object") continue fprint("{} {}".format(, "=" * 50)) # Get object position in px coordinates to determine if it's in frame object_cam =, 1)) object_px = map(int, self.camera_model.project3dToPixel(object_cam[:3])) if not self._object_in_frame(object_cam): fprint("Object not in frame") continue # Get enu points associated with this totem and remove ones that are too low points_np = np.array(map(p2np, obj.points)) height = np.max(points_np[:, 2]) - np.min(points_np[:, 2]) if height < .1: # If the height of the object is too small, skip (units are meters) fprint("Object too small") continue threshold = np.min(points_np[:, 2]) + self.height_remove * height points_np = points_np[points_np[:, 2] > threshold] # Shove ones in there to make homogenous points to get points in image frame points_np_homo = np.hstack((points_np, np.ones((points_np.shape[0], 1)))).T points_cam = points_px = map(self.camera_model.project3dToPixel, points_cam[:, :3]) [, tuple(map(int, p)), 2, (255, 255, 255), -1) for p in points_px] # Get color information from the points roi = self._get_ROI_from_points(points_px) h, s, v = self._get_hsv_from_ROI(roi, image) # Compute parameters that go into the confidence boat_q = self.odom[1] target_q = self._get_solar_angle() q_err = self._get_quaternion_error(boat_q, target_q) dist = np.linalg.norm(self.odom[0] - p2np(obj.position)) fprint("H: {}, S: {}, V: {}".format(h, s, v)) fprint("q_err: {}, dist: {}".format(q_err, dist)) # Add to database and setup debug image if s < self.saturation_reject or v < self.value_reject: err_msg = "The colors aren't expressive enough s: {} ({}) v: {} ({}). Rejecting." fprint(err_msg.format(s, self.saturation_reject, v, self.value_reject), msg_color='red') else: if not in self.colored: self.colored[] = Observation() # Add this observation in self.colored[] += h, v, dist, q_err print self.colored[] rgb = (0, 0, 0) color = self.do_estimate( # Do we have a valid color estimate if color: fprint("COLOR IS VALID", msg_color='green') rgb = self.database_color_map[color[0]] cmd = '{name}={rgb[0]},{rgb[1]},{rgb[2]},{_id}' self.make_request(cmd=cmd.format(,, rgb=rgb)) bgr = rgb[::-1], tuple(object_px), 10, bgr, -1) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(self.debug.image, str(, tuple(object_px), font, 1, bgr, 2) def _get_solar_angle(self): return [0, 0, 0, 1] def _get_ROI_from_points(self, image_points): cnt = np.array([image_points]).astype(np.float32) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = box = np.int0(box) fprint("Drawing rectangle") cv2.drawContours(self.debug.image, [box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2) return box def _get_hsv_from_ROI(self, roi, img): mask = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], np.uint8) cv2.drawContours(mask, [roi], 0, 255, -1) bgr = cv2.mean(img, mask) # We have to treat that bgr value as a 3d array to get cvtColor to work bgr = np.array([[bgr]])[:, :3].astype(np.uint8) h, s, v = cv2.cvtColor(bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)[0, 0] return h, s, v # Now check that s and v are in a good range if s < self.saturation_reject or v < self.value_reject: err_msg = "The colors aren't expressive enough s: {} ({}) v: {} ({}). Rejecting." fprint(err_msg.format(s, self.saturation_reject, v, self.value_reject), msg_color='red') return None # Compute hue error in SO2 hue_angle = np.radians(h * 2) # Display the current values font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(self.debug.image, "h_val: {}".format(np.degrees(hue_angle)), tuple(roi[1]), font, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2) likely_color, error = self.get_closest_color(hue_angle) if error > self.hue_error_reject: fprint("Closest color was {} with an error of {} rads (> {}). Rejecting.".format(likely_color, np.round(error, 3), self.hue_error_reject), msg_color='red') return None fprint("Likely color: {} with an hue error of {} rads.".format(likely_color, np.round(error, 3))) return [likely_color, error] def _object_in_frame(self, object_point): """ Returns if the object is in frame given the centroid of the object. `object_point` should be in the camera_model's frame. """ if object_point[2] < 0: return False px = np.array(self.camera_model.project3dToPixel(object_point)) resoultion = self.camera_model.fullResolution() return not (np.any([0, 0] > px) or np.any(px > resoultion))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''Generate yaml file''') parser.add_argument('--bag', help='Root of folders.', default='') parser.add_argument('--out', default="") parser.add_argument('--cam_info_topic', default="") parser.add_argument('--image_topic', default="") args = parser.parse_args() bag_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args.bag) bag = Bag2CameraInfo(bag_path, args.cam_info_topic) bag_im = Bag2Images(bag_path, args.image_topic) c = PinholeCameraModel() c.fromCameraInfo(bag.msg) size = c.fullResolution() K_new, _ = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(c.fullIntrinsicMatrix(), c.distortionCoeffs(), size, 0.0) pts = [] for x in range(size[0]): for y in range(size[1]): pts.append([[x, y]]) new_points = cv2.undistortPoints(np.array(pts, dtype=np.float32), bag.K, bag.D, P=K_new) map_x = np.reshape(new_points[:, 0, 0], newshape=(size[0], size[1])).transpose() map_y = np.reshape(new_points[:, 0, 1],
class Colorama(object): def __init__(self): info_topic = camera_root + "/camera_info" image_topic = camera_root + "/image_raw" # Change this to rect on boat self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() # Map id => [{color, error}, ...] for determining when a color is good self.colored = {} db_request = rospy.ServiceProxy("/database/requests", ObjectDBQuery) self.make_request = lambda **kwargs: db_request( ObjectDBQueryRequest(**kwargs)) rospy.Service("/vision/buoy_colorizer", VisionRequest, self.got_request) self.image_history = ImageHistory(image_topic) # Wait for camera info, and exit if not found try: fprint("Waiting for camera info on: '{}'".format(info_topic)) camera_info_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(info_topic, CameraInfo, timeout=3) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: fprint("Camera info not found! Terminating.", msg_color="red") rospy.signal_shutdown("Camera not found!") return fprint("Camera info found!", msg_color="green") self.camera_model = PinholeCameraModel() self.camera_model.fromCameraInfo(camera_info_msg) self.debug = DebugImage("/colorama/debug", prd=.5) # These are color mappings from Hue values [0, 360] self.color_map = { 'red': np.radians(0), 'yellow': np.radians(60), 'green': np.radians(120), 'blue': np.radians(240) } # Some tunable parameters self.update_time = .5 # s self.saturation_reject = 50 self.value_reject = 50 self.hue_error_reject = .4 # rads # To decide when to accept color observations self.error_tolerance = .4 # rads self.spottings_req = 4 self.similarity_reject = .1 # If two colors are within this amount of error, reject rospy.Timer(ros_t(self.update_time), self.do_update) def valid_color(self, _id): """ Either returns valid color or None depending if the color is valid or not """ if _id not in self.colored: return None object_data = self.colored[_id] print "object_data", object_data # Maps color => [err1, err2, ..] potential_colors = {} for data in object_data: color, err = data['color'], data['err'] if color not in potential_colors: potential_colors[color] = [] potential_colors[color].append(err) potential_colors_avg = {} for color, errs in potential_colors.iteritems(): if len(errs) > self.spottings_req: potential_colors_avg[color] = np.average(errs) print "potential_colors_avg", potential_colors_avg if len(potential_colors_avg) == 1: # No debate about the color color = potential_colors_avg.keys()[0] err = potential_colors_avg[color] fprint("Only one color found, error: {} (/ {})".format( err, self.error_tolerance)) if len(potential_colors[color] ) > self.spottings_req and err <= self.error_tolerance: return color elif len(potential_colors_avg) > 1: # More than one color, see if one of them is still valid fprint("More than one color detected. Removing all.") self.colored[_id] = [] return None def got_request(self, req): # Threading blah blah something unsafe color = self.valid_color(req.target_id) if color is None: fprint("ID {} is NOT a valid color".format(req.target_id), msg_color='red') return VisionRequestResponse(found=False) return VisionRequestResponse(found=True, color=color) def do_update(self, *args): resp = self.make_request(name='all') if resp.found: # temp time_of_marker = - ros_t( .2) # header.stamp not filled out image_holder = self.image_history.get_around_time(time_of_marker) if not image_holder.contains_valid_image: return header = navigator_tools.make_header( frame="/enu", stamp=image_holder.time) #resp.objects[0].header image = image_holder.image self.debug.image = np.copy(image) cam_tf = self.camera_model.tfFrame() fprint("Getting transform between /enu and {}...".format(cam_tf)) self.tf_listener.waitForTransform("/enu", cam_tf, time_of_marker, ros_t(1)) t_mat44 = self.tf_listener.asMatrix( cam_tf, header) # homogenous 4x4 transformation matrix for obj in resp.objects: if len(obj.points) > 0 and == "totem": fprint("{} {}".format(, "=" * 50)) print obj.position # Get objects position in camera frame and make sure it's in view object_cam = np.append(navigator_tools.point_to_numpy(obj.position), 1)) object_px = map( int, self.camera_model.project3dToPixel(object_cam[:3])) if not self._object_in_frame(object_cam): continue #print object_px points_np = np.array( map(navigator_tools.point_to_numpy, obj.points)) # We dont want points below a certain level points_np = points_np[points_np[:, 2] > -2.5] # Shove ones in there to make homogenous points points_np_homo = np.hstack( (points_np, np.ones((points_np.shape[0], 1)))).T points_cam = points_px = map(self.camera_model.project3dToPixel, points_cam[:, :3]) #print points_px roi = self._get_ROI_from_points(points_px) color_info = self._get_color_from_ROI( roi, image) # hue, string_color, error bgr = (0, 0, 0) if color_info is not None: hue, color, error = color_info c = (int(hue), 255, 255) hsv = np.array([[c]])[:, :3].astype(np.uint8) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)[0, 0] bgr = tuple(bgr.astype(np.uint8).tolist()) if hue is not None: if not in self.colored: self.colored[] = [] self.colored[].append({ 'color': color, 'err': error }) if self.valid_color( fprint("COLOR IS VALID", msg_color='green') self.make_request( cmd= '{name}={bgr[2]},{bgr[1]},{bgr[0]},{_id}'. format(,, bgr=bgr)) [, tuple(map(int, p)), 2, bgr, -1) for p in points_px ], tuple(object_px), 10, bgr, -1) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(self.debug.image, str(, tuple(object_px), font, 1, bgr, 2) print '\n' * 2 def _get_ROI_from_points(self, image_points): # Probably will return a set of contours cnt = np.array(image_points).astype(np.float32) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = box = np.int0(box) fprint("Drawing rectangle") cv2.drawContours(self.debug.image, [box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2) return box def _get_color_from_ROI(self, roi, img): mask = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], np.uint8) cv2.drawContours(mask, [roi], 0, 255, -1) bgr = cv2.mean(img, mask) # We have to treat that bgr value as a 3d array to get cvtColor to work bgr = np.array([[bgr]])[:, :3].astype(np.uint8) h, s, v = cv2.cvtColor(bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)[0, 0] # Now check that s and v are in a good range if s < self.saturation_reject or v < self.value_reject: fprint("The colors aren't expressive enough. Rejecting.", msg_color='red') return None # Compute hue error in SO2 hue_angle = np.radians(h * 2) c = np.cos(hue_angle) s = np.sin(hue_angle) error = np.inf likely_color = 'bazinga' for color, h_val in self.color_map.iteritems(): cg = np.cos(h_val) sg = np.sin(h_val) this_error = np.abs(np.arctan2(sg * c - cg * s, cg * c + sg * s)) if this_error < error: error = this_error likely_color = color if error > self.hue_error_reject: fprint( "Closest color was {} with an error of {} rads (> {}) Rejecting." .format(likely_color, np.round(error, 3), self.hue_error_reject), msg_color='red') return None fprint("Likely color: {} with an hue error of {} rads.".format( likely_color, np.round(error, 3))) return [ np.degrees(self.color_map[likely_color]) / 2.0, likely_color, error ] def _object_in_frame(self, object_point): """ Returns if the object is in frame given the centroid of the object. `object_point` should be in the camera_model's frame. """ print object_point if object_point[2] < 0: return False px = np.array(self.camera_model.project3dToPixel(object_point)) resoultion = self.camera_model.fullResolution() if np.any([0, 0] > px) or np.any(px > resoultion): return False return True
class Colorama(object): def __init__(self): info_topic = camera_root + "/camera_info" image_topic = camera_root + "/image_raw" # Change this to rect on boat self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() # Map id => [{color, error}, ...] for determining when a color is good self.colored = {} db_request = rospy.ServiceProxy("/database/requests", ObjectDBQuery) self.make_request = lambda **kwargs: db_request(ObjectDBQueryRequest(**kwargs)) rospy.Service("/vision/buoy_colorizer", VisionRequest, self.got_request) self.image_history = ImageHistory(image_topic) # Wait for camera info, and exit if not found try: fprint("Waiting for camera info on: '{}'".format(info_topic)) camera_info_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(info_topic, CameraInfo, timeout=3) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: fprint("Camera info not found! Terminating.", msg_color="red") rospy.signal_shutdown("Camera not found!") return fprint("Camera info found!", msg_color="green") self.camera_model = PinholeCameraModel() self.camera_model.fromCameraInfo(camera_info_msg) self.debug = DebugImage("/colorama/debug", prd=.5) # These are color mappings from Hue values [0, 360] self.color_map = {'red': np.radians(0), 'yellow': np.radians(60), 'green': np.radians(120), 'blue': np.radians(240)} # Some tunable parameters self.update_time = .5 # s self.saturation_reject = 50 self.value_reject = 50 self.hue_error_reject = .4 # rads # To decide when to accept color observations self.error_tolerance = .4 # rads self.spottings_req = 4 self.similarity_reject = .1 # If two colors are within this amount of error, reject rospy.Timer(ros_t(self.update_time), self.do_update) def valid_color(self, _id): """ Either returns valid color or None depending if the color is valid or not """ if _id not in self.colored: return None object_data = self.colored[_id] print "object_data", object_data # Maps color => [err1, err2, ..] potential_colors = {} for data in object_data: color, err = data['color'], data['err'] if color not in potential_colors: potential_colors[color] = [] potential_colors[color].append(err) potential_colors_avg = {} for color, errs in potential_colors.iteritems(): if len(errs) > self.spottings_req: potential_colors_avg[color] = np.average(errs) print "potential_colors_avg", potential_colors_avg if len(potential_colors_avg) == 1: # No debate about the color color = potential_colors_avg.keys()[0] err = potential_colors_avg[color] fprint("Only one color found, error: {} (/ {})".format(err, self.error_tolerance)) if len(potential_colors[color]) > self.spottings_req and err <= self.error_tolerance: return color elif len(potential_colors_avg) > 1: # More than one color, see if one of them is still valid fprint("More than one color detected. Removing all.") self.colored[_id] = [] return None def got_request(self, req): # Threading blah blah something unsafe color = self.valid_color(req.target_id) if color is None: fprint("ID {} is NOT a valid color".format(req.target_id), msg_color='red') return VisionRequestResponse(found=False) return VisionRequestResponse(found=True, color=color) def do_update(self, *args): resp = self.make_request(name='all') if resp.found: # temp time_of_marker = - ros_t(.2) # header.stamp not filled out image_holder = self.image_history.get_around_time(time_of_marker) if not image_holder.contains_valid_image: return header = navigator_tools.make_header(frame="/enu", stamp=image_holder.time) #resp.objects[0].header image = image_holder.image self.debug.image = np.copy(image) cam_tf = self.camera_model.tfFrame() fprint("Getting transform between /enu and {}...".format(cam_tf)) self.tf_listener.waitForTransform("/enu", cam_tf, time_of_marker, ros_t(1)) t_mat44 = self.tf_listener.asMatrix(cam_tf, header) # homogenous 4x4 transformation matrix for obj in resp.objects: if len(obj.points) > 0 and == "totem": fprint("{} {}".format(, "=" * 50)) print obj.position # Get objects position in camera frame and make sure it's in view object_cam =, 1)) object_px = map(int, self.camera_model.project3dToPixel(object_cam[:3])) if not self._object_in_frame(object_cam): continue #print object_px points_np = np.array(map(navigator_tools.point_to_numpy, obj.points)) # We dont want points below a certain level points_np = points_np[points_np[:, 2] > -2.5] # Shove ones in there to make homogenous points points_np_homo = np.hstack((points_np, np.ones((points_np.shape[0], 1)))).T points_cam = points_px = map(self.camera_model.project3dToPixel, points_cam[:, :3]) #print points_px roi = self._get_ROI_from_points(points_px) color_info = self._get_color_from_ROI(roi, image) # hue, string_color, error bgr = (0, 0, 0) if color_info is not None: hue, color, error = color_info c = (int(hue), 255, 255) hsv = np.array([[c]])[:, :3].astype(np.uint8) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)[0, 0] bgr = tuple(bgr.astype(np.uint8).tolist()) if hue is not None: if not in self.colored: self.colored[] = [] self.colored[].append({'color':color, 'err':error}) if self.valid_color( fprint("COLOR IS VALID", msg_color='green') self.make_request(cmd='{name}={bgr[2]},{bgr[1]},{bgr[0]},{_id}'.format(,_id=, bgr=bgr)) [, tuple(map(int, p)), 2, bgr, -1) for p in points_px], tuple(object_px), 10, bgr, -1) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(self.debug.image, str(, tuple(object_px), font, 1, bgr, 2) print '\n' * 2 def _get_ROI_from_points(self, image_points): # Probably will return a set of contours cnt = np.array(image_points).astype(np.float32) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = box = np.int0(box) fprint("Drawing rectangle") cv2.drawContours(self.debug.image, [box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2) return box def _get_color_from_ROI(self, roi, img): mask = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], np.uint8) cv2.drawContours(mask, [roi], 0, 255, -1) bgr = cv2.mean(img, mask) # We have to treat that bgr value as a 3d array to get cvtColor to work bgr = np.array([[bgr]])[:, :3].astype(np.uint8) h, s, v = cv2.cvtColor(bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)[0, 0] # Now check that s and v are in a good range if s < self.saturation_reject or v < self.value_reject: fprint("The colors aren't expressive enough. Rejecting.", msg_color='red') return None # Compute hue error in SO2 hue_angle = np.radians(h * 2) c = np.cos(hue_angle) s = np.sin(hue_angle) error = np.inf likely_color = 'bazinga' for color, h_val in self.color_map.iteritems(): cg = np.cos(h_val) sg = np.sin(h_val) this_error = np.abs(np.arctan2(sg*c - cg*s, cg*c + sg*s)) if this_error < error: error = this_error likely_color = color if error > self.hue_error_reject: fprint("Closest color was {} with an error of {} rads (> {}) Rejecting.".format(likely_color, np.round(error, 3), self.hue_error_reject), msg_color='red') return None fprint("Likely color: {} with an hue error of {} rads.".format(likely_color, np.round(error, 3))) return [np.degrees(self.color_map[likely_color]) / 2.0, likely_color, error] def _object_in_frame(self, object_point): """ Returns if the object is in frame given the centroid of the object. `object_point` should be in the camera_model's frame. """ print object_point if object_point[2] < 0: return False px = np.array(self.camera_model.project3dToPixel(object_point)) resoultion = self.camera_model.fullResolution() if np.any([0,0] > px) or np.any(px > resoultion): return False return True
class TargetTracker(object): def __init__(self): self.targets = [] self.markers = [] self.pose = Pose() self.processing_target_id = 0 self.localizing_target_id = 0 self.uav_status = uav_status_dict['searching'] self.seq = 0 self.process_status = { target_status_dict['mapped']: self.process_mapped, target_status_dict['converged']: self.process_converged, target_status_dict['pre_tracking']: self.process_pre_tracking, target_status_dict['false_tracking']: self.process_false_tracking, target_status_dict['b_cylinder_estimating']: self.process_tracking, target_status_dict['false_tracking_examining']: self.process_false_tracking_examining } self.trigger_converging_DE = params['trigger_converging_DE'] self.trigger_resampling_KLD = 0.1 self.trigger_mapping_KLD = 0.01 self.trigger_mapping_N = 3 # the minimum number of keyframes with satisfying KLD to trigger mapping self.seq_examine_mapping = 0 self.check_edge_box_boarder = 5 self.target_spacing_threshold = 1. # mapping will be skipped if the target center distance are smaller than this value self.pub_markers = rospy.Publisher("/target_tracker/ellipsoids", MarkerArray, queue_size=1) self.client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( "/path_planner/target_plan", target_mapping.msg.TargetPlanAction) #self.client.wait_for_server() # changed self.publish_image = True if self.publish_image: self.update_img = False self.bridge = CvBridge() = rospy.Publisher("/target_tracker/detection_image", Image, queue_size=1) #raw_image_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/bbox_tracker/detection_image', Image, self.image_callback, queue_size=1) raw_image_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/darknet_ros/detection_image', Image, self.image_callback, queue_size=2) self.img = np.zeros(1) if not ROS_BAG: rospy.loginfo("checking tf from camera to base_link ...") listener = tf.TransformListener() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: now = listener.waitForTransform("base_link", "r200", now, rospy.Duration(5.0)) (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform("base_link", "r200", now) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): continue else: trans_vec = (0.1, 0, -0.01) trans = tf.transformations.translation_matrix(trans_vec) #quaternion = (-0.6743797, 0.6743797, - 0.2126311, 0.2126311) quaternion = (-0.6830127, 0.6830127, -0.1830127, 0.1830127) rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(quaternion) self.T_camera2base = np.matmul(trans, rot) self.pcl_pub = rospy.Publisher("/target_tracker/points", PointCloud2, queue_size=10) camera_info = rospy.wait_for_message("/r200/rgb/camera_info", CameraInfo) self.pinhole_camera_model = PinholeCameraModel() self.pinhole_camera_model.fromCameraInfo(camera_info) self.image_W, self.image_H = self.pinhole_camera_model.fullResolution() self.sub_bbox = message_filters.Subscriber( '/bbox_tracker/bounding_boxes_drop', BoundingBoxes, queue_size=10, buff_size=2**24) #self.sub_bbox = message_filters.Subscriber('/darknet_ros/bounding_boxes', BoundingBoxes, queue_size=10,buff_size=2**24) self.sub_pose = message_filters.Subscriber( '/mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped, queue_size=10, buff_size=2**24) # self.sub_vel = message_filters.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/velocity_local', TwistStamped) # self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(.5), self.timerCallback) self.ts = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer( [self.sub_bbox, self.sub_pose], queue_size=10, slop=0.05) #self.ts = message_filters.TimeSynchronizer([self.sub_bbox, self.sub_pose], 10) self.ts.registerCallback(self.callback) # self.sub1 = message_filters.Subscriber('/mavros/odometry/in', Odometry, queue_size=10, buff_size=2 ** 24) # self.sub_bbox = message_filters.Subscriber('/darknet_ros/bounding_boxes', BoundingBoxes) # self.sub2 = message_filters.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped, queue_size=10, buff_size=2 ** 24) # self.sub_vel = message_filters.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/velocity_local', TwistStamped) self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.5), self.timerCallback) # self.ts1 = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([self.sub1, self.sub2], queue_size=10, slop=0.1) # self.ts = message_filters.TimeSynchronizer([self.sub_bbox, self.sub_pose], 10) # self.ts1.registerCallback(self.callback1) print("target_tracker initialized!") def timerCallback(self, timer): self.publishTargetPoints() self.publishTargetMarkers( ) # this is needed because markers will be used for localization and mapping N = len(self.targets) for id in reversed(range(N)): target = self.targets[id] target_status = target.check_status() if target_status == target_status_dict['false_tracking']: self.processing_target_id = id target = self.targets[self.processing_target_id] print("target id: " + str(self.processing_target_id)) self.process_status[target_status](target) def callback(self, bbox_msg, pose_msg): self.timer.shutdown() # processing observation, # True, so that timer callback process is disabled, and other target points will be saved self.seq += 1 self.pose = pose_msg.pose bboxes = bbox_msg.bounding_boxes enable_localization = False if len(self.targets) > 0: for bbox in bboxes: if self.checkBBoxOnEdge(bbox): continue bbox_in_target_bools = [] for id, target in enumerate(self.targets): if target.check_points_in_bbox(bbox, self.pose): bbox_in_target_bools.append(True) update_status = target.update_points(bbox, self.pose) if update_status == update_status_dict['converged']: enable_localization = True # enable localizeTarget if update_status == update_status_dict[ 'true_keyframe']: enable_localization = True if update_status == update_status_dict[ 'false_keyframe']: continue if len(bbox_in_target_bools) == 0: if self.uav_status == uav_status_dict['searching']: self.generateTarget(bbox) else: map(self.generateTarget, bboxes) enable_localization = True self.publishTargetPoints() self.publishTargetMarkers( ) # this is needed because markers will be used for localization and mapping if enable_localization: self.localizeTarget() self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.5), self.timerCallback) def generateTarget(self, bbox): if self.checkBBoxOnEdge(bbox): return None target = TargetPoints(self.pinhole_camera_model, self.T_camera2base) target.register_points(bbox, self.pose) self.targets.append(target) def checkBBoxOnEdge(self, bbox): x1 = bbox.xmin y1 = bbox.ymin x2 = bbox.xmax y2 = bbox.ymax if x1 < self.check_edge_box_boarder: return True # it is on the edge if y1 < self.check_edge_box_boarder: return True if (self.image_W - x2) < self.check_edge_box_boarder: return True if (self.image_H - y2) < self.check_edge_box_boarder: return True return False def localizeTarget(self): if self.processing_target_id - len(self.targets) == 0: return elif self.processing_target_id - len(self.targets) > 0: self.processing_target_id -= 1 return N = len(self.targets) for id in reversed(range(N)): target = self.targets[id] target_status = target.check_status() if target_status == target_status_dict['false_tracking']: self.processing_target_id = id target = self.targets[self.processing_target_id] print("target id: " + str(self.processing_target_id)) self.process_status[target_status](target) target_statuses = [ target.check_status(update_seq=False) for target in self.targets ] for id, target_status in enumerate(target_statuses): if target_status == target_status_dict['converged']: self.processing_target_id = id target = self.targets[self.processing_target_id] # check if the target has already been mapped if self.assert_mapped_by_others(id, target_statuses): self.process_status[target_status_dict['false_tracking']]( target) else: # else, then map print("target id: " + str(self.processing_target_id)) self.process_status[target_status](target) for id, target_status in enumerate(target_statuses): if target_status == target_status_dict['b_cylinder_estimating']: self.processing_target_id = id target = self.targets[self.processing_target_id] print("target id: " + str(self.processing_target_id)) self.process_status[target_status](target) self.update_img = True def process_pre_tracking(self, target): pass def process_tracking(self, target): KLD, DE = target.get_statistic() print('KLD: ' + str(KLD)) print('DE: ' + str(DE)) if DE < self.trigger_converging_DE: if self.uav_status == uav_status_dict['searching']: #target.resampling_uniform_dist() #target.expanded_resampling_uniform_dist() self.requestLocalizing() self.localizing_target_id = self.processing_target_id rospy.sleep(2.) if (self.uav_status == uav_status_dict['b_cylinder_estimating_motion']) & \ (KLD <= self.trigger_mapping_KLD): self.seq_examine_mapping += 1 if self.seq_examine_mapping >= self.trigger_mapping_N: target.set_localized() self.seq_examine_mapping = 0 else: self.seq_examine_mapping = 0 def process_false_tracking_examining(self, target): return def process_false_tracking(self, target): rospy.loginfo('false tracking') del self.targets[self.processing_target_id] if self.uav_status != uav_status_dict['searching']: print("processing target id: " + str(self.processing_target_id)) print("tracking target id: " + str(self.localizing_target_id)) if self.processing_target_id == self.localizing_target_id: self.continueSearch() if self.processing_target_id < self.localizing_target_id: self.localizing_target_id -= 1 def process_converged(self, target): result = self.requestMapping() if result.success: rospy.loginfo('mapped') target.set_mapped() ros_pts = result.pointcloud_map o3d_pts = convertCloudFromRosToOpen3d(ros_pts) pts = np.asarray(o3d_pts.points) target.update_points_after_mapping(pts) self.continueSearch() else: rospy.loginfo('false mapping') del self.targets[self.processing_target_id] self.continueSearch() def process_mapped(self, target): print('mapped') def requestLocalizing(self): rospy.loginfo('requesting b-cylinder estimating') goal = target_mapping.msg.TargetPlanGoal() goal.header.stamp = = self.processing_target_id = uav_status_dict['b_cylinder_estimating_motion'] goal.markers = self.markers self.client.send_goal(goal) self.uav_status = uav_status_dict['b_cylinder_estimating_motion'] def requestMapping(self): rospy.loginfo('requesting mapping') goal = target_mapping.msg.TargetPlanGoal() goal.header.stamp = = self.processing_target_id = uav_status_dict['mapping'] goal.markers = self.markers self.client.send_goal(goal) self.uav_status = uav_status_dict['mapping'] rospy.sleep(5.) self.client.wait_for_result() result = self.client.get_result() return result def continueSearch(self): rospy.loginfo('resuming searching') goal = target_mapping.msg.TargetPlanGoal() goal.header.stamp = = self.processing_target_id = uav_status_dict['searching'] goal.markers = self.markers self.client.send_goal(goal) self.client.wait_for_result() result = self.client.get_result() self.uav_status = uav_status_dict['searching'] def image_callback(self, data): self.image_header = data.header raw_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data).astype(np.uint8) if len(raw_image.shape) > 2: self.img = raw_image if self.update_img: if len(self.targets) <= self.processing_target_id: return target = self.targets[self.processing_target_id] points_2d = target.points_2d img = self.draw_points(self.img, points_2d) image_msg = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, 'bgr8') self.update_img = False def draw_points(self, image, pts): for pt in pts: image =, (int(pt[0]), int(pt[1])), radius=2, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=2) return image def assert_mapped_by_others(self, id, statuses): mapped_ids = [ i for i, status in enumerate(statuses) if status == target_status_dict['mapped'] ] target_marker = self.markers.markers[id] target_x = target_marker.pose.position.x target_y = target_marker.pose.position.y target_z = target_marker.pose.position.z target_pos = np.array((target_x, target_y, target_z)) for mapped_id in mapped_ids: other_marker = self.markers.markers[mapped_id] other_x = other_marker.pose.position.x other_y = other_marker.pose.position.y other_z = other_marker.pose.position.z other_pos = np.array((other_x, other_y, other_z)) dis = np.linalg.norm(target_pos - other_pos) if dis < self.target_spacing_threshold: return True return False def publishTargetMarkers(self): markerArray = MarkerArray() for id, target in enumerate(self.targets): pts = target.get_points_3d() center = np.mean(pts, axis=0) w, v, quat = target.get_eigens() marker = self.markerVector(id * 3, w * 10, v, center, quat, pts) markerArray.markers.append(marker) if len(self.targets) > 0: self.pub_markers.publish(markerArray) self.markers = markerArray def markerVector(self, id, scale, rotation, position, quaternion, pts): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "map" marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "target_mapping" = id marker.type = visualization_msgs.msg.Marker.SPHERE marker.action = visualization_msgs.msg.Marker.ADD marker.scale.x = scale[0] marker.scale.y = scale[1] marker.scale.z = scale[2] marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.r = 1 marker.color.g = 0 marker.color.b = 0 marker.pose.position.x = position[0] marker.pose.position.y = position[1] marker.pose.position.z = position[2] R = np.eye(4) R[:3, :3] = rotation q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(R) marker.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] marker.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] marker.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] marker.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] points = [Point(p[0], p[1], p[2]) for p in pts] marker.points = points return marker def publishTargetPoints(self): # convert target_points to pointcloud messages # if len(self.targets) > 0: all_points = [] for target in self.targets: all_points = all_points + target.get_points_3d().tolist() if len(all_points) == 0: all_points = [[0, 0, 0]] header = std_msgs.msg.Header() header.stamp = header.frame_id = 'map' # create pcl from points pc_msg = pcl2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, all_points) self.pcl_pub.publish(pc_msg)
class Colorama(object): def __init__(self): info_topic = camera_root + "/camera_info" image_topic = camera_root + "/image_rect_color" self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.status_pub = rospy.Publisher("/database_color_status", ColoramaDebug, queue_size=1) self.odom = None set_odom = lambda msg: setattr( self, "odom", navigator_tools.pose_to_numpy(msg.pose.pose)) rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry, set_odom) fprint("Waiting for odom...") while self.odom is None and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(1) fprint("Odom found!", msg_color='green') db_request = rospy.ServiceProxy("/database/requests", ObjectDBQuery) self.make_request = lambda **kwargs: db_request( ObjectDBQueryRequest(**kwargs)) self.image_history = ImageHistory(image_topic) # Wait for camera info, and exit if not found fprint("Waiting for camera info on: '{}'".format(info_topic)) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: camera_info_msg = rospy.wait_for_message(info_topic, CameraInfo, timeout=3) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: rospy.sleep(1) continue break fprint("Camera info found!", msg_color="green") self.camera_model = PinholeCameraModel() self.camera_model.fromCameraInfo(camera_info_msg) self.debug = DebugImage("/colorama/debug", prd=.5) # These are color mappings from Hue values [0, 360] self.color_map = { 'red': np.radians(0), 'yellow': np.radians(60), 'green': np.radians(120), 'blue': np.radians(200) } # RGB map for database setting self.database_color_map = { 'red': (255, 0, 0), 'yellow': (255, 255, 0), 'green': (0, 255, 0), 'blue': (0, 0, 255) } # ========= Some tunable parameters =================================== self.update_time = 1 # s # Observation parameters self.saturation_reject = 20 # Reject color obs with below this saturation self.value_reject = 50 # Reject color obs with below this value self.height_remove = 0.4 # Remove points that are this percent down on the object (%) # 1 keeps all, .4 removes the bottom 40% # Update parameters self.history_length = 100 # How many of each color to keep self.min_obs = 5 # Need atleast this many observations before making a determination self.conf_reject = .5 # When to reject an observation based on it's confidence # Confidence weights self.v_factor = 0.6 # Favor value values close to the nominal value self.v_u = 200 # Mean of norm for variance error self.v_sig = 60 # Sigma of norm for variance error self.dist_factor = 0.3 # Favor being closer to the totem self.dist_sig = 30 # Sigma of distance (m) self.q_factor = 0 # Favor not looking into the sun self.q_sig = 1.2 # Sigma of norm for quaternion error (rads) # Maps id => observations self.colored = {} rospy.Timer(ros_t(self.update_time), self.do_observe) def _compute_average_angle(self, angles, weights): """ Returns weighted average of angles. Tends to break down with too many angles 180 degrees of each other - try not to do that. """ angles = np.array(angles) if np.linalg.norm(weights) == 0: return None w = weights / np.linalg.norm(weights) s = np.sum(w * np.sin(angles)) c = np.sum(w * np.cos(angles)) avg_angle = np.arctan2(s, c) return avg_angle def _get_quaternion_error(self, q, target_q): """ Returns an angluar differnce between q and target_q in radians """ dq = trns.quaternion_multiply(np.array(target_q), trns.quaternion_inverse(np.array(q))) return 2 * np.arccos(dq[3]) def _get_closest_color(self, hue_angle): """ Returns a pair of the most likely color and the radian error associated with that prediction `hue_angle` := The radian value associated with hue [0, 2*pi] Colors are found from `self.color_map` """ c = np.cos(hue_angle) s = np.sin(hue_angle) error = np.inf likely_color = 'undef' for color, h_val in self.color_map.iteritems(): cg = np.cos(h_val) sg = np.sin(h_val) # We need a signed error for some math later on so no absolute value this_error = np.arctan2(sg * c - cg * s, cg * c + sg * s) if np.abs(this_error) < np.abs(error): error = this_error likely_color = color fprint("Likely color: {} with an hue error of {} rads.".format( likely_color, np.round(error, 3))) return [likely_color, error] def do_estimate(self, totem_id): """Calculates best color estimate for a given totem id""" fprint("DOING ESTIMATE", msg_color='blue') if totem_id not in self.colored: fprint("Totem ID {} not found!".format(totem_id), msg_color='red') return None t_color = self.colored[totem_id] if len(t_color) < self.min_obs: fprint("Only {} observations. {} required.".format( len(t_color), self.min_obs), msg_color='red') return None kwargs = { 'v_u': self.v_u, 'v_sig': self.v_sig, 'dist_sig': self.dist_sig, 'q_factor': self.q_factor, 'q_sig': self.q_sig } w, weights = t_color.compute_confidence( [self.v_factor, self.dist_factor, self.q_factor], True, **kwargs) fprint("CONF: {}".format(w)) if np.mean(w) < self.conf_reject: return None hue_angles = np.radians(np.array(t_color.hues) * 2) angle = self._compute_average_angle(hue_angles, w) color = self._get_closest_color(angle) msg = t_color.as_message = totem_id msg.confidence = w msg.labels = ["value_errs", "dists", "q_diffs"] msg.weights = weights msg.color = colors[0] msg.est_hues = angle * 2 msg.hues = np.array(t_color.hues) * 2 self.status_pub.publish(msg) fprint("Color: {}".format(color[0])) return color def got_request(self, req): # Threading blah blah something unsafe colored_ids = [ _id for _id, color_err in self.colored.iteritems() if self.valid_color(_id) == req.color ] fprint("Colored IDs: {}".format(colored_ids), msg_color='blue') print '\n' * 50 if len(colored_ids) == 0: return ColorRequestResponse(found=False) return ColorRequestResponse(found=True, ids=colored_ids) def do_observe(self, *args): resp = self.make_request(name='totem') # If atleast one totem was found start observing if resp.found: # Time of the databse request time_of_marker = resp.objects[0].header.stamp # - ros_t(1) fprint("Looking for image at {}".format(time_of_marker.to_sec()), msg_color='yellow') image_holder = self.image_history.get_around_time(time_of_marker) if not image_holder.contains_valid_image: t = self.image_history.newest_image.time if t is None: fprint("No images found.") return fprint("No valid image found for t={} ({}) dt: {}".format( time_of_marker.to_sec(), t.to_sec(), ( - t).to_sec()), msg_color='red') return header = navigator_tools.make_header(frame='/enu', stamp=image_holder.time) image = image_holder.image self.debug.image = np.copy(image) cam_tf = self.camera_model.tfFrame() try: fprint( "Getting transform between /enu and {}...".format(cam_tf)) self.tf_listener.waitForTransform("/enu", cam_tf, time_of_marker, ros_t(1)) t_mat44 = self.tf_listener.asMatrix(cam_tf, header) except tf.ExtrapolationException as e: fprint("TF error found and excepted: {}".format(e)) return for obj in resp.objects: if len(obj.points) <= 1: fprint("No points in object") continue fprint("{} {}".format(, "=" * 50)) # Get object position in px coordinates to determine if it's in frame object_cam =, 1)) object_px = map( int, self.camera_model.project3dToPixel(object_cam[:3])) if not self._object_in_frame(object_cam): fprint("Object not in frame") continue # Get enu points associated with this totem and remove ones that are too low points_np = np.array(map(p2np, obj.points)) height = np.max(points_np[:, 2]) - np.min(points_np[:, 2]) if height < .1: # If the height of the object is too small, skip (units are meters) fprint("Object too small") continue threshold = np.min(points_np[:, 2]) + self.height_remove * height points_np = points_np[points_np[:, 2] > threshold] # Shove ones in there to make homogenous points to get points in image frame points_np_homo = np.hstack( (points_np, np.ones((points_np.shape[0], 1)))).T points_cam = points_px = map(self.camera_model.project3dToPixel, points_cam[:, :3]) [, tuple(map(int, p)), 2, (255, 255, 255), -1) for p in points_px ] # Get color information from the points roi = self._get_ROI_from_points(points_px) h, s, v = self._get_hsv_from_ROI(roi, image) # Compute parameters that go into the confidence boat_q = self.odom[1] target_q = self._get_solar_angle() q_err = self._get_quaternion_error(boat_q, target_q) dist = np.linalg.norm(self.odom[0] - p2np(obj.position)) fprint("H: {}, S: {}, V: {}".format(h, s, v)) fprint("q_err: {}, dist: {}".format(q_err, dist)) # Add to database and setup debug image if s < self.saturation_reject or v < self.value_reject: err_msg = "The colors aren't expressive enough s: {} ({}) v: {} ({}). Rejecting." fprint(err_msg.format(s, self.saturation_reject, v, self.value_reject), msg_color='red') else: if not in self.colored: self.colored[] = Observation() # Add this observation in self.colored[] += h, v, dist, q_err print self.colored[] rgb = (0, 0, 0) color = self.do_estimate( # Do we have a valid color estimate if color: fprint("COLOR IS VALID", msg_color='green') rgb = self.database_color_map[color[0]] cmd = '{name}={rgb[0]},{rgb[1]},{rgb[2]},{_id}' self.make_request( cmd=cmd.format(,, rgb=rgb)) bgr = rgb[::-1], tuple(object_px), 10, bgr, -1) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(self.debug.image, str(, tuple(object_px), font, 1, bgr, 2) def _get_solar_angle(self): return [0, 0, 0, 1] def _get_ROI_from_points(self, image_points): cnt = np.array([image_points]).astype(np.float32) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = box = np.int0(box) fprint("Drawing rectangle") cv2.drawContours(self.debug.image, [box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2) return box def _get_hsv_from_ROI(self, roi, img): mask = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], np.uint8) cv2.drawContours(mask, [roi], 0, 255, -1) bgr = cv2.mean(img, mask) # We have to treat that bgr value as a 3d array to get cvtColor to work bgr = np.array([[bgr]])[:, :3].astype(np.uint8) h, s, v = cv2.cvtColor(bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)[0, 0] return h, s, v # Now check that s and v are in a good range if s < self.saturation_reject or v < self.value_reject: err_msg = "The colors aren't expressive enough s: {} ({}) v: {} ({}). Rejecting." fprint(err_msg.format(s, self.saturation_reject, v, self.value_reject), msg_color='red') return None # Compute hue error in SO2 hue_angle = np.radians(h * 2) # Display the current values font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(self.debug.image, "h_val: {}".format(np.degrees(hue_angle)), tuple(roi[1]), font, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2) likely_color, error = self.get_closest_color(hue_angle) if error > self.hue_error_reject: fprint( "Closest color was {} with an error of {} rads (> {}). Rejecting." .format(likely_color, np.round(error, 3), self.hue_error_reject), msg_color='red') return None fprint("Likely color: {} with an hue error of {} rads.".format( likely_color, np.round(error, 3))) return [likely_color, error] def _object_in_frame(self, object_point): """ Returns if the object is in frame given the centroid of the object. `object_point` should be in the camera_model's frame. """ if object_point[2] < 0: return False px = np.array(self.camera_model.project3dToPixel(object_point)) resoultion = self.camera_model.fullResolution() return not (np.any([0, 0] > px) or np.any(px > resoultion))