ai_model = model(model_file_path, labels_file_path)

    # Initialize video reader
    video_file_path = '../Videos/01.mp4'
    video_reader = videoReader(video_file_path)

    # Detection and preview parameters
    score_threshold = 0.4
    delay_between_frames = 5

    # Perform object detection in the video sequence
    while (True):
        # Get frame from the video file
        frame = video_reader.read_next_frame()

        # If frame is None, then break the loop
        if (frame is None):

        # Perform detection
        results = ai_model.detect_people(frame, score_threshold)

        # Get centers of the bounding boxes (rectangle centers)
        rectangle_centers = analyzer.get_rectangle_centers(results)

        # Draw centers before displaying results
        imgHelper.draw_rectangle_centers(frame, rectangle_centers)

        # Display detection results
        imgHelper.display_image_with_detected_objects(frame, results,
import common
from image_helper import ImageHelper as imgHelper
from inference import Inference as model

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Load and prepare model
    model_file_path = '../Models/01_model.tflite'
    labels_file_path = '../Models/02_labels.txt'

    # Initialize model
    ai_model = model(model_file_path, labels_file_path)

    # Get input image
    image = imgHelper.load_image('../Images/Lena.png')

    # Detect objects
    score_threshold = 0.5
    results = ai_model.detect_objects(image, score_threshold)

    # Display results
    imgHelper.display_image_with_detected_objects(image, results)
# Add reference to Part_03 (assuming the code is executed from Part_04 folder)
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, '../Part_03/')

from inference import Inference as model
from image_helper import ImageHelper as imgHelper

from camera import Camera as camera

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Load and prepare model
    model_file_path = '../Models/01_model.tflite'
    labels_file_path = '../Models/02_labels.txt'

    # Initialize model
    ai_model = model(model_file_path, labels_file_path)

    # Initialize camera
    camera_capture = camera()

    # Capture frame and perform inference
    camera_frame = camera_capture.capture_frame(False)

    score_threshold = 0.5
    results = ai_model.detect_objects(camera_frame, score_threshold)

    # Display results
    imgHelper.display_image_with_detected_objects(camera_frame, results)