labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu( 'material', 'Material', groups=[ label_text='Artifical/buildings', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='concrete', label_text='Concrete', tooltip='Concrete objects'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='plastic', label_text='Plastic', tooltip='Plastic objects'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='asphalt', label_text='Asphalt', tooltip='Road, pavement, etc.'), ]), label_text='Flat natural', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='grass', label_text='Grass', tooltip='Grass covered ground'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='water', label_text='Water', tooltip='Water/lake') ]), label_text='Vegetation', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='trees', label_text='Trees', tooltip='Trees'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='shrubbery', label_text='Shrubs', tooltip='Shrubs/bushes'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='flowers', label_text='Flowers', tooltip='Flowers'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='ivy', label_text='Ivy', tooltip='Ivy') ]), ])
def run_app(images_dir, images_pat, labels_dir, readonly, update_label_object_ids, enable_dextr, dextr_weights): if enable_dextr or dextr_weights is not None: from dextr.model import DextrModel import torch device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if dextr_weights is not None: dextr_weights = pathlib.Path(dextr_weights).expanduser() dextr_model = torch.load(dextr_weights, map_location=device) else: dextr_model = DextrModel.pascalvoc_resunet101().to(device) dextr_model.eval() dextr_fn = lambda image, points: dextr_model.predict([image], points[ None, :, :])[0] >= 0.5 else: dextr_fn = None # Load schema schema_path = pathlib.Path(images_dir) / 'schema.json' schema_store = labelling_schema.FileSchemaStore(schema_path, readonly=readonly) # Annotation controls # Labels may also have optional meta-data associated with them # You could use this for e.g. indicating if an object is fully visible, mostly visible or significantly obscured. # You could also indicate quality (e.g. blurriness, etc) # There are four types of annotation. They have some common properties: # - name: symbolic name (Python identifier) # - label_text: label text in UI # Check boxes, radio buttons and popup menus also have: # - visibility_label_text: [optional] if provided, label visibility can be filtered by this annotation value, # in which case a drop down will appear in the UI allowing the user to select a filter value # that will hide/show labels accordingly # Control types: # Check box (boolean value): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlCheckbox`; only the 3 common parameters listed above # Radio button (choice from a list): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons`; the 3 common parameters listed above and: # - choices: list of `labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice` that provide: # - value: symbolic value name for choice # - tooltip: extra information for user # - label_on_own_line [optional]: if True, place the label and the buttons on a separate line in the UI # Popup menu (choice from a grouped list): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu`; the 3 common parameters listed above and: # - groups: list of groups ``: # - label_text: label text in UI # - choices: list of `labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice` that provide: # - value: symbolic value name for choice # - label_text: choice label text in UI # - tooltip: extra information for user # Text (free form plain text): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlText`; only the 2 common parameters listed above and: # - multiline: boolean; if True a text area will be used, if False a single line text entry anno_controls = [ labelling_tool.AnnoControlCheckbox( 'good_quality', 'Good quality', visibility_label_text='Filter by good quality'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons( 'visibility', 'Visible', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice( value='full', label_text='Fully', tooltip='Object is fully visible'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice( value='mostly', label_text='Mostly', tooltip='Object is mostly visible'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice( value='obscured', label_text='Obscured', tooltip='Object is significantly obscured'), ], label_on_own_line=False, visibility_label_text='Filter by visibility'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu( 'material', 'Material', groups=[ label_text='Artifical/buildings', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='concrete', label_text='Concrete', tooltip='Concrete objects'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='plastic', label_text='Plastic', tooltip='Plastic objects'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='asphalt', label_text='Asphalt', tooltip='Road, pavement, etc.'), ]), label_text='Flat natural', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='grass', label_text='Grass', tooltip='Grass covered ground'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='water', label_text='Water', tooltip='Water/lake') ]), label_text='Vegetation', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='trees', label_text='Trees', tooltip='Trees'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='shrubbery', label_text='Shrubs', tooltip='Shrubs/bushes'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='flowers', label_text='Flowers', tooltip='Flowers'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='ivy', label_text='Ivy', tooltip='Ivy') ]), ], visibility_label_text='Filter by material'), # labelling_tool.AnnoControlText('comment', 'Comment', multiline=False), ] image_pats = images_pat.split('|') # Load in .JPG images from the 'images' directory. labelled_images = labelled_image.LabelledImage.for_directory( images_dir, image_filename_patterns=image_pats, readonly=readonly) print('Loaded {0} images'.format(len(labelled_images))) if update_label_object_ids: n_updated = 0 for limg in labelled_images: if limg.labels_store.labels_path.exists(): label_js = json.load('r')) prefix = str(uuid.uuid4()) modified = labelling_tool.ensure_json_object_ids_have_prefix( label_js, id_prefix=prefix) if modified: with open(limg.labels_store.labels_path, 'w') as f_out: json.dump(label_js, f_out, indent=3) n_updated += 1 print('Updated object IDs in {} files'.format(n_updated)) # For documentation of the configuration, please see the comment above `labelling_tool.DEFAULT_CONFIG` config = labelling_tool.DEFAULT_CONFIG tasks = [ dict(name='finished', human_name='[old] finished'), dict(name='segmentation', human_name='Outlines'), dict(name='classification', human_name='Classification'), ] flask_labeller_and_schema_editor(labelled_images, schema_store, tasks=tasks, anno_controls=anno_controls, config=config, dextr_fn=dextr_fn)
def run_app(dextr_weights, enable_firebug, use_http_memory_cache): import pathlib import glob from image_labelling_tool import labelled_image, labelling_tool # Create an application app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) # Start with a dialog that allows the user to choose the images directory, optionally # a labels directory and read only checkbox init_dialog = QtWidgets.QDialog() # Dialog layout dia_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() init_dialog.setLayout(dia_layout) images_dir = ['.'] labels_dir = [None] # Prompt prompt_label = QtWidgets.QLabel( 'Choose an images directory and optionally a labels directory.') dia_layout.addWidget(prompt_label, 0, 0, 1, 2) # Images directory images_dir_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Choose images directory') images_dir_button.setIcon( QtWidgets.QStyle.SP_DirOpenIcon)) images_dir_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(images_dir[0]) def _on_images_dir_button(): file_dialog = QtWidgets.QFileDialog(None, 'Choose images directory', '') file_dialog.setFileMode(QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Directory) choice = file_dialog.exec() if choice == QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Accepted: images_dir[0] = file_dialog.selectedFiles()[0] images_dir_label.setText(images_dir[0]) images_dir_button.clicked.connect(_on_images_dir_button) dia_layout.addWidget(images_dir_button, 1, 0) dia_layout.addWidget(images_dir_label, 1, 1) # Labels directory labels_dir_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton( '[Optional] Choose labels directory') labels_dir_button.setIcon( QtWidgets.QStyle.SP_DirOpenIcon)) labels_dir_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('') def _on_labels_dir_button(): file_dialog = QtWidgets.QFileDialog(None, 'Choose labels directory', '') file_dialog.setFileMode(QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Directory) choice = file_dialog.exec() if choice == QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Accepted: labels_dir[0] = file_dialog.selectedFiles()[0] labels_dir_label.setText(labels_dir[0]) labels_dir_button.clicked.connect(_on_labels_dir_button) dia_layout.addWidget(labels_dir_button, 2, 0) dia_layout.addWidget(labels_dir_label, 2, 1) # Read only checkbox read_only_check = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Read only') dia_layout.addWidget(read_only_check, 3, 1) # Read only checkbox read_only_check = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Read only') dia_layout.addWidget(read_only_check, 3, 1) # DEXTR checkbox dextr_check = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Enable DEXTR') dia_layout.addWidget(dextr_check, 4, 1) # Buttons ok_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Ok') ok_button.setIcon( QtWidgets.QStyle.SP_DialogOkButton)) def _on_ok(): init_dialog.accept() ok_button.clicked.connect(_on_ok) cancel_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Cancel') cancel_button.setIcon( QtWidgets.QStyle.SP_DialogCancelButton)) def _on_cancel(): init_dialog.reject() cancel_button.clicked.connect(_on_cancel) dia_layout.addWidget(ok_button, 5, 0) dia_layout.addWidget(cancel_button, 5, 1) # Run the dialog action = init_dialog.exec() if action == QtWidgets.QDialog.Accepted: images_dir = pathlib.Path(images_dir[0]) if labels_dir[0] is not None: labels_dir = pathlib.Path(labels_dir[0]) else: labels_dir = None enable_dextr = dextr_check.checkState() readonly = read_only_check.checkState() server = web_server.LabellerServer() server.start_flask_server() try: # If DEXTR is to be made available if enable_dextr or dextr_weights is not None: from dextr.model import DextrModel import torch # Load the dextr model device = torch.device( "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if dextr_weights is not None: dextr_weights = pathlib.Path(dextr_weights).expanduser() dextr_model = torch.load(dextr_weights, map_location=device) else: dextr_model = DextrModel.pascalvoc_resunet101().to(device) # Evaluation mode dextr_model.eval() # Define a mask prediction function dextr_fn = lambda image, points: dextr_model.predict( [image], points[None, :, :])[0] >= 0.5 else: dextr_fn = None # Colour schemes # The user may select different colour schemes for different tasks. # If you have a lot of classes, it will be difficult to select colours that are easily distinguished # from one another. For one task e.g. segmentation, design a colour scheme that highlights the different # classes for that task, while another task e.g. fine-grained classification would use another scheme. # Each colour scheme is a dictionary containing the following: # name: symbolic name (Python identifier) # human_name: human readable name for UI # These colour schemes are going to split the classes by 'default' (all), natural, and artificial. # Not really useful, but demonstrates the feature. colour_schemes = [ dict(name='default', human_name='All'), dict(name='natural', human_name='Natural'), dict(name='artificial', human_name='Artifical') ] # Specify our label classes, organised in groups. # `LabelClass` parameters are: # symbolic name (Python identifier) # human readable name for UI # and colours by colour scheme, as a dict mapping colour scheme name to RGB value as a list # The label classes are arranged in groups and will be displayed as such in the UI. # `LabelClassGroup` parameters are: # human readable name for UI # label class (`LabelClass` instance) list label_classes = [ labelling_tool.LabelClassGroup('Natural', [ labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'tree', 'Trees', dict(default=[0, 255, 192], natural=[0, 255, 192], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'lake', 'Lake', dict(default=[0, 128, 255], natural=[0, 128, 255], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'flower', 'Flower', dict(default=[255, 96, 192], natural=[255, 192, 96], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'leaf', 'Leaf', dict(default=[65, 255, 0], natural=[65, 255, 0], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'stem', 'Stem', dict(default=[128, 64, 0], natural=[128, 64, 0], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), ]), labelling_tool.LabelClassGroup('Artificial', [ labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'building', 'Buildings', dict(default=[255, 128, 0], natural=[128, 128, 128], artificial=[255, 128, 0])), labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'wall', 'Wall', dict(default=[0, 128, 255], natural=[128, 128, 128], artificial=[0, 128, 255])), ]) ] # Annotation controls # Labels may also have optional meta-data associated with them # You could use this for e.g. indicating if an object is fully visible, mostly visible or significantly obscured. # You could also indicate quality (e.g. blurriness, etc) # There are four types of annotation. They have some common properties: # - name: symbolic name (Python identifier) # - label_text: label text in UI # Check boxes, radio buttons and popup menus also have: # - visibility_label_text: [optional] if provided, label visibility can be filtered by this annotation value, # in which case a drop down will appear in the UI allowing the user to select a filter value # that will hide/show labels accordingly # Control types: # Check box (boolean value): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlCheckbox`; only the 3 common parameters listed above # Radio button (choice from a list): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons`; the 3 common parameters listed above and: # choices: list of `labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice` that provide: # value: symbolic value name for choice # tooltip: extra information for user # label_on_own_line [optional]: if True, place the label and the buttons on a separate line in the UI # Popup menu (choice from a grouped list): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu`; the 3 common parameters listed above and: # groups: list of groups ``: # label_text: label text in UI # choices: list of `labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice` that provide: # value: symbolic value name for choice # label_text: choice label text in UI # tooltip: extra information for user # Text (free form plain text): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlText`; only the 2 common parameters listed above and: # - multiline: boolean; if True a text area will be used, if False a single line text entry anno_controls = [ labelling_tool.AnnoControlCheckbox( 'good_quality', 'Good quality', visibility_label_text='Filter by good quality'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons( 'visibility', 'Visible', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice( value='full', label_text='Fully', tooltip='Object is fully visible'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice( value='mostly', label_text='Mostly', tooltip='Object is mostly visible'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice( value='obscured', label_text='Obscured', tooltip='Object is significantly obscured'), ], label_on_own_line=False, visibility_label_text='Filter by visibility'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu( 'material', 'Material', groups=[ label_text='Artifical/buildings', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='concrete', label_text='Concrete', tooltip='Concrete objects'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='plastic', label_text='Plastic', tooltip='Plastic objects'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='asphalt', label_text='Asphalt', tooltip='Road, pavement, etc.'), ]), label_text='Flat natural', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='grass', label_text='Grass', tooltip='Grass covered ground'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='water', label_text='Water', tooltip='Water/lake') ]), label_text='Vegetation', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='trees', label_text='Trees', tooltip='Trees'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='shrubbery', label_text='Shrubs', tooltip='Shrubs/bushes'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='flowers', label_text='Flowers', tooltip='Flowers'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='ivy', label_text='Ivy', tooltip='Ivy') ]), ], visibility_label_text='Filter by material'), # labelling_tool.AnnoControlText('comment', 'Comment', multiline=False), ] image_paths = list(images_dir.glob('*.jpg')) + list( images_dir.glob('*.png')) image_paths = [p.absolute() for p in image_paths] # Create a `PersistentLabelledImage` instance for each image file labelled_images = labelled_image.LabelledImage.for_image_files( image_paths, labels_dir=labels_dir, readonly=bool(readonly)) print('Loaded {0} images'.format(len(labelled_images))) config = web_server.DEFAULT_CONFIG # Example tasks to appear in checkboxes tasks = [ dict(name='finished', human_name='[old] finished'), dict(name='segmentation', human_name='Outlines'), dict(name='classification', human_name='Classification'), ] # And a window win = QtWidgets.QWidget() win.setWindowTitle('Simple Qt Image Labeller') # And give it a layout layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() win.setLayout(layout) # Create the labeller lbl = controls.QLabellerForLabelledImages( server=server, label_classes=label_classes, labelled_images=labelled_images, tasks=tasks, colour_schemes=colour_schemes, anno_controls=anno_controls, config=config, dextr_fn=dextr_fn, enable_firebug=enable_firebug) # Create the web engine view view = QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView() # If requested, use a memory-based HTTP cache # This is very useful if the client-side Javascript code is being developed # as otherwise chromium's cache will often store old versions of the code that # will hamper debugging and deveopment if use_http_memory_cache: QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineProfile.MemoryHttpCache) # Attach the labeller to the web engine view lbl.attach_to_web_engine_view(view) # Add the QWebView to the layout layout.addWidget(view) # Show the window and run the app app.exec_() finally: print('Stopping server') server.stop_server()
def run_app(images_pat, labels_dir, readonly, update_label_object_ids, enable_dextr, dextr_weights): import os import glob import json import uuid from image_labelling_tool import labelling_tool if enable_dextr or dextr_weights is not None: from dextr.model import DextrModel import torch device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if dextr_weights is not None: dextr_weights = os.path.expanduser(dextr_weights) dextr_model = torch.load(dextr_weights, map_location=device) else: dextr_model = DextrModel.pascalvoc_resunet101().to(device) dextr_model.eval() dextr_fn = lambda image, points: dextr_model.predict([image], points[ None, :, :])[0] >= 0.5 else: dextr_fn = None # Colour schemes # The user may select different colour schemes for different tasks. # If you have a lot of classes, it will be difficult to select colours that are easily distinguished # from one another. For one task e.g. segmentation, design a colour scheme that highlights the different # classes for that task, while another task e.g. fine-grained classification would use another scheme. # Each colour scheme is a dictionary containing the following: # name: symbolic name (Python identifier) # human_name: human readable name for UI # These colour schemes are going to split the classes by 'default' (all), natural, and artificial. # Not really useful, but demonstrates the feature. colour_schemes = [ dict(name='default', human_name='All'), dict(name='natural', human_name='Natural'), dict(name='artificial', human_name='Artifical') ] # Specify our label classes, organised in groups. # `LabelClass` parameters are: # symbolic name (Python identifier) # human readable name for UI # and colours by colour scheme, as a dict mapping colour scheme name to RGB value as a list # The label classes are arranged in groups and will be displayed as such in the UI. # `LabelClassGroup` parameters are: # human readable name for UI # label class (`LabelClass` instance) list label_classes = [ labelling_tool.LabelClassGroup('Natural', [ labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'tree', 'Trees', dict(default=[0, 255, 192], natural=[0, 255, 192], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'lake', 'Lake', dict(default=[0, 128, 255], natural=[0, 128, 255], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'flower', 'Flower', dict(default=[255, 96, 192], natural=[255, 192, 96], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'leaf', 'Leaf', dict(default=[65, 255, 0], natural=[65, 255, 0], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'stem', 'Stem', dict(default=[128, 64, 0], natural=[128, 64, 0], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), ]), labelling_tool.LabelClassGroup('Artificial', [ labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'building', 'Buildings', dict(default=[255, 128, 0], natural=[128, 128, 128], artificial=[255, 128, 0])), labelling_tool.LabelClass( 'wall', 'Wall', dict(default=[0, 128, 255], natural=[128, 128, 128], artificial=[0, 128, 255])), ]) ] # Annotation controls # Labels may also have optional meta-data associated with them # You could use this for e.g. indicating if an object is fully visible, mostly visible or significantly obscured. # You could also indicate quality (e.g. blurriness, etc) # There are three types of annotation: # Check box (boolean value): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlCheckbox` parameters: # name: symbolic name (Python identifier) # label_text: label text in UI # Radio button (choice from a list): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons` parameters: # name: symbolic name (Python identifier) # label_text: label text in UI # choices: list of `labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice` that provide: # value: symbolic value name for choice # label_text: choice label text in UI # tooltip: extra information for user # label_on_own_line [optional]: if True, place the label and the buttons on a separate line in the UI # Popup menu (choice from a grouped list): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu` parameters: # name: symbolic name (Python identifier) # label_text: label text in UI # groups: list of groups ``: # label_text: group label text in UI # choices: list of `labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice` that provide: # value: symbolic value name for choice # label_text: choice label text in UI # tooltip: extra information for user anno_controls = [ labelling_tool.AnnoControlCheckbox('good_quality', 'Good quality'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons( 'visibility', 'Visible', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice( value='full', label_text='Fully', tooltip='Object is fully visible'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice( value='mostly', label_text='Mostly', tooltip='Object is mostly visible'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice( value='obscured', label_text='Obscured', tooltip='Object is significantly obscured'), ], label_on_own_line=False), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu( 'material', 'Material', groups=[ label_text='Artifical/buildings', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='concrete', label_text='Concrete', tooltip='Concrete objects'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='plastic', label_text='Plastic', tooltip='Plastic objects'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='asphalt', label_text='Asphalt', tooltip='Road, pavement, etc.'), ]), label_text='Flat natural', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='grass', label_text='Grass', tooltip='Grass covered ground'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='water', label_text='Water', tooltip='Water/lake') ]), label_text='Vegetation', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='trees', label_text='Trees', tooltip='Trees'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='shrubbery', label_text='Shrubs', tooltip='Shrubs/bushes'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='flowers', label_text='Flowers', tooltip='Flowers'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='ivy', label_text='Ivy', tooltip='Ivy') ]), ]) ] if images_pat.strip() == '': image_paths = glob.glob('images/*.jpg') + glob.glob('images/*.png') else: image_paths = glob.glob(images_pat) # Load in .JPG images from the 'images' directory. labelled_images = labelling_tool.PersistentLabelledImage.for_files( image_paths, labels_dir=labels_dir, readonly=readonly) print('Loaded {0} images'.format(len(labelled_images))) if update_label_object_ids: n_updated = 0 for limg in labelled_images: if os.path.exists(limg.labels_path): label_js = json.load(open(limg.labels_path, 'r')) prefix = str(uuid.uuid4()) modified = labelling_tool.ensure_json_object_ids_have_prefix( label_js, id_prefix=prefix) if modified: with open(limg.labels_path, 'w') as f_out: json.dump(label_js, f_out, indent=3) n_updated += 1 print('Updated object IDs in {} files'.format(n_updated)) config = { 'tools': { 'imageSelector': True, 'labelClassSelector': True, 'drawPointLabel': False, 'drawBoxLabel': True, 'drawOrientedEllipseLabel': True, 'drawPolyLabel': True, 'compositeLabel': False, 'deleteLabel': True, 'deleteConfig': { 'typePermissions': { 'point': True, 'box': True, 'polygon': True, 'composite': True, 'group': True, } } }, 'settings': { 'brushWheelRate': 0.025, # Change rate for brush radius (mouse wheel) 'brushKeyRate': 2.0, # Change rate for brush radius (keyboard) } } tasks = [ dict(name='finished', human_name='[old] finished'), dict(name='segmentation', human_name='Outlines'), dict(name='classification', human_name='Classification'), ] flask_labeller(label_classes, labelled_images, tasks=tasks, colour_schemes=colour_schemes, anno_controls=anno_controls, config=config, dextr_fn=dextr_fn)
def run_app(images_dir, images_pat, labels_dir, readonly, update_label_object_ids, enable_dextr, dextr_weights): import pathlib import json import uuid from image_labelling_tool import labelled_image, labelling_tool if enable_dextr or dextr_weights is not None: from dextr.model import DextrModel import torch device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if dextr_weights is not None: dextr_weights = pathlib.Path(dextr_weights).expanduser() dextr_model = torch.load(dextr_weights, map_location=device) else: dextr_model = DextrModel.pascalvoc_resunet101().to(device) dextr_model.eval() dextr_fn = lambda image, points: dextr_model.predict([image], points[None, :, :])[0] >= 0.5 else: dextr_fn = None # Colour schemes # The user may select different colour schemes for different tasks. # If you have a lot of classes, it will be difficult to select colours that are easily distinguished # from one another. For one task e.g. segmentation, design a colour scheme that highlights the different # classes for that task, while another task e.g. fine-grained classification would use another scheme. # Each colour scheme is a dictionary containing the following: # name: symbolic name (Python identifier) # human_name: human readable name for UI # These colour schemes are going to split the classes by 'default' (all), natural, and artificial. # Not really useful, but demonstrates the feature. colour_schemes = [ dict(name='default', human_name='All'), dict(name='natural', human_name='Natural'), dict(name='artificial', human_name='Artifical') ] # Specify our label classes, organised in groups. # `LabelClass` parameters are: # symbolic name (Python identifier) # human readable name for UI # and colours by colour scheme, as a dict mapping colour scheme name to RGB value as a list # The label classes are arranged in groups and will be displayed as such in the UI. # `LabelClassGroup` parameters are: # human readable name for UI # label class (`LabelClass` instance) list label_classes = [ labelling_tool.LabelClassGroup('Natural', [ labelling_tool.LabelClass('tree', 'Trees', dict(default=[0, 255, 192], natural=[0, 255, 192], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), labelling_tool.LabelClass('lake', 'Lake', dict(default=[0, 128, 255], natural=[0, 128, 255], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), labelling_tool.LabelClass('flower', 'Flower', dict(default=[255, 96, 192], natural=[255, 192, 96], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), labelling_tool.LabelClass('leaf', 'Leaf', dict(default=[65, 255, 0], natural=[65, 255, 0], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), labelling_tool.LabelClass('stem', 'Stem', dict(default=[128, 64, 0], natural=[128, 64, 0], artificial=[128, 128, 128])), ]), labelling_tool.LabelClassGroup('Artificial', [ labelling_tool.LabelClass('building', 'Buildings', dict(default=[255, 128, 0], natural=[128, 128, 128], artificial=[255, 128, 0])), labelling_tool.LabelClass('wall', 'Wall', dict(default=[0, 128, 255], natural=[128, 128, 128], artificial=[0, 128, 255])), ])] # Annotation controls # Labels may also have optional meta-data associated with them # You could use this for e.g. indicating if an object is fully visible, mostly visible or significantly obscured. # You could also indicate quality (e.g. blurriness, etc) # There are four types of annotation. They have some common properties: # - name: symbolic name (Python identifier) # - label_text: label text in UI # Check boxes, radio buttons and popup menus also have: # - visibility_label_text: [optional] if provided, label visibility can be filtered by this annotation value, # in which case a drop down will appear in the UI allowing the user to select a filter value # that will hide/show labels accordingly # Control types: # Check box (boolean value): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlCheckbox`; only the 3 common parameters listed above # Radio button (choice from a list): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons`; the 3 common parameters listed above and: # - choices: list of `labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice` that provide: # - value: symbolic value name for choice # - tooltip: extra information for user # - label_on_own_line [optional]: if True, place the label and the buttons on a separate line in the UI # Popup menu (choice from a grouped list): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu`; the 3 common parameters listed above and: # - groups: list of groups ``: # - label_text: label text in UI # - choices: list of `labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice` that provide: # - value: symbolic value name for choice # - label_text: choice label text in UI # - tooltip: extra information for user # Text (free form plain text): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlText`; only the 2 common parameters listed above and: # - multiline: boolean; if True a text area will be used, if False a single line text entry anno_controls = [ labelling_tool.AnnoControlCheckbox('good_quality', 'Good quality', visibility_label_text='Filter by good quality'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons('visibility', 'Visible', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice(value='full', label_text='Fully', tooltip='Object is fully visible'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice(value='mostly', label_text='Mostly', tooltip='Object is mostly visible'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice(value='obscured', label_text='Obscured', tooltip='Object is significantly obscured'), ], label_on_own_line=False, visibility_label_text='Filter by visibility'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu('material', 'Material', groups=['Artifical/buildings', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice(value='concrete', label_text='Concrete', tooltip='Concrete objects'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice(value='plastic', label_text='Plastic', tooltip='Plastic objects'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice(value='asphalt', label_text='Asphalt', tooltip='Road, pavement, etc.'), ]),'Flat natural', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice(value='grass', label_text='Grass', tooltip='Grass covered ground'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice(value='water', label_text='Water', tooltip='Water/lake')]),'Vegetation', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice(value='trees', label_text='Trees', tooltip='Trees'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice(value='shrubbery', label_text='Shrubs', tooltip='Shrubs/bushes'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice(value='flowers', label_text='Flowers', tooltip='Flowers'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice(value='ivy', label_text='Ivy', tooltip='Ivy')]), ], visibility_label_text='Filter by material'), # labelling_tool.AnnoControlText('comment', 'Comment', multiline=False), ] image_pats = images_pat.split('|') # Load in .JPG images from the 'images' directory. labelled_images = labelled_image.LabelledImage.for_directory( images_dir, image_filename_patterns=image_pats, readonly=readonly) print('Loaded {0} images'.format(len(labelled_images))) if update_label_object_ids: n_updated = 0 for limg in labelled_images: if limg.labels_store.labels_path.exists(): label_js = json.load('r')) prefix = str(uuid.uuid4()) modified = labelling_tool.ensure_json_object_ids_have_prefix( label_js, id_prefix=prefix) if modified: with open(limg.labels_store.labels_path, 'w') as f_out: json.dump(label_js, f_out, indent=3) n_updated += 1 print('Updated object IDs in {} files'.format(n_updated)) # For documentation of the configuration, please see the comment above `labelling_tool.DEFAULT_CONFIG` config = labelling_tool.DEFAULT_CONFIG tasks = [ dict(name='finished', human_name='[old] finished'), dict(name='segmentation', human_name='Outlines'), dict(name='classification', human_name='Classification'), ] flask_labeller(label_classes, labelled_images, tasks=tasks, colour_schemes=colour_schemes, anno_controls=anno_controls, config=config, dextr_fn=dextr_fn)
def _labeller_window(app, images_dir: pathlib.Path, labels_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path], schema_path: pathlib.Path, readonly: bool, enable_dextr: bool, dextr_weights=Optional[pathlib.Path], enable_firebug: bool = False, use_http_memory_cache: bool = False): from image_labelling_tool import labelled_image, labelling_tool, labelling_schema server = web_server.LabellerServer() server.start_flask_server() try: # If DEXTR is to be made available if enable_dextr or dextr_weights is not None: from dextr.model import DextrModel import torch # Load the dextr model device = torch.device( "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if dextr_weights is not None: dextr_weights = dextr_weights.expanduser() dextr_model = torch.load(dextr_weights, map_location=device) else: dextr_model = DextrModel.pascalvoc_resunet101().to(device) # Evaluation mode dextr_model.eval() # Define a mask prediction function dextr_fn = lambda image, points: dextr_model.predict( [image], points[None, :, :])[0] >= 0.5 else: dextr_fn = None schema_store = labelling_schema.FileSchemaStore(schema_path, readonly=readonly) # Annotation controls # Labels may also have optional meta-data associated with them # You could use this for e.g. indicating if an object is fully visible, mostly visible or significantly obscured. # You could also indicate quality (e.g. blurriness, etc) # There are four types of annotation. They have some common properties: # - name: symbolic name (Python identifier) # - label_text: label text in UI # Check boxes, radio buttons and popup menus also have: # - visibility_label_text: [optional] if provided, label visibility can be filtered by this annotation value, # in which case a drop down will appear in the UI allowing the user to select a filter value # that will hide/show labels accordingly # Control types: # Check box (boolean value): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlCheckbox`; only the 3 common parameters listed above # Radio button (choice from a list): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons`; the 3 common parameters listed above and: # choices: list of `labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice` that provide: # value: symbolic value name for choice # tooltip: extra information for user # label_on_own_line [optional]: if True, place the label and the buttons on a separate line in the UI # Popup menu (choice from a grouped list): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu`; the 3 common parameters listed above and: # groups: list of groups ``: # label_text: label text in UI # choices: list of `labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice` that provide: # value: symbolic value name for choice # label_text: choice label text in UI # tooltip: extra information for user # Text (free form plain text): # `labelling_tool.AnnoControlText`; only the 2 common parameters listed above and: # - multiline: boolean; if True a text area will be used, if False a single line text entry anno_controls = [ labelling_tool.AnnoControlCheckbox( 'good_quality', 'Good quality', visibility_label_text='Filter by good quality'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons( 'visibility', 'Visible', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice( value='full', label_text='Fully', tooltip='Object is fully visible'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice( value='mostly', label_text='Mostly', tooltip='Object is mostly visible'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlRadioButtons.choice( value='obscured', label_text='Obscured', tooltip='Object is significantly obscured'), ], label_on_own_line=False, visibility_label_text='Filter by visibility'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu( 'material', 'Material', groups=[ label_text='Artifical/buildings', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='concrete', label_text='Concrete', tooltip='Concrete objects'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='plastic', label_text='Plastic', tooltip='Plastic objects'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='asphalt', label_text='Asphalt', tooltip='Road, pavement, etc.'), ]), label_text='Flat natural', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='grass', label_text='Grass', tooltip='Grass covered ground'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='water', label_text='Water', tooltip='Water/lake') ]), label_text='Vegetation', choices=[ labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='trees', label_text='Trees', tooltip='Trees'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='shrubbery', label_text='Shrubs', tooltip='Shrubs/bushes'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='flowers', label_text='Flowers', tooltip='Flowers'), labelling_tool.AnnoControlPopupMenu.choice( value='ivy', label_text='Ivy', tooltip='Ivy') ]), ], visibility_label_text='Filter by material'), # labelling_tool.AnnoControlText('comment', 'Comment', multiline=False), ] image_paths = list(images_dir.glob('*.jpg')) + list( images_dir.glob('*.png')) image_paths = [p.absolute() for p in image_paths] # Create a `PersistentLabelledImage` instance for each image file labelled_images = labelled_image.LabelledImage.for_image_files( image_paths, labels_dir=labels_dir, readonly=bool(readonly)) print('Loaded {0} images'.format(len(labelled_images))) config = web_server.DEFAULT_CONFIG # Example tasks to appear in checkboxes tasks = [ dict(name='finished', human_name='[old] finished'), dict(name='segmentation', human_name='Outlines'), dict(name='classification', human_name='Classification'), ] tool = Tool(server=server, labelled_images=labelled_images, schema_store=schema_store, tasks=tasks, anno_controls=anno_controls, config=config, dextr_fn=dextr_fn, enable_firebug=enable_firebug, use_http_memory_cache=use_http_memory_cache) # Show the window and run the app tool.open_labeller() app.exec_() finally: print('Stopping server') server.stop_server()