def povrayProcessSSS(rmeshes, outDir, settings, progressCallback = None): def progress(prog): if progressCallback == None: else: progressCallback(prog) progress(0) progbase = 0 nextpb = 1 - 0.65*settings['usebump'] # get lightmap lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting( settings['scene'],progressCallback = lambda p: progress(0.3*nextpb*p)) # prepare channels lmap = imgop.getChannel(lmap,1) alpha = imgop.shrinkSelection(projection.mapMask()) for i in range(3): alpha = imgop.shrinkSelection(alpha) black = mh.Image(data = imgop.numpy.zeros((lmap.height, lmap.width, 1), dtype=imgop.numpy.uint8)) # calculate blur level of each cannel, according to settings sssa = float(settings['SSSA']) # blue channel imgop.compose([black,black,lmap]).save( os.path.join(outDir, '%s_sss_bluelmap.png' % rmeshes[0].name)) # green channel progress(0.4*nextpb) lmap = imgop.blurred(lmap, (float(lmap.width)/1024)*1.6*sssa, 13, lambda p: progress((0.4+0.3*p)*nextpb)) imgop.compose([black,lmap,black]).save( os.path.join(outDir, '%s_sss_greenlmap.png' % rmeshes[0].name)) # red channel progress(0.7*nextpb) lmap = imgop.blurred(lmap, (float(lmap.width)/1024)*3.2*sssa, 13, lambda p: progress((0.7+0.2*p)*nextpb)) alpha = imgop.blurred(alpha, 4, 13, lambda p: progress((0.9+0.1*p)*nextpb)), '%s_sss_alpha.png' % rmeshes[0].name)) imgop.compose([lmap,black,black]).save( os.path.join(outDir, '%s_sss_redlmap.png' % rmeshes[0].name)) progbase = nextpb progress(progbase) if settings['usebump']: bumpdata = rmeshes[0].material.bumpMapTexture if bumpdata is None: bumpdata = rmeshes[0].material.displacementMapTexture if bumpdata: # Export blurred bump maps lmap = imgop.Image(data = bumpdata) lmap = imgop.getChannel(lmap,1) lmap = imgop.blurred(lmap, (float(lmap.width)/1024)*1.6*sssa, 15, lambda p: progress(progbase+0.5*p*(1-progbase))) progress(progbase+0.5*(1-progbase)), '%s_sss_greenbump.png' % rmeshes[0].name)) lmap = imgop.blurred(lmap, (float(lmap.width)/1024)*3.2*sssa, 15, lambda p: progress(progbase+(0.5+0.5*p)*(1-progbase))), '%s_sss_redbump.png' % rmeshes[0].name)) progress(1.0)
def povrayProcessSSS(stuffs, outDir, settings, progressCallback=None): def progress(prog): if progressCallback == None: else: progressCallback(prog) progress(0) progbase = 0 nextpb = 1 - 0.65 * settings['usebump'] # get lightmap lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting( settings['scene'], progressCallback=lambda p: progress(0.3 * nextpb * p)) lmap = imgop.getChannel(lmap, 1) # prepare channels black = imgop.Image(data=imgop.numpy.zeros((lmap.height, lmap.width, 1), dtype=imgop.numpy.uint8)) # calculate blur level of each cannel, according to settings sssa = float(settings['SSSA']) # blue channel imgop.compose([black, black, lmap]).save( os.path.join(outDir, '%s_sss_bluelmap.png' % stuffs[0].name)) # green channel progress(0.4 * nextpb) lmap2 = imgop.blurred(lmap, 16 * sssa, 13, lambda p: progress( (0.4 + 0.3 * p) * nextpb)) imgop.compose([black, lmap2, black]).save( os.path.join(outDir, '%s_sss_greenlmap.png' % stuffs[0].name)) # red channel progress(0.7 * nextpb) lmap2 = imgop.blurred(lmap2, 32 * sssa, 13, lambda p: progress( (0.7 + 0.3 * p) * nextpb)) imgop.compose([lmap2, black, black]).save( os.path.join(outDir, '%s_sss_redlmap.png' % stuffs[0].name)) progbase = nextpb progress(progbase) if settings['usebump']: # Export blurred bump maps lmap = imgop.Image(os.path.join(stuffs[0].bump[0], stuffs[0].bump[1])) lmap = imgop.getChannel(lmap, 1) lmap = imgop.blurred( lmap, (float(lmap.width) / 1024) * 1.6 * sssa, 15, lambda p: progress(progbase + 0.5 * p * (1 - progbase))) progress(progbase + 0.5 * (1 - progbase)), '%s_sss_greenbump.png' % stuffs[0].name)) lmap = imgop.blurred( lmap, (float(lmap.width) / 1024) * 3.2 * sssa, 15, lambda p: progress(progbase + (0.5 + 0.5 * p) * (1 - progbase))), '%s_sss_redbump.png' % stuffs[0].name)) progress(1.0)
def povrayProcessSSS(stuffs, outDir, settings, progressCallback = None): def progress(prog): if progressCallback == None: else: progressCallback(prog) progress(0) progbase = 0 nextpb = 1 - 0.65*settings['usebump'] # get lightmap lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting( settings['scene'],progressCallback = lambda p: progress(0.3*nextpb*p)) lmap = imgop.getChannel(lmap,1) # prepare channels black = imgop.Image(data=imgop.numpy.zeros((lmap.height, lmap.width, 1), dtype=imgop.numpy.uint8)) # calculate blur level of each cannel, according to settings sssa = float(settings['SSSA']) # blue channel imgop.compose([black,black,lmap]).save( os.path.join(outDir, '%s_sss_bluelmap.png' % stuffs[0].name)) # green channel progress(0.4*nextpb) lmap2 = imgop.blurred(lmap, 16*sssa, 13, lambda p: progress((0.4+0.3*p)*nextpb)) imgop.compose([black,lmap2,black]).save( os.path.join(outDir, '%s_sss_greenlmap.png' % stuffs[0].name)) # red channel progress(0.7*nextpb) lmap2 = imgop.blurred(lmap2, 32*sssa, 13, lambda p: progress((0.7+0.3*p)*nextpb)) imgop.compose([lmap2,black,black]).save( os.path.join(outDir, '%s_sss_redlmap.png' % stuffs[0].name)) progbase = nextpb progress(progbase) if settings['usebump']: # Export blurred bump maps lmap = imgop.Image(os.path.join(stuffs[0].bump[0], stuffs[0].bump[1])) lmap = imgop.getChannel(lmap,1) lmap = imgop.blurred(lmap, (float(lmap.width)/1024)*1.6*sssa, 15, lambda p: progress(progbase+0.5*p*(1-progbase))) progress(progbase+0.5*(1-progbase)), '%s_sss_greenbump.png' % stuffs[0].name)) lmap = imgop.blurred(lmap, (float(lmap.width)/1024)*3.2*sssa, 15, lambda p: progress(progbase+(0.5+0.5*p)*(1-progbase))), '%s_sss_redbump.png' % stuffs[0].name)) progress(1.0)
def my_render(settings=None): if settings is None: settings = {'AA': True, 'lightmapSSS': False, 'scene':, 'dimensions': (230, 230)} if settings['lightmapSSS']: human = material_backup = material.Material(human.material) diffuse = imgop.Image(data=human.material.diffuseTexture) lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting(settings['scene'], border=human.material.sssRScale) lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13) lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13) lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap]) if not diffuse.isEmpty: lmap = imgop.resized(lmap, diffuse.width, diffuse.height, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR) lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse) lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture" human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap human.configureShading(diffuse=True) human.shadeless = True if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) alphaImg = None else: width, height = settings['dimensions'] if settings['AA']: width *= 2 height *= 2 img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height) alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height) img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0)) if settings['AA']: img = img.resized(width/2, height/2, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR)[:, :, :] =[:, :, (2, 1, 0, 3)] if settings['lightmapSSS']: human.material = material_backup return img
def Render(settings): progress = Progress.begin() if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): settings['dimensions'] = (G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0, 0.05, "Storing data") import material human = materialBackup = material.Material(human.material) progress(0.05, 0.1, "Projecting lightmaps") diffuse = imgop.Image(data=human.material.diffuseTexture) lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting(settings['scene'], border=human.material.sssRScale) progress(0.1, 0.4, "Applying medium scattering") lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13) progress(0.4, 0.7, "Applying high scattering") lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13) lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap]) if not diffuse.isEmpty: progress(0.7, 0.8, "Combining textures") lmap = imgop.resized(lmap, diffuse.width, diffuse.height, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR) progress(0.8, 0.9) lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse) lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture" progress(0.9, 0.95, "Setting up renderer") human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap human.configureShading(diffuse=True) human.shadeless = True progress(0.95, 0.98, None) else: progress(0, 0.99, None) if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): # Limited fallback mode, read from screen buffer log.message("Fallback render: grab screen") img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) alphaImg = None else: # Render to framebuffer object renderprog = Progress() renderprog(0, 0.99 - 0.59 * settings['AA'], "Rendering") width, height = settings['dimensions'] log.message("Rendering at %sx%s", width, height) if settings['AA']: width = width * 2 height = height * 2 img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height) alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height) img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0)) if settings['AA']: renderprog(0.4, 0.99, "AntiAliasing") # Resize to 50% using bi-linear filtering img = img.resized(width / 2, height / 2, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR) # TODO still haven't figured out where components get swapped, but this hack appears to be necessary[:, :, :] =[:, :, (2, 1, 0, 3)] renderprog.finish() if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0.98, 0.99, "Restoring data") human.material = materialBackup progress(1, None, 'Rendering complete')'Rendering').getTaskByName('Viewer').setImage(img) mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')'Rendering complete')
else: return tdi if not func: # Get the map item associated with the current Texture. mapitem =[] if len(mapitem) == 2: # If it has only 1 definition-writer function, use it. func = mapitem[1] else: # Else, use the first provided definition-writer function # if the texture exists, else the second # (2nd and 3rd map tuple item respectively). func = mapitem[(1 if self.__nonzero__() else 2)] return analyzeDef(func) import image_operations as imgop imgopfuncs = { 'black': lambda img: imgop.getBlack(img) if img else None, 'white': lambda img: imgop.getWhite(img) if img else None, 'blur': lambda img, lev, ker: imgop.blurred(imgop.Image(data = img), lev, ker) if img else None, 'compose': lambda l: imgop.compose(l), 'getChannel': lambda t, c: imgop.getChannel(imgop.Image(data = t),c) if t else None, 'getAlpha': lambda t: imgop.getAlpha(imgop.Image(data = t)) if t else None, 'growMask': lambda t, p: imgop.growMask(imgop.Image(data = t), p) if t else None, 'shrinkMask': lambda t, p: imgop.shrinkMask(imgop.Image(data = t), p) if t else None}
def Render(settings): progress = Progress.begin() if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): settings['dimensions'] = (G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0, 0.05, "Storing data") import material human = materialBackup = material.Material(human.material) progress(0.05, 0.1, "Projecting lightmaps") diffuse = imgop.Image(data=human.material.diffuseTexture) lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting(settings['scene'], border=human.material.sssRScale) progress(0.1, 0.4, "Applying medium scattering") lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13) progress(0.4, 0.7, "Applying high scattering") lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13) lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap]) if not diffuse.isEmpty: progress(0.7, 0.8, "Combining textures") lmap = imgop.resized(lmap, diffuse.width, diffuse.height) progress(0.8, 0.9) lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse) lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture" progress(0.9, 0.95, "Setting up renderer") human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap human.mesh.configureShading(diffuse=True) human.mesh.shadeless = True progress(0.95, 0.98, None) else: progress(0, 0.99, None) if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): # Limited fallback mode, read from screen buffer log.message("Fallback render: grab screen") img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) alphaImg = None else: # Render to framebuffer object renderprog = Progress() renderprog(0, 0.99 - 0.59 * settings['AA'], "Rendering") width, height = settings['dimensions'] log.message("Rendering at %sx%s", width, height) if settings['AA']: width = width * 2 height = height * 2 img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height) alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height) img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0)) if settings['AA']: renderprog(0.4, 0.99, "AntiAliasing") # Resize to 50% using Qt image class qtImg = img.toQImage() del img # Bilinear filtered resize for anti-aliasing scaledImg = qtImg.scaled( width / 2, height / 2, transformMode=gui.QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation) del qtImg img = scaledImg #img = image.Image(scaledImg) # Convert back to MH image #del scaledImg renderprog.finish() if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0.98, 0.99, "Restoring data") human.material = materialBackup progress(1, None, 'Rendering complete')'Rendering').getTaskByName('Viewer').setImage(img) mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')'Rendering complete.')
def Render(settings): progress = Progress.begin() if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): settings['dimensions'] = (G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0, 0.05, "Storing data") import material human = materialBackup = material.Material(human.material) progress(0.05, 0.1, "Projecting lightmaps") diffuse = imgop.Image(data = human.material.diffuseTexture) lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting( settings['scene'], border = human.material.sssRScale) progress(0.1, 0.4, "Applying medium scattering") lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13) progress(0.4, 0.7, "Applying high scattering") lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13) lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap]) if not diffuse.isEmpty: progress(0.7, 0.8, "Combining textures") lmap = imgop.resized(lmap, diffuse.width, diffuse.height, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR) progress(0.8, 0.9) lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse) lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture" progress(0.9, 0.95, "Setting up renderer") human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap human.configureShading(diffuse = True) human.shadeless = True progress(0.95, 0.98, None) else: progress(0, 0.99, None) if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): # Limited fallback mode, read from screen buffer log.message("Fallback render: grab screen") img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) alphaImg = None else: # Render to framebuffer object renderprog = Progress() renderprog(0, 0.99 - 0.59 * settings['AA'], "Rendering") width, height = settings['dimensions'] log.message("Rendering at %sx%s", width, height) if settings['AA']: width = width * 2 height = height * 2 img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height) alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height) img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0)) if settings['AA']: renderprog(0.4, 0.99, "AntiAliasing") # Resize to 50% using bi-linear filtering img = img.resized(width/2, height/2, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR) # TODO still haven't figured out where components get swapped, but this hack appears to be necessary[:,:,:] =[:,:,(2,1,0,3)] renderprog.finish() if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0.98, 0.99, "Restoring data") human.material = materialBackup progress(1, None, 'Rendering complete')'Rendering').getTaskByName('Viewer').setImage(img) mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')'Rendering complete')
else: # Else, use the first provided definition-writer function # if the texture exists, else the second # (2nd and 3rd map tuple item respectively). func = mapitem[(1 if self.__nonzero__() else 2)] return analyzeDef(func) import image_operations as imgop imgopfuncs = { 'black': lambda img: imgop.getBlack(img) if img else None, 'white': lambda img: imgop.getWhite(img) if img else None, 'blur': lambda img, lev, ker: imgop.blurred(imgop.Image(data=img), lev, ker) if img else None, 'compose': lambda l: imgop.compose(l), 'getChannel': lambda t, c: imgop.getChannel(imgop.Image(data=t), c) if t else None, 'getAlpha': lambda t: imgop.getAlpha(imgop.Image(data=t)) if t else None, 'growMask': lambda t, p: imgop.growMask(imgop.Image(data=t), p) if t else None, 'shrinkMask': lambda t, p: imgop.shrinkMask(imgop.Image(data=t), p) if t else None }