	def debug_history(self):
		iv = ImageViewer()
		iv.add(self.source, 'source', cmap='bgr')
		for img, func in zip(self.debug_out_list, self.functions):
			iv.add(img, str(func), cmap='bgr')
		return iv
			iv.add(img, str(func), cmap='bgr')
		return iv

if __name__ == "__main__":
	from step_07_highlight_painting import highlight_paintings
	# from step_12_b_create_outer_rect import mask as mask_b
	from data_test.standard_samples import TEST_PAINTINGS, FISH_EYE, PEOPLE

	# By creating instantiating the Pipeline class you can pass as values
	# the list of functions that will be executed, passing as default value=True
	# The default functions will be set as the function pipeline 
	pipeline = Pipeline(default=True)

	# The ImageViewer now no longer needs the number of images that will be inserted a priori
	iv = ImageViewer(cols=3)

	plots = []
	# I created a script to have the filenames of the images we use as tests
	# for filename in TEST_PAINTINGS:
	filename = "data_test/painting_09/00_calibration.jpg"
	img = np.array(cv2.imread(filename))
	# Via the append command you can add a function to the pipeline,
	# In this case I have to do it because the last function takes as source img
	pipeline.append(Function(highlight_paintings, source=img, pad=100))
	# Using the run command I execute the functions in order.
	# with debug=True for each step debug images are created that then
	# can be displayed in sequence
	# with print_time=True the times are printed for each function
	# Filename is optional, it's for printing
	out = pipeline.run(img, debug=True, print_time=True, filename=filename)