    def __init__(self, 
        downsample=32, # ratio between network input's size and network output's size, 32 for YOLOv3
        self.instances          = instances
        self.batch_size         = batch_size
        self.labels             = labels
        self.downsample         = downsample
        self.max_box_per_image  = max_box_per_image
        self.min_net_size       = (min_net_size//self.downsample)*self.downsample
        self.max_net_size       = (max_net_size//self.downsample)*self.downsample
        self.shuffle            = shuffle
        self.jitter             = jitter
        self.norm               = norm
        self.anchors            = [BoundBox(0, 0, anchors[2*i], anchors[2*i+1]) for i in range(len(anchors)//2)]
        self.net_h              = 416  
        self.net_w              = 416

        if shuffle: np.random.shuffle(self.instances)
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # get image input size, change every 10 batches
        net_h, net_w = self._get_net_size(idx)
        base_grid_h, base_grid_w = net_h//self.downsample, net_w//self.downsample

        # determine the first and the last indices of the batch
        l_bound = idx * self.batch_size
        r_bound = (idx+1) * self.batch_size

        if r_bound > len(self.instances):
            r_bound = len(self.instances)
            l_bound = r_bound - self.batch_size

        x_batch = np.zeros((r_bound - l_bound, net_h, net_w, 3))             # input images
        t_batch = np.zeros((r_bound - l_bound, 1, 1, 1,  self.max_box_per_image, 4))   # list of groundtruth boxes

        # initialize the inputs and the outputs
        yolo_1 = np.zeros((r_bound - l_bound, 1*base_grid_h,  1*base_grid_w, len(self.anchors)//3, 4+1+len(self.labels))) # desired network output 1
        yolo_2 = np.zeros((r_bound - l_bound, 2*base_grid_h,  2*base_grid_w, len(self.anchors)//3, 4+1+len(self.labels))) # desired network output 2
        yolo_3 = np.zeros((r_bound - l_bound, 4*base_grid_h,  4*base_grid_w, len(self.anchors)//3, 4+1+len(self.labels))) # desired network output 3
        yolos = [yolo_3, yolo_2, yolo_1]

        dummy_yolo_1 = np.zeros((r_bound - l_bound, 1))
        dummy_yolo_2 = np.zeros_like(dummy_yolo_1)
        dummy_yolo_3 = np.zeros_like(dummy_yolo_1)
        instance_count = 0
        true_box_index = 0

        # do the logic to fill in the inputs and the output
        for train_instance in self.instances[l_bound:r_bound]:
            # augment input image and fix object's position and size
            img, all_objs = self._aug_image(train_instance, net_h, net_w)
            for obj in all_objs:
                # find the best anchor box for this object
                max_anchor = None                
                max_index  = -1
                max_iou    = -1

                shifted_box = BoundBox(0, 
                for i in range(len(self.anchors)):
                    anchor = self.anchors[i]
                    iou    = bbox_iou(shifted_box, anchor)

                    if max_iou < iou:
                        max_anchor = anchor
                        max_index  = i
                        max_iou    = iou                
                # determine the yolo to be responsible for this bounding box
                yolo = yolos[max_index//3]
                grid_h, grid_w = yolo.shape[1:3]
                # determine the position of the bounding box on the grid
                center_x = .5*(obj['xmin'] + obj['xmax'])
                center_x = center_x / float(net_w) * grid_w # sigma(t_x) + c_x
                center_y = .5*(obj['ymin'] + obj['ymax'])
                center_y = center_y / float(net_h) * grid_h # sigma(t_y) + c_y
                # determine the sizes of the bounding box
                w = np.log((obj['xmax'] - obj['xmin']) / float(max_anchor.xmax)) # t_w
                h = np.log((obj['ymax'] - obj['ymin']) / float(max_anchor.ymax)) # t_h

                box = [center_x, center_y, w, h]

                # determine the index of the label
                obj_indx = self.labels.index(obj['name'])  

                # determine the location of the cell responsible for this object
                grid_x = int(np.floor(center_x))
                grid_y = int(np.floor(center_y))

                # assign ground truth x, y, w, h, confidence and class probs to y_batch
                yolo[instance_count, grid_y, grid_x, max_index%3]      = 0
                yolo[instance_count, grid_y, grid_x, max_index%3, 0:4] = box
                yolo[instance_count, grid_y, grid_x, max_index%3, 4  ] = 1.
                yolo[instance_count, grid_y, grid_x, max_index%3, 5+obj_indx] = 1

                # assign the true box to t_batch
                true_box = [center_x, center_y, obj['xmax'] - obj['xmin'], obj['ymax'] - obj['ymin']]
                t_batch[instance_count, 0, 0, 0, true_box_index] = true_box

                true_box_index += 1
                true_box_index  = true_box_index % self.max_box_per_image    

            # assign input image to x_batch
            if self.norm != None: 
                x_batch[instance_count] = self.norm(img)
                # plot image and bounding boxes for sanity check
                for obj in all_objs:
                    cv2.rectangle(img, (obj['xmin'],obj['ymin']), (obj['xmax'],obj['ymax']), (255,0,0), 3)
                    cv2.putText(img, obj['name'], 
                                (obj['xmin']+2, obj['ymin']+12), 
                                0, 1.2e-3 * img.shape[0], 
                                (0,255,0), 2)
                x_batch[instance_count] = img

            # increase instance counter in the current batch
            instance_count += 1                 
        return [x_batch, t_batch, yolo_1, yolo_2, yolo_3], [dummy_yolo_1, dummy_yolo_2, dummy_yolo_3]