文件: room.py 项目: vennard/Grognar
 def __init__(self, topleft):
     self.idnum = 0
     self.connected = False # says whether or not its been connected to any other room
     self.connectedTo = [] # array of ID's that this room is connected to
     self.theme = random.choice(imageloading.getThemes('floor')) 
     self.blocks = [] # initialize empty block list
     # create randomized room
     self.size = [random.randint(MIN,MAX),random.randint(MIN,MAX)]
     self.topleft = topleft
     self.botright = [topleft[0]+self.size[0],topleft[1]+self.size[1]]
     for x in range(0,self.size[0]):
         for y in range(0,self.size[1]):
             # get random image to create new block and add to blocks
             pos = [topleft[0] + x, topleft[1] + y]
             new_block = block.Block(pos)
             new_block.solid = False
文件: room.py 项目: vennard/Grognar
 def __init__(self, topleft):
     self.idnum = 0
     self.connected = False  # says whether or not its been connected to any other room
     self.connectedTo = []  # array of ID's that this room is connected to
     self.theme = random.choice(imageloading.getThemes('floor'))
     self.blocks = []  # initialize empty block list
     # create randomized room
     self.size = [random.randint(MIN, MAX), random.randint(MIN, MAX)]
     self.topleft = topleft
     self.botright = [topleft[0] + self.size[0], topleft[1] + self.size[1]]
     for x in range(0, self.size[0]):
         for y in range(0, self.size[1]):
             # get random image to create new block and add to blocks
             pos = [topleft[0] + x, topleft[1] + y]
             new_block = block.Block(pos)
             new_block.solid = False
             new_block.setImage('floor', self.theme)
文件: room.py 项目: vennard/Grognar
 def addWalls(self):
     # used to create walls around rooms - assumes margins are wide enough for placement from room creation
     startxy = [(self.topleft[0]+self.size[0]),self.topleft[1]-1]
     # get new theme
     wall_theme = random.choice(imageloading.getThemes('wall'))
     for y in range(0,self.size[1]+2): # creating right wall 
         newxy = [startxy[0], startxy[1] + y]
         newblock = block.Block(newxy)
         newblock.side = RIGHT
         newblock.solid = True
         newblock.image = pygame.transform.rotate(newblock.image,90)
     startxy = [self.topleft[0]-1, self.topleft[1]-1] 
     for y in range(0,self.size[1]+1): # creation left wall 
         newxy = [startxy[0], startxy[1] + y]
         newblock = block.Block(newxy)
         newblock.side = LEFT
         newblock.image = pygame.transform.rotate(newblock.image,270)
         newblock.solid = True
     startxy = [self.topleft[0]-1, self.topleft[1]-1] 
     for x in range(0,self.size[0]+1): # creation top wall 
         newxy = [startxy[0] + x, startxy[1]]
         newblock = block.Block(newxy)
         newblock.side = UP 
         newblock.solid = True
     startxy = [self.topleft[0]-1, (self.topleft[1] + self.size[1])] 
     for x in range(0,self.size[0]+2): # creation bottom wall 
         newxy = [startxy[0] + x, startxy[1]]
         newblock = block.Block(newxy)
         newblock.side = DOWN
         newblock.solid = True
         newblock.image = pygame.transform.rotate(newblock.image,180)
文件: room.py 项目: vennard/Grognar
 def addWalls(self):
     # used to create walls around rooms - assumes margins are wide enough for placement from room creation
     startxy = [(self.topleft[0] + self.size[0]), self.topleft[1] - 1]
     # get new theme
     wall_theme = random.choice(imageloading.getThemes('wall'))
     for y in range(0, self.size[1] + 2):  # creating right wall
         newxy = [startxy[0], startxy[1] + y]
         newblock = block.Block(newxy)
         newblock.setImage('wall', wall_theme)
         newblock.side = RIGHT
         newblock.solid = True
         newblock.image = pygame.transform.rotate(newblock.image, 90)
     startxy = [self.topleft[0] - 1, self.topleft[1] - 1]
     for y in range(0, self.size[1] + 1):  # creation left wall
         newxy = [startxy[0], startxy[1] + y]
         newblock = block.Block(newxy)
         newblock.setImage('wall', wall_theme)
         newblock.side = LEFT
         newblock.image = pygame.transform.rotate(newblock.image, 270)
         newblock.solid = True
     startxy = [self.topleft[0] - 1, self.topleft[1] - 1]
     for x in range(0, self.size[0] + 1):  # creation top wall
         newxy = [startxy[0] + x, startxy[1]]
         newblock = block.Block(newxy)
         newblock.setImage('wall', wall_theme)
         newblock.side = UP
         newblock.solid = True
     startxy = [self.topleft[0] - 1, (self.topleft[1] + self.size[1])]
     for x in range(0, self.size[0] + 2):  # creation bottom wall
         newxy = [startxy[0] + x, startxy[1]]
         newblock = block.Block(newxy)
         newblock.setImage('wall', wall_theme)
         newblock.side = DOWN
         newblock.solid = True
         newblock.image = pygame.transform.rotate(newblock.image, 180)
文件: hall.py 项目: vennard/Grognar
    def __init__(self, start_room, dest_room, grid, rooms):
        self.blocks = []
        self.theme = random.choice(imageloading.getThemes('hall'))

        # temp variables
        rooms_connected = False
        startxy = start_room.topleft
        destxy = dest_room.topleft
        max_hall = 8
        min_hall = 2

        # choose closest start location
        minval = 1000
        for blk in start_room.blocks:
            if blk.block_type == 'wall':
                diffxy = [cur - des for cur, des in zip(blk.pos, destxy)]
                val = abs(diffxy[0]) + abs(diffxy[1])
                if val < minval:
                    minval = val
                    startxy = blk.pos
                    start_direction = blk.side

        # choose closest dest location
        minval = 1000
        for blk in dest_room.blocks:
            if blk.block_type == 'wall':
                diffxy = [cur - des for cur, des in zip(blk.pos, startxy)]
                val = abs(diffxy[0]) + abs(diffxy[1])
                if val < minval:
                    minval = val
                    destxy = blk.pos

        # create hallway sections until startxy is connected to destxy
        currxy = startxy
        firstRun = True
        direction = [0, 0]
        threshold_level = 0
        while rooms_connected == False:
            diffxy = [cur - des for cur, des in zip(currxy, destxy)]
            if firstRun == True:
                direction = start_direction
                firstRun = False
                xory = random.randint(0, 1)  # pick x or y
                if xory == 0:  # x chosen
                    if diffxy[0] < 0:  # -delta means we need +x direction
                        direction = RIGHT
                        direction = LEFT
                else:  # y chosen
                    if diffxy[1] < 0:  # -detal means we need +y direction
                        direction = UP
                        direction = DOWN
            # check threshold then throttle hallway length
            val = abs(diffxy[0]) + abs(diffxy[1])
            if val < THRESHOLD:
                threshold_level += 1
                max_hall = max_hall - threshold_level
                min_hall = min_hall - threshold_level
                if max_hall < 3:
                    max_hall = 3
                if min_hall < 2:
                    min_hall = 2

            section_length = random.randint(min_hall, max_hall)
            # create hallway section and update variables
            for i in range(section_length):
                newxy = [
                    currxy[0] + (direction[0] * i),
                    currxy[1] + (direction[1] * i)
                # check for edge collision
                if newxy[0] >= len(grid) or newxy[1] >= len(grid[0]):
                    newxy = currxy
                # check for collision with destination
                if dest_room.contains(newxy) == True:
                    rooms_connected = True

                newblock = block.Block(newxy)
                newblock.solid = False
                newblock.setImage('hall', self.theme)
            currxy = newxy

        # cleanup overlapping hall
        blocks_new = []
        for hallblk in self.blocks:
            grid_block = grid[hallblk.pos[0]][hallblk.pos[1]]
            if grid_block.block_type != None:
                # place door TODO consider limiting placements
                if grid_block.block_type == 'wall':
                        'door', random.choice(imageloading.getThemes('door')))
        self.blocks = blocks_new
文件: hall.py 项目: vennard/Grognar
    def __init__(self, start_room, dest_room, grid, rooms):
        self.blocks = []
        self.theme = random.choice(imageloading.getThemes('hall'))

        # temp variables
        rooms_connected = False
        startxy = start_room.topleft
        destxy = dest_room.topleft
        max_hall = 8
        min_hall = 2

        # choose closest start location
        minval = 1000
        for blk in start_room.blocks:
            if blk.block_type == 'wall':
                diffxy = [cur - des for cur, des in zip(blk.pos,destxy)]
                val = abs(diffxy[0]) + abs(diffxy[1])  
                if val < minval:
                    minval = val
                    startxy = blk.pos
                    start_direction = blk.side 

        # choose closest dest location
        minval = 1000
        for blk in dest_room.blocks:
            if blk.block_type == 'wall':
                diffxy = [cur - des for cur, des in zip(blk.pos,startxy)]
                val = abs(diffxy[0]) + abs(diffxy[1])  
                if val < minval:
                    minval = val
                    destxy = blk.pos

        # create hallway sections until startxy is connected to destxy
        currxy = startxy
        firstRun = True
        direction = [0,0]
        threshold_level = 0
        while rooms_connected == False:
            diffxy = [cur - des for cur, des in zip(currxy,destxy)]
            if firstRun == True:
                direction = start_direction
                firstRun = False
                xory = random.randint(0,1) # pick x or y
                if xory == 0: # x chosen
                    if diffxy[0] < 0: # -delta means we need +x direction
                        direction = RIGHT
                        direction = LEFT
                else: # y chosen
                    if diffxy[1] < 0: # -detal means we need +y direction
                        direction = UP
                        direction = DOWN
            # check threshold then throttle hallway length
            val = abs(diffxy[0]) + abs(diffxy[1])  
            if val < THRESHOLD:
                threshold_level += 1
                max_hall = max_hall - threshold_level
                min_hall = min_hall - threshold_level
                if max_hall < 3:
                    max_hall = 3
                if min_hall < 2:
                    min_hall = 2

            section_length = random.randint(min_hall,max_hall)
            # create hallway section and update variables
            for i in range(section_length):
                newxy = [currxy[0] + (direction[0]*i),currxy[1] + (direction[1]*i)]
                # check for edge collision
                if newxy[0] >= len(grid) or newxy[1] >= len(grid[0]):
                    newxy = currxy
                # check for collision with destination
                if dest_room.contains(newxy) == True:
                    rooms_connected = True

                newblock = block.Block(newxy)
                newblock.solid = False
            currxy = newxy

        # cleanup overlapping hall 
        blocks_new = []
        for hallblk in self.blocks:
            grid_block = grid[hallblk.pos[0]][hallblk.pos[1]]
            if grid_block.block_type != None:
                # place door TODO consider limiting placements
                if grid_block.block_type == 'wall':
        self.blocks = blocks_new