文件: ocr.py 项目: Alvibanez/eyegrade
def digit_ocr_by_line_crossing(image, cell_corners, debug, image_drawn):
    points = adjust_cell_corners(image, cell_corners)
    if debug:
        for point in points:
            imageproc.draw_point(image_drawn, point)
    plu, pru, pld, prd = points
    points_left = interpolate_line(plu, pld, param_cross_num_lines)
    points_right = interpolate_line(pru, prd, param_cross_num_lines)
    points_up = interpolate_line(plu, pru, param_cross_num_lines)
    points_down = interpolate_line(pld, prd, param_cross_num_lines)
    hcrossings = []
    vcrossings = []
    for i in range(0, param_cross_num_lines):
        h = float(i) / (param_cross_num_lines - 1)
        hcrossings.append(crossings(image, points_left[i], points_right[i],
                                    h, debug, image_drawn))
        vcrossings.append(crossings(image, points_up[i], points_down[i],
                                    h, debug, image_drawn))
    if debug:
        print hcrossings
        print vcrossings
    return decide_digit(hcrossings, vcrossings, debug)
文件: ocr.py 项目: Alvibanez/eyegrade
def crossings(image, p0, p1, h, debug = False, image_drawn = None):
    pixels = []
    crossings = []
    for x, y in walk_line(p0, p1):
        pixels.append(image[y, x] > 0)
        if debug:
            if image[y, x] > 0:
                color = (255, 255, 0, 0)
                color = (200, 200, 200, 0)
            imageproc.draw_point(image_drawn, (x, y), color, 0)
    # Filter the value sequence
    for i in range(1, len(pixels) - 1):
        if not pixels[i - 1] and not pixels[i + 1]:
            pixels[i] = False
        elif pixels[i - 1] and pixels[i + 1]:
            pixels[i] = True
    # detect crossings
    begin = None
    for i, value in enumerate(pixels):
        if begin is None:
            if value:
                begin = i
            if not value or i == len(pixels) - 1:
                end = i if value else i - 1
                if end - begin > 0:
                    n = len(pixels)
                    begin_rel = float(begin) / n
                    end_rel = float(end) / n
                    center_rel = (begin_rel + end_rel) / 2
                    length = end - begin + 1
                    crossings.append((begin_rel, end_rel,
                                      center_rel, length, h))
                begin = None
    return crossings