def image_select(self, file_image=None): """ Select an image from a file dialogue box and update on screen. """ if file_image is None: file_image = filedialog.askopenfilename( initialdir='Images', title="Select Image", filetypes=(("png images", "*.png"), ("jpeg images", "*.jpeg"), ("All files", "*.*"))) file_name = ntpath.basename(file_image) image_configs = { 'max_display_x': 200, 'max_display_y': 200, 'file_image': file_image, 'name_image': file_name } try: self.image = MyImage(image_configs) except NoFileError as e: e.advice = 'Select a different image.' super().error_window(e) return self.label_image.configure(image=self.image.original_tkinter) self.label_imagemod.configure(image=self.image.modified_tkinter) self.label_image_title.configure(text=self.image.name_image) self.label_imagemod_title.configure(text='%s, Modified' % (self.image.name_image))
def setup_image_default(self, frame_top: tk.Frame, frame_bottom: tk.Frame): """ Set up the default images on main window. """ image_configs = { 'max_display_x': 200, 'max_display_y': 200, 'file_image': 'Images/Sample Image.png', 'name_image': 'Sample Image' } try: self.image = MyImage(image_configs) except NoFileError as e: e.advice = 'Place a new default image in the correct directory.' super().error_window(e) return self.label_image_title = tk.Label(frame_top) self.label_image_title.pack() self.label_image = tk.Label(frame_top, image=self.image.original_tkinter) self.label_image.pack() self.label_imagemod_title = tk.Label(frame_bottom, text='Modified Sample Image') self.label_imagemod_title.pack() self.label_imagemod = tk.Label(frame_bottom, image=self.image.modified_tkinter) self.label_imagemod.pack()
def setup_grating_default(self, frame: tk.Frame): """ Set up the default gratings on main window. """ self.grating_configs = { 'max_display_x': 200, 'max_display_y': 200, 'file_path': 'Images/Sample_Grating.png', 'grating_name': 'Sample_Grating.png', 'g_type': 'SawTooth', 'g_angle': 0, 'y_max': 255, 'y_min': 0, 'period': 100, 'reverse': 0 } grating_preview_configs = { 'max_display_x': 200, 'max_display_y': 200, 'file_image': 'Images/Sample_Grating.png', 'name_image': 'Sample_Grating.png' } try: self.label_grating_title = tk.Label(frame, text='Grating Preview') self.label_grating_title.pack() self.grating_preview = MyImage(grating_preview_configs) self.label_grating = tk.Label( frame, image=self.grating_preview.original_tkinter) self.label_grating.pack() except NoFileError as e: e.advice = 'Place a new default grating in the correct directory.' super().error_window(e) return
class SLM_Image(HologramCreator): def __init__(self, root: tk.Tk): """ Constructor call with parent constructor. """ #Create a root with HologramCreator, the parent. window_configs = { 'Window Title': 'SLM Image Hologram Creator -- ' + 'Copyright 2020, Luke Kurlandski and Matthew Van Soelen, all rights reserved', 'Frames Vertical': 4, 'Frames Horizontal': 5 } super().__init__(root, window_configs) self.item_list = [] self.list_box = None self.slm = None self.grating_name = None self.grating_file_path = None #Apply some frame modifications for large wigits. self.frames[1][2].grid(row=1, column=2, pady=10, rowspan=200, sticky='NW') self.frames[2][2].grid(row=2, column=2, pady=10, rowspan=200, sticky='W') self.frames[0][3].grid(row=0, column=3, pady=10, rowspan=200, sticky='NW', padx=10) self.frames[0][4].grid(row=0, column=4, pady=10, rowspan=200, sticky='NE', padx=10) #Setup main window with HologramCreator, the parent. super().setup_film(self.frames[0][0]) super().setup_image_select(self.frames[1][0]) super().setup_initialize_experiment(self.frames[2][0]) super().setup_while_running(self.frames[3][0]) super().setup_grating_options(self.frames[0][1]) super().setup_exposure_details(self.frames[0][3]) super().setup_ignore_details(self.frames[0][3]) super().setup_laser_details(self.frames[0][3]) super().setup_grating_details(self.frames[0][3]) super().setup_image_array(self.frames[0][4]) super().setup_experiment_details_view(self.frames[2][1]) #Setup main window with SLM_Image, the self. self.setup_menu() self.setup_image_default(self.frames[1][2], self.frames[2][2]) self.setup_grating_default(self.frames[0][2]) self.setup_list_view(self.frames[1][1]) #Open the previous experiment self.open_experiment('Experiments/Previous Experiment.txt') ############################################################################## #Setup Menu and Main Window ############################################################################## def setup_menu(self): """ Set up the menu for the main window. """ #Create label-command pairs in a dictionary for the various submenus. submenu_file = { 'Quit': self.root.destroy, 'Open Experiment': self.open_experiment, 'Open Previous': lambda: self.open_experiment('Experiments/Previous Experiment.txt' ), 'Open Example': lambda: self.open_experiment('Experiments/Example Experiment.txt'), 'Clear Inputs': self.clear_experiment } submenu_serial = { 'Motor': lambda: self.set_serial_configs( { 'Serial Name': 'Motor', 'File Name': 'Equipment/Motor Serial.txt' }), 'Shutter': lambda: self.set_serial_configs( { 'Serial Name': 'Shutter', 'File Name': 'Equipment/Shutter Serial.txt' }), 'Laser': lambda: self.set_serial_configs( { 'Serial Name': 'Laser', 'File Name': 'Equipment/Laser Serial.txt' }) } submenu_equipment = { 'Motor': lambda: self.set_equipment_settings('Equipment/Motor Settings.txt', 'Motor'), 'Shutter': lambda: self.set_equipment_settings( 'Equipment/Shutter Settings.txt', 'Shutter'), 'Laser': lambda: self.set_equipment_settings('Equipment/Laser Settings.txt', 'Laser') } submenu_view = { 'Image as Array': lambda: self.display_image_array(self.item.image), 'Mapping Graph': lambda: self.generate_plot(self.item) } submenu_help = { 'General': lambda: self.help_window('Help/General.txt'), 'Set Up Film': lambda: self.help_window('Help/Set Up Film.txt'), 'Image Selection': lambda: self.help_window('Help/Exposure Details.txt'), 'Exposure Details': lambda: self.help_window('Help/Set Up Film.txt'), 'Initialize Experiment': lambda: self.help_window('Help/Initialize Experiment.txt'), 'While Running': lambda: self.help_window('Help/While Running.txt') } #Dictionary of dictionaries to describe the whole menu. menu_total = { #Name of Submenu : dictionary of label-command pairs 'File': submenu_file, 'Serial': submenu_serial, 'Equipment': submenu_equipment, 'View': submenu_view, 'Help': submenu_help } #Pass to parent method to create a main menu. self.main_menu = super().create_mainmenu(self.root, menu_total) def setup_image_default(self, frame_top: tk.Frame, frame_bottom: tk.Frame): """ Set up the default images on main window. """ image_configs = { 'max_display_x': 200, 'max_display_y': 200, 'file_image': 'Images/Sample Image.png', 'name_image': 'Sample Image' } try: self.image = MyImage(image_configs) except NoFileError as e: e.advice = 'Place a new default image in the correct directory.' super().error_window(e) return self.label_image_title = tk.Label(frame_top) self.label_image_title.pack() self.label_image = tk.Label(frame_top, image=self.image.original_tkinter) self.label_image.pack() self.label_imagemod_title = tk.Label(frame_bottom, text='Modified Sample Image') self.label_imagemod_title.pack() self.label_imagemod = tk.Label(frame_bottom, image=self.image.modified_tkinter) self.label_imagemod.pack() def setup_grating_default(self, frame: tk.Frame): """ Set up the default gratings on main window. """ self.grating_configs = { 'max_display_x': 200, 'max_display_y': 200, 'file_path': 'Images/Sample_Grating.png', 'grating_name': 'Sample_Grating.png', 'g_type': 'SawTooth', 'g_angle': 0, 'y_max': 255, 'y_min': 0, 'period': 100, 'reverse': 0 } grating_preview_configs = { 'max_display_x': 200, 'max_display_y': 200, 'file_image': 'Images/Sample_Grating.png', 'name_image': 'Sample_Grating.png' } try: self.label_grating_title = tk.Label(frame, text='Grating Preview') self.label_grating_title.pack() self.grating_preview = MyImage(grating_preview_configs) self.label_grating = tk.Label( frame, image=self.grating_preview.original_tkinter) self.label_grating.pack() except NoFileError as e: e.advice = 'Place a new default grating in the correct directory.' super().error_window(e) return def update_list(self): self.list_box.delete(0, tk.END) for item in self.item_list: self.list_box.insert(tk.END, "%d: %s" % (self.item_list.index(item), item)) def add_item(self): if len(self.item_list) < 4: self.collect_raw_data() self.modify_and_map() self.item_details.update({ 'map_timing': self.map_timing, 'map_laser_power': self.map_laser_power }) self.grating = MyGrating(self.grating_configs) item = ListItem(self.image, self.grating, self.item_details) self.item_list.append(item) self.update_list() def remove_item(self): index = self.list_box.curselection() if not len(index) == 0: index = index[0] self.list_box.delete(index) del self.item_list[index] def clear_items(self): self.list_box.delete(0, tk.END) self.item_list.clear() def fill_item_deatils(self, item): # Change grating, images and titles self.label_image.configure(image=item.image.original_tkinter) self.label_imagemod.configure(image=item.image.modified_tkinter) self.label_grating.configure(image=item.grating.grating_preview_tk) self.label_image_title.configure(text='%s' % (item.image.name_image)) self.label_imagemod_title.configure(text='%s, Modified' % (item.image.name_image)) # Change info in Selection Details view self.image_name_label.config(text="Image Name: %s" % (item.image.name_image)) self.grating_type_label.config(text="Grating Type: %s" % (item.grating.configs['g_type'])) if item.grating.configs['g_type'] == 'Custom': self.rotation_angle_label.config(text="Rotation Angle: N/A") self.grating_name_label.config( text="Grating Name: %s" % (item.grating.configs['grating_name'])) self.y_min_label.config(text="Y min: N/A") self.y_max_label.config(text="Y max: N/A") self.period_label.config(text="Period: N/A") self.reverse_label.config(text="Reverse: N/A") else: self.grating_name_label.config(text="Grating Name: N/A") self.rotation_angle_label.config(text="Rotation Angle: %s" % (item.grating.configs['g_angle'])) self.y_min_label.config(text="Y min: %s" % (item.grating.configs['y_min'])) self.y_max_label.config(text="Y max: %s" % (item.grating.configs['y_max'])) self.period_label.config(text="Period: %s" % (item.grating.configs['period'])) if item.grating.configs['reverse'] == 1: result = "Yes" else: result = "No" self.reverse_label.config(text="Reverse: %s" % (result)) # Change text boxes info self.text_exposure.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.text_exposure.insert(1.0, item.item_details['strings_exposure']) self.text_ignore.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.text_ignore.insert(1.0, item.item_details['strings_ignore']) self.text_laser.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.text_laser.insert(1.0, item.item_details['strings_laser']) self.text_grating_color.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.text_grating_color.insert( 1.0, item.item_details['strings_grating_color']) super().insert_image_array(item.image, self.text_array) def onselect(self, event): index = self.list_box.curselection() if not len(index) == 0: w = event.widget index = index[0] self.item = self.item_list[index] self.fill_item_deatils(self.item) def setup_list_view(self, frame: tk.Frame): self.list_box = tk.Listbox(frame, width=40) self.list_box.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3) self.add_button = tk.Button(frame, text='Add', command=self.add_item) self.add_button.grid(row=1, column=0) self.add_button = tk.Button(frame, text='Remove', command=self.remove_item) self.add_button.grid(row=1, column=1) self.clear_list_button = tk.Button(frame, text='Clear List', command=self.clear_items) self.clear_list_button.grid(row=1, column=2) self.list_select = self.list_box.bind( '<<ListboxSelect>>', lambda event: self.onselect(event)) def grating_select(self, file_path=None): """ Select an image from a file dialogue box and update on screen. """ if file_path is None: self.grating_file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename( initialdir='Images', title="Select Image", filetypes=(("png images", "*.png"), ("jpeg images", "*.jpeg"), ("All files", "*.*"))) else: self.grating_file_path = file_path self.grating_name = ntpath.basename(self.grating_file_path) self.type_var.set('Custom') ############################################################################## #Choose Image ############################################################################## def image_select(self, file_image=None): """ Select an image from a file dialogue box and update on screen. """ if file_image is None: file_image = filedialog.askopenfilename( initialdir='Images', title="Select Image", filetypes=(("png images", "*.png"), ("jpeg images", "*.jpeg"), ("All files", "*.*"))) file_name = ntpath.basename(file_image) image_configs = { 'max_display_x': 200, 'max_display_y': 200, 'file_image': file_image, 'name_image': file_name } try: self.image = MyImage(image_configs) except NoFileError as e: e.advice = 'Select a different image.' super().error_window(e) return self.label_image.configure(image=self.image.original_tkinter) self.label_imagemod.configure(image=self.image.modified_tkinter) self.label_image_title.configure(text=self.image.name_image) self.label_imagemod_title.configure(text='%s, Modified' % (self.image.name_image)) ############################################################################## #Data Processing Driver Function ############################################################################## def prepare_for_experiment(self): """ Drives the processes to process data, calls other methods. """ #Read equipment data from non-consolidated files and store in variables. try: self.equipment_configs_motor = self.read_equipment_data('Motor') except FileFormatError as e: super().error_window(e) return try: self.equipment_configs_shutter = self.read_equipment_data( 'Shutter') except FileFormatError as e: super().error_window(e) return try: self.equipment_configs_laser = self.read_equipment_data('Laser') except FileFormatError as e: super().error_window(e) return #Get data from main window. try: self.collect_raw_data() except InputError as e: e.advice = 'Advice you read to the guide for proper input format.' super().error_window(e) return #Write main window data into an experiment file. try: self.write_experiment() except NoFileError as e: super().error_window(e) return #Store all data into a single file. try: self.consolidate_files() except NoFileError as e: super().error_window(e) return #Further processing of data into mappings, and modifify to images. self.modify_and_map() #Generate a time estimation self.run_time() ############################################################################## #Data Processing Worker Functions ############################################################################## def read_equipment_data(self, equipment: str): """ Get the equipment data from equipment files. """ settings = super().read_file('Equipment/' + equipment + ' Settings.txt') serial = super().read_file('Equipment/' + equipment + ' Serial.txt') configs_old = {**serial, **settings} configs_new = {} try: for old_key in configs_old.keys(): new_key = old_key.replace(equipment, '').replace('Serial', '').lstrip() configs_new[new_key] = configs_old[old_key] return configs_new except Exception as e: message = ('An error occurred processing data from ' + equipment + ' files:\n\tEquipment/' + equipment + ' Settings.txt\n\t' 'Equipment/' + equipment + ' Motor Serial.txt') advice = 'Delete these files.' raise FileFormatError(message, e, advice) def collect_raw_data(self): """ Pull raw data from window and save in variables. """ #Hologram width. try: self.hologram_width = 1000 * float(self.entry_width.get().strip()) except ValueError as e: message = 'Hologram width must be a floating point.' raise InputError(message, e) try: self.hologram_height = 1000 * float( self.entry_height.get().strip()) except ValueError as e: message = 'Hologram height must be a floating point.' raise InputError(message, e) #Spot size try: val = self.entry_spot.get().strip() if val != '': self.spot_size = float(val) else: self.spot_size = -1 except ValueError as e: message = 'Spot size must be a floating point.' raise InputError(message, e) #Pixels Horizontal. try: val = self.entry_pixel_x.get().strip() if val != '': self.pixels_x = int(val) else: self.pixels_x = self.image.original_PIL.width except ValueError as e: message = 'Horizontal Pixels must be an int.' raise InputError(message, e) #Pixels Vertical. try: val = self.entry_pixel_y.get().strip() if val != '': self.pixels_y = int(val) else: self.pixels_y = self.image.original_PIL.height except ValueError as e: message = 'Vertical Pixels must be an int.' raise InputError(message, e) #Grating Type try: val = self.type_var.get().strip() if val != '': self.grating_configs['g_type'] = str(val) else: self.grating_configs['g_type'] = 'SawTooth' except ValueError as e: message = 'Grating type must be a string' raise InputError(message, e) if self.grating_configs['g_type'] == 'Custom': self.grating_configs['max_display_x'] = 1920 self.grating_configs['max_display_x'] = 1152 self.grating_configs['grating_name'] = self.grating_name self.grating_configs['file_path'] = self.grating_file_path else: #Rotation Angle try: #pdb.set_trace() val = self.entry_angle.get().strip() if val != '': self.grating_configs['g_angle'] = int(val) else: self.grating_configs['g_angle'] = 0 #pdb.set_trace() except ValueError as e: message = 'Rotation angle must be an int' raise InputError(message, e) #Ymin try: val = self.entry_ymin.get().strip() if val != '': self.grating_configs['y_min'] = int(val) else: self.grating_configs['y_min'] = 0 except ValueError as e: message = 'Y min must be an int' raise InputError(message, e) #Ymax try: val = self.entry_ymax.get().strip() if val != '': self.grating_configs['y_max'] = int(val) else: self.grating_configs['y_max'] = 0 except ValueError as e: message = 'Y max must be an int' raise InputError(message, e) #Period try: val = self.entry_period.get().strip() if val != '' or val > 0: self.grating_configs['period'] = int(val) else: self.grating_configs['period'] = 100 except ValueError as e: message = 'Period width (pixels) must be an int greater than 0' raise InputError(message, e) self.grating_configs['reverse'] = self.g_reverse.get() self.cropping = self.entry_crop.get().strip() self.strings_exposure = self.text_exposure.get(1.0, 'end-1c').strip() self.strings_ignore = self.text_ignore.get(1.0, 'end-1c').strip() self.strings_laser = self.text_laser.get(1.0, 'end-1c').strip() self.strings_grating_color = self.text_grating_color.get( 1.0, 'end-1c').strip() self.item_details = { 'strings_exposure': self.strings_exposure, 'strings_ignore': self.strings_ignore, 'strings_laser': self.strings_laser, 'strings_grating_color': self.strings_grating_color } def write_experiment(self): """ Get a file from the user and write experiment data there. """ #Get file from user in dialogue box and write to files. self.file_experiment = '' while self.file_experiment == '': self.file_experiment = super().get_save_file() #Put all data in a dictionary for writing to file. datas = { 'Hologram Width': self.hologram_width, 'Hologram Height': self.hologram_height, 'Spot Size': self.spot_size, 'Pixels Horizontal': self.pixels_x, 'Pixels Vertical': self.pixels_y, 'Cropping': self.cropping, } index = 1 for item in self.item_list: item_dict = { 'Strings Exposure %d' % index: item.item_details['strings_exposure'], 'Strings Ignore %d' % index: item.item_details['strings_ignore'], 'Strings Laser %d' % index: item.item_details['strings_laser'], 'Strings Grating Color %d' % index: item.item_details['strings_grating_color'], 'Image File %d' % index: item.image.file_image, 'Grating File %d' % index: item.grating.file_path, 'grating_type %d' % index: item.grating.configs['g_type'] } if item_dict['grating_type %d' % index] != 'Custom': item_dict.update({ 'rotation_angle %d' % index: item.grating.configs['g_angle'], 'y_min %d' % index: item.grating.configs['y_min'], 'y_max %d' % index: item.grating.configs['y_max'], 'period %d' % index: item.grating.configs['period'], 'reverse %d' % index: item.grating.configs['reverse'] }) print(item_dict) datas.update(item_dict) index += 1 super().write_file('Experiments/Previous Experiment.txt', datas, 'w') super().write_file(self.file_experiment, datas, 'w') def consolidate_files(self): """ Write all data files into one file for simple experiment documentation. """ #Get all the data from the settings files and append to main save file. data_list = [] try: data_list.append(super().read_file('Equipment/Motor Settings.txt')) data_list.append( super().read_file('Equipment/Shutter Settings.txt')) data_list.append(super().read_file('Equipment/Laser Settings.txt')) data_list.append(super().read_file('Equipment/Motor Serial.txt')) data_list.append(super().read_file('Equipment/Shutter Serial.txt')) data_list.append(super().read_file('Equipment/Laser Serial.txt')) except NoFileError as e: raise e data_dict = {} for data in data_list: data_dict.update(data) super().write_file(self.file_experiment, data_dict, 'a') super().write_file('Experiments/Previous Experiment.txt', data_dict, 'a') def modify_and_map(self): """ Process the data by modifying images, creating mappings, delta x, y. """ #Modify the image and display. self.image.downsize_image((self.pixels_x, self.pixels_y)) self.image.crop_image(self.cropping) super().insert_image_array(self.image, self.text_array) self.label_imagemod.configure(image=self.image.modified_tkinter) #Process other data into mappings of pixel values and delta distances. configs_timing = { 'Input Exposure': self.strings_exposure, 'Input Ignore': self.strings_ignore, 'Gradient Range': 256 } configs_laser = { 'Input Laser': self.strings_laser, 'Gradient Range': 256 } configs_grating_color = { 'Input Grating Color': self.strings_grating_color, 'Gradient Range': 256 } self.map_timing = super().map_timing(configs_timing) self.map_laser_power = super().map_laser_power(configs_laser) self.delta_x = self.hologram_width / self.pixels_x self.delta_y = self.hologram_height / self.pixels_y dpi = self.image.modified_PIL.width / (39.37 * self.hologram_width) self.label_dpi.configure(text='Image Resolution (dpi): ' + str(int(dpi))) def run_time(self): """ Generate a rough runtime estimation and display on window. """ run_time = 0 y_after_crop = self.image.modified_PIL.height x_after_crop = self.image.modified_PIL.width image_as_array = np.transpose(self.image.modified_array) #Loop through every potential grating on hologram for i in range(0, y_after_crop): visited_row = False farthest_x = 0 #Calculate exposure time for j in range(0, x_after_crop): add = self.map_timing[image_as_array[j][i]] if add != 0: visited_row = True farthest_x = j run_time += add #Calculate travel time in x direction if visited_row == True: run_time += ((farthest_x / x_after_crop) * self.hologram_width / .001) #Calculate travel time in y direction run_time += self.hologram_height / .001 #Print on Main Window. end_time = ( + timedelta(seconds=run_time)).strftime('%H:%M:%S -- %d/%m/%Y') self.label_est_time.configure(text='End Time Estimate: ' + end_time) def generate_plot(self, item): """ Display a plot of the mappings, if they have been produced. """ try: data = { 'Exposure Time (s)': item.map_timing, 'Laser Power (mW)': item.map_laser_power } super().generate_plot(data) except Exception: pass ############################################################################## #Run Experiment Driver Function ############################################################################## def run_experiment(self): """ Run the experiment by calling methods to handle experiment. """ #Update visuals on the main window. start ='%H:%M:%S -- %d/%m/%Y') self.label_start_time.configure(text='Start Time: ' + start) self.listbox.selection_clear(0, tk.END) self.listbox.selection_set(0) self.root.update() #Establish and initialize the equipment for experiment. try: print("test") #Use simple threading to prevent laggy main window. x = threading.Thread(target=self.initialize_equipment) x.start() while x.is_alive(): self.root.update() time.sleep(.25) x.join() #pdb.set_trace() except EquipmentError as e: super().error_window(e) super().close_ports( return except PermissionError as e: message = 'Could not establish connection with a serial port.' advice = 'Unplug the serial port from computer. Plug back in.' super().error_window(EquipmentError(message, e, advice)) super().close_ports( return except Exception as e: message = 'Unknown error occured initializing equipment.' super().error_window(EquipmentError(message, e)) super().close_ports( return #Conduct the movement and exposure process. try: #Use simple threading to prevent laggy main window. x = threading.Thread(target=self.movement) x.start() while x.is_alive(): self.root.update() time.sleep(.25) x.join() #self.slm.close_window() #self.slm_thread.join() except UserInterruptError as e: super().close_ports( super().error_window(e) return except EquipmentError as e: super().close_ports( super().error_window(e) return except Exception as e: super().close_ports( message = 'Unknown error occured running experiment.' super().error_window(UnknownError(message, e)) return #Finally, perform clean up processes. self.experiment_finish() ############################################################################## #Run Experiment Worker Functions ############################################################################## def initialize_equipment(self): """ Alter equipment status to initial conditions for experiment. """ #Create the objects amd store in a list. = [] #pdb.set_trace() self.motor = Motor({ **self.equipment_configs_motor, **{ 'Axes': (1, 2) } }) #pdb.set_trace() self.shutter = Shutter(self.equipment_configs_shutter) self.laser = Laser(self.equipment_configs_laser) #Initialize to start positions. self.motor.move_home(1) self.motor.move_home(2) self.laser.turn_on_off(True) def create_SLM_window(self): self.slm = SLM_window(self.root) def movement(self): """ Conduct the physical movement of machinery and such. """ # Create SLM Window self.create_SLM_window() #Move through the image array, expose according to mappings. prev_pix = None prev_powr = None y_after_crop = self.image.modified_PIL.height x_after_crop = self.image.modified_PIL.width for item in self.item_list: item.image_as_array = np.transpose(item.image.modified_array) for i in range(0, y_after_crop): on_this_row = False for j in range(0, x_after_crop): self.check_pause_abort() cur_item = self.item_list[self.grating_map(j, i)] pix = cur_item.image_as_array[j][i] e_time = cur_item.map_timing[pix] if e_time < 0: e_time = 0 powr = cur_item.map_laser_power[pix] #Enter conditional if the current pixel should be exposed. if not super().compare_floats(e_time, 0): self.slm.display(cur_item.grating.grating_tk) self.update_progress(pix, e_time, powr, i, j) #Change the laser's power if the pixel value has changed. if prev_pix is not None and prev_powr is not None: if not super().compare_floats(powr, prev_powr): self.laser.change_power(powr) #Move motors to the correct positions and open shutter. if not on_this_row: self.motor.move_absolute(2, i * self.delta_y * 1000) on_this_row = True self.motor.move_absolute(1, j * self.delta_x * 1000) self.shutter.toggle(e_time) #Update previous pixel info to current pixel info prev_pix = pix prev_powr = powr def check_pause_abort(self): """ Handle a pause or an abort operation during movement. """ selection = self.listbox.curselection() if 0 in selection: return if 1 in selection: message = 'User paused the experiment.' advice = 'Click Run in listbox to continue.' super().error_window(UserInterruptError(message, None, advice)) while 1 in selection: selection = self.listbox.curselection() time.sleep(.5) if 2 in selection: message = 'User aborted the experiment.' advice = 'Click Run Experiment Button to restart.' super().error_window(UserInterruptError(message, None, advice)) raise UserInterruptError(message, None, advice) def update_progress(self, pix: int, time: float, powr: float, i: int, j: int): """ Update the exposure information for the current pixel on main window. """ self.label_position.configure(text='Location (x,y) : (' + str(j) + ',' + str(i) + ')') self.label_details.configure(text='Details (pxl,pwr,time) : (' + str(pix) + ',' + str(powr) + ',' + str(time) + ')') def experiment_finish(self): """ Conduct final processes at end of experiment. """ super().close_ports( end ='%H:%M:%S -- %d/%m/%Y') self.label_end_time.configure(text='True Experiment End Time: ' + end) #screenshot = super().screenshot()'.txt','.png')) ############################################################################## #Open Prior Experiments ############################################################################## def open_experiment(self, file_name: str = None): """ Open an experiment from file and populate wigits with data. """ #Determine which experiment to open and get that data. if file_name is None: file_name = filedialog.askopenfilename( title="Open Experiment", filetypes=(("txt files", "*.txt"), ("All files", "*.*")), initialdir='Experiments') try: datas = super().read_file(file_name) except NoFileError as e: super().error_window(e) return #Clear the input in main window. self.clear_experiment() #Populate the main window with data from file. self.populate_main(datas) #Overwrite the settings and serial files with data. self.overwrite_settings_serials(datas) def clear_experiment(self): """ Clear all the input wigits on the main window before open experiment. """ wigits = [ self.entry_pixel_x, self.entry_pixel_y, self.entry_spot, self.entry_width, self.entry_height, self.entry_crop, self.entry_angle, self.entry_ymin, self.entry_ymax, self.entry_period, self.text_exposure, self.text_ignore, self.text_laser, self.text_grating_color ] self.clear_items() self.g_reverse.set('0') super().clear_wigits(wigits) def populate_main(self, datas: dict): """ Fill wigits with datas from file. """ #If data is not present, do not fill. if 'Hologram Width' in datas: self.entry_width.insert(1, datas['Hologram Width']) if 'Hologram Height' in datas: self.entry_height.insert(1, datas['Hologram Height']) if 'Spot Size' in datas: self.entry_spot.insert(1, datas['Spot Size']) if 'Pixels Horizontal' in datas: self.entry_pixel_x.insert(1, datas['Pixels Horizontal']) if 'Pixels Vertical' in datas: self.entry_pixel_y.insert(1, datas['Pixels Vertical']) if 'Cropping' in datas: self.entry_crop.insert(1, datas['Cropping']) for i in range(1, 5): if 'Strings Exposure %d' % (i) in datas: self.text_exposure.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.text_exposure.insert(1.0, datas['Strings Exposure %d' % (i)]) if 'Strings Ignore %d' % (i) in datas: self.text_ignore.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.text_ignore.insert(1.0, datas['Strings Ignore %d' % (i)]) if 'Strings Laser %d' % (i) in datas: self.text_laser.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.text_laser.insert(1.0, datas['Strings Laser %d' % (i)]) if 'Strings Grating Color %d' % (i) in datas: self.text_grating_color.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.text_grating_color.insert( 1.0, datas['Strings Grating Color %d' % (i)]) if 'Image File %d' % (i) in datas: self.image_select(datas['Image File %d' % (i)]) if 'Grating File %d' % (i) in datas: self.grating_select(datas['Grating File %d' % (i)]) if 'grating_type %d' % (i) in datas: self.type_var.set(datas['grating_type %d' % (i)]) if 'rotation_angle %d' % (i) in datas: self.entry_angle.delete(0, tk.END) self.entry_angle.insert(0, datas['rotation_angle %d' % (i)]) if 'y_min %d' % (i) in datas: self.entry_ymin.delete(0, tk.END) self.entry_ymin.insert(0, datas['y_min %d' % (i)]) if 'y_max %d' % (i) in datas: self.entry_ymax.delete(0, tk.END) self.entry_ymax.insert(0, datas['y_max %d' % (i)]) if 'period %d' % (i) in datas: self.entry_period.delete(0, tk.END) self.entry_period.insert(0, datas['period %d' % (i)]) if 'reverse %d' % (i) in datas: self.g_reverse.set(datas['reverse %d' % (i)]) self.add_item() def overwrite_settings_serials(self, datas): """ Overwrite the equipment settings files in the case of loading experiment. """ #Dictionaries for use within each special file. motor_settings = {} shutter_settings = {} laser_settings = {} motor_serials = {} shutter_serials = {} laser_serials = {} #Move through large data and organize according to headers. for key in datas.keys(): KEY = key.upper() has_SERIAL = True if 'SERIAL' in KEY else False if 'MOTOR' in KEY: if has_SERIAL: motor_serials[key] = datas[key] else: motor_settings[key] = datas[key] if 'SHUTTER' in KEY: if has_SERIAL: shutter_serials[key] = datas[key] else: shutter_settings[key] = datas[key] if 'LASER' in KEY and 'STRINGS LASER' != KEY: if has_SERIAL: laser_serials[key] = datas[key] else: laser_settings[key] = datas[key] #Overwite files with new information. super().write_file('Equipment/Motor Settings.txt', motor_settings) super().write_file('Equipment/Shutter Settings.txt', shutter_settings) super().write_file('Equipment/Laser Settings.txt', laser_settings) super().write_file('Equipment/Motor Serial.txt', motor_serials) super().write_file('Equipment/Shutter Serial.txt', shutter_serials) super().write_file('Equipment/Laser Serial.txt', laser_serials)