def generateData(self): print self.frame inpt = self.getInput(0).getData() # if we are on the first frame if self.frame == 0: self.prevInpt = inpt hc = self.getInput(1).getData() # Create the features vector for t_0 storing (x,y,confidence, active) fts = numpy.ones((hc.shape[0],4), dtype=numpy.float32) fts[:,:2]=hc[:,:2] #Copy the x-y positions of features detected by hc to the features vector self.prevFeatures = fts # store it as the first entry in the features array which stores features over time self.getOutput(0).setData(fts) r = numpy.floor(self.sigmaD * 5.0/2) self.patches = numpy.zeros((hc.shape[0], (2*r+1)**2), dtype=numpy.float32) for i, (x,y, _, _) in enumerate(fts): self.patches[i,...] = inpt[y-r:y+r+1, x-r:x+r+1].flatten() else: newFeatures = numpy.copy(self.prevFeatures) Ix = self.getInput(2).getData() Iy = self.getInput(3).getData() Ixx = self.getInput(4).getData() Iyy = self.getInput(5).getData() Ixy = self.getInput(6).getData() h, w = inpt.shape velocity = numpy.array([0.0,0.0]) # intial velocity values for i, (x,y, s, a) in enumerate(newFeatures): iterations = self.iterations # throw away inactive points if a==0: continue # CALCULATE ATA pIxx = Ixx[y,x] pIyy = Iyy[y,x] pIxy = Ixy[y,x] ATA = numpy.array([[pIxx, pIxy],[pIxy, pIyy]]) #change in velocity dv = numpy.array([100.0,100.0]) g = imgutil.gaussian(self.sigmaD)[0] g = g[:,None] gg =, g.transpose()).flatten() r = g.size/2 iyy, ixx = numpy.mgrid[-r:r+1, -r:r+1] ryy, rxx = y+iyy, x+ixx patchIx = interpolation.map_coordinates(Ix, numpy.array([ryy.flatten(), rxx.flatten()])) patchIy = interpolation.map_coordinates(Iy, numpy.array([ryy.flatten(), rxx.flatten()])) # ITERATE AND CALCULATE ATb while iterations > 0 and, dv)>self.epsilon: patch1 = interpolation.map_coordinates(inpt, numpy.array([ryy.flatten(), rxx.flatten()])) patch0 = interpolation.map_coordinates(self.prevInpt, numpy.array([(ryy-velocity[1]).flatten(), (rxx-velocity[0]).flatten()])) #imgutil.imageShow(patch0.reshape((g.size,g.size)), "p0") #imgutil.imageShow(patch1.reshape((g.size,g.size)),"p1") patchIt = patch1-patch0 pIxt = (patchIt*patchIx*gg).sum() pIyt = (patchIt*patchIy*gg).sum() # solve ATAv = -ATb ATb = -numpy.array([pIxt, pIyt]) dv = numpy.linalg.lstsq(ATA, ATb)[0] # update velocity and iterations velocity += dv iterations -= 1 #print "stopped after", (self.iterations-iterations), "with norm",,dv)**.5 # calculate new feature positions newFeatures[i][:2]+= velocity #Compute the similarity between our new feature location and the original feature location #imgutil.imageShow(patch1.reshape(g.size,g.size), "p0") #imgutil.imageShow(self.patches[i], "p1") newFeatures[i][2] = imgutil.ncc(patch1, self.patches[i,...]) # set feature status (active or inactive) if newFeatures[i][0] > w or newFeatures[i][1] > h or newFeatures[i][0] < 0 or newFeatures[i][1] < 0: newFeatures[i][3] = 0 self.prevFeatures = newFeatures self.prevInpt = inpt self.getOutput(0).setData(newFeatures) self.frame += 1
def generateData(self): print self.frame inpt = self.getInput(0).getData() # if we are on the first frame if self.frame == 0: self.prevInpt = inpt hc = self.getInput(1).getData() # Create the features vector for t_0 storing (x,y,confidence, active) fts = numpy.ones((hc.shape[0], 4), dtype=numpy.float32) fts[:, : 2] = hc[:, : 2] #Copy the x-y positions of features detected by hc to the features vector self.prevFeatures = fts # store it as the first entry in the features array which stores features over time self.getOutput(0).setData(fts) r = numpy.floor(self.sigmaD * 5.0 / 2) self.patches = numpy.zeros((hc.shape[0], (2 * r + 1)**2), dtype=numpy.float32) for i, (x, y, _, _) in enumerate(fts): self.patches[i, ...] = inpt[y - r:y + r + 1, x - r:x + r + 1].flatten() else: newFeatures = numpy.copy(self.prevFeatures) Ix = self.getInput(2).getData() Iy = self.getInput(3).getData() Ixx = self.getInput(4).getData() Iyy = self.getInput(5).getData() Ixy = self.getInput(6).getData() h, w = inpt.shape velocity = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0]) # intial velocity values for i, (x, y, s, a) in enumerate(newFeatures): iterations = self.iterations # throw away inactive points if a == 0: continue # CALCULATE ATA pIxx = Ixx[y, x] pIyy = Iyy[y, x] pIxy = Ixy[y, x] ATA = numpy.array([[pIxx, pIxy], [pIxy, pIyy]]) #change in velocity dv = numpy.array([100.0, 100.0]) g = imgutil.gaussian(self.sigmaD)[0] g = g[:, None] gg =, g.transpose()).flatten() r = g.size / 2 iyy, ixx = numpy.mgrid[-r:r + 1, -r:r + 1] ryy, rxx = y + iyy, x + ixx patchIx = interpolation.map_coordinates( Ix, numpy.array([ryy.flatten(), rxx.flatten()])) patchIy = interpolation.map_coordinates( Iy, numpy.array([ryy.flatten(), rxx.flatten()])) # ITERATE AND CALCULATE ATb while iterations > 0 and, dv) > self.epsilon: patch1 = interpolation.map_coordinates( inpt, numpy.array([ryy.flatten(), rxx.flatten()])) patch0 = interpolation.map_coordinates( self.prevInpt, numpy.array([(ryy - velocity[1]).flatten(), (rxx - velocity[0]).flatten()])) #imgutil.imageShow(patch0.reshape((g.size,g.size)), "p0") #imgutil.imageShow(patch1.reshape((g.size,g.size)),"p1") patchIt = patch1 - patch0 pIxt = (patchIt * patchIx * gg).sum() pIyt = (patchIt * patchIy * gg).sum() # solve ATAv = -ATb ATb = -numpy.array([pIxt, pIyt]) dv = numpy.linalg.lstsq(ATA, ATb)[0] # update velocity and iterations velocity += dv iterations -= 1 #print "stopped after", (self.iterations-iterations), "with norm",,dv)**.5 # calculate new feature positions newFeatures[i][:2] += velocity #Compute the similarity between our new feature location and the original feature location #imgutil.imageShow(patch1.reshape(g.size,g.size), "p0") #imgutil.imageShow(self.patches[i], "p1") newFeatures[i][2] = imgutil.ncc(patch1, self.patches[i, ...]) # set feature status (active or inactive) if newFeatures[i][0] > w or newFeatures[i][ 1] > h or newFeatures[i][0] < 0 or newFeatures[i][ 1] < 0: newFeatures[i][3] = 0 self.prevFeatures = newFeatures self.prevInpt = inpt self.getOutput(0).setData(newFeatures) self.frame += 1
def generateData(self): print "Frame: %d" % (self.frame_number) # if on the first frame if self.frame_number == 0: img = self.getInput(0).getData() self.last_img = img harris_corners = self.getInput(1).getData() #NumFeaturesx4 array containing the position, strength & active flag features = numpy.ones((harris_corners.shape[0],4), dtype=numpy.float32) features[:,:2]=harris_corners[:,:2] #->initialize features to harris corners self.last_features = features # self.getOutput(0).setData(features) self.feature_list.append(features) #make a bank of patches r = numpy.floor(self.sigma_d * 5.0/2) self.patches = numpy.zeros((harris_corners.shape[0], (2*r+1)**2), dtype=numpy.float32) for i, (x,y, _, _) in enumerate(features): self.patches[i,...] = img[y-r:y+r+1, x-r:x+r+1].flatten() else: features = numpy.copy(self.last_features) img = self.getInput(0).getData() Ixx, Iyy, Ixy = self.getInput(2).getData() Ix, Iy = self.getInput(3).getData() #initialize features to be stationary v = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0]) #loop through all features for i in range(features.shape[0]): #skip if not active if features[i][3] != 0: x,y = features[i][:2] #compute A^T*A A = numpy.array([[Ixx[y,x],Ixy[y,x]], [Ixy[y,x],Iyy[y,x]]]) #velocity difference delta_v = numpy.array([100.0,100.0]) g = imgutil.gaussian(self.sigma_d)[0] g = g[:,None] gg =, g.transpose()).flatten() r = g.size/2 iyy, ixx = numpy.mgrid[-r:r+1, -r:r+1] ryy = y+iyy rxx = x+ixx patchIx = interpolation.map_coordinates(Ix, numpy.array([ryy.flatten(), rxx.flatten()])) patchIy = interpolation.map_coordinates(Iy, numpy.array([ryy.flatten(), rxx.flatten()])) #loop through to calculate velocity iterations = 10 eps = float('1.0e-3')**2 while iterations > 0 and, delta_v)> eps: curr_patch = interpolation.map_coordinates(img, numpy.array([ryy.flatten(), rxx.flatten()])) prev_patch = interpolation.map_coordinates(self.last_img, numpy.array([(ryy-v[1]).flatten(), (rxx-v[0]).flatten()])) #find temporal derivative patch_tderiv = curr_patch-prev_patch pIxt = (patch_tderiv*patchIx*gg).sum() pIyt = (patch_tderiv*patchIy*gg).sum() #ATA = -ATb ATb = -numpy.array([pIxt, pIyt]) delta_v = numpy.linalg.lstsq(A, ATb)[0] #update velocities v += delta_v iterations -= 1 # find positions of new features features[i][:2]+= v # weight for similarity to initial feature patch features[i][2] = imgutil.ncc(curr_patch, self.patches[i,...]) # make inactive if out of frame h,w = img.shape if features[i][0] > w or features[i][1] > h or features[i][0] < 0 or features[i][1] < 0: features[i][3] = 0 self.last_features = features self.last_img = img self.getOutput(0).setData(features) self.feature_list.append(features) self.frame_number += 1
def generateData(self): input = self.getInput(0).getData() mask = self.getInput(1).getData() r = self.r #if there is no histogram for the initial object to be tracked, grab one if self.hist == None: self.hist = self.make_histogram(input, self.x, self.r) x,y = self.x[0][:] self.feature_patch = input[x-r:x+r,y-r:y+r].flatten() self.getOutput().setData(self.pos) else: #perturb particles, clip for size, make histograms for each particle self.x += numpy.random.uniform(-self.stepsize, self.stepsize, self.x.shape) #clip to exclude the wall self.x = self.x.clip(numpy.array([0,103]), numpy.array(input.shape)-1).astype(int) # List of (x,y) positions fish is present (already excludes wall) nonzero_positions = numpy.argwhere(mask != 0) # Ensure that all particles are on the fish # If a particle is off the fish, randomly choose one on its body for i in range(self.x.shape[0]): y,x = self.x[i,:] if mask[y,x] == 0.0: self.x[i,:] = random.choice(nonzero_positions) #offset = numpy.random.randint(-self.stepsize, self.stepsize, (2)) #temp = numpy.array([y,x]).clip(numpy.array([0,103]), numpy.array(input.shape)-1) #y,x = temp new_hist = self.make_histogram(input, self.x, self.stepsize) #calculate weights (as battacharyya distances) w = self.get_weights(new_hist, self.hist) w /= numpy.sum(w) #normalize if #picks the location of the best particle new_pos = self.x[numpy.argmax(w),:] else: #sums the weighted particle positions new_pos = numpy.sum(self.x.T*w, axis = 1) self.getOutput(0).setData(new_pos) #self.setOutput(True,1) x, y = new_pos self.new_patch = input[x-r:x+r,y-r:y+r].flatten() ncc = imgutil.ncc(self.feature_patch, self.new_patch) print "NCC = %d" % (ncc) #if ncc value < threshold, eye is not in frame if ncc < self.threshold: #self.setOutput(1, False) pass self.x = numpy.ones((self.n,2), int) * new_pos self.pos = new_pos if 1./sum(w**2) < self.n/2.: self.x = self.x[self.resample(w),:]