def resample_niftyreg(fref, fflo, faff, outpath='', fimout='', fcomment='', pickname='ref', intrp=1, executable='', verbose=True): # check if the executable exists: # if executable=='' and 'RESPATH' in Cnt and os.path.isfile(Cnt['RESPATH']): # executable = Cnt['RESPATH'] if not os.path.isfile(executable): raise IOError('Incorrect path to executable file for registration.') #> output path if outpath == '' and fimout != '': opth = os.path.dirname(fimout) if opth == '': opth = os.path.dirname(fflo) elif outpath == '': opth = os.path.dirname(fflo) else: opth = outpath imio.create_dir(opth) #> the output naming if '/' in fimout: fout = fimout elif fimout != '' and not os.path.isfile(fimout): fout = os.path.join(opth, fimout) elif pickname == 'ref': fout = os.path.join(opth, 'affine_ref-' \ + os.path.basename(fref).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.nii.gz') elif pickname == 'flo': fout = os.path.join(opth, 'affine_flo-' \ + os.path.basename(fflo).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.nii.gz') if isinstance(intrp, (int, long)): intrp = str(intrp) cmd = [ executable, '-ref', fref, '-flo', fflo, '-trans', faff, '-res', fout, '-inter', intrp ] if not verbose: cmd.append('-voff') call(cmd) return fout
def resample_vinci( fref, fflo, faff, intrp=0, fimout='', fcomment='', outpath='', pickname='ref', vc='', con='', vincipy_path='', atlas_resample=False, atlas_ref_make=False, atlas_ref_del=False, close_vinci=False, close_buff=True, ): ''' Resample the floating image <fflo> into the geometry of <fref>, using the Vinci transformation output <faff> (an *.xml file). Output the NIfTI file path of the resampled/resliced image. ''' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> output path if outpath == '' and fimout != '' and '/' in fimout: opth = os.path.dirname(fimout) if opth == '': opth = os.path.dirname(fflo) fimout = os.path.basename(fimout) elif outpath == '': opth = os.path.dirname(fflo) else: opth = outpath imio.create_dir(opth) #> output floating and affine file names if fimout == '': if pickname == 'ref': fout = os.path.join( opth, 'affine-ref-' \ +os.path.basename(fref).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.nii.gz') else: fout = os.path.join( opth, 'affine-flo-' \ +os.path.basename(fflo).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.nii.gz') else: fout = os.path.join(opth, fimout.split('.nii')[0] + '.nii.gz') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if vincipy_path == '': try: import resources vincipy_path = resources.VINCIPATH except: raise NameError('e> could not import resources \ or find variable VINCIPATH in') sys.path.append(vincipy_path) try: from VinciPy import Vinci_Bin, Vinci_Connect, Vinci_Core, Vinci_XML, Vinci_ImageT except ImportError: raise ImportError('e> could not import Vinci:\n \ check the variable VINCIPATH (path to Vinci) in') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> start Vinci core engine if it is not running/given if vc == '' or con == '': #> adopted from the Vinci's example bin = Vinci_Bin.Vinci_Bin() con = Vinci_Connect.Vinci_Connect(bin) vinci_binpath = con.StartMyVinci() vc = Vinci_Core.Vinci_CoreCalc(con) vc.StdProject() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if int(intrp) == 0: interp_nn = True else: interp_nn = False #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> change the reference image to be loaded as atlas if atlas_resample and atlas_ref_make: #> output file name for the extra reference image fextref = os.path.join(opth, 'reference-as-atlas.nii.gz') prc.nii_modify(fref, fimout=fextref, voxel_range=[0., 255.]) ref = Vinci_ImageT.newTemporary(vc, szFileName=fextref, bLoadAsAtlas=atlas_resample) if atlas_ref_del: os.remove(fextref) else: ref = Vinci_ImageT.newTemporary(vc, szFileName=fref, bLoadAsAtlas=atlas_resample) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> reapply rigid transformation to new image flo = Vinci_ImageT.newTemporary(vc, szFileName=fflo, bLoadAsAtlas=atlas_resample) rsl = flo.reapplyMMMTransform(faff, refImage=ref, IsComputed=True) rsl.saveYourselfAs(bUseOffsetRotation=True, bUseNextNeighbourInterp=interp_nn, szFullFileName=fout) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> close image buffers for reference and floating if close_buff: ref.killYourself() flo.killYourself() rsl.killYourself() if close_vinci: con.CloseVinci(True) return fout
def coreg_vinci( fref, fflo, vc='', con='', vincipy_path='', scheme_xml='', outpath='', fname_aff='', pickname='ref', fcomment='', flo_colourmap='Green', close_vinci=False, close_buff=True, cleanup=True, save_res=False, ): if scheme_xml == '': raise IOError('e> the Vinci schema *.xml file is not provided. \n \ i> please add the schema file in the call: scheme_xml=...') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> output path if outpath == '' and fname_aff != '' and '/' in fname_aff: opth = os.path.dirname(fname_aff) if opth == '': opth = os.path.dirname(fflo) fname_aff = os.path.basename(fname_aff) elif outpath == '': opth = os.path.dirname(fflo) else: opth = outpath imio.create_dir(opth) imio.create_dir(os.path.join(opth, 'affine-vinci')) #> output floating and affine file names if fname_aff == '': if pickname == 'ref': faff = os.path.join( opth, 'affine-vinci', 'affine-ref-' \ +os.path.basename(fref).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.xml') fout = os.path.join( opth, 'affine-vinci', 'affine-ref-' \ +os.path.basename(fref).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.nii.gz') else: faff = os.path.join( opth, 'affine-vinci', 'affine-flo-' \ +os.path.basename(fflo).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.xml') fout = os.path.join( opth, 'affine-vinci', 'affine-flo-' \ +os.path.basename(fflo).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.nii.gz') else: #> add '.xml' extension if not in the affine output file name if not fname_aff.endswith('.xml'): fname_aff += '.xml' faff = os.path.join(opth, 'affine-vinci', fname_aff) fout = os.path.join(opth, fname_aff.split('.')[0] + '.nii.gz') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if vincipy_path == '': try: import resources vincipy_path = resources.VINCIPATH except: raise NameError('e> could not import resources \ or find variable VINCIPATH in') sys.path.append(vincipy_path) try: from VinciPy import Vinci_Bin, Vinci_Connect, Vinci_Core, Vinci_XML, Vinci_ImageT except ImportError: raise ImportError('e> could not import Vinci:\n \ check the variable VINCIPATH (path to Vinci) in') #> start Vinci core engine if it is not running/given if vc == '' or con == '': #> adopted from the Vinci's example bin = Vinci_Bin.Vinci_Bin() con = Vinci_Connect.Vinci_Connect(bin) vinci_binpath = con.StartMyVinci() vc = Vinci_Core.Vinci_CoreCalc(con) vc.StdProject() #> read the registration schema file f = open(scheme_xml, 'rb') reg_scheme = f.close() #> check scheme data file and remove possible XML comments at its beginning root = Vinci_XML.ElementTree.fromstring(reg_scheme) if root.tag != "MMM": sys.exit("scheme data file %s does not contain tag MMM\n" % scheme_xml) reg_scheme = Vinci_XML.ElementTree.tostring(root) # bytes -> str reg_scheme = reg_scheme.decode("utf-8") #> pick reference and floating images ref = Vinci_ImageT.newTemporary(vc, szFileName=fref) rsl = Vinci_ImageT.newTemporary(vc, szFileName=fflo) #> set the colour map for the floating image rsl.setColorSettings(CTable=flo_colourmap) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> perform the registration rsl.alignToRef(ref, reg_scheme, szRegistrationSummaryFile=faff) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> find the weird folder name created and to be disposed of. if cleanup: #> get the folder name (going to rubbish) del_dir = os.path.normpath(faff).split(os.sep)[1] fflo_dir = os.path.split(fflo)[0] del_dir = os.path.join( os.path.split(fflo)[0], os.path.normpath(faff).split(os.sep)[1]) if os.path.isdir(del_dir): shutil.rmtree(del_dir) #> save the registered image if save_res: rsl.saveYourselfAs(bUseOffsetRotation=True, szFullFileName=fout) #> close image buffers for reference and floating if close_buff: rsl.killYourself() ref.killYourself() if close_vinci: con.CloseVinci(True) #else: con.CloseSockets() return {'faff': faff, 'fim': fout, 'vinci_con': con, 'vinci_vc': vc}
def resample_mltp_spm(fims, ftr, interp=1., which=1, mask=0, mean=0, graph=0, niisort=False, prefix='r_', outpath='', fcomment='', pickname='ref', copy_input=False, del_in_uncmpr=False, del_out_uncmpr=False): ''' fims: has to be a list of at least two files with the first one acting as a reference. ''' if not isinstance(fims, list) and not isinstance(fims[0], basestring): raise ValueError('e> unrecognised list of input images') if not os.path.isfile(ftr): raise IOError( 'e> cannot open the file with translations and rotations') #> output path if outpath == '': opth = os.path.dirname(fims[0]) else: opth = outpath imio.create_dir(opth) #> working file names (not touching the original ones) _fims = [] #> decompress if necessary for f in fims: if not os.path.isfile(f) and not (f.endswith('nii') or f.endswith('nii.gz')): raise IOError('e> could not open file:', f) if f[-3:] == '.gz': fugz = imio.nii_ugzip(f, outpath=os.path.join(opth, 'copy')) elif copy_input: fnm = os.path.basename(f).split('.nii')[0] + '_copy.nii' fugz = os.path.join(opth, 'copy', fnm) shutil.copyfile(f, fugz) else: fugz = f _fims.append(fugz) if niisort: niisrt = imio.niisort(_fims) _fims = niisrt['files'] #> maximal number of characters per line (for Matlab array) Pinmx = max([len(f) for f in _fims]) #> equalise the input char array Pineq = [f.ljust(Pinmx) for f in _fims] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> SPM reslicing (resampling) flags flgs = [] flgs.append('flgs.mask = ' + str(mask)) flgs.append('flgs.mean = ' + str(mean)) flgs.append('flgs.which = ' + str(which)) flgs.append('flgs.interp = ' + str(interp)) flgs.append(' = ' + str(graph)) flgs.append('flgs.wrap = [0 0 0]') flgs.append('flgs.prefix = ' + "'" + prefix + "'") flgs.append('disp(flgs)') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsrpt = os.path.join(opth, 'pyauto_script_resampling.m') with open(fsrpt, 'w') as f: f.write( '% AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED MATLAB SCRIPT FOR SPM RESAMPLING PET IMAGES\n\n' ) f.write('%> the following flags for image reslicing are used:\n') f.write("disp('m> SPM reslicing flags:');\n") for item in flgs: f.write("%s;\n" % item) f.write('\n%> the following PET images will be aligned:\n') f.write("disp('m> PET images for SPM reslicing:');\n") f.write('P{1,1} = [...\n') for item in Pineq: f.write("'%s'\n" % item) f.write('];\n\n') f.write('disp(P{1,1});\n') # f.write('\n%> the following PET images will be aligned using the translations and rotations in X:\n') # f.write("X = dlmread('"+ftr+"');\n") # f.write('for fi = 2:'+str(len(fims))+'\n') # f.write(" VF = strcat(P{1,1}(fi,:),',1');\n") # f.write(' M_ = zeros(4,4);\n') # f.write(' M_(:,:) = spm_get_space(VF);\n') # f.write(' M = spm_matrix(X(fi,:));\n') # f.write(' spm_get_space(VF, M\M_(:,:));\n') # f.write('end\n\n') f.write('spm_reslice(P, flgs);\n') cmd = [ 'matlab', '-nodisplay', '-nodesktop', '-r', 'run(' + '\'' + fsrpt + '\'' + '); exit' ] call(cmd) if del_in_uncmpr: for fpth in _fims: os.remove(fpth)
def realign_mltp_spm(fims, quality=1.0, fwhm=6, sep=4, rtm=1, interp=2, graph=0, outpath='', fcomment='', niicopy=False, niisort=False): ''' fims: has to be a list of at least two files with the first one acting as a reference. ''' #> input folder inpath = os.path.dirname(fims[0]) #> output folder if outpath == '': outpath = os.path.join(inpath, 'align') else: outpath = os.path.join(outpath, 'align') if fims[0][-3:] == '.gz' or niicopy: tmpth = outpath #os.path.join(outpath, 'tmp') rpth = tmpth else: tmpth = outpath rpth = inpath imio.create_dir(tmpth) #> uncompress for SPM fungz = [] for f in fims: if f[-3:] == '.gz': fun = imio.nii_ugzip(f, outpath=tmpth) elif os.path.isfile(f) and f.endswith('nii'): if niicopy: fun = os.path.join( tmpth, os.path.basename(f).split('.nii')[0] + '_copy.nii') shutil.copyfile(f, fun) else: fun = f else: print 'w> omitting file/folder:', f fungz.append(fun) if niisort: niisrt = imio.niisort([os.path.join(tmpth,f) for f in os.listdir(tmpth) \ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpth,f))]) fsrt = niisrt['files'] else: fsrt = fungz P_input = [f+',1' for f in fsrt\ if f.endswith('nii') and f[0]!='r' and 'mean' not in f] #> maximal number of characters per line (for Matlab array) Pinmx = max([len(f) for f in P_input]) #> equalise the input char array Pineq = [f.ljust(Pinmx) for f in P_input] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> MATLAB realign flags for SPM flgs = [] pw = '\'\'' flgs.append('flgs.quality = ' + str(quality)) flgs.append('flgs.fwhm = ' + str(fwhm)) flgs.append('flgs.sep = ' + str(sep)) flgs.append('flgs.rtm = ' + str(rtm)) flgs.append(' = ' + str(pw)) flgs.append('flgs.interp = ' + str(interp)) flgs.append(' = ' + str(graph)) flgs.append('flgs.wrap = [0 0 0]') flgs.append('disp(flgs)') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- fscript = os.path.join(outpath, 'pyauto_script_realign.m') with open(fscript, 'w') as f: f.write( '% AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED MATLAB SCRIPT FOR SPM PET REALIGNMENT\n\n' ) f.write('%> the following flags for PET image alignment are used:\n') f.write("disp('m> SPM realign flags:');\n") for item in flgs: f.write("%s;\n" % item) f.write('\n%> the following PET images will be aligned:\n') f.write("disp('m> PET images for SPM realignment:');\n") f.write('P{1,1} = [...\n') for item in Pineq: f.write("'%s'\n" % item) f.write('];\n\n') f.write('disp(P{1,1});\n') f.write('spm_realign(P, flgs);') cmd = [ 'matlab', '-nodisplay', '-nodesktop', '-r', 'run(' + '\'' + fscript + '\'' + '); exit' ] call(cmd) fres = glob.glob(os.path.join(rpth, 'rp*.txt'))[0] res = np.loadtxt(fres) return {'fout': fres, 'outarray': res, 'P': Pineq, 'fims': fsrt}
def resample_spm(imref, imflo, M, matlab_eng='', intrp=1., which=1, mask=0, mean=0, outpath='', fimout='', fcomment='', prefix='r_', pickname='ref', del_ref_uncmpr=False, del_flo_uncmpr=False, del_out_uncmpr=False): print '=====================================================================' print ' S P M inputs:' print '> ref:', imref print '> flo:', imflo print '=====================================================================' import matlab from pkg_resources import resource_filename #-start Matlab engine if not given if matlab_eng == '': import matlab.engine eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab() else: eng = matlab_eng # add path to SPM matlab file spmpth = resource_filename(__name__, 'spm') eng.addpath(spmpth, nargout=0) #> output path if outpath == '' and fimout != '': opth = os.path.dirname(fimout) if opth == '': opth = os.path.dirname(imflo) elif outpath == '': opth = os.path.dirname(imflo) else: opth = outpath imio.create_dir(opth) #> decompress if necessary if imref[-3:] == '.gz': imrefu = imio.nii_ugzip(imref, outpath=opth) else: fnm = os.path.basename(imref).split('.nii')[0] + '_copy.nii' imrefu = os.path.join(opth, fnm) shutil.copyfile(imref, imrefu) #> floating if imflo[-3:] == '.gz': imflou = imio.nii_ugzip(imflo, outpath=opth) else: fnm = os.path.basename(imflo).split('.nii')[0] + '_copy.nii' imflou = os.path.join(opth, fnm) shutil.copyfile(imflo, imflou) if isinstance(M, basestring): if os.path.basename(M).endswith('.txt'): M = np.loadtxt(M) print 'i> matrix M given in the form of text file' elif os.path.basename(M).endswith('.npy'): M = np.load(M) print 'i> matrix M given in the form of NumPy file' else: raise IOError('e> unrecognised file extension for the affine.') elif isinstance(M, (np.ndarray, np.generic)): print 'i> matrix M given in the form of Numpy array' else: raise IOError('The form of affine matrix not recognised.') # run the Matlab SPM resampling r = eng.resample_spm_m(imrefu, imflou, matlab.double(M.tolist()), mask, mean, intrp, which, prefix) #-compress the output split = os.path.split(imflou) fim = os.path.join(split[0], prefix + split[1]) imio.nii_gzip(fim, outpath=opth) # delete the uncompressed if del_ref_uncmpr: os.remove(imrefu) if del_flo_uncmpr and os.path.isfile(imflou): os.remove(imflou) if del_out_uncmpr: os.remove(fim) #> the compressed output naming if fimout != '': fout = os.path.join(opth, fimout) elif pickname == 'ref': fout = os.path.join(opth, 'affine_ref-' \ + os.path.basename(imrefu).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.nii.gz') elif pickname == 'flo': fout = os.path.join(opth, 'affine_flo-' \ + os.path.basename(imflo).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.nii.gz') # change the file name os.rename(fim + '.gz', fout) return fout
def coreg_spm( imref, imflo, matlab_eng='', outpath='', fname_aff='', fcomment='', pickname='ref', costfun='nmi', sep=[4, 2], tol=[ 0.0200, 0.0200, 0.0200, 0.0010, 0.0010, 0.0010, 0.0100, 0.0100, 0.0100, 0.0010, 0.0010, 0.0010 ], fwhm=[7, 7], params=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], graphics=1, visual=0, del_uncmpr=True, save_arr=True, save_txt=True, ): import matlab from pkg_resources import resource_filename #-start Matlab engine if not given if matlab_eng == '': import matlab.engine eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab() else: eng = matlab_eng # add path to SPM matlab file spmpth = resource_filename(__name__, 'spm') print 'PATH: ' + spmpth eng.addpath(spmpth, nargout=0) #> output path if outpath == '' and fname_aff != '' and '/' in fname_aff: opth = os.path.dirname(fname_aff) if opth == '': opth = os.path.dirname(imflo) fname_aff = os.path.basename(fname_aff) elif outpath == '': opth = os.path.dirname(imflo) else: opth = outpath imio.create_dir(opth) #> decompress ref image as necessary if imref[-3:] == '.gz': imrefu = imio.nii_ugzip(imref, outpath=opth) else: fnm = os.path.basename(imref).split('.nii')[0] + '_copy.nii' imrefu = os.path.join(opth, fnm) shutil.copyfile(imref, imrefu) #> floating if imflo[-3:] == '.gz': imflou = imio.nii_ugzip(imflo, outpath=opth) else: fnm = os.path.basename(imflo).split('.nii')[0] + '_copy.nii' imflou = os.path.join(opth, fnm) shutil.copyfile(imflo, imflou) # run the matlab SPM coregistration Mm, xm = eng.coreg_spm_m(imrefu, imflou, costfun, matlab.double(sep), matlab.double(tol), matlab.double(fwhm), matlab.double(params), graphics, visual, nargout=2) # get the affine matrix M = np.array(Mm._data.tolist()) M = M.reshape(4, 4).T # get the translation and rotation parameters in a vector x = np.array(xm._data.tolist()) # delete the uncompressed files if del_uncmpr: if imref[-3:] == '.gz': os.remove(imrefu) if imflo[-3:] == '.gz': os.remove(imflou) imio.create_dir(os.path.join(opth, 'affine-spm')) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if fname_aff == '': if pickname == 'ref': faff = os.path.join( opth, 'affine-spm', 'affine-ref-' + os.path.basename(imref).split('.nii')[0] + fcomment + '.npy') else: faff = os.path.join( opth, 'affine-spm', 'affine-flo-' + os.path.basename(imflo).split('.nii')[0] + fcomment + '.npy') else: #> add '.npy' extension if not in the affine output file name if not fname_aff.endswith('.npy'): fname_aff += '.npy' faff = os.path.join(opth, 'affine-spm', fname_aff) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> safe the affine transformation if save_arr:, M) if save_txt: np.savetxt(faff.split('.npy')[0] + '.txt', M) return { 'affine': M, 'faff': faff, 'rotations': x[3:], 'translations': x[:3], 'matlab_eng': eng }
def resample_fsl(imref, imflo, faff, outpath='', fimout='', pickname='ref', fcomment='', intrp=1, executable=''): if executable == '': if 'FSLDIR' not in os.environ: raise IOError('e> no FSL executable provided!') else: executable = os.path.join(os.environ['FSLDIR'], 'bin', 'flirt') if not os.path.isfile(executable) or not call([executable, '-version' ]) == 0: raise IOError('e> no valid FSL executable provided!') print '===================================================================' print ' F S L resampling' #> output path if outpath == '' and fimout != '': opth = os.path.dirname(fimout) if opth == '': opth = os.path.dirname(imflo) elif outpath == '': opth = os.path.dirname(imflo) elif outpath != '': opth = outpath imio.create_dir(opth) #> the output naming if '/' in fimout: fout = fimout elif fimout != '' and not os.path.isfile(fimout): fout = os.path.join(opth, fimout) elif pickname == 'ref': fout = os.path.join(opth, 'affine_ref-' \ + os.path.basename(imref).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.nii.gz') elif pickname == 'flo': fout = os.path.join(opth, 'affine_flo-' \ + os.path.basename(imflo).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.nii.gz') intrp = int(intrp) if isinstance(intrp, (int, long)): intrp = str(intrp) if intrp == '1': interpolation = 'trilinear' elif intrp == '0': interpolation = 'nearestneighbour' cmd = [ executable, '-in', imflo, '-ref', imref, '-out', fout, '-init', faff, '-applyxfm', '-interp', interpolation ] call(cmd) print 'D O N E' print '===================================================================' return fout
def affine_niftyreg(fref, fflo, outpath='', fname_aff='', pickname='ref', fcomment='', executable='', omp=1, rigOnly=False, affDirect=False, maxit=5, speed=True, pi=50, pv=50, smof=0, smor=0, rmsk=True, fmsk=True, rfwhm=15., rthrsh=0.05, ffwhm=15., fthrsh=0.05, verbose=True): # check if the executable exists: if not os.path.isfile(executable): raise IOError('Incorrect path to executable file for registration.') #create a folder for images registered to ref if outpath != '': odir = os.path.join(outpath, 'affine-niftyreg') fimdir = os.path.join(outpath, os.path.join('affine-niftyreg', 'mask')) else: odir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fflo), 'affine-niftyreg') fimdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fflo), 'affine-niftyreg', 'mask') imio.create_dir(odir) imio.create_dir(fimdir) if rmsk: f_rmsk = os.path.join( fimdir, 'rmask_' + os.path.basename(fref).split('.nii')[0] + '.nii.gz') create_mask(fref, fimout=f_rmsk, thrsh=rthrsh, fwhm=rfwhm) if fmsk: f_fmsk = os.path.join( fimdir, 'fmask_' + os.path.basename(fflo).split('.nii')[0] + '.nii.gz') create_mask(fflo, fimout=f_fmsk, thrsh=fthrsh, fwhm=ffwhm) # output in register with ref and text file for the affine transform if fname_aff != '': fout = os.path.join(odir, fname_aff.split('.')[0] + '.nii.gz') faff = os.path.join(odir, fname_aff) else: if pickname == 'ref': fout = os.path.join(odir, 'affine_ref-' \ +os.path.basename(fref).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.nii.gz') faff = os.path.join(odir, 'affine_ref-' \ +os.path.basename(fref).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.txt') elif pickname == 'flo': fout = os.path.join(odir, 'affine_flo-' \ +os.path.basename(fflo).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.nii.gz') faff = os.path.join(odir, 'affine_flo-' \ +os.path.basename(fflo).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.txt') # call the registration routine cmd = [ executable, '-ref', fref, '-flo', fflo, '-aff', faff, '-pi', str(pi), '-pv', str(pv), '-smooF', str(smof), '-smooR', str(smor), '-maxit', '10', '-omp', str(omp), '-res', fout ] if speed: cmd.append('-speeeeed') if rigOnly: cmd.append('-rigOnly') if affDirect: cmd.append('affDirect') if rmsk: cmd.append('-rmask') cmd.append(f_rmsk) if fmsk: cmd.append('-fmask') cmd.append(f_fmsk) if not verbose: cmd.append('-voff') call(cmd) #> affine to Numpy array aff = np.loadtxt(faff) return {'affine': aff, 'faff': faff, 'fim': fout} #faff, fout
def affine_fsl(fref, fflo, outpath='', fname_aff='', pickname='ref', fcomment='', executable='', costfun='normmi', dof=6, hstbins=256, verbose=True): if executable == '': if 'FSLDIR' not in os.environ: raise IOError('e> no FSL executable provided!') else: executable = os.path.join(os.environ['FSLDIR'], 'bin', 'flirt') if not os.path.isfile(executable) or not call([executable, '-version' ]) == 0: raise IOError('e> no valid FSL executable provided!') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> output path if outpath == '' and fname_aff != '' and os.path.isfile(fname_aff): opth = os.path.dirname(fname_aff) if opth == '': opth = os.path.dirname(fflo) fname_aff = os.path.basename(fname_aff) elif outpath == '': opth = os.path.dirname(fflo) else: opth = outpath imio.create_dir(opth) imio.create_dir(os.path.join(opth, 'affine-fsl')) #> output floating and affine file names if fname_aff == '': if pickname == 'ref': faff = os.path.join( opth, 'affine-fsl', 'affine-ref-' \ +os.path.basename(fref).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.txt') else: faff = os.path.join( opth, 'affine-fsl', 'affine-flo-' \ +os.path.basename(fflo).split('.nii')[0]+fcomment+'.txt') else: #> add '.xml' extension if not in the affine output file name if not fname_aff.endswith('.txt'): fname_aff += '.txt' faff = os.path.join(opth, 'affine-vinci', fname_aff) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> command with options for FSL-FLIRT registration cmd = [ executable, '-cost', costfun, '-dof', str(dof), '-omat', faff, '-in', fflo, '-ref', fref, '-bins', str(hstbins) ] #> add verbose mode if requested if isinstance(verbose, bool): verbose = int(verbose) if verbose > 0: cmd.extend(['-verbose', str(verbose)]) #> execute FSL-FLIRT command with the above options call(cmd) # convert to Numpy float aff = np.loadtxt(faff) return {'affine': aff, 'faff': faff}