def get_importances(model, batch, enc_states, vocab, sess, hps):
    if FLAGS.pg_mmr:
        enc_sentences, enc_tokens = batch.tokenized_sents[
            0], batch.word_ids_sents[0]
        if FLAGS.importance_fn == 'oracle':
            human_tokens = get_tokens_for_human_summaries(
                vocab)  # list (of 4 human summaries) of list of token ids
            metric = 'recall'
            importances_hat = rouge_l_similarity(enc_tokens,
        elif FLAGS.importance_fn == 'svr':
            if FLAGS.importance_fn == 'svr':
                with open(os.path.join(FLAGS.actual_log_root, 'svr.pickle'),
                          'rb') as f:
                    svr_model = cPickle.load(f)
            enc_sent_indices = importance_features.get_sent_indices(
                enc_sentences, batch.doc_indices[0])
            sent_representations_separate = importance_features.get_separate_enc_states(
                model, sess, enc_sentences, vocab, hps)
            importances_hat = get_svr_importances(
                enc_states[0], enc_sentences, enc_sent_indices, svr_model,
        elif FLAGS.importance_fn == 'tfidf':
            importances_hat = get_tfidf_importances(batch.raw_article_sents[0])
        importances = util.special_squash(importances_hat)
        importances = None
    return importances
    def calc_importance_features(self, data_path, hps, model_save_path, docs_desired):
        """Calculate sentence-level features and save as a dataset"""
        data_path_filter_name = os.path.basename(data_path)
        if 'train' in data_path_filter_name:
            data_split = 'train'
        elif 'val' in data_path_filter_name:
            data_split = 'val'
        elif 'test' in data_path_filter_name:
            data_split = 'test'
            data_split = 'feats'
        if 'cnn-dailymail' in data_path:
            inst_per_file = 1000
            inst_per_file = 1
        filelist = glob.glob(data_path)
        num_documents_desired = docs_desired
        pbar = tqdm(initial=0, total=num_documents_desired)

        instances = []
        sentences = []
        counter = 0
        doc_counter = 0
        file_counter = 0
        while True:
            batch = self._batcher.next_batch()	# 1 example repeated across batch
            if doc_counter >= num_documents_desired:
                save_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, data_split + '_%06d'%file_counter)
                with open(save_path, 'wb') as f:
                    cPickle.dump(instances, f)
                print('Saved features at %s' % save_path)

            if batch is None: # finished decoding dataset in single_pass mode
                raise Exception('We havent reached the num docs desired (%d), instead we reached (%d)' % (num_documents_desired, doc_counter))

            batch_enc_states, _ = self._model.run_encoder(self._sess, batch)
            for batch_idx, enc_states in enumerate(batch_enc_states):
                art_oovs = batch.art_oovs[batch_idx]
                all_original_abstracts_sents = batch.all_original_abstracts_sents[batch_idx]

                tokenizer = Tokenizer('english')
                # List of lists of words
                enc_sentences, enc_tokens = batch.tokenized_sents[batch_idx], batch.word_ids_sents[batch_idx]
                enc_sent_indices = importance_features.get_sent_indices(enc_sentences, batch.doc_indices[batch_idx])
                enc_sentences_str = [' '.join(sent) for sent in enc_sentences]

                sent_representations_separate = importance_features.get_separate_enc_states(self._model, self._sess, enc_sentences, self._vocab, hps)

                sent_indices = enc_sent_indices
                sent_reps = importance_features.get_importance_features_for_article(
                    enc_states, enc_sentences, sent_indices, tokenizer, sent_representations_separate)
                y, y_hat = importance_features.get_ROUGE_Ls(art_oovs, all_original_abstracts_sents, self._vocab, enc_tokens)
                binary_y = importance_features.get_best_ROUGE_L_for_each_abs_sent(art_oovs, all_original_abstracts_sents, self._vocab, enc_tokens)
                for rep_idx, rep in enumerate(sent_reps):
                    rep.y = y[rep_idx]
                    rep.binary_y = binary_y[rep_idx]

                for rep_idx, rep in enumerate(sent_reps):
                    # Keep all sentences with importance above threshold. All others will be kept with a probability of prob_to_keep
                    if FLAGS.importance_fn == 'svr':
                        counter += 1 # this is how many examples we've decoded
            doc_counter += len(batch_enc_states)