def test_healthcare_task_nb(): """ Tests whether this task notebook works """ matplotlib.use( "template") # Disable when executing nb as part of this test Notebook.load(HEALTHCARE_TASK_NB)
def test_demo_nb(): """ Tests whether the demo notebook works """ matplotlib.use( "template") # Disable when executing nb as part of this test Notebook.load(DEMO_NB_FILE)
def test_compas_task_nb(): """ Tests whether this task notebook works """ matplotlib.use( "template") # Disable when executing nb as part of this test Notebook.load(COMPAS_TASK_NB)
def test_adult_simple_task_nb(): """ Tests whether this task notebook works """ matplotlib.use( "template") # Disable when executing nb as part of this test Notebook.load(ADULT_SIMPLE_TASK_NB)
def test_experiment_nb(): """ Tests whether the experiment notebook works """ matplotlib.use( "template") # Disable when executing nb as part of this test Notebook.load(EXPERIMENT_NB_FILE)
def test_kalman_filter(self): """ Test that the Kalman filter notebook runs successfully and computes the correct solution """ with Notebook(): import examples.Kalman_filter position_posteriors = examples.Kalman_filter.position_posteriors factors = examples.Kalman_filter.factors evidence_dict = examples.Kalman_filter.evidence_dict marginal_vars = [p.var_names for p in position_posteriors] joint = factors[0] for factor in factors[1:]: joint = joint.absorb(factor) joint = joint.reduce(vrs=list(evidence_dict.keys()), values=list(evidence_dict.values())) correct_marginals = [] for vrs in marginal_vars: correct_marginal = joint.marginalize(vrs, keep=True) correct_marginals.append(correct_marginal) for actual_marginal, expected_marginal in zip(position_posteriors, correct_marginals): # TODO: see why log_weight (and g) parameters are so different between the actual and expected factors. self.assertTrue(np.allclose(actual_marginal.get_prec(), expected_marginal.get_prec())) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(actual_marginal.get_h(), expected_marginal.get_h(), rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-5))
def test_slip_on_grass(self): """ Test that the slip_on_grass notebook runs successfully and computes the correct solution (checked in notebook) :return: """ with Notebook(): import examples.slip_on_grass
def save2(self,*args,**kwargs): if self.notebook.path.endswith(".ipynb") and self.notebook_test.path.endswith(".ipynb"): with Notebook(lazy=True): #try: path,tail=os.path.split(self.notebook.path) tail=tail[:tail.index(".")] module_temp=import_module(tail), as_version=4) (body, resources) = html_exporter.from_notebook_node(nb) self.notebook_html=body #imported_notebooks_0[tail]N=module_temp self.description = module_temp.__doc__ func_dict={} for func_name in list(module_temp.in_out_def().keys()): func_dict[func_name]=getattr(module_temp, func_name).__doc__ self.functions = func_dict path,tail=os.path.split(self.notebook_test.path) #with open(os.devnull, "w") as f, contextlib.redirect_stdout(f): var=pytest.main([str(self.notebook_test.path)]) print(tail,":",var,', value: ',var.value), as_version=4) (body2, resources2) = html_exporter.from_notebook_node(nb2) self.notebook_test_html=body2 if var.value==0: super().save(*args, **kwargs) print('success') return "success" #except: # pass super().delete() print('fail') return "fail"
def test_sudoku(self): """ Test that the sudoku notebook runs successfully and computes the correct solution. :return: """ with Notebook(): import examples.sudoku infered_solution_array = examples.sudoku.infered_solution_array correct_solution_array = examples.sudoku.correct_solution_array self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(infered_solution_array, correct_solution_array))
def viewPipeline(request, pipe_slug): context = {'active_view': 'pipelines'} template_name = "pipelines/viewPipeline.html" form_dict = { 'file_browse': FileInput, 'files_browse': FilesInput, 'variable': Variable, 'choice': Variable, 'text_input': TextInput, 'float_input': FloatInput, 'int_input': IntInput, 'table_param': TableParam, 'boolean': BooleanInput } nb_script_groups = NotebookModel.objects.values_list('notebook_group', flat=True).distinct() notebooks = NotebookModel.objects.all() imported_notebooks = {} if notebooks.exists(): for fldr in nb_script_groups: sys.path.append(os.path.join(dir, fldr.upper())) for nb in notebooks: path, tail = os.path.split(nb.notebook.path) tail = tail[:tail.index(".")] if tail not in sys.modules: with Notebook(): module_temp = import_module(tail) imported_notebooks[] = module_temp #print(imported_notebooks) else: imported_notebooks[] = i = __import__(tail, fromlist=['']) pipe = Pipeline.objects.get(slug=pipe_slug) pipe_steps = PipelineStep.objects.filter( step_dicts = [] pre_pre_form = '<div><h6 class="text-muted my-0 toggle">Param ' pre_form = ' \/</h6><div class="my-1" style="display:none">' post_form = '</div></div>' pipeline_valid = True pipeline_out = {} outputs = {} out_choices_list = [] context['content_dicts1'] = {"name": pipe.title} tables = ModelDefinition.objects.all() table_groups = [*set([t.table_group for t in tables])] unique_table_groups = [(i, t_group) for i, t_group in enumerate(table_groups)] table_group_form = Variable(choices_param=unique_table_groups) context['content_dicts1']['table_groups'] = table_group_form.as_p( ).replace('<label for="id_form_val">Form val:</label>', '').replace('ajax-using_functions', 'table_group') tables_in_group = [(i, for i, t in enumerate(tables) if t.table_group == unique_table_groups[0][1]] tables_in_group_form = Variable(choices_param=tables_in_group) context['content_dicts1']['tables_in_group'] = tables_in_group_form.as_p( ).replace('<label for="id_form_val">Form val:</label>', '').replace('ajax-using_functions', 'table_select') columns_in_table = [(i, f['name']) for i, f in enumerate( ModelDefinition.objects.get( name=tables_in_group[0][1]).definition["fields"])] columns_form = Variable(choices_param=columns_in_table) context['content_dicts1']['columns_in_table'] = columns_form.as_p( ).replace('<label for="id_form_val">Form val:</label>', '').replace('ajax-using_functions', 'search_column') datas = Data.objects.filter(model_definition=ModelDefinition.objects.get( name=tables_in_group[0][1])) rows = [] fields = [ t['name'] for t in ModelDefinition.objects.get( name=tables_in_group[0][1]).definition['fields'] ] for data in datas: data_dict = {} for field in fields: if field in list( data_dict[field] =[field] rows.append(data_dict) context['content_dicts1']['rows'] = rows context['content_dicts1']['table_data_columns'] = fields #context['content_dicts1']=[context['content_dicts1']] context['content_template_name1'] = "pipelines/FirstTableCard.html" if request.is_ajax(): if request.POST.get('ajax_type') == "table_select": table = request.POST.get('ajax_table') table = ModelDefinition.objects.get(name=table) datas = Data.objects.filter(model_definition=table) rows = [] fields = [t['name'] for t in table.definition['fields']] for data in datas: data_dict = {} for field in fields: if field in list( data_dict[field] =[field] rows.append(data_dict) table_head_str = "" table_body_str = "" for field in fields: table_head_str += '<th scope="col">' + field + '</th>' search_cols = Variable( choices_param=[(i, f) for i, f in enumerate(fields)]) search_cols = search_cols.as_p().replace( '<label for="id_form_val">Form val:</label>', '').replace('ajax-using_functions', 'search_column') print(fields, rows, search_cols) for row in rows: table_body_str += "<tr>" for field in fields: table_body_str += "<td>" + str(row[field]) + "</td>" table_body_str += "</tr>" return JsonResponse( { 'table_body': table_body_str, "table_head": table_head_str, "search_cols": search_cols }, status=200) elif request.POST.get('ajax_type') == 'table_group_choice': table_group = request.POST.get('ajax_table_group') tables_in_group = [(i, for i, t in enumerate(tables) if t.table_group == table_group] tables_in_group_form = Variable( choices_param=tables_in_group).as_p().replace( '<label for="id_form_val">Form val:</label>', '').replace('ajax-using_functions', 'table_select') columns_in_table = [(i, f['name']) for i, f in enumerate( ModelDefinition.objects.get( name=tables_in_group[0][1]).definition["fields"])] columns_form = Variable( choices_param=columns_in_table).as_p().replace( '<label for="id_form_val">Form val:</label>', '').replace('ajax-using_functions', 'search_column') rows = [] fields = [ t['name'] for t in ModelDefinition.objects.get( name=tables_in_group[0][1]).definition['fields'] ] datas = Data.objects.filter( model_definition=ModelDefinition.objects.get( name=tables_in_group[0][1])) for data in datas: data_dict = {} for field in fields: if field in list( data_dict[field] =[field] rows.append(data_dict) table_head_str = "" table_body_str = "" for field in fields: table_head_str += '<th scope="col">' + field + '</th>' search_cols = Variable( choices_param=[(i, f) for i, f in enumerate(fields)]) search_cols = search_cols.as_p().replace( '<label for="id_form_val">Form val:</label>', '').replace('ajax-using_functions', 'search_column') print(fields, rows, search_cols) for row in rows: table_body_str += "<tr>" for field in fields: table_body_str += "<td>" + str(row[field]) + "</td>" table_body_str += "</tr>" return JsonResponse( { 'table_body': table_body_str, "table_head": table_head_str, 'tables_in_group': tables_in_group_form, "search_cols": columns_form }, status=200) step_output_names = [] for step_iter, step in enumerate(pipe_steps): input_dict = imported_notebooks[].in_out_def()[ step.function]['inputs'] output_dict = imported_notebooks[].in_out_def()[ step.function]['outputs'] input_form_part = "" outputs[step.step_num] = [, step.function, step.output] pipeline_out[step.step_num] = {} print(request.FILES) replace_name_include_outputs = str( step.step_num) + '_' + + '_' + 'include_output' step_output_names.append(replace_name_include_outputs) if request.method == 'POST': inc_out_form = Include_Output(data={ "include_output": request.POST.get(replace_name_include_outputs) }).as_p().replace('name="include_output"', 'name="' + replace_name_include_outputs + '"') else: if step_iter + 1 == len(pipe_steps): inc_out_form = Include_Output(data={ "include_output": 'on' }).as_p().replace( 'name="include_output"', 'name="' + replace_name_include_outputs + '"') else: inc_out_form = Include_Output().as_p().replace( 'name="include_output"', 'name="' + replace_name_include_outputs + '"') for param, type2 in input_dict.items(): input_var = str() replace_name = str( step.step_num ) + '_' + + '_' + step.function + '_' + param + '_' + type2 if replace_name in list(request.FILES.keys()): #print(type2) if type2 == "files_browse": pipeline_out[step.step_num][param] = 'FILES' + replace_name else: pipeline_out[step.step_num][param] = 'FILE' + replace_name if type2 == "table_param": form = form_dict[type2](choices_param=[]) elif 'choice' in type2: choicelist = type2[type2.index("[") + 1:type2.index("]")].split(',') #print(choicelist) choicetuplelist = [(i, val) for i, val in enumerate(choicelist)] form = form_dict['choice'](choices_param=choicetuplelist) elif type2 != "variable": form = form_dict[type2]() else: out_choices_tuple = tuple(out_choices_list) form = form_dict[type2](choices_param=out_choices_tuple) if request.method == 'POST' and type2 not in [ 'file_browse', 'files_browse' ]: input_var = request.POST.get(replace_name) if type2 not in ['files_browse']: if type2 == "table_param": tuple_param = str( input_var)[str(input_var).index('--') + 2:] out_choices_list_2 = [(input_var, tuple_param)] out_choices_tuple_2 = tuple(out_choices_list_2) form = form_dict[type2]( data={ 'form_val': input_var }, choices_param=out_choices_tuple_2) elif 'choice' in type2: choicelist = type2[type2.index("[") + 1:type2.index("]")].split(',') #print(choicelist) choicetuplelist = [(i, val) for i, val in enumerate(choicelist)] form = form_dict['choice']( data={ 'form_val': input_var }, choices_param=choicetuplelist) elif type2 != "variable": form = form_dict[type2](data={'form_val': input_var}) else: out_choices_tuple = tuple(out_choices_list) form = form_dict[type2]( data={ 'form_val': input_var }, choices_param=out_choices_tuple) if form.is_valid(): if type2 == "variable": pipeline_out[ step.step_num][param] = out_choices_tuple[int( form.cleaned_data['form_val'])][1] elif 'choice' in type2: pipeline_out[ step.step_num][param] = choicetuplelist[int( form.cleaned_data['form_val'])][1] elif type2 == "table_param": pipeline_out[step.step_num][param] = tuple_param[ tuple_param.index('//') + 2:] else: pipeline_out[step.step_num][ param] = form.cleaned_data['form_val'] else: pipeline_valid = False input_form_part += pre_pre_form + param + pre_form + form.as_p( ).replace('<label for="id_form_val">Form val:</label>', '').replace('name="form_val"', 'name="' + replace_name + '"') + post_form for name_out, typ_out in output_dict.items(): if typ_out == "variable" or typ_out == 'graph': out_choices_list.append((len(out_choices_list), step.output + '_out/var_' + name_out)) step_dicts.append({ 'form': input_form_part, 'include_output': inc_out_form, 'output': step.output, 'module_function': + '/' + step.function, 'description': step.description, 'step_class_title': str(step.step_num).replace(" ", "") }) #print(pipeline_out) context['content_template_name'] = "pipelines/usePipeStep.html" context['content_dicts'] = step_dicts #print(step_dicts) if request.method == 'POST' and pipeline_valid: context2 = {} context2['graphs'] = [] context2['graphs2'] = [] context2["vars"] = [] context2['table_var'] = [] context2['active'] = [] context2['graph'] = [] context2['table'] = [] context2["variable"] = [] context["out_zip"] = "" graph_names = [] table_names = [] output_vals = {} #print(pipeline_out) #include_outputs=[] for s_num in range(len(pipe_steps)): #include_outputs.append(request.POST.get(step_output_names[s_num])) for name, val in pipeline_out[s_num + 1].items(): if type(val) in [type(True), int, float]: pass elif "_out/var_" in val: out_name = val[val.index("_out/var_"):].replace( "_out/var_", "") out_prefix = val[:val.index("_out/var_")] step_to_use = 0 #outputs[step.step_num]=[step.module,step.function,step.output] for step_number, li in outputs.items(): if li[2] == out_prefix: #print('found step') step_to_use = step_number pipeline_out[s_num + 1][name] = output_vals[ outputs[step_to_use][2]]['values'][out_name] elif "FILES" in val: pipeline_out[s_num + 1][name] = request.FILES.getlist( val[val.index("FILES") + 5:]) elif "FILE" in val: pipeline_out[s_num + 1][name] = request.FILES[ val[val.index("FILE") + 4:]] out_func = getattr(imported_notebooks[outputs[s_num + 1][0]], outputs[s_num + 1][1]) output_vals[outputs[s_num + 1][2]] = { "types": imported_notebooks[outputs[s_num + 1][0]].in_out_def()[outputs[ s_num + 1][1]]['outputs'], "values": out_func(**pipeline_out[s_num + 1]) } out_types_vars = output_vals[outputs[s_num + 1][2]]["types"].items() if request.POST.get(step_output_names[s_num] ) == 'on': #s_num+1 == len(pipe_steps): #print("Hello") for name, typ in out_types_vars: context2['graph'].append(False) context2['table'].append(False) context2["variable"].append(False) context2['active'].append(True) graph_names.append("") table_names.append("") context2['graphs'].append("") context2['table_var'].append("") context2["vars"].append("") context2['graphs2'].append("") if typ == "graph": context2['graph'][-1] = True graph_names[-1] = name context2['graphs'][-1] = json.dumps( output_vals[outputs[s_num + 1][2]]["values"][name]) #print(context['graphs']) elif typ == "variable": out_var = output_vals[outputs[s_num + 1][2]]["values"][name] if isinstance(out_var, pd.DataFrame): context2['table'][-1] = True table_names[-1] = name context2['table_var'][-1] = { 'cols': [*out_var.columns], 'rows': [ out_var.iloc[i, :].to_list() for i in range(len(out_var.index)) ] } #print([out_var.iloc[i,:].to_list() for i in range(len(out_var.index))]) else: context2["variable"][-1] = True context2["vars"][-1] = { "value": str(out_var), "name": name } else: context2["active"][-1] = False context2['table_var'] = zip(context2['table_var'], table_names) context['graphs'] = [gr for gr in context2['graphs'] if gr != ""] context["out_zip"] = zip(context2["active"], context2["table"], context2["table_var"], context2["variable"], context2["vars"], context2["graph"], context2["graphs"], graph_names) #print(*context["out_zip"]) return render(request, template_name, context)
# if temp.endswith('.ipynb'): # path,tail=os.path.split(temp) # if not tail.startswith('test'): # tail=tail[:tail.index(".")] # module_temp=import_module(tail) # print(tail) # imported_notebooks[tail]=module_temp # reload(module_temp) notebooks = NotebookModel.objects.all() for fldr in nb_script_groups: sys.path.append(os.path.join(dir, fldr.upper())) for nb in notebooks: path, tail = os.path.split(nb.notebook.path) tail = tail[:tail.index(".")] if tail not in sys.modules: with Notebook(lazy=True): module_temp = import_module(tail) imported_notebooks[] = module_temp imported_notebooks_functions = {} for tail, module_temp in imported_notebooks.items(): func_dict = {} for func_name in list(module_temp.in_out_def().keys()): func_dict[func_name] = getattr(module_temp, func_name) imported_notebooks_functions[tail] = { 'functions': func_dict, } def fig_to_html(fig): buf = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buf, format='png', bbox_inches="tight")
Path('').write_text( exporter.from_filename(__file__)[0]) import informal_script assert informal_script, """The script was not created.""" print('nbconvert is complete.') (__name__ == '__main__' and Path(__file__).parts[-1].startswith('informal.')) and test_nbconvert_script() # In[9]: if __name__ == '__main__': from importnb import Notebook, reload get_ipython().run_line_magic('reload_ext', 'pidgin') get_ipython().run_line_magic('pidgin', 'conventions markdown') with Notebook(): try: import informal except: from . import informal reload(informal) assert informal.__file__.endswith('.ipynb') # In[10]: # 1. __[If a notebook is hypothesis then it tests something.](informal.ipynb)__ # 2. ~~[If a notebook is a hypothesis then it can be tested.](formal.ipynb)~~ # 3. ~~[If a notebook is a hypothesis then it will be tested.](continuous.ipynb)~~ #
def test_demo_nb(): """ Tests whether the .py version of the inspector works """ Notebook.load(DEMO_NB_FILE)