def test_overwrite(self): """test_overwrite: File existence check""" shutil.copy(self.infile, self.outfile) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(RuntimeError, '.* exists\.$') as cm: importnro(infile=self.infile, outputvis=self.outfile, overwrite=False)
def test_invaliddata(self): """test_invaliddata: Invalid data check""" with open(self.infile, 'wb') as f: f.write('AA') #os.remove(os.path.join(self.infile, '')) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(RuntimeError, '.* is not a valid NOSTAR data\.$') as cm: importnro(infile=self.infile, outputvis=self.outfile, overwrite=False)
def test_normal(self): """test_normal: Normal data import""" ret = importnro(infile=self.infile, outputvis=self.outfile, overwrite=True) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outfile)) try: # to check if outfile is valid MS myms.close() except Exception, e: print e'outputvis is not a valid ms')
def test_timestamp(self): """test_timestamp: Check if timestamp is properly converted to UTC""" ret = importnro(infile=self.infile, outputvis=self.outfile, overwrite=True) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outfile)) # test if telescope elevation has reasonable value (myme, ) = gentools(['me']) # make sure me tool is initialized myme.done() # antenna_position should be a position measure antenna_position = get_antenna_position(self.outfile, 0) self.assertTrue(myme.ismeasure(antenna_position)) self.assertTrue(antenna_position['type'] == 'position') # pointing_time should be a time (epoch) measure # pointing_direction should be a direction measure # pointing_direction should not be [0,0] pointing_time, pointing_direction = get_valid_pointing_info( self.outfile) self.assertTrue(myme.ismeasure(pointing_time)) self.assertTrue(pointing_time['type'] == 'epoch') self.assertTrue(myme.ismeasure(pointing_direction)) self.assertTrue(pointing_direction['type'] == 'direction') self.assertFalse(pointing_direction['m0']['value'] == 0.0 and pointing_direction['m1']['value']) # convert pointing_direction (J2000) to AZELGEO # frame configuration myme.doframe(pointing_time) myme.doframe(antenna_position) # frame cnversion azel = myme.measure(v=pointing_direction, rf='AZELGEO') myme.done() # check if elevation is in range [0deg, 90deg] elevation = qa.convert(azel['m1'], 'deg') msg = 'Timestamp used for the conversion could be wrong.: calculated elevation={value}{unit}'.format( **elevation) self.assertLessEqual( elevation['value'], 90.0, msg='Elevation is above the upper limit (> 90deg). {}'.format(msg)) self.assertGreaterEqual( elevation['value'], 0.0, msg='Elevation is below the lower limit (< 0deg). {}'.format(msg))