def do_first_job(file_location: str): experiments = get_experiments(file_location) did_job = False idx = 0 for cmd, state in experiments.items(): idx = idx + 1 if state == EXPERIMENT_NOT_DONE: # Do this job experiments[cmd] = EXPERIMENT_BUSY upload_experiments(file_location, experiments) did_job = True exit_code = do_job(cmd + (' -g 16' if io.get('use_gpus') else ' -g 0')) if exit_code != 0: error('An error occurred while executing command', cmd, 'giving exit code', exit_code) try_notify('A command failed') upload_experiments(file_location, experiments, is_error=True, error_code=exit_code) sys.exit(1) else: experiments[cmd] = EXPERIMENT_DONE logline('Done with job', cmd) try_notify('Done with job ' + str(idx)) upload_experiments(file_location, experiments) break return did_job
def extract_features(rows): users_list = list() users = len(rows) rows_amount = 0 logline( 'There are', users, 'users and', len(rows), 'rows matching your filter type', 'no computer users or anonymous users' if io.get('users_only') else 'no anonymous users') rows_max = get_dict_inner_length(rows) logline('Setting timer for', rows_max, 'rows') timer = Timer(rows_max) try: for name, group in rows.items(): completed_result, group_len = strip_group_length( gen_features_for_user((name, group))) timer.add_to_current(group_len) rows_amount += group_len if completed_result is not None: users_list.append(completed_result) if rows_amount > next_report == 0 or REPORT_EVERY_USER: next_report = next_report + REPORT_SIZE logline('At row ', str(rows_amount), '/~', str(row_amount), ' - ETA is: ' + timer.get_eta(), spaces_between=False) logline('At user ', len(users_list), '/~', max_users, spaces_between=False) if len(users_list) >= max_users: break except KeyboardInterrupt: logline('User cancelled execution, wrapping up') debug('Cancelled early at', len(users_list), 'instead of', users) debug('You skipped a total of', users - len(users_list), 'users, or', 100 - ((len(users_list) / users) * 100), '%') except Exception: error('An error occurred during execution', traceback.format_exc()) debug('Salvaging all remaining users') finally: debug('Runtime is', timer.report_total_time()) logline("Did a total of", len(users_list), "users") logline('Done gathering data') logline('Closing file...') output_data(users_list)
def strip_group_length(data) -> Tuple[Union[Dict[str, Any], None], int]: if 'error' in data and data['error']: if data['group_len'] == -1: error( 'Value too big for pickle returned, skipping it, ETA might be off now' ) return None, 0 return None, data['group_len'] group_length = data['group_len'] return { "user_name": data['user_name'], "datasets": data['datasets'] }, group_length
def get_experiments(experiments_file_location: str) -> Dict[str, int]: with open(experiments_file_location, 'r+') as experiments_file: try: obj = json.loads( except Exception: # No state set yet set_state(experiments_file_location, 0) return {} if 'error' in obj: error( 'An error occurred in another instance, exiting with error code', obj['error_code']) sys.exit(obj['error_code']) return obj
def output_data(users_list: List[Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, List[List[float]]]]]]): if io.get('output_file') == 'stdout': logline('Outputting to stdout') sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(users_list)) else: logline('Outputting data to file', io.get('output_file')) output = open(io.get('output_file'), 'wb') try: pickle.dump(users_list, output, protocol=4) except: try: logline("Using JSON instead") output.write(json.dumps(users_list)) except: error('Outputting to console instead') print(json.dumps(users_list)) raise raise logline('Done outputting data to file')
def get_state(state_file_location: str) -> int: try: with open(state_file_location, 'r+') as state_file: try: state_obj = json.loads( except Exception: error('State file does not exist, cancelling') sys.exit(2) if state_obj["error"]: error( 'An error occurred in another instance, exiting with error code', state_obj['error_code']) sys.exit(state_obj['error_code']) return state_obj['state'] except FileNotFoundError: error('State file does not exist, cancelling') sys.exit(2)
def gen_features(f: pd.DataFrame, row_amount: int): users_list = list() logline('Calculating amount of groups...') users = len(f) logline( 'There are', users, 'users and', row_amount, 'rows matching your filter type', 'no computer users or anonymous users' if io.get('users_only') else 'no anonymous users') rows = 0 max_users = users if not DO_ROWS_PERCENTAGE: max_users = int(math.ceil(users * 0.01 * io.get('dataset_percentage'))) logline('Max amount of users is', max_users) logline('Setting timer for', int(math.ceil(row_amount * 0.01 * io.get('dataset_percentage'))), 'rows') timer = Timer( int(math.ceil(row_amount * 0.01 * io.get('dataset_percentage')))) logline('Creating iterator') dataset_iterator = DFIterator(f) next_report = REPORT_SIZE if not SKIP_MAIN: try: # Create groups of approx 1000 users big if io.get('cpus') == 1: logline('Only using a single CPU') logline('Starting feature generation') for name, group in f: completed_result, group_len = strip_group_length( gen_features_for_user((name, group))) timer.add_to_current(group_len) rows += group_len if completed_result is not None: users_list.append(completed_result) if rows > next_report == 0 or REPORT_EVERY_USER: next_report = next_report + REPORT_SIZE logline('At row ', str(rows), '/~', str(row_amount), ' - ETA is: ' + timer.get_eta(), spaces_between=False) logline('At user ', len(users_list), '/~', max_users, spaces_between=False) if len(users_list) >= max_users: break else: logline('Using', io.get('cpus'), 'cpus') for i in range( round(math.ceil(max_users / PROCESSING_GROUP_SIZE))): dataset_iterator.set_max((i + 1) * PROCESSING_GROUP_SIZE) if i == 0: logline('Starting feature generation') with multiprocessing.Pool(io.get('cpus')) as p: for completed_result in p.imap_unordered( gen_features_for_user, dataset_iterator, chunksize=100): completed_result, group_len = strip_group_length( completed_result) timer.add_to_current(group_len) rows += group_len if completed_result is not None: users_list.append(completed_result) if rows > next_report or REPORT_EVERY_USER: next_report = next_report + REPORT_SIZE logline('At row ', str(rows), '/~', str(row_amount), ' - ETA is: ' + timer.get_eta(), spaces_between=False) logline('At user', len(users_list), '/~', max_users, spaces_between=False) except KeyboardInterrupt: logline('User cancelled execution, wrapping up') debug('Cancelled early at', len(users_list), 'instead of', users) debug('You skipped a total of', users - len(users_list), 'users, or', 100 - ((len(users_list) / users) * 100), '%') except Exception: error('An error occurred during execution', traceback.format_exc()) debug('Salvaging all remaining users') finally: debug('Runtime is', timer.report_total_time()) logline("Did a total of", len(users_list), "users") logline('Done gathering data') logline('Closing file...') output_data(users_list) else: debug('SKIPPING MAIN, DO NOT ENABLE IN PRODUCTION') logline('Closing file') output_data([])
def try_notify(message: str): try: do_job(NOTIFY_TEMPLATE.substitute(message=message)) except Exception as e: error('Got an error notifying that job is done, np', e)