def test_cube_var_name_is_none(self):
     Test that the utility returns an iris.cube.Cube with a
     var_name of None.
     self.cube.var_name = "air_temperature"
     result = _strip_var_names(self.cube)
     self.assertIsNone(result[0].var_name, None)
 def test_cubelist(self):
     """Test that the utility returns an iris.cube.CubeList."""
     cube1 = self.cube
     cube2 = self.cube
     cubes = iris.cube.CubeList([cube1, cube2])
     self.cube.var_name = "air_temperature"
     result = _strip_var_names(cubes)
     self.assertIsInstance(result, iris.cube.CubeList)
     for cube in result:
         for coord in cube.coords():
             self.assertIsNone(coord.var_name, None)
 def test_cube_coord_var_name_is_none(self):
     Test that the coordinates have var_names of None.
     self.cube.coord("time").var_name = "time"
     self.cube.coord("latitude").var_name = "latitude"
     self.cube.coord("longitude").var_name = "longitude"
     result = _strip_var_names(self.cube)
     for cube in result:
         for coord in cube.coords():
             self.assertIsNone(coord.var_name, None)
 def test_basic(self):
     """Test that the utility returns an iris.cube.CubeList."""
     self.cube.var_name = "air_temperature"
     result = _strip_var_names(self.cube)
     self.assertIsInstance(result, iris.cube.CubeList)