def compute_color2d_superpixels_features(image, dict_features, sp_size=30, sp_regul=0.2): """ segment image into superpixels and estimate features per superpixel :param ndarray image: input RGB image :param dict(list(str)) dict_features: list of features to be extracted :param int sp_size: initial size of a superpixel(meaning edge length) :param float sp_regul: regularisation in range(0;1) where "0" gives elastic and "1" nearly square segments :return list(list(int)), [[floats]]: superpixels and related of features """ assert sp_regul > 0., 'slic. regularisation must be positive' logging.debug('run Superpixel clustering.') slic = segment_slic_img2d(image, sp_size=sp_size, relative_compact=sp_regul) # plt.figure(), plt.imshow(slic) logging.debug('extract slic/superpixels features.') features, _ = compute_selected_features_img2d(image, slic, dict_features) logging.debug('list of features RAW: %r', features.shape) features[np.isnan(features)] = 0 # if fts_norm: # logging.debug('norm all features.') # features, _ = seg_fts.norm_features(features) # logging.debug('list of features NORM: %s', repr(features.shape)) return slic, features
def prepare_boundary_points_close(seg, centers, sp_size=25, relative_compact=0.3): """ extract some point around foreground boundaries :param ndarray seg: input segmentation :param [(int, int)] centers: list of centers :param int sp_size: superpixel size :return [ndarray]: >>> seg = np.zeros((100, 200), dtype=int) >>> ell_params = 50, 100, 40, 60, np.deg2rad(30) >>> seg = add_overlap_ellipse(seg, ell_params, 1) >>> pts = prepare_boundary_points_close(seg, [(40, 90)]) >>> pts # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS [array([[ 6, 85], [ 8, 150], ... [ 92, 118]])] """ slic = segment_slic_img2d(seg / float(seg.max()), sp_size=sp_size, relative_compact=relative_compact) points_all = filter_boundary_points(seg, slic) dists = spatial.distance.cdist(points_all, centers, metric='euclidean') close_center = np.argmin(dists, axis=1) points_centers = [] for i in range(int(close_center.max() + 1)): points = points_all[close_center == i] points_centers.append(points) return points_centers
def prepare_boundary_points_close(seg, centers, sp_size=25, rltv_compact=0.3): """ extract some point around foreground boundaries :param ndarray seg: input segmentation :param [(int, int)] centers: list of centers :return [ndarray]: >>> seg = np.zeros((100, 200), dtype=int) >>> ell_params = 50, 100, 40, 60, np.deg2rad(30) >>> seg = add_overlap_ellipse(seg, ell_params, 1) >>> pts = prepare_boundary_points_close(seg, [(40, 90)]) >>> sorted(np.round(pts).tolist()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [[[6, 85], [8, 150], [16, 109], [27, 139], [32, 77], [36, 41], [34, 177], [59, 161], [54, 135], [67, 62], [64, 33], [84, 150], [91, 48], [92, 118]]] """ slic = seg_spx.segment_slic_img2d(seg / float(seg.max()), sp_size=sp_size, rltv_compact=rltv_compact) points_all = filter_boundary_points(seg, slic) dists = spatial.distance.cdist(points_all, centers, metric='euclidean') close_center = np.argmin(dists, axis=1) points_centers = [] for i in range(int(close_center.max() + 1)): points = points_all[close_center == i] points_centers.append(points) return points_centers
def compute_boundary_distance(idx_row, params, path_out=''): """ compute nearest distance between two segmentation contours :param (int, str) idx_row: :param {} params: :param str path_out: :return (str, float): """ _, row = idx_row name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(row['path_image']))[0] img = load_image(row['path_image'], params['img_type']) segm = load_image(row['path_segm'], 'segm') logging.debug('segment SLIC...') slic = seg_spx.segment_slic_img2d(img, params['slic_size'], params['slic_regul'], params['slico']) _, dists = seg_lbs.compute_boundary_distances(segm, slic) if os.path.isdir(path_out): logging.debug('visualise results...') fig = tl_visu.figure_segm_boundary_dist(segm, slic) fig.savefig(os.path.join(path_out, name + '.jpg')) return name, np.mean(dists)
def load_inputs(name): img, _ = load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_IMAGE, name + '.jpg')) seg, _ = load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_SEGM, name + '.png')) annot, _ = load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_ANNOT, name + '.png')) centers = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(PATH_CENTRE, name + '.csv'), index_col=0).values centers[:, [0, 1]] = centers[:, [1, 0]] slic = segment_slic_img2d(img, sp_size=25, relative_compact=0.3) return img, seg, slic, centers, annot
def load_image_annot_compute_features_labels(idx_row, params, show_debug_imgs=SHOW_DEBUG_IMAGES ): """ load image and annotation, and compute superpixel features and labels :param (int, {...}) idx_row: row from table with paths :param {str: ...} params: segmentation parameters :param bool show_debug_imgs: whether show debug images :return (...): """ def _path_out_img(params, dir_name, name): return os.path.join(params['path_exp'], dir_name, name + '.png') idx, row = idx_row idx_name = get_idx_name(idx, row['path_image']) img = load_image(row['path_image'], params['img_type']) annot = load_image(row['path_annot'], '2d_segm') logging.debug('.. processing: %s', idx_name) assert img.shape[:2] == annot.shape[:2], \ 'individual size of image %s and seg_pipe %s for "%s" - "%s"' % \ (repr(img.shape), repr(annot.shape), row['path_image'], row['path_annot']) if show_debug_imgs: plt.imsave(_path_out_img(params, FOLDER_IMAGE, idx_name), img, plt.imsave(_path_out_img(params, FOLDER_ANNOT, idx_name), annot) # duplicate gray band to be as rgb # if img.ndim == 2: # img = np.rollaxis(np.tile(img, (3, 1, 1)), 0, 3) slic = seg_spx.segment_slic_img2d(img, sp_size=params['slic_size'], rltv_compact=params['slic_regul']) img = tl_data.convert_img_color_from_rgb(img, params.get('clr_space', 'rgb')) logging.debug('computed SLIC with %i labels', slic.max()) if show_debug_imgs: img_rgb = use_rgb_image(img) img_slic = segmentation.mark_boundaries(img_rgb, slic, color=(1, 0, 0), mode='subpixel') plt.imsave(_path_out_img(params, FOLDER_SLIC, idx_name), np.clip(img_slic, 0, 1)) slic_label_hist = seg_label.histogram_regions_labels_norm(slic, annot) labels = np.argmax(slic_label_hist, axis=1) slic_annot = labels[slic] if show_debug_imgs: plt.imsave(_path_out_img(params, FOLDER_SLIC_ANNOT, idx_name), np.clip(slic_annot, 0, slic_annot.max())) features, feature_names = seg_fts.compute_selected_features_img2d( img, slic, params['features']) return idx_name, img, annot, slic, features, labels, \ slic_label_hist, feature_names
def test_region_growing_graphcut(self, name='insitu7545'): """ """ if not os.path.exists(PATH_PKL_MODEL): self.test_shape_modeling() # file_model = pickle.load(open(PATH_PKL_MODEL, 'r')) npz_file = np.load(PATH_PKL_MODEL, allow_pickle=True) file_model = dict(npz_file[npz_file.files[0]].tolist())'loaded model: %r', file_model.keys()) list_mean_cdf = file_model['cdfs'] model = file_model['mix_model'] img, _ = load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_IMAGE, name + '.jpg')) seg, _ = load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_SEGM, name + '.png')) annot, _ = load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_ANNOT, name + '.png')) centers = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(PATH_CENTRE, name + '.csv'), index_col=0).values centers[:, [0, 1]] = centers[:, [1, 0]] slic = segment_slic_img2d(img, sp_size=25, relative_compact=0.3) slic_prob_fg = compute_segm_prob_fg(slic, seg, LABELS_FG_PROB) dict_debug = {} labels_gc = region_growing_shape_slic_graphcut( slic, slic_prob_fg, centers, (model, list_mean_cdf), 'set_cdfs', coef_shape=5., coef_pairwise=15., prob_label_trans=[0.1, 0.03], optim_global=False, nb_iter=65, allow_obj_swap=False, dict_thresholds=DEFAULT_RG2SP_THRESHOLDS, debug_history=dict_debug ) segm_obj = labels_gc[slic]'show debug: %r', dict_debug.keys()) for i in np.linspace(0, len(dict_debug['criteria']) - 1, 5): fig = figure_rg2sp_debug_complete(seg, slic, dict_debug, int(i), max_size=5) fig_name = 'RG2Sp_graph-cut_%s_debug-%03d.pdf' % (name, i) fig.savefig(os.path.join(PATH_OUTPUT, fig_name), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) _ = adjusted_rand_score(annot.ravel(), segm_obj.ravel()) # self.assertGreaterEqual(score, 0.5) expert_segm(name, img, seg, segm_obj, annot, str_type='RG2Sp_graph-cut')
def test_general(self): slic = segment_slic_img2d(self.img, sp_size=15, relative_compact=0.2) logging.debug(np.max(slic)) vertices, edges = make_graph_segm_connect_grid2d_conn4(slic) logging.debug('vertices: %r', vertices) logging.debug(len(edges)) logging.debug('edges: %r', edges) fig, axarr = plt.subplots(ncols=2) axarr[0].imshow(self.img) axarr[1].imshow(slic, fig.savefig(os.path.join(PATH_OUTPUT, 'temp_superpixels.png')) if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: plt.close(fig)
def get_slic_points_labels(segm, img=None, slic_size=20, slic_regul=0.1): """ run SLIC on image or supepixels and return superpixels, their centers and also lebels (label from segmentation in position of superpixel centre) :param ndarray segm: segmentation :param ndarray img: input image :param int slic_size: superpixel size :param float slic_regul: regularisation in range (0, 1) :return tuple: """ if not img: img = segm / float(segm.max()) slic = segment_slic_img2d(img, sp_size=slic_size, relative_compact=slic_regul) slic_centers = np.array(superpixel_centers(slic)).astype(int) labels = segm[slic_centers[:, 0], slic_centers[:, 1]] return slic, slic_centers, labels
def test_show_image_features_clr2d(self): img = load_sample_image(IMAGE_LENNA) img = transform.resize(img, (128, 128)) slic = segment_slic_img2d(img, sp_size=10, relative_compact=0.2) features, names = compute_selected_features_color2d( img, slic, FEATURES_SET_ALL) path_dir = os.path.join(PATH_OUTPUT, 'temp_image-rgb2d-features') if not os.path.isdir(path_dir): os.mkdir(path_dir) for i in range(features.shape[1]): fts = features[:, i] im_fts = fts[slic] p_fig = os.path.join(path_dir, names[i] + '.png') plt.imsave(p_fig, im_fts) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(p_fig))
def test_count_transitions_segment(self): img = self.img[:, :, 0] annot = self.annot.astype(int) slic = segment_slic_img2d(img, sp_size=15, relative_compact=0.2) label_hist = histogram_regions_labels_norm(slic, annot) labels = np.argmax(label_hist, axis=1) trans = count_label_transitions_connected_segments({'a': slic}, {'a': labels}) path_csv = os.path.join(PATH_OUTPUT, 'labels_transitions.csv') pd.DataFrame(trans).to_csv(path_csv) gc_regul = compute_pairwise_cost_from_transitions(trans, 10.) np.random.seed(0) features = np.tile(labels, (5, 1)).T.astype(float) features += np.random.random(features.shape) - 0.5 gmm = estim_class_model_gmm(features, 4) proba = gmm.predict_proba(features) segment_graph_cut_general(slic, proba, gc_regul)
def estim_points_compute_features(name, img, segm, params): """ determine points (center candidates) using slic and for each compute feature vector with their names :param str name: :param ndarray img: :param ndarray segm: :param {str: any} params: :return (str, ndarray, [(int, int)], [[float]], [str]): """ # superpixels on image assert img.shape[:2] == segm.shape[:2], \ 'not matching shapes: %r : %r' % (img.shape, segm.shape) slic = seg_spx.segment_slic_img2d(img, params['slic_size'], params['slic_regul']) slic_centers = seg_spx.superpixel_centers(slic) # slic_edges = seg_spx.make_graph_segm_connect_grid2d_conn4(slic) features, feature_names = compute_points_features(segm, slic_centers, params) return name, slic, slic_centers, features, feature_names
def compute_color2d_superpixels_features(image, clr_space='rgb', sp_size=30, sp_regul=0.2, dict_features=FTS_SET_SIMPLE, fts_norm=True): """ segment image into superpixels and estimate features per superpixel :param ndarray image: input RGB image :param str clr_space: chose the color space :param int sp_size: initial size of a superpixel(meaning edge lenght) :param float sp_regul: regularisation in range(0;1) where "0" gives elastic and "1" nearly square segments :param {str: [str]} dict_features: list of features to be extracted :param bool fts_norm: weather nomalise features :return [[int]], [[floats]]: superpixels and related of features """ assert sp_regul > 0., 'slic. regularisation must be positive' logging.debug('run Superpixel clustering.') slic = seg_sp.segment_slic_img2d(image, sp_size=sp_size, rltv_compact=sp_regul) # plt.figure(), plt.imshow(slic) logging.debug('extract slic/superpixels features.') image = convert_img_color_space(image, clr_space) features, _ = seg_fts.compute_selected_features_img2d( image, slic, dict_features) logging.debug('list of features RAW: %s', repr(features.shape)) features[np.isnan(features)] = 0 if fts_norm: logging.debug('norm all features.') features, _ = seg_fts.norm_features(features) logging.debug('list of features NORM: %s', repr(features.shape)) return slic, features
def image_segmentation(idx_row, params, debug_export=DEBUG_EXPORT): """ image segmentation which prepare inputs (imsegm, centres) and perform segmentation of various imsegm methods :param (int, str) idx_row: input image and centres :param dict params: segmentation parameters :return str: image name """ _, row_path = idx_row for k in dict(row_path): if isinstance(k, str) and k.startswith('path_'): row_path[k] = tl_data.update_path(row_path[k], absolute=True) logging.debug('segmenting image: "%s"', row_path['path_image']) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(row_path['path_image']))[0] img = load_image(row_path['path_image']) # make the image like RGB img_rgb = np.rollaxis(np.tile(img, (3, 1, 1)), 0, 3) seg = load_image(row_path['path_segm'], 'segm') assert img_rgb.shape[:2] == seg.shape, \ 'image %r and segm %r do not match' % (img_rgb.shape[:2], seg.shape) if not os.path.isfile(row_path['path_centers']): logging.warning('no center was detected for "%s"', name) return name centers = tl_data.load_landmarks_csv(row_path['path_centers']) centers = tl_data.swap_coord_x_y(centers) if not list(centers): logging.warning('no center was detected for "%s"', name) return name # img = seg / float(seg.max()) slic = seg_spx.segment_slic_img2d(img_rgb, sp_size=params['slic_size'], relative_compact=params['slic_regul']) path_segm = os.path.join(params['path_exp'], 'input', name + '.png') export_draw_image_segm(path_segm, img_rgb, segm_obj=seg, centers=centers) seg_simple = simplify_segm_3cls(seg) path_segm = os.path.join(params['path_exp'], 'simple', name + '.png') export_draw_image_segm(path_segm, seg_simple - 1.) dict_segment = create_dict_segmentation(params, slic, seg, img, centers) image_name = name + '.png' centre_name = name + '.csv' # iterate over segmentation methods and perform segmentation on this image for method in dict_segment: (fn, args) = dict_segment[method] logging.debug(' -> %s on "%s"', method, name) path_dir = os.path.join(params['path_exp'], method) # n.split('_')[0] path_segm = os.path.join(path_dir, image_name) path_centre = os.path.join(path_dir + DIR_CENTRE_POSIX, centre_name) path_fig = os.path.join(path_dir + DIR_VISUAL_POSIX, image_name) path_debug = os.path.join(path_dir + DIR_DEBUG_POSIX, name) # assuming that segmentation may fail try: t = time.time() if debug_export and 'rg2sp' in method: os.mkdir(path_debug) segm_obj, centers, dict_export = fn(*args, debug_export=path_debug) else: segm_obj, centers, dict_export = fn(*args) # also export ellipse params here or inside the segm fn if dict_export is not None: for k in dict_export: export_partial(k, dict_export[k], path_dir, name)'running time of %r on image "%s" is %d s', fn.__name__, image_name, time.time() - t) tl_data.io_imsave(path_segm, segm_obj.astype(np.uint8)) export_draw_image_segm(path_fig, img_rgb, seg, segm_obj, centers) # export also centers centers = tl_data.swap_coord_x_y(centers) tl_data.save_landmarks_csv(path_centre, centers) except Exception: logging.exception('segment fail for "%s" via %s', name, method) return name
def segment_image(imgs_idx_path, params, classif, path_out, path_visu=None, show_debug_imgs=SHOW_DEBUG_IMAGES): """ perform image segmentation on input image with given paramters and trained classifier, and save results :param (int, str) imgs_idx_path: :param {str: ...} params: segmentation parameters :param obj classif: trained classifier :param str path_out: path for output :param str path_visu: the existing patch means export also visualisation :return (str, ndarray, ndarray): """ idx, path_img = parse_imgs_idx_path(imgs_idx_path) logging.debug('segmenting image: "%s"', path_img) idx_name = get_idx_name(idx, path_img) img = load_image(path_img, params['img_type']) slic = seg_spx.segment_slic_img2d(img, sp_size=params['slic_size'], rltv_compact=params['slic_regul']) img = seg_pipe.convert_img_color_space(img, params.get('clr_space', 'rgb')) features, _ = seg_fts.compute_selected_features_img2d(img, slic, params['features']) labels = classif.predict(features) segm = labels[slic] path_img = os.path.join(path_out, idx_name + '.png') logging.debug('export segmentation: %s', path_img) img_seg = Image.fromarray(segm.astype(np.uint8)) img_seg.convert('L').save(path_img) # io.imsave(path_img, segm) # plt.imsave(os.path.join(path_out, idx_name + '_rgb.png'), seg_pipe) if path_visu is not None and os.path.isdir(path_visu): export_draw_image_segm_contour(img, segm, path_visu, idx_name) try: # in case some classiefier do not support predict_proba proba = classif.predict_proba(features) segm_soft = proba[slic] path_npz = os.path.join(path_out, idx_name + '.npz') np.savez_compressed(path_npz, segm_soft) except Exception: logging.warning('classif: %s not support predict_proba(.)', repr(classif)) proba = None segm_soft = None # if probabilities was not estimated of GC regul. is zero if proba is not None and params['gc_regul'] > 0: gc_regul = params['gc_regul'] if params['gc_use_trans']: label_penalty = seg_gc.compute_pairwise_cost_from_transitions( params['label_transitions']) gc_regul = (gc_regul * label_penalty) labels_gc = seg_gc.segment_graph_cut_general(slic, proba, img, features, gc_regul, edge_type=params['gc_edge_type']) # labels_gc = seg_gc.segment_graph_cut_simple(slic, proba, gc_regul) segm_gc = labels_gc[slic] # relabel according classif classes segm_gc = classif.classes_[segm_gc] path_img = os.path.join(path_out, idx_name + '_gc.png') logging.debug('export segmentation: %s', path_img) img_seg_gc = Image.fromarray(segm_gc.astype(np.uint8)) img_seg_gc.convert('L').save(path_img) # io.imsave(path_img, segm_gc) if path_visu is not None and os.path.isdir(path_visu): export_draw_image_segm_contour(img, segm_gc, path_visu, idx_name, '_gc') if show_debug_imgs: labels_map = np.argmax(proba, axis=1) plt.imsave(os.path.join(path_visu, idx_name + '_map.png'), labels_map[slic]) if not segm_soft is None: for lb in range(segm_soft.shape[2]): uc_name = idx_name + '_gc_unary-lb%i.png' % lb plt.imsave(os.path.join(path_visu, uc_name), segm_soft[:, :, lb], vmin=0., vmax=1., else: segm_gc = np.zeros(segm.shape) # gc.collect(), time.sleep(1) return idx_name, segm, segm_gc