def load_image(path_img, img_type=TYPES_LOAD_IMAGE[0]): """ load image and annotation according chosen type :param str path_img: :param str img_type: :return ndarray: """ path_img = tl_data.update_path(path_img) assert os.path.isfile(path_img), 'missing: "%s"' % path_img if img_type == '2d_split': img, _ = tl_data.load_img_double_band_split(path_img) assert img.ndim == 2, 'image dims: %s' % repr(img.shape) # img = np.rollaxis(np.tile(img, (3, 1, 1)), 0, 3) # if img.max() > 1: # img = (img / 255.) elif img_type == '2d_rgb': img, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(path_img) # if img.max() > 1: # img = (img / 255.) elif img_type == '2d_segm': img, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(path_img) if img.ndim == 3: img = img[:, :, 0] if ANNOT_RELABEL_SEQUENCE: img, _, _ = segmentation.relabel_sequential(img) else: logging.error('not supported loading img_type: %s', img_type) img = None return img
def load_inputs(name): img, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_IMAGE, name + '.jpg')) seg, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_SEGM, name + '.png')) annot, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_ANNOT, name + '.png')) centers = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(PATH_CENTRE, name + '.csv'), index_col=0).values centers[:, [0, 1]] = centers[:, [1, 0]] slic = seg_spx.segment_slic_img2d(img, sp_size=25, rltv_compact=0.3) return img, seg, slic, centers, annot
def test_ellipse_fitting(self, name='insitu7545', table_prob=TABLE_FB_PROBA): """ """ img, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_IMAGES, name + '.jpg')) seg, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_SEGM, name + '.png')) annot, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d( os.path.join(PATH_ANNOT, name + '.png')) path_center = os.path.join(PATH_CENTRE, name + '.csv') centers = pd.read_csv(path_center, index_col=0).values[:, [1, 0]] slic, points_all, labels = seg_fit.get_slic_points_labels( seg, slic_size=20, slic_regul=0.3) weights = np.bincount(slic.ravel()) points_centers = seg_fit.prepare_boundary_points_ray_edge( seg, centers, close_points=5) segm = np.zeros(seg.shape) ellipses, crits = [], [] for i, points in enumerate(points_centers): model, _ = seg_fit.ransac_segm(points, seg_fit.EllipseModelSegm, points_all, weights, labels, table_prob, min_samples=0.6, residual_threshold=15, max_trials=50) if model is None: continue ellipses.append(model.params) crit = model.criterion(points_all, weights, labels, table_prob) crits.append(np.round(crit))'model params: %s', repr(model.params))'-> crit: %f', crit) c1, c2, h, w, phi = model.params rr, cc = tl_visu.ellipse(int(c1), int(c2), int(h), int(w), phi, segm.shape) segm[rr, cc] = (i + 1) if img.ndim == 3: img = img[:, :, 0] fig = tl_visu.figure_ellipse_fitting(img, seg, ellipses, centers, crits) fig_name = 'ellipse-fitting_%s.pdf' % name fig.savefig(os.path.join(PATH_OUTPUT, fig_name), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) score = adjusted_rand_score(annot.ravel(), segm.ravel()) self.assertGreaterEqual(score, 0.5)
def expert_visual(row, method_name, path_out, max_fig_size=10): """ export several visualisation segmentation and annotation :param {str: ...} row: :param str method_name: :param str path_out: :param int max_fig_size: """ im_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(row['path_image']))[0] img, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(row['path_image']) # annot = tl_data.load_image(row['path_annot']) egg_segm, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(row['path_egg-segm']) in_segm, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(row['path_in-segm']) centers = tl_data.load_landmarks_csv(row['path_centers']) centers = np.array(tl_data.swap_coord_x_y(centers)) fig_size = max_fig_size * np.array(img.shape[:2]) / float(np.max( img.shape)) fig_name = '%s_%s.jpg' % (im_name, method_name) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_size[::-1]) ax.imshow(img[:, :, 0], ax.imshow(egg_segm, alpha=0.15) ax.contour(egg_segm, levels=np.unique(egg_segm), linewidths=(3, )) ax.plot(centers[:, 1], centers[:, 0], 'ob') tl_visu.figure_image_adjustment(fig, img.shape) path_fig = os.path.join(path_out, NAME_DIR_VISUAL_1, fig_name) fig.savefig(path_fig, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_size[::-1]) # ax.imshow(np.max(in_segm) - in_segm, ax.imshow(LUT_COLOR[in_segm], vmin=0., vmax=1., alpha=0.5) ax.contour(in_segm, levels=np.unique(in_segm), colors='k') ax.imshow(egg_segm, alpha=0.3) ax.contour(egg_segm, levels=np.unique(egg_segm), linewidths=(5, )) ax.plot(centers[:, 1], centers[:, 0], 'or') tl_visu.figure_image_adjustment(fig, img.shape) path_fig = os.path.join(path_out, NAME_DIR_VISUAL_2, fig_name) fig.savefig(path_fig, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=fig_size[::-1]) ax.imshow(img[:, :, 0],, alpha=1.) ax.contour(in_segm, levels=np.unique(in_segm), colors='w') ax.imshow(egg_segm, alpha=0.3) ax.contour(egg_segm, levels=np.unique(egg_segm), linewidths=(5, )) ax.plot(centers[:, 1], centers[:, 0], 'og') tl_visu.figure_image_adjustment(fig, img.shape) path_fig = os.path.join(path_out, NAME_DIR_VISUAL_3, fig_name) fig.savefig(path_fig, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig)
def extract_ellipse_object(idx_row, path_images, path_out, norm_size): """ cut the image selection according ellipse parameters and scale it into given size to have all image in the end the same sizes :param (int, row) idx_row: index and row with ellipse parameters :param str path_images: path to the image folder :param str path_out: path to output folder :param (int, int) norm_size: output image size """ _, row = idx_row # select image with this name and any extension list_imgs = glob.glob(os.path.join(path_images, row['image_name'] + '.*')) path_img = sorted(list_imgs)[0] img, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(path_img) # create mask according to chosen ellipse ell_params = row[COLUMNS_ELLIPSE].tolist() mask = ell_fit.add_overlap_ellipse(np.zeros(img.shape[:2], dtype=int), ell_params, 1) # cut the particular image img_cut = tl_data.cut_object(img, mask, 0, use_mask=True, bg_color=None) # scaling according to the normal size img_norm = transform.resize(img_cut, norm_size) path_img = os.path.join(path_out, os.path.basename(path_img)) tl_data.export_image(path_img, img_norm)
def perform_orientation_swap(path_img, path_out, img_template, swap_type=SWAP_CONDITION): """ compute the density in front adn back part of the egg rotate eventually we split the egg into thirds instead half because the middle part variate :param str path_img: path to input image :param str path_out: path to output folder :param ndarray img_template: template / mean image :param str swap_type: used swap condition """ img, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(path_img) # cut the same image img_size = img_template.shape img = img[:img_size[0], :img_size[1]] if swap_type == 'cc': b_swap = condition_swap_correl(img, img_template) else: b_swap = condition_swap_density(img) if b_swap: img = img[::-1, ::-1, :] path_img = os.path.join(path_out, os.path.basename(path_img)) tl_data.export_image(path_img, img)
def export_visual(df_row, path_out, relabel=True): """ given visualisation of segmented image and annotation :param {str: ...} df_row: :param str path_out: path to the visualisation directory :param bool relabel: whether relabel segmentation as sequential """ annot, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(df_row['path_1']) segm, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(df_row['path_2']) img = None if 'path_3' in df_row: img, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(df_row['path_3']) if relabel: annot = relabel_sequential(annot)[0] segm = seg_lbs.relabel_max_overlap_unique(annot, segm) fig = seg_visu.figure_overlap_annot_segm_image(annot, segm, img) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(df_row['path_1']))[0] logging.debug('>> exporting -> %s', name) fig.savefig(os.path.join(path_out, '%s.png' % name))
def export_cut_objects(df_row, path_out, padding, use_mask=True, bg_color=None): """ cut and expert objects in image according given segmentation :param df_row: :param str path_out: path for exporting image :param int padding: set padding around segmented object """ annot, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(df_row['path_1']) img, name = tl_data.load_image_2d(df_row['path_2']) assert annot.shape[:2] == img.shape[:2], \ 'image sizes not match %s vs %s' % (repr(annot.shape), repr(img.shape)) uq_objects = np.unique(annot) if len(uq_objects) == 1: return for idx in uq_objects[1:]: img_new = tl_data.cut_object(img, annot == idx, padding, use_mask, bg_color) path_img = os.path.join(path_out, '%s_%i.png' % (name, idx)) logging.debug('saving image "%s"', path_img) tl_data.io_imsave(path_img, img_new)
def test_shape_modeling(self, dir_annot=PATH_ANNOT): """ """ list_paths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_annot, '*.png')))'nb images: %i SAMPLES: %s', len(list_paths), repr([os.path.basename(p) for p in list_paths[:5]])) list_segms = [] for path_seg in list_paths: seg, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(path_seg) list_segms.append(seg) list_rays, _ = seg_rg.compute_object_shapes(list_segms, ray_step=25, smooth_coef=1, interp_order='spline')'nb eggs: %i nb rays: %i', len(list_rays), len(list_rays[0])) model, list_mean_cdf = seg_rg.transform_rays_model_sets_mean_cdf_mixture( list_rays, 2) np.savez(PATH_PKL_MODEL, data={ 'name': 'set_cdfs', 'cdfs': list_mean_cdf, 'mix_model': model }) # with open(PATH_PKL_MODEL, 'w') as fp: # pickle.dump({'name': 'set_cdfs', # 'cdfs': list_mean_cdf, # 'mix_model': model}, fp) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(PATH_PKL_MODEL)) max_len = max( [np.asarray(l_cdf).shape[1] for _, l_cdf in list_mean_cdf]) fig, axarr = plt.subplots(nrows=len(list_mean_cdf), ncols=2, figsize=(12, 3.5 * len(list_mean_cdf))) for i, (_, list_cdf) in enumerate(list_mean_cdf): cdist = np.zeros((len(list_cdf), max_len)) cdist[:, :len(list_cdf[0])] = np.array(list_cdf) axarr[i, 0].set_title('Inverse cumulative distribution') axarr[i, 0].imshow(cdist, aspect='auto') axarr[i, 0].set_xlim([0, max_len]) axarr[i, 0].set_ylabel('Ray steps') axarr[i, 0].set_xlabel('Distance [px]') axarr[i, 1].set_title('Reconstructions') axarr[i, 1].imshow(compute_prior_map(cdist, step=10)) fig.savefig(os.path.join(PATH_OUTPUT, 'RG2Sp_shape-modeling.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
def compute_metrics(row): """ load segmentation and compute similarity metrics :param {str: ...} row: :return {str: float}: """ logging.debug('loading annot "%s"\n and segm "%s"', row['path_annot'], row['path_egg-segm']) annot, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(row['path_annot']) segm, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(row['path_egg-segm']) assert annot.shape == segm.shape, 'dimension do mot match %s - %s' % \ (repr(annot.shape), repr(segm.shape)) list_jacob = [] segm = seg_lbs.relabel_max_overlap_unique(annot, segm, keep_bg=True) for lb in np.unique(annot)[1:]: annot_obj = (annot == lb) segm_obj = (segm == lb) # label_hist = seg_lb.histogram_regions_labels_counts(segm, annot_obj) # segm_obj = np.argmax(label_hist, axis=1)[segm] jaccoby = np.sum(np.logical_and(annot_obj, segm_obj)) \ / float(np.sum(np.logical_or(annot_obj, segm_obj))) list_jacob.append(jaccoby) if len(list_jacob) == 0: list_jacob.append(0) # avg_weight = 'samples' if len(np.unique(annot)) > 2 else 'binary' y_true, y_pred = annot.ravel(), segm.ravel() dict_eval = { 'name': os.path.basename(row['path_annot']), 'ARS': metrics.adjusted_rand_score(y_true, y_pred), 'Jaccard': np.mean(list_jacob), 'f1': metrics.f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro'), 'accuracy': metrics.accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred), 'precision': metrics.precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro'), 'recall': metrics.recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro'), } return dict_eval
def visualise_overlap(path_img, path_seg, path_out, b_img_scale=BOOL_IMAGE_RESCALE_INTENSITY, b_img_contour=BOOL_SAVE_IMAGE_CONTOUR, b_relabel=BOOL_ANNOT_RELABEL, segm_alpha=MIDDLE_ALPHA_OVERLAP): img, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(path_img) seg, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(path_seg) # normalise alpha in range (0, 1) segm_alpha = tl_visu.norm_aplha(segm_alpha) if b_relabel: seg, _, _ = segmentation.relabel_sequential(seg) if img.ndim == 2: # for gray images of ovary img = np.rollaxis(np.tile(img, (3, 1, 1)), 0, 3) if b_img_scale: p_low, p_high = np.percentile(img, q=(3, 98)) # plt.imshow(255 - img, cmap='Greys') img = exposure.rescale_intensity(img, in_range=(p_low, p_high), out_range='uint8') if b_img_contour: path_im_visu = os.path.splitext(path_out)[0] + '_contour.png' img_contour = segmentation.mark_boundaries(img[:, :, :3], seg, color=COLOR_CONTOUR, mode='subpixel') plt.imsave(path_im_visu, img_contour) # else: # for colour images of disc # mask = (np.sum(img, axis=2) == 0) # img[mask] = [255, 255, 255] fig = tl_visu.figure_image_segm_results(img, seg, SIZE_SUB_FIGURE, mid_labels_alpha=segm_alpha, mid_image_gray=MIDDLE_IMAGE_GRAY) fig.savefig(path_out) plt.close(fig)
def perform_orientation_swap(path_img, path_out): """ compute the density in front adn back part of the egg rotate eventually we split the egg into thirds instead half because the middle part variate :param str path_img: :param str path_out: """ img, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(path_img) part = int(img.shape[1] / 3) sel_mask = img[:, :, IMAGE_CHANNEL] > np.min(img[:, :, IMAGE_CHANNEL]) norm_val = np.mean(img[sel_mask, IMAGE_CHANNEL]) val_left = np.sum(img[:, :part, IMAGE_CHANNEL] > norm_val) val_fight = np.sum(img[:, -part:, IMAGE_CHANNEL] > norm_val) ration = val_left / float(val_fight) # ration = STAT_FUNC(img[:, :half, IMAGE_CHANNEL]) \ # / float(STAT_FUNC(img[:, half:, IMAGE_CHANNEL])) if ration > 1.: img = img[::-1, ::-1, :] path_img = os.path.join(path_out, os.path.basename(path_img)) tl_data.export_image(path_img, img)
def test_region_growing_graphcut(self, name='insitu7545'): """ """ if not os.path.exists(PATH_PKL_MODEL): self.test_shape_modeling() # file_model = pickle.load(open(PATH_PKL_MODEL, 'r')) npz_file = np.load(PATH_PKL_MODEL) file_model = dict(npz_file[npz_file.files[0]].tolist())'loaded model: %s', repr(file_model.keys())) list_mean_cdf = file_model['cdfs'] model = file_model['mix_model'] img, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_IMAGE, name + '.jpg')) seg, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d(os.path.join(PATH_SEGM, name + '.png')) annot, _ = tl_data.load_image_2d( os.path.join(PATH_ANNOT, name + '.png')) centers = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(PATH_CENTRE, name + '.csv'), index_col=0).values centers[:, [0, 1]] = centers[:, [1, 0]] slic = seg_spx.segment_slic_img2d(img, sp_size=25, rltv_compact=0.3) dict_debug = {} labels_gc = seg_rg.region_growing_shape_slic_graphcut( seg, slic, centers, (model, list_mean_cdf), 'set_cdfs', LABELS_FG_PROB, coef_shape=5., coef_pairwise=15., prob_label_trans=[0.1, 0.03], optim_global=False, nb_iter=65, allow_obj_swap=False, dict_thresholds=DEFAULT_RG2SP_THRESHOLDS, dict_debug_history=dict_debug) segm_obj = labels_gc[slic]'debug: %s', repr(dict_debug.keys())) for i in np.linspace(0, len(dict_debug['energy']) - 1, 5): fig = tl_visu.figure_rg2sp_debug_complete(seg, slic, dict_debug, int(i), max_size=5) fig_name = 'RG2Sp_graph-cut_%s_debug-%03d.pdf' % (name, i) fig.savefig(os.path.join(PATH_OUTPUT, fig_name), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) score = adjusted_rand_score(annot.ravel(), segm_obj.ravel()) self.assertGreaterEqual(score, 0.5) expert_segm(name, img, seg, segm_obj, annot, str_type='RG2Sp_graph-cut')