def test_send_new_messages_to_slack(monkeypatch, tmp_path, all_messages, sleepless): class MockResponseMessages: @staticmethod def json(): return all_messages def mock_post(*args, **kwargs): return MockResponseMessages() def mock_get_permalink(*args, **kwargs): return {"permalink": "https://2"} def mock_post_message(*args, **kwargs): return {"ts": "2"} monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "post", mock_post) monkeypatch.setattr(WebClient, "chat_getPermalink", mock_get_permalink) monkeypatch.setattr(WebClient, "chat_postMessage", mock_post_message) mbox_path = tmp_path / "mbox" messaging = Messaging("abcd") messages = messaging.get_messages_from_game("374955", "1") slack_messaging = SlackMessaging("abcd", "#channel") slack_messaging.send_new_messages_to_slack(messages, "374955", mbox_path) # We don't have a good way to see the messages were posted successfully other # than checking they exist in the mailbox afterwards mailbox_mbox = mailbox.mbox(mbox_path) assert mailbox_mbox.__len__() == 3
def _mbox(game_id: str, api_key: str, race_id: str, outfile: Path) -> None:"Fetching messages for game %s.", game_id) messaging = Messaging(api_key) if planets["race_id"]: messages = messaging.get_messages_from_game(game_id, race_id) else: messages = messaging.get_all_messages_from_game(game_id) if messages:"Saving messages from game %s to %s.", game_id, outfile) exporting = Exporting() exporting.to_mbox(messages, outfile)"Messages saved.") else: logger.error("Could not get messages from game %s", game_id) raise typer.Exit()
def test_get_messages_from_game(monkeypatch, all_messages): class MockResponseMessages: @staticmethod def json(): return all_messages def mock_post(*args, **kwargs): return MockResponseMessages() monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "post", mock_post) messaging = Messaging("abcd") messages = messaging.get_messages_from_game("1234", "2") assert isinstance(messages, list) assert len(messages) == 2
def csv(outfile: Path = typer.Argument( ..., help="Path of the CSV file to use (will be overwritten!)")): """Export in-game messages to a CSV (comma-separated values) file.""""Fetching messages for game %s.", planets["game_id"]) messaging = Messaging(planets["api_key"]) if planets["race_id"]: messages = messaging.get_messages_from_game(planets["game_id"], planets["race_id"]) else: messages = messaging.get_all_messages_from_game(planets["game_id"]) if messages:"Saving messages from game %s to %s.", planets["game_id"], outfile) exporting = Exporting() exporting.to_csv(messages, outfile)"Messages saved.") else: logger.error("Could not get messages from game %s", planets["game_id"])
def slack( slack_bot_token: str = typer.Option(..., envvar="SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"), slack_channel_id: str = typer.Option(..., envvar="SLACK_CHANNEL_ID"), ): """Send in-game messages to Slack.""" if not planets["race_id"]: logger.error("Player ID required when sending messages to Slack!") raise typer.Exit()"Fetching messages for game %s.", planets["game_id"]) messaging = Messaging(planets["api_key"]) messages = messaging.get_messages_from_game(planets["game_id"], planets["race_id"]) if messages:"Sending messages from game %s to Slack.", planets["game_id"]) slack_messaging = SlackMessaging( slack_bot_token, slack_channel_id, ) slack_messaging.send_new_messages_to_slack(messages, planets["game_id"])"Messages sent.") else: logger.error("Could not get messages from game %s", planets["game_id"])