 def test_string_to_bool(self):
     true_list = ['1', 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y', 'on', 'enabled', 'enable']
     for true_str in true_list:
         assert Commons.string_to_bool(true_str)
     false_list = ['0', 'false', 'f', 'no', 'n', 'off', 'disabled', 'disable']
     for false_str in false_list:
         assert not Commons.string_to_bool(false_str)
     invalid_list = ["hello", "example", "test"]
     for invalid_str in invalid_list:
         assert Commons.string_to_bool(invalid_str) is None
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     line_split = line.split()
     if len(line_split) < 3:
         return "Error, you need to specify a location, a right and the value"
     bool_input = line_split[-1]
     right_input = line_split[-2]
     location_input = line_split[:-2]
     # Search for the permission_mask they want.
         permission_mask = self.find_permission_mask(location_input, user_obj,
                                                     destination_obj if destination_obj.is_channel() else None)
     # If it comes back with an error message, return that error
     except PermissionControlException as e:
         return str(e)
     # If it comes back unspecified, generic error message
     if permission_mask is None:
         return "Error, I can't find that permission mask. Specify which you wish to modify as user={username}, " \
                "or similarly for usergroup, channel, server or hallo."
     # Turn bool_input into a boolean
     bool_bool = Commons.string_to_bool(bool_input)
     # Check if boolean input is valid
     if bool_bool is None:
         return "Error, I don't understand your boolean value. Please use true or false."
     # Set the right
     permission_mask.set_right(right_input, bool_bool)
     return "Set "+right_input+" to "+{True: "true", False: "false"}[bool_bool]+"."
 def run(self, event):
     line_split = event.command_args.split()
     if len(line_split) < 3:
         return event.create_response("Error, you need to specify a location, a right and the value")
     bool_input = line_split[-1]
     right_input = line_split[-2]
     location_input = line_split[:-2]
     # Search for the permission_mask they want.
         permission_mask = self.find_permission_mask(location_input, event.user, event.channel)
     # If it comes back with an error message, return that error
     except PermissionControlException as e:
         return event.create_response(str(e))
     # If it comes back unspecified, generic error message
     if permission_mask is None:
         return event.create_response("Error, I can't find that permission mask. " +
                                      "Specify which you wish to modify as user={username}, " +
                                      "or similarly for usergroup, channel, server or hallo.")
     # Turn bool_input into a boolean
     bool_bool = Commons.string_to_bool(bool_input)
     # Check if boolean input is valid
     if bool_bool is None:
         return event.create_response("Error, I don't understand your boolean value. Please use true or false.")
     # Set the right
     permission_mask.set_right(right_input, bool_bool)
     return event.create_response("Set {} to {}.".format(right_input, "true" if bool_bool else "false"))
 def edit_server_irc(self, line, server_obj, user_obj, destination_obj):
     """Processes arguments in order to edit an IRC server"""
     # Set all variables to none as default
     server_address, server_port = None, None
     # Find the URL, if specified
     url_regex = re.compile("(^|\s)(irc://)?(([a-z.]+\.[a-z]+)(:([0-9]+))?)(\s|$)", re.IGNORECASE)
     url_search = url_regex.search(line)
     if url_search is not None:
         line = line.replace(url_search.group(0), " ")
         server_address = url_search.group(4).lower()
         server_port = int(url_search.group(6))
     # Find the server_address, if specified with equals notation
     server_address = Commons.find_parameter("server_address", line) or server_address
     # Find the server_port, if specified with equals notation
     server_port_param = Commons.find_parameter("server_port", line)
     if server_port_param is not None:
             server_port = int(server_port_param)
         except ValueError:
             return "Invalid port number."
     # If server_address or server_port are set, edit those and reconnect.
     if server_address is not None:
         server_obj.server_address = server_address
     if server_port is not None:
         server_obj.server_port = server_port
     # Get other parameters, if set. defaulting to whatever server defaults.
     auto_connect = Commons.string_to_bool(Commons.find_parameter("auto_connect",
                                                                  line)) or server_obj.get_auto_connect()
     server_nick = Commons.find_parameter("server_nick",
                                          line) or Commons.find_parameter("nick", line) or server_obj.get_nick()
     server_prefix = Commons.find_parameter("server_prefix",
                                            line) or Commons.find_parameter("prefix",
                                                                            line) or server_obj.get_prefix()
     full_name = Commons.find_parameter("full_name", line) or server_obj.get_full_name()
     nickserv_nick = Commons.find_parameter("nickserv_nick", line) or server_obj.get_nickserv_nick()
     nickserv_identity_command = Commons.find_parameter("nickserv_identity_command",
                                                        line) or server_obj.get_nickserv_ident_command()
     nickserv_identity_response = Commons.find_parameter("nickserv_identity_response",
                                                         line) or server_obj.get_nickserv_ident_response()
     nickserv_password = Commons.find_parameter("nickserv_password", line) or server_obj.get_nickserv_pass()
     # Set all the new variables
     # If server address or server port was changed, reconnect.
     if server_port is not None or server_address is not None:
     return "Modified the IRC server: " + server_obj.get_name() + "."
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     # Get server object
     server_obj = user_obj.server
     # If no arguments given, toggle passive functions in current destination
     line_clean = line.strip()
     if line_clean == '':
         destination_obj.passive_enabled = not destination_obj.passive_enabled
         return "Passive functions toggled."
     # If line has 1 argument,
     line_split = line_clean.split()
     if len(line_split) == 1:
         # Check if a boolean was specified
         input_bool = Commons.string_to_bool(line_split[0])
         if input_bool is not None:
             destination_obj.passive_enabled = input_bool
             return "Passive functions set " + {False: 'disabled', True: 'enabled'}[input_bool] + "."
         # Check if a channel was specified
         target_channel = server_obj.get_channel_by_name(line_split[0])
         if target_channel.in_channel:
             target_channel.passive_enabled = not target_channel.passive_enabled
             return "Passive functions toggled in " + target_channel.get_name() + "."
         # Otherwise input unknown
         return "Error, I don't understand your input, please specify a channel and whether to turn passive " \
                "functions on or off."
     # Otherwise line has 2 or more arguments.
     # Check if first argument is boolean
     input_bool = Commons.string_to_bool(line_split[0])
     target_channel_name = line_split[1]
     if input_bool is None:
         input_bool = Commons.string_to_bool(line_split[1])
         target_channel_name = line_split[0]
     if input_bool is None:
         return "Error, I don't understand your input, please specify a channel and whether to turn passive " \
                "functions on or off."
     target_channel = server_obj.get_channel_by_name(target_channel_name)
     if not target_channel.in_channel:
         return "Error, I'm not in that channel."
     target_channel.passive_enabled = input_bool
     return "Passive functions set " + {False: 'disabled', True: 'enabled'}[
         input_bool] + " in " + target_channel.name + "."
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     # Get server object
     server_obj = user_obj.get_server()
     # If no arguments given, toggle caps lock in current destination
     line_clean = line.strip()
     if line_clean == '':
         destination_obj.set_upper_case(not destination_obj.is_upper_case())
         return "Caps lock toggled."
     # If line has 1 argument,
     line_split = line_clean.split()
     if len(line_split) == 1:
         # Check if a boolean was specified
         input_bool = Commons.string_to_bool(line_split[0])
         if input_bool is not None:
             return "Caps lock set " + {False: 'off', True: 'on'}[input_bool] + "."
         # Check if a channel was specified
         target_channel = server_obj.get_channel_by_name(line_split[0])
         if target_channel.is_in_channel():
             target_channel.set_upper_case(not target_channel.is_upper_case())
             return "Caps lock toggled in " + target_channel.get_name() + "."
         # Otherwise input unknown
         return "Error, I don't understand your input, please specify a channel and whether to turn caps lock " \
                "on or off."
     # Otherwise line has 2 or more arguments.
     # Check if first argument is boolean
     input_bool = Commons.string_to_bool(line_split[0])
     target_channel_name = line_split[1]
     if input_bool is None:
         input_bool = Commons.string_to_bool(line_split[1])
         target_channel_name = line_split[0]
     if input_bool is None:
         return "Error, I don't understand your input, please specify a channel and whether to turn " \
                "caps lock on or off."
     target_channel = server_obj.get_channel_by_name(target_channel_name)
     if target_channel is None or not target_channel.is_in_channel():
         return "Error, I'm not in that channel."
     return "Caps lock set " + {False: 'off', True: 'on'}[input_bool] + " in " + target_channel.get_name() + "."
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     # Load XML
     doc = minidom.parse("store/pony/pony_episodes.xml")
     pony_episodes_list_elem = doc.getElementsByTagName("pony_episodes")[0]
     episode_list = []
     song_list = []
     # Loop through pony episodes, adding to episode_list (or song_list, if there is a song)
     for pony_episode_elem in pony_episodes_list_elem.getElementsByTagName("pony_episode"):
         episode_dict = {'name': pony_episode_elem.getElementsByTagName("name")[0].firstChild.data,
                         'full_code': pony_episode_elem.getElementsByTagName("full_code")[0].firstChild.data}
         if Commons.string_to_bool(pony_episode_elem.getElementsByTagName("song")[0].firstChild.data):
     # If song, get episode from song list, otherwise get one from episode list
     if line.strip().lower() != "song":
         episode = Commons.get_random_choice(episode_list)[0]
         episode = Commons.get_random_choice(song_list)[0]
     # Return output
     return "You should choose: " + episode['full_code'] + " - " + episode['name'] + "."
 def connect_to_new_server_irc(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj):
     Processes arguments in order to connect to a new IRC server
     :type line: str
     :type user_obj: Destination.User
     :type destination_obj: Destination.Destination
     # Get some handy objects
     current_server = user_obj.get_server()
     hallo_obj = current_server.get_hallo()
     # Set all variables to none as default
     server_address, server_port = None, None
     server_name = None
     # Find the URL, if specified
     url_regex = re.compile("(^|\s)(irc://)?(([a-z.]+\.[a-z]+)(:([0-9]+))?)(\s|$)", re.IGNORECASE)
     url_search = url_regex.search(line)
     if url_search is not None:
         line = line.replace(url_search.group(0), " ")
         server_address = url_search.group(4).lower()
             server_port = int(url_search.group(6))
         except (ValueError, TypeError):
             server_port = None
     # Find the server_address, if specified with equals notation
     server_address = Commons.find_parameter("server_address", line) or server_address
     # Find the server_port, if specified with equals notation
     server_port_param = Commons.find_parameter("server_port", line)
     if server_port_param is not None:
             server_port = int(server_port_param)
         except (ValueError, TypeError):
             return "Error, invalid port number."
     # Check server_address and server_port are set
     if server_address is None:
         return "Error, No server address specified."
     if server_port is None and isinstance(current_server, ServerIRC):
         server_port = current_server.get_server_port()
     if server_port is None:
         return "Error, No server port specified."
     # Get server name
     server_name = Commons.find_any_parameter(["server_name", "name"], line) or server_name
     # if server name is null, get it from server_address
     if server_name is None:
         server_name = Commons.get_domain_name(server_address)
     # Get other parameters, if set.
     auto_connect_str = Commons.find_parameter("auto_connect", line)
     auto_connect = True if auto_connect_str is None else Commons.string_to_bool(auto_connect_str)
     server_nick = Commons.find_any_parameter(["server_nick", "nick"], line) or current_server.get_nick()
     server_prefix_arg = Commons.find_any_parameter(["server_prefix", "prefix"], line)
     if not server_prefix_arg:
         server_prefix = current_server.prefix
         server_prefix = None if Commons.is_string_null(server_prefix_arg) else server_prefix_arg
     full_name = Commons.find_parameter("full_name", line) or current_server.get_full_name()
     nickserv_nick = "nickserv"
     nickserv_identity_command = "status"
     nickserv_identity_resp = "^status [^ ]+ 3$"
     nickserv_password = None
     if isinstance(current_server, ServerIRC):
         nickserv_nick = current_server.get_nickserv_nick()
         nickserv_identity_command = current_server.get_nickserv_ident_command()
         nickserv_identity_resp = current_server.get_nickserv_ident_response()
         nickserv_password = current_server.get_nickserv_pass()
     nickserv_nick = Commons.find_parameter("nickserv_nick", line) or nickserv_nick
     nickserv_identity_command = Commons.find_parameter("nickserv_identity_command",
                                                        line) or nickserv_identity_command
     nickserv_identity_resp = Commons.find_parameter("nickserv_identity_resp", line) or nickserv_identity_resp
     nickserv_password = Commons.find_parameter("nickserv_password", line) or nickserv_password
     # Create this serverIRC object
     new_server_obj = ServerIRC(hallo_obj, server_name, server_address, server_port)
     # Add user with same name on new server to all the same groups as current user
     new_user_nick = Commons.find_any_parameter(["user", "god"], line) or user_obj.get_name()
     new_user = new_server_obj.get_user_by_name(new_user_nick)
     for group in user_obj.user_group_list:
     # Add the new object to Hallo's list
     # Connect to the new server object.
     return "Connected to new IRC server: " + new_server_obj.get_name() + "."