 def test_int2binhex(self):
     test1 = -16
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, int2binhex, test1)
     test2 = 1
     test2_res = b'\x01'
     self.assertEqual(int2binhex(test2), test2_res)
     test3 = 15
     test3_res = b'\x0f'
     self.assertEqual(int2binhex(test3), test3_res)
     test4 = 256
     test4_res = b'\x01\x00'
     self.assertEqual(int2binhex(test4), test4_res)
 def test_int2binhex(self):
     test1 = -16
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, int2binhex, test1)
     test2 = 1
     test2_res = b'\x01'
     self.assertEqual(int2binhex(test2), test2_res)
     test3 = 15
     test3_res = b'\x0f'
     self.assertEqual(int2binhex(test3), test3_res)
     test4 = 256
     test4_res = b'\x01\x00'
     self.assertEqual(int2binhex(test4), test4_res)
def searchanddestroy(device, target, memsize):
    Main search loop
    pageaddress = cfg.startaddress
    signatures = target['signatures']

    # Add signature lengths in bytes to the dictionary, and replace integer
    # representations of the signatures and patches with bytes
    for signature in signatures:
        signature['length'] = siglen(signature['chunks'])
        offsets = signature['offsets'] # Offsets within pages
        for chunk in signature['chunks']:
            chunk['chunk'] = util.int2binhex(chunk['chunk'])
                chunk['patch'] = util.int2binhex(chunk['patch'])
            except KeyError:
                chunk['patch'] = None
    # Progress bar
    prog = term.ProgressBar(max_value = memsize, total_width = cfg.termwidth, 
                            print_data = cfg.verbose)

        # Build a batch of read requests of the form: [(addr1, len1), ...] and
        # a corresponding match vector: [(chunks1, patchoffset1), ...]
        j = 0
        count = 0
        cand = b'\x00'
        r = []
        p = []
        while pageaddress < memsize:
            sig_len = len(signatures)
            for i in range(sig_len): # Iterate over signatures
                offsets = signatures[i]['offsets'] # Offsets within pages
                if isinstance(offsets, int):
                    offsets = [offsets] # Create a list if single offset
                chunks = signatures[i]['chunks'] # The chunks that is the sig
                length = signatures[i]['length'] # Sig length in bytes
                offset_len = len(offsets)
                for n in range(offset_len): # Iterate over offsets
                    address = pageaddress + offsets[n] + cfg.PAGESIZE * j
                    r.append((address, length))
                    count += 1
                    # If we have built a full vector, read from memory and
                    # compare to the corresponding signatures
                    if count == cfg.vectorsize:
                        # Read data from device
                        m = 0
                        for caddr, cand  in device.readv(r):
                            if match(cand, p[m]):
                                return (caddr, p[m])
                            m += 1                    
                        # Jump to next pages (we're finished with these)
                        mask = ~(cfg.PAGESIZE - 0x01)
                        pageaddress = address & mask
                        if sig_len == i and offset_len == n:
                            pageaddress = pageaddress + cfg.PAGESIZE
                        # Zero out counters and vectors
                        j = 0
                        count = 0
                        r = []
                        p = []
                        # Print status
                        prog.update_amount(pageaddress, cand)
            j += 1 # Increase read request count
    except IOError:
        term.fail('I/O Error, make sure FireWire interfaces are properly ' +
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        raise KeyboardInterrupt
    # If we get here, we haven't found anything :-/
    return (None, None)
def searchanddestroy(device, target, memsize):
    Main search loop
    pageaddress = settings.startaddress
    signatures = target['signatures']

    # Add signature lengths in bytes to the dictionary, and replace integer
    # representations of the signatures and patches with bytes
    for signature in signatures:
        signature['length'] = siglen(signature['chunks'])
        offsets = signature['offsets'] # Offsets within pages
        for chunk in signature['chunks']:
            chunk['chunk'] = int2binhex(chunk['chunk'])
                chunk['patch'] = int2binhex(chunk['patch'])
            except KeyError:
                chunk['patch'] = None

        # Build a batch of read requests of the form: [(addr1, len1), ...] and
        # a corresponding match vector: [(chunks1, patchoffset1), ...]
        j = 0
        count = 0
        cand = b'\x00'
        r = []
        p = []
        while pageaddress < memsize:
            sig_len = len(signatures)
            for i in range(sig_len): # Iterate over signatures
                offsets = signatures[i]['offsets'] # Offsets within pages
                if isinstance(offsets, int):
                    offsets = [offsets] # Create a list if single offset
                chunks = signatures[i]['chunks'] # The chunks that is the sig
                length = signatures[i]['length'] # Sig length in bytes
                offset_len = len(offsets)
                for n in range(offset_len): # Iterate over offsets
                    address = pageaddress + offsets[n] + settings.PAGESIZE * j
                    r.append((address, length))
                    count += 1
                    # If we have built a full vector, read from memory and
                    # compare to the corresponding signatures
                    if count == settings.vectorsize:
                        # Read data from device
                        m = 0
                        for caddr, cand  in device.readv(r):
                            if match(cand, p[m]):
                                return (caddr, p[m])
                            m += 1                    
                        # Jump to next pages (we're finished with these)
                        mask = ~(settings.PAGESIZE - 0x01)
                        pageaddress = address & mask
                        if sig_len == i and offset_len == n:
                            pageaddress = pageaddress + settings.PAGESIZE
                        # Zero out counters and vectors
                        j = 0
                        count = 0
                        r = []
                        p = []
                        # Print status
                        mibaddr = pageaddress // settings.MiB
                        sys.stdout.write('[*] Searching, {0:>4d} MiB so far'.format(mibaddr))
                        if settings.verbose:
                            sys.stdout.write('. Sample data read: {0}'.format(bytes2hexstr(cand)[0:24]))
            j += 1 # Increase read request count
    except IOError:
        fail('I/O Error, make sure FireWire interfaces are properly connected')
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        raise KeyboardInterrupt
    # If we get here, we haven't found anything :-/
    return (None, None)
def searchanddestroy(device, target, memsize):
    Main search loop
    pageaddress = settings.startaddress
    signatures = target['signatures']

    # Add signature lengths in bytes to the dictionary, and replace integer
    # representations of the signatures and patches with bytes
    for signature in signatures:
        signature['length'] = siglen(signature['chunks'])
        offsets = signature['offsets']  # Offsets within pages
        for chunk in signature['chunks']:
            chunk['chunk'] = int2binhex(chunk['chunk'])
                chunk['patch'] = int2binhex(chunk['patch'])
            except KeyError:
                chunk['patch'] = None

        # Build a batch of read requests of the form: [(addr1, len1), ...] and
        # a corresponding match vector: [(chunks1, patchoffset1), ...]
        j = 0
        count = 0
        cand = b'\x00'
        r = []
        p = []
        while pageaddress < memsize:
            sig_len = len(signatures)

            for i in range(sig_len):  # Iterate over signatures
                offsets = signatures[i]['offsets']  # Offsets within pages
                if isinstance(offsets, int):
                    offsets = [offsets]  # Create a list if single offset
                chunks = signatures[i]['chunks']  # The chunks that is the sig
                length = signatures[i]['length']  # Sig length in bytes
                offset_len = len(offsets)

                for n in range(offset_len):  # Iterate over offsets
                    address = pageaddress + offsets[n] + settings.PAGESIZE * j
                    r.append((address, length))
                    count += 1
                    # If we have built a full vector, read from memory and
                    # compare to the corresponding signatures
                    if count == settings.vectorsize:
                        # Read data from device
                        m = 0
                        for caddr, cand in device.readv(r):
                            if match(cand, p[m]):
                                return (caddr, p[m])
                            m += 1
                        # Jump to next pages (we're finished with these)
                        mask = ~(settings.PAGESIZE - 0x01)
                        pageaddress = address & mask
                        if sig_len == i and offset_len == n:
                            pageaddress = pageaddress + settings.PAGESIZE

                        # Zero out counters and vectors
                        j = 0
                        count = 0
                        r = []
                        p = []

                        # Print status
                        mibaddr = pageaddress // settings.MiB
                            '[*] Searching, {0:>4d} MiB so far'.format(
                        if settings.verbose:
                            sys.stdout.write('. Sample data read: {0}'.format(

            j += 1  # Increase read request count

    except IOError:
        fail('I/O Error, make sure FireWire interfaces are properly connected')
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        raise KeyboardInterrupt

    # If we get here, we haven't found anything :-/
    return (None, None)