class Searcher:
	def __init__(self):
		self.myIndexer = Indexer()
		self.dbInstance = Database()

	def main(self, argv):
		#get command line arguments
			opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "s:", [])
		except getopt.GetoptError as err:
			print err
			print "Usage: searcher.py -s \"search query\""
		query = ""
		for opt, arg in opts:
			if opt == '-s':
				query = arg
		if (query == ""):
			print "Usage: searcher.py -s \"search quey\""
		sortedDocs = self.getSearchResults(query)
		for d in sortedDocs:
			print d
	def getSearchResults (self, query):
		parsed = self.parseQuery(query)	
		searchTerms = parsed[0]
		phrases_words = parsed[1]
		if len(searchTerms) == 0:
			return {}
		wordId = self.getWordIds(searchTerms)
		mapping = wordId[0]
		queryWordIds = wordId[1]
		phrases = []
		for p in range(0,len(phrases_words)):
			phrasesWordIds = []
			for i in range(0, len(phrases_words[p])):
				if phrases_words[p][i] in mapping.keys():
		documentVectors = self.getDocumentVectors(searchTerms, phrases)
		sortedDocs = self.sortDocumentVectors(queryWordIds,documentVectors)
		return sortedDocs
	def sortDocumentVectors (self, queryWordIds, documentVectors):
		documents = dict()
		for doc in documentVectors.keys():
			sim = self.cosSim(queryWordIds,documentVectors[doc][1],documentVectors[doc][0])
			#document_size, vector, title, modified, keyword:freq, parents, children
			#r[0] = url
			#r[1][0] = rank
			#r[1][1] = title
			#r[1][2] = modified
			#r[1][3] = size
			#r[1][4] = dict{keyword: freq}
			#r[1][5] = array{parents}
			#r[1][6] = array{children}

			documents[doc] = [sim, documentVectors[doc][2], documentVectors[doc][3].strftime("%A %d, %B %Y"), documentVectors[doc][0], documentVectors[doc][4], documentVectors[doc][5], documentVectors[doc][6]]
		return sorted(documents.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
	def getDocumentVectors(self, terms, phrases):
		N = 0
		self.dbInstance.query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Documents;")
		N = self.dbInstance.fetchOne()[0]
		#get inverted index entries for each word in the search term
		sql_select = "SELECT InvertedIndex.word_id, InvertedIndex.document_id, InvertedIndex.term_frequency, document_url, document_frequency, document_size, max_tf, document_title, InvertedIndex.in_title, modified, fetched, word, document_chars FROM InvertedIndex LEFT JOIN KeyWords on InvertedIndex.word_id=KeyWords.word_id LEFT JOIN Documents ON Documents.document_id = InvertedIndex.document_id  WHERE InvertedIndex.word_id IN (SELECT word_id FROM KeyWords WHERE word=%s"
		for x in range(1,len(terms)):
			sql_select = sql_select + " OR word = %s"
		sql_select = sql_select + ");"
		self.dbInstance.query(sql_select, terms)
		rows = self.dbInstance.fetchAll()
		documentVectors = dict()
		indexValue = 3
		for row in rows:
			docVector = dict()
			#do we already have at least one entry for this document in our sparse matrix?
			if row[indexValue] in documentVectors:
				docVector = documentVectors[row[indexValue]][1]
				#if not, create a new entry
				#get links to/from
				sql_select_links = "SELECT document_url, child_url FROM Links LEFT JOIN Documents on Documents.document_id = Links.parent_id WHERE Links.parent_id = %s OR Links.child_url = %s;"
				self.dbInstance.query(sql_select_links, (row[1],row[3]))
				links = self.dbInstance.fetchAll()
				parents = []
				children = []
				for link in links:
					if link[1] == row[3]:
				#document_size, vector, title, modified, keyword:freq, parents, children, document_id
				documentVectors[row[indexValue]] = [row[5], dict(), row[7], row[9], dict() , parents, children, row[1], row[12]]
			#obtain normalised tf*idf value
			val = (float(row[2])*log(N/float(row[4]),2)) / float(row[6])
			#give a boost to the weight if it appears in the document title
			val = val * (1000 if row[8] == 1 else 1) 
			docVector[row[0]] = val
			documentVectors[row[indexValue]][1] = docVector
			documentVectors[row[indexValue]][4][row[11]] = row[2]
		#Now do phrase matching
		if len(phrases) > 0:
			newDocumentVectors = dict()
			#build lookup table for word positions for each document:
			sql_select = "SELECT IndexPositions.document_id, position, IndexPositions.word_id FROM IndexPositions LEFT JOIN KeyWords on KeyWords.word_id = IndexPositions.word_id WHERE word=%s"
			for x in range(1,len(terms)):
				sql_select = sql_select + " OR word = %s"
			sql_select = sql_select + ";"
			self.dbInstance.query(sql_select, terms)
			rows = self.dbInstance.fetchAll()
			lookup = dict()
			for r in rows:
				dlookup = (dict(),dict())
				if r[0] in lookup.keys():
					dlookup = lookup[r[0]]
				#word -> position
				if (r[2] in dlookup[0]):
					dlookup[0][r[2]] = [r[1]]
				#position -> word
				dlookup[1][r[1]] = r[2]
				lookup[r[0]] = dlookup
			for dv in documentVectors:
				#does this dv contain the phrases?
				hasPhrases = True
				for phrase in phrases:
					if (phrase[0] not in (lookup[documentVectors[dv][7]][0]).keys()):
						hasPhrases = False
					#start with all locations of the first word in the phrase
					potentialMatches = lookup[documentVectors[dv][7]][0][phrase[0]]
					for i in range(1,len(phrase)):
						newPotentialMatches = []
						for old in potentialMatches:
							#does the next position after the previous match coorespond to the next letter in the phrase?
							if (old+1) in (lookup[documentVectors[dv][7]][1]).keys() and lookup[documentVectors[dv][7]][1][old+1] == phrase[i]:
						potentialMatches = newPotentialMatches
						if len(potentialMatches) == 0:
							hasPhrases = False
					if hasPhrases == False:
				if hasPhrases:
					newDocumentVectors[dv] = documentVectors[dv]
			documentVectors = newDocumentVectors
		return documentVectors
	def getWordIds(self, words):
		mapping = {}
		wordIds = []
		#sanity check
		if len(words) == 0:
			return wordIds
		#select the word ids cooresponding to the given words form the database
		sql_select = "SELECT word, word_id FROM KeyWords WHERE word=%s"
		for x in range(1,len(words)):
			sql_select = sql_select + " OR word = %s"
		sql_select = sql_select + ";"
		self.dbInstance.query(sql_select, words)
		rows = self.dbInstance.fetchAll()
		for row in rows:
			mapping[row[0]] = row[1]
		return (mapping, wordIds)
	def parseQuery(self, query):
		#select only alphanumeric words (allow dashes and underscores as well)
		queryTerms = re.split("[^A-Za-z0-9\-_]+", query)
		searchTerms = []
		#get the indexer to do stemming and stop word removal for us
		for w in queryTerms:
			if (self.myIndexer.isStopword(w)):
			stemmed = self.myIndexer.getStemmed(w)
			if len(stemmed) > 0:
		#get terms between double quotes:
		phrases = []
		rephrases = re.findall("\"([^\"]+)\"", query)
		for m in rephrases:
			phraseTerms = re.split("[^A-Za-z0-9\-_]+", m)
			phrase = []
			for wrd in phraseTerms:
				w = wrd.lower()
				if (self.myIndexer.isStopword(w)):
				stemmed = self.myIndexer.getStemmed(w)
				if len(stemmed) > 0:
			if len(phrase) > 0:
		return (searchTerms, phrases)

	def cosSim (self, queryTerms, docVector, docLength):
		#just treat each term as weight 1, so all terms in query are equally important
		dotProduct = 0
		for qt in queryTerms:
			if qt in docVector:
				dotProduct = dotProduct + docVector[qt]
		return dotProduct / (docLength * len(queryTerms))