import numpy as np
import xray
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import atmos as atm
import merra
from indices import onset_SJKE, summarize_indices, plot_index_years

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compute SJ indices (Boos and Emmanuel 2009)
datadir = atm.homedir() + 'datastore/merra/daily/'
years = np.arange(1979, 2015)
filestr = 'merra_uv850_40E-120E_60S-60N_'
datafiles = [datadir + filestr + '' % y for y in years]

# Read daily data from each year
ds = atm.combine_daily_years(['U', 'V'], datafiles, years)

# Remove extra dimension from data
u = atm.squeeze(ds['U'])
v = atm.squeeze(ds['V'])

# Calculate OCI index
sjke = onset_SJKE(u, v)

# Summary plot and timeseries in individual years
summarize_indices(years, sjke['onset'])
plot_index_years(sjke, suptitle='SJ', yearnm='Year', daynm='Day')
plt.suptitle('JJAS Monsoon Strength')
saveclose('strength_', isave, exts)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Histograms of each index
keys = index.keys()
for key in keys:
    ind = index[key]
    if 'retreat' in ind.keys():
        retreat = ind.retreat
        retreat = None
    indices.summarize_indices(ind.year, ind.onset, retreat, ind.title)
saveclose('onset_retreat_hist_', isave, exts)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Daily timeseries of each index in each year
keys = index.keys()
# keys = ['OCI', 'TT']
for key in keys:
    indices.plot_index_years(index[key], suptitle=key, vertline=True)
    saveclose('index_tseries_' + key + '_', isave, exts)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compare indices with each other

# keys = ['HOWI_100', 'HOWI_50', 'OCI', 'SJKE', 'TT', 'WLH_CMAP_kmax12',
#         'WLH_CMAP_nroll3', 'WLH_MERRA_PRECIP_nroll7']
suptitle = varname + ' N=%s S=%s' % (str(north), str(south))
tt = onset_TT(T, north=north, south=south)

# Some weirdness going on in 1991, for now just set to NaN
# Troubleshoot later
for nm in ['ttn', 'tts', 'tseries']:
    vals = tt[nm].values
    vals =, abs(vals) > 1e30).filled(np.nan)
    tt[nm].values = vals

# Plot TTN and TTS
plot_tseries_together(tt[['ttn', 'tts']], tt['onset'].values,
                      suptitle=suptitle, standardize=False)

# Summary plot and timeseries in individual years
summarize_indices(years, tt['onset'])
plot_index_years(tt, suptitle=suptitle, yearnm='year', daynm='day')

if save:
    atm.savefigs(varname + '_', 'png')

# Plot contour map of pressure-level data
p_plot = 400
T_plot = T_p[p_plot]
y, d = 0, 80
lat = atm.get_coord(T_plot, 'lat')
lon = atm.get_coord(T_plot, 'lon')
axlims = (lat.min(), lat.max(), lon.min(), lon.max())
atm.pcolor_latlon(T_plot[y, d], axlims=axlims)
def index_tseries(days, ind, ind_roll, titlestr):
    plt.plot(days, ind, label='daily')
    plt.plot(days, ind_roll, label='%d-day rolling' % nroll)
    plt.legend(loc='lower right')

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
index_tseries(days, ds.howi_clim_norm, ds.howi_clim_norm_roll,
              'HOWI ' + yearstr + ' Climatology')
for yr in [0, 1, 2]:
    plt.subplot(2, 2, yr + 2)
    index_tseries(days, ds.howi_norm[yr], ds.howi_norm_roll[yr],
                  'HOWI %d' % years[yr])

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Onset and retreat indices

summarize_indices(years, onset, retreat, 'HOWI')

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot timeseries of each year

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save figures
if isave:
    for ext in exts:
        atm.savefigs(namestr, ext)