    def modify(self, data, user):
        """Modifies an existing reservation.

        :param data: A dict containing the booking data, usually from a :class:`ModifyBookingForm` instance
        :param user: The :class:`.User` who modifies the booking.

        populate_fields = ('start_dt', 'end_dt', 'repeat_frequency', 'repeat_interval', 'booked_for_user',
        # fields affecting occurrences
        occurrence_fields = {'start_dt', 'end_dt', 'repeat_frequency', 'repeat_interval'}
        # fields where date and time are compared separately
        date_time_fields = {'start_dt', 'end_dt'}
        # fields for the repetition
        repetition_fields = {'repeat_frequency', 'repeat_interval'}
        # pretty names for logging
        field_names = {
            'start_dt/date': u"start date",
            'end_dt/date': u"end date",
            'start_dt/time': u"start time",
            'end_dt/time': u"end time",
            'repetition': u"booking type",
            'booked_for_user': u"'Booked for' user",
            'booking_reason': u"booking reason",

        self.room.check_advance_days(data['end_dt'].date(), user)
        self.room.check_bookable_hours(data['start_dt'].time(), data['end_dt'].time(), user)

        changes = {}
        update_occurrences = False
        old_repetition = self.repetition

        for field in populate_fields:
            if field not in data:
            old = getattr(self, field)
            new = data[field]
            converter = unicode
            if old != new:
                # Booked for user updates the (redundant) name
                if field == 'booked_for_user':
                    old = self.booked_for_name
                    new = self.booked_for_name = data[field].full_name
                # Apply the change
                setattr(self, field, data[field])
                # If any occurrence-related field changed we need to recreate the occurrences
                if field in occurrence_fields:
                    update_occurrences = True
                # Record change for history entry
                if field in date_time_fields:
                    # The date/time fields create separate entries for the date and time parts
                    if old.date() != new.date():
                        changes[field + '/date'] = {'old': old.date(), 'new': new.date(), 'converter': format_date}
                    if old.time() != new.time():
                        changes[field + '/time'] = {'old': old.time(), 'new': new.time(), 'converter': format_time}
                elif field in repetition_fields:
                    # Repetition needs special handling since it consists of two fields but they are tied together
                    # We simply update it whenever we encounter such a change; after the last change we end up with
                    # the correct change data
                    changes['repetition'] = {'old': old_repetition,
                                             'new': self.repetition,
                                             'converter': lambda x: RepeatMapping.get_message(*x)}
                    changes[field] = {'old': old, 'new': new, 'converter': converter}

        if not changes:
            return False

        # Create a verbose log entry for the modification
        log = [u'Booking modified']
        for field, change in changes.iteritems():
            field_title = field_names.get(field, field)
            converter = change['converter']
            old = to_unicode(converter(change['old']))
            new = to_unicode(converter(change['new']))
            if not old:
                log.append(u"The {} was set to '{}'".format(field_title, new))
            elif not new:
                log.append(u"The {} was cleared".format(field_title))
                log.append(u"The {} was changed from '{}' to '{}'".format(field_title, old, new))

        self.edit_logs.append(ReservationEditLog(user_name=user.full_name, info=log))

        # Recreate all occurrences if necessary
        if update_occurrences:
            cols = [col.name for col in ReservationOccurrence.__table__.columns
                    if not col.primary_key and col.name not in {'start_dt', 'end_dt'}]

            old_occurrences = {occ.date: occ for occ in self.occurrences}
            self.create_occurrences(True, user)
            # Restore rejection data etc. for recreated occurrences
            for occurrence in self.occurrences:
                old_occurrence = old_occurrences.get(occurrence.date)
                # Copy data from old occurrence UNLESS the new one is invalid (e.g. because of collisions)
                # Otherwise we'd end up with valid occurrences ignoring collisions!
                if old_occurrence and occurrence.is_valid:
                    for col in cols:
                        setattr(occurrence, col, getattr(old_occurrence, col))
            # Don't cause new notifications for the entire booking in case of daily repetition
            if self.repeat_frequency == RepeatFrequency.DAY and all(occ.notification_sent
                                                                    for occ in old_occurrences.itervalues()):
                for occurrence in self.occurrences:
                    occurrence.notification_sent = True

        # Sanity check so we don't end up with an "empty" booking
        if not any(occ.is_valid for occ in self.occurrences):
            raise NoReportError(_(u'Reservation has no valid occurrences'))

        notify_modification(self, changes)
        return True
    def modify(self, data, user):
        """Modifies an existing reservation.

        :param data: A dict containing the booking data, usually from a :class:`ModifyBookingForm` instance
        :param user: The :class:`.User` who modifies the booking.

        populate_fields = (
        # fields affecting occurrences
        occurrence_fields = {"start_dt", "end_dt", "repeat_frequency", "repeat_interval"}
        # fields where date and time are compared separately
        date_time_fields = {"start_dt", "end_dt"}
        # fields for the repetition
        repetition_fields = {"repeat_frequency", "repeat_interval"}
        # pretty names for logging
        field_names = {
            "start_dt/date": "start date",
            "end_dt/date": "end date",
            "start_dt/time": "start time",
            "end_dt/time": "end time",
            "repetition": "booking type",
            "booked_for_user": "******",
            "contact_email": "contact email",
            "contact_phone": "contact phone number",
            "booking_reason": "booking reason",
            "used_equipment": "list of equipment",
            "needs_assistance": "option 'General Assistance'",
            "uses_vc": "option 'Uses Videoconference'",
            "needs_vc_assistance": "option 'Videoconference Setup Assistance'",

        self.room.check_advance_days(data["end_dt"].date(), user)
        self.room.check_bookable_hours(data["start_dt"].time(), data["end_dt"].time(), user)

        changes = {}
        update_occurrences = False
        old_repetition = self.repetition

        for field in populate_fields:
            if field not in data:
            old = getattr(self, field)
            new = data[field]
            converter = unicode
            if field == "used_equipment":
                # Dynamic relationship
                old = sorted(old.all())
                converter = lambda x: u", ".join(x.name for x in x)
            if old != new:
                # Booked for user updates the (redundant) name
                if field == "booked_for_user":
                    old = self.booked_for_name
                    new = self.booked_for_name = data[field].full_name
                # Apply the change
                setattr(self, field, data[field])
                # If any occurrence-related field changed we need to recreate the occurrences
                if field in occurrence_fields:
                    update_occurrences = True
                # Record change for history entry
                if field in date_time_fields:
                    # The date/time fields create separate entries for the date and time parts
                    if old.date() != new.date():
                        changes[field + "/date"] = {"old": old.date(), "new": new.date(), "converter": format_date}
                    if old.time() != new.time():
                        changes[field + "/time"] = {"old": old.time(), "new": new.time(), "converter": format_time}
                elif field in repetition_fields:
                    # Repetition needs special handling since it consists of two fields but they are tied together
                    # We simply update it whenever we encounter such a change; after the last change we end up with
                    # the correct change data
                    changes["repetition"] = {
                        "old": old_repetition,
                        "new": self.repetition,
                        "converter": lambda x: RepeatMapping.get_message(*x),
                    changes[field] = {"old": old, "new": new, "converter": converter}

        if not changes:
            return False

        # Create a verbose log entry for the modification
        log = [u"Booking modified"]
        for field, change in changes.iteritems():
            field_title = field_names.get(field, field)
            converter = change["converter"]
            old = converter(change["old"])
            new = converter(change["new"])
            if not old:
                log.append(u"The {} was set to '{}'".format(field_title, new))
            elif not new:
                log.append(u"The {} was cleared".format(field_title))
                log.append(u"The {} was changed from '{}' to '{}'".format(field_title, old, new))

        self.edit_logs.append(ReservationEditLog(user_name=user.full_name, info=log))

        # Recreate all occurrences if necessary
        if update_occurrences:
            cols = [
                for col in ReservationOccurrence.__table__.columns
                if not col.primary_key and col.name not in {"start_dt", "end_dt"}

            old_occurrences = {occ.date: occ for occ in self.occurrences}
            self.create_occurrences(True, user)
            # Restore rejection data etc. for recreated occurrences
            for occurrence in self.occurrences:
                old_occurrence = old_occurrences.get(occurrence.date)
                # Copy data from old occurrence UNLESS the new one is invalid (e.g. because of collisions)
                # Otherwise we'd end up with valid occurrences ignoring collisions!
                if old_occurrence and occurrence.is_valid:
                    for col in cols:
                        setattr(occurrence, col, getattr(old_occurrence, col))
            # Don't cause new notifications for the entire booking in case of daily repetition
            if self.repeat_frequency == RepeatFrequency.DAY and all(
                occ.notification_sent for occ in old_occurrences.itervalues()
                for occurrence in self.occurrences:
                    occurrence.notification_sent = True

        # Sanity check so we don't end up with an "empty" booking
        if not any(occ.is_valid for occ in self.occurrences):
            raise NoReportError(_("Reservation has no valid occurrences"))

        notify_modification(self, changes)
        return True