def make_app(set_path=False, testing=False, config_override=None): # If you are reading this code and wonder how to access the app: # >>> from flask import current_app as app # This only works while inside an application context but you really shouldn't have any # reason to access it outside this method without being inside an application context. # When set_path is enabled, SERVER_NAME and APPLICATION_ROOT are set according to BASE_URL # so URLs can be generated without an app context, e.g. in the indico shell if Logger.get('flask').warn( 'make_app({}) called within app context, using existing app:\n{}'. format(set_path, '\n'.join(traceback.format_stack()))) return app = IndicoFlask('indico', static_folder=None, template_folder='web/templates') app.config['TESTING'] = testing app.config['INDICO'] = load_config(only_defaults=testing, override=config_override) configure_app(app, set_path) with app.app_context(): if not testing: Logger.init(app) celery.init_app(app) babel.init_app(app) multipass.init_app(app) oauth.init_app(app) setup_mako(app) setup_jinja(app) core_env.init_app(app) setup_assets() configure_db(app) mm.init_app(app) extend_url_map(app) add_handlers(app) setup_request_stats(app) add_blueprints(app) plugin_engine.init_app(app, Logger.get('plugins')) if not plugin_engine.load_plugins(app): raise Exception('Could not load some plugins: {}'.format(', '.join( plugin_engine.get_failed_plugins(app)))) # Below this points plugins are available, i.e. sending signals makes sense add_plugin_blueprints(app) # themes can be provided by plugins register_theme_sass() signals.app_created.send(app) return app
def make_app(set_path=False, testing=False, config_override=None): # If you are reading this code and wonder how to access the app: # >>> from flask import current_app as app # This only works while inside an application context but you really shouldn't have any # reason to access it outside this method without being inside an application context. # When set_path is enabled, SERVER_NAME and APPLICATION_ROOT are set according to BASE_URL # so URLs can be generated without an app context, e.g. in the indico shell if Logger.get('flask').warn('make_app called within app context, using existing app') return app = IndicoFlask('indico', static_folder=None, template_folder='web/templates') app.config['TESTING'] = testing app.config['INDICO'] = load_config(only_defaults=testing, override=config_override) configure_app(app, set_path) with app.app_context(): if not testing: Logger.init(app) celery.init_app(app) babel.init_app(app) multipass.init_app(app) oauth.init_app(app) setup_mako(app) setup_jinja(app) core_env.init_app(app) setup_assets() configure_db(app) mm.init_app(app) extend_url_map(app) add_handlers(app) setup_request_stats(app) add_blueprints(app) plugin_engine.init_app(app, Logger.get('plugins')) if not plugin_engine.load_plugins(app): raise Exception('Could not load some plugins: {}'.format(', '.join(plugin_engine.get_failed_plugins(app)))) # Below this points plugins are available, i.e. sending signals makes sense add_plugin_blueprints(app) # themes can be provided by plugins register_theme_sass() signals.app_created.send(app) return app