def _dispatch(event_rh, category_rh):
    event_view = make_view_func(event_rh)
    categ_view = make_view_func(category_rh)

    def view_func(**kwargs):
        return categ_view(**kwargs) if kwargs['object_type'] == 'category' else event_view(**kwargs)

    return view_func
文件: blueprint.py 项目: wdbm/indico
def _dispatch(event_rh, category_rh):
    event_view = make_view_func(event_rh)
    categ_view = make_view_func(category_rh)

    def view_func(**kwargs):
        return categ_view(**kwargs) if kwargs['object_type'] == 'category' else event_view(**kwargs)

    return view_func
def test_get_request_user_nested_exceptions(mocker, app, test_client):
    process_called = False

    class RHFail(RH):
        def _process(self):
            nonlocal process_called
            process_called = True
            raise Exception('badaboom')

    app.add_url_rule('/test/fail', 'test_fail', make_view_func(RHFail))

    # page does not exist
    resp = test_client.get('/test/this-does-not-exist?user_token=garbage')
    assert resp.status_code == 404
    assert b'Not Found' in resp.data

    # existing page but invalid token, just making sure we never get into processing that
    resp = test_client.get('/test/fail?user_token=garbage')
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    assert b'The persistent link you used is invalid' in resp.data

    # random failure during authentication on an existing page
    mocker.patch('indico.web.util._lookup_request_user', side_effect=Exception('kaboom'))
    resp = test_client.get('/test/fail?user_token=garbage')
    assert resp.status_code == 500
    assert b'kaboom' in resp.data

    # random failure during authentication on 404ing page
    resp = test_client.get('/test/this-does-not-exist?user_token=garbage')
    assert resp.status_code == 404
    assert b'Not Found' in resp.data

    # none of the requests should have ended up in the RH
    assert not process_called
文件: wrappers.py 项目: NIIF/indico
 def add_url_rule(self, rule, endpoint=None, view_func=None, **options):
     if view_func is not None:
         # We might have a RH class here - convert it to a callable suitable as a view func.
         view_func = make_view_func(view_func)
     super(IndicoBlueprint, self).add_url_rule(self.__default_prefix + rule, endpoint, view_func, **options)
     if self.__prefix:
         super(IndicoBlueprint, self).add_url_rule(self.__prefix + rule, endpoint, view_func, **options)
 def add_url_rule(self, rule, endpoint=None, view_func=None, **options):
     if view_func is not None:
         # We might have a RH class here - convert it to a callable suitable as a view func.
         view_func = make_view_func(view_func)
     super(IndicoBlueprint, self).add_url_rule(self.__default_prefix + rule, endpoint, view_func, **options)
     if self.__prefix:
         super(IndicoBlueprint, self).add_url_rule(self.__prefix + rule, endpoint, view_func, **options)
def test_token_access_mixin(dummy_event, app, test_client):
    class RHTest(TokenAccessMixin, RH):
        def _process(self):
            return f'{self._token_can_access()}|{self.is_service_call}'.lower()

    class RHTestServiceAllowed(TokenAccessMixin, RH):
        SERVICE_ALLOWED = True

        def can_access(self):
            # must be called here for CSRF

        def _process(self):
            return f'{self._token_can_access()}|{self.is_service_call}'.lower()

    app.add_url_rule('/test/<int:event_id>/no-service', 'test_no_service',
                     methods=('GET', 'POST'))

    token = f'{TOKEN_PREFIX_SERVICE}{uuid4()}'
    editing_settings.set(dummy_event, 'service_token', token)

    # no auth
    assert test_client.get(
        f'/test/{dummy_event.id}/no-service').data == b'false|false'
    assert test_client.get(
        f'/test/{dummy_event.id}/service').data == b'false|false'
    # service token
    service_auth = {'headers': {'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'}}
    assert test_client.get(f'/test/{dummy_event.id}/no-service',
                           **service_auth).data == b'false|false'
    assert test_client.get(f'/test/{dummy_event.id}/service',
                           **service_auth).data == b'true|true'
    # csrf
    resp = test_client.post(f'/test/{dummy_event.id}/service')
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    assert b'problem with your current session' in resp.data
    assert test_client.post(f'/test/{dummy_event.id}/service',
                            **service_auth).data == b'true|true'
def test_get_request_user_oauth_querystring(db, dummy_user, app, test_client):
    # TODO: remove this once indico-checkin no longer sends tokens in the query string!
    from indico.core.oauth.models.applications import OAuthApplication, OAuthApplicationUserLink, SystemAppType
    from indico.core.oauth.models.tokens import OAuthToken

    class RHTest(RH):
        def _process(self):
            user, source = get_request_user()
            assert session.user == user
            if not user:
                return 'none'
            return f'{user.id}|{source}'

                     methods=('GET', 'POST'))

    checkin_app = OAuthApplication.query.filter_by(
    app_link = OAuthApplicationUserLink(application=checkin_app,
    token_string = 'x' * 40

    resp = test_client.get('/test/registrants',
                           headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {token_string}'})
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|oauth'

    resp = test_client.post(
        headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {token_string}'})
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|oauth'

    resp = test_client.get(f'/test/registrants?access_token={token_string}')
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|oauth'

    resp = test_client.post(f'/test/registrants?access_token={token_string}')
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|oauth'
 def _before_request(self):
     if request.endpoint == 'categories.display':
         return redirect(url_for('rb.roombooking'))
     elif request.endpoint == 'rb.roombooking':
         # render our own landing page instead of the original RH
         return make_view_func(RHLanding)()
def test_get_request_user_complete(dummy_user, app, test_client, dummy_token, create_user):
    class RHTest(RH):
        def _process(self):
            user, source = get_request_user()
            assert session.user == user
            if not user:
                return 'none'
            return f'{user.id}|{source}'

    class RHTestSigned(RHTest):

    class RHTestScope(RHTest):

    app.add_url_rule('/test/default', 'test_default', make_view_func(RHTest), methods=('GET', 'POST'))
    app.add_url_rule('/test/signed', 'test_signed', make_view_func(RHTestSigned))
    app.add_url_rule('/test/scope', 'test_scope', make_view_func(RHTestScope), methods=('GET', 'POST'))

    # no auth
    assert test_client.get('/test/default').data == b'none'
    assert test_client.get('/test/signed').data == b'none'
    assert test_client.get('/test/scope').data == b'none'

    # signature auth
    resp = test_client.get(signed_url_for_user(dummy_user, 'test_default'))
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    assert b'Signature auth is not allowed for this URL' in resp.data

    resp = test_client.get(signed_url_for_user(dummy_user, 'test_signed'))
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|signed_url'

    resp = test_client.get(signed_url_for_user(dummy_user, 'test_scope'))
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    assert b'Signature auth is not allowed for this URL' in resp.data

    # oauth - token with read:user scope
    oauth_headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {dummy_token._plaintext_token}'}
    resp = test_client.get('/test/default', headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 403
    assert b'insufficient_scope' in resp.data

    resp = test_client.post('/test/default', headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 403
    assert b'insufficient_scope' in resp.data

    resp = test_client.get('/test/signed', headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 403
    assert b'insufficient_scope' in resp.data

    resp = test_client.get('/test/scope', headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|oauth'

    resp = test_client.post('/test/scope', headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|oauth'

    # oauth - token with read:everything scope

    resp = test_client.get('/test/default', headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|oauth'

    # default post requires full:everything
    resp = test_client.post('/test/default', headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 403
    assert b'insufficient_scope' in resp.data

    resp = test_client.get('/test/signed', headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|oauth'

    resp = test_client.get('/test/scope', headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|oauth'

    # custom scopes are not method-specific
    resp = test_client.post('/test/scope', headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|oauth'

    # full:everything should allow posting to any endpoint

    resp = test_client.post('/test/default', headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|oauth'

    # oauth + signature is not allowed
    resp = test_client.get(signed_url_for_user(dummy_user, 'test_signed'), headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    assert b'OAuth tokens and signed URLs cannot be mixed' in resp.data

    # request with a user being set in the actual session (session cookies in the browser)
    with test_client.session_transaction() as sess:

    assert test_client.get('/test/default').data == b'123|session'
    assert test_client.get('/test/signed').data == b'123|session'
    assert test_client.get('/test/scope').data == b'123|session'

    # oauth + session is not allowed
    resp = test_client.get('/test/default', headers=oauth_headers)
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    assert b'OAuth tokens and session cookies cannot be mixed' in resp.data

    # regular requests still need a CSRF token
    resp = test_client.post('/test/default')
    assert resp.status_code == 400
    assert b'problem with your current session' in resp.data

    # signed links override the session user
    resp = test_client.get(signed_url_for_user(dummy_user, 'test_signed'))
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert resp.data == b'1337|signed_url'