    def _get_location_by_id(self, loc_id):
        qstr = "$.entities.frames[(@.frame_id is \'%s\')]" % loc_id
        res = self.tree.execute(qstr)
        if res is None:
            return None
            entity_term = next(res)
        except StopIteration:
            logger.debug(' %s is not an entity' % loc_id)
            return None
        name = entity_term.get('text')
        go_id = None
        for xr in entity_term['xrefs']:
            ns = xr['namespace']
            if ns == 'go':
                go_id = xr['id']

        # If there is no GO ID, we try to "ground" the name to an ID
        if go_id is None:
            go_id = go_client.get_go_id_from_label_or_synonym(name.lower())

        # Try to get valid location based on GO id
        if go_id is not None:
            loc = go_client.get_go_label(go_id)
            if loc:
                return loc
        return None
    def standardize_agent_name(agent, standardize_refs=True):
        """Standardize the name of an Agent based on grounding information.

        If an agent contains a FamPlex grounding, the FamPlex ID is used as a
        name. Otherwise if it contains a Uniprot ID, an attempt is made to find
        the associated HGNC gene name. If one can be found it is used as the
        agent name and the associated HGNC ID is added as an entry to the
        db_refs. Similarly, CHEBI, MESH and GO IDs are used in this order of
        priority to assign a standardized name to the Agent. If no relevant
        IDs are found, the name is not changed.

        agent : indra.statements.Agent
            An INDRA Agent whose name attribute should be standardized based
            on grounding information.
        standardize_refs : Optional[bool]
            If True, this function assumes that the Agent's db_refs need to
            be standardized, e.g., HGNC mapped to UP.
            Default: True
        # We return immediately for None Agents
        if agent is None:

        if standardize_refs:
            agent.db_refs = GroundingMapper.standardize_db_refs(agent.db_refs)

        # We next look for prioritized grounding, if missing, we return
        db_ns, db_id = agent.get_grounding()
        if not db_ns or not db_id:

        # If there's a FamPlex ID, prefer that for the name
        if db_ns == 'FPLX':
            agent.name = agent.db_refs['FPLX']
        # Importantly, HGNC here will be a symbol because that is what
        # get_grounding returns
        elif db_ns == 'HGNC':
            agent.name = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_name(db_id)
        elif db_ns == 'UP':
            # Try for the gene name
            gene_name = uniprot_client.get_gene_name(agent.db_refs['UP'],
            if gene_name:
                agent.name = gene_name
        elif db_ns == 'CHEBI':
            chebi_name = \
            if chebi_name:
                agent.name = chebi_name
        elif db_ns == 'MESH':
            mesh_name = mesh_client.get_mesh_name(agent.db_refs['MESH'], False)
            if mesh_name:
                agent.name = mesh_name
        elif db_ns == 'GO':
            go_name = go_client.get_go_label(agent.db_refs['GO'])
            if go_name:
                agent.name = go_name
def generate_adeft_terms():
    from adeft import available_shortforms
    from adeft.disambiguate import load_disambiguator
    all_term_args = set()
    for shortform in available_shortforms:
        da = load_disambiguator(shortform)
        for grounding in da.names.keys():
            if grounding == 'ungrounded' or ':' not in grounding:
            db_ns, db_id = grounding.split(':', maxsplit=1)
            if db_ns == 'HGNC':
                standard_name = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_name(db_id)
            elif db_ns == 'GO':
                standard_name = go_client.get_go_label(db_id)
            elif db_ns == 'MESH':
                standard_name = mesh_client.get_mesh_name(db_id)
            elif db_ns == 'CHEBI':
                standard_name = chebi_client.get_chebi_name_from_id(db_id)
            elif db_ns == 'FPLX':
                standard_name = db_id
            elif db_ns == 'UP':
                standard_name = uniprot_client.get_gene_name(db_id)
                logger.warning('Unknown grounding namespace from Adeft: %s' %
            term_args = (normalize(shortform), shortform, db_ns, db_id,
                         standard_name, 'synonym', 'adeft')
    terms = [
        for term_args in sorted(list(all_term_args), key=lambda x: x[0])
    return terms
def generate_famplex_terms(ignore_mappings=False):
    fname = os.path.join(indra_resources, 'famplex', 'grounding_map.csv')
    logger.info('Loading %s' % fname)
    terms = []
    for row in read_csv(fname, delimiter=','):
        txt = row[0]
        norm_txt = normalize(txt)
        groundings = {k: v for k, v in zip(row[1::2], row[2::2]) if (k and v)}
        if 'FPLX' in groundings:
            id = groundings['FPLX']
            term = Term(norm_txt, txt, 'FPLX', id, id, 'assertion', 'famplex')
        elif 'HGNC' in groundings:
            id = groundings['HGNC']
            term = Term(norm_txt, txt, 'HGNC', hgnc_client.get_hgnc_id(id), id,
                        'assertion', 'famplex', '9606')
        elif 'UP' in groundings:
            db = 'UP'
            id = groundings['UP']
            name = id
            organism = None
            if uniprot_client.is_human(id):
                organism = '9606'
                hgnc_id = uniprot_client.get_hgnc_id(id)
                if hgnc_id:
                    name = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_name(hgnc_id)
                    if hgnc_id:
                        db = 'HGNC'
                        id = hgnc_id
                    logger.warning('No gene name for %s' % id)
            # TODO: should we add organism info here?
            term = Term(norm_txt, txt, db, id, name, 'assertion', 'famplex',
        elif 'CHEBI' in groundings:
            id = groundings['CHEBI']
            name = chebi_client.get_chebi_name_from_id(id[6:])
            term = Term(norm_txt, txt, 'CHEBI', id, name, 'assertion',
        elif 'GO' in groundings:
            id = groundings['GO']
            term = Term(norm_txt, txt, 'GO', id, go_client.get_go_label(id),
                        'assertion', 'famplex')
        elif 'MESH' in groundings:
            id = groundings['MESH']
            mesh_mapping = mesh_mappings.get(id)
            db, db_id, name = mesh_mapping if (mesh_mapping
                                               and not ignore_mappings) else \
                ('MESH', id, mesh_client.get_mesh_name(id))
            term = Term(norm_txt, txt, db, db_id, name, 'assertion', 'famplex')
            # TODO: handle HMDB, PUBCHEM, CHEMBL
    return terms
def _get_go_type(go_id):
    from indra.databases import go_client
    go_namespace = go_client.get_namespace(go_id)
    term_name = go_client.get_go_label(go_id)
    if go_namespace == 'cellular_component':
        if 'complex' in term_name:
            return 'protein_family_complex'
            return 'cellular_location'
    elif go_namespace in {'biological_process', 'molecular_function'}:
        return 'biological_process'
 def get_translocates(self):
     for card in self.index_cards:
         inter = card.get('interaction')
         if inter['interaction_type'] != 'translocates':
         ev = self._get_evidence(card)
         participant = inter.get('participant_b')
         agent = self._get_agent(participant)
         from_location = inter.get('from_location_id')
         to_location = inter.get('to_location_id')
         if from_location:
             from_location = go_client.get_go_label(from_location)
         if to_location:
             to_location = go_client.get_go_label(to_location)
         if not from_location and not to_location:
         stmt = Translocation(agent,
 def add_agent_node(self, agent):
     """Add a node corresponding to an INDRA Agent."""
     go_id = agent.db_refs.get('GO')
     if go_id:
         go_id = go_id if go_id.startswith('GO:') else 'GO:%s' % go_id
         node_key = go_id
         name = go_client.get_go_label(go_id)
         self.graph.add_node(node_key, name=name,
                             source='indra', **agent.db_refs)
         node_key = agent.name
         self.graph.add_node(node_key, name=agent.name, **agent.db_refs,
     return node_key
def test_go_id_lookup():
    go_id = 'GO:0001768'
    go_name = go_client.get_go_label(go_id)
    assert go_name == 'establishment of T cell polarity'
def test_invalid_id():
    go_name = go_client.get_go_label('34jkgfh')
    assert go_name is None
def get_db_refs_by_name(ns, name, node_data):
    """Return standard name and grounding based on a namespace and a name.

    ns : str
        A name space in which the given name is interpreted.
    name : str
        The name in the given name space to get grounding for.
    node_data : dict
        Node data for logging purposes.

    name : str
        The standardized name for the given entity.
    db_refs : dict
        The grounding for the given entity.

    db_refs = None
    if ns == 'HGNC':
        # Assumption: name is an HGNC symbol
        hgnc_id = hgnc_client.get_current_hgnc_id(name)
        if not hgnc_id:
            logger.info("Invalid HGNC name: %s (%s)" % (name, node_data))
            return name, None
        elif isinstance(hgnc_id, list):
            logger.info('More than one current HGNC ID for %s, choosing %s' %
                        (name, hgnc_id[0]))
            hgnc_id = hgnc_id[0]
        name = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_name(hgnc_id)
        db_refs = {'HGNC': hgnc_id}
        up_id = _get_up_id(hgnc_id)
        if up_id:
            db_refs['UP'] = up_id
        mirbase_id = mirbase_client.get_mirbase_id_from_hgnc_id(hgnc_id)
        if mirbase_id:
            db_refs['MIRBASE'] = mirbase_id

    elif ns in ('UNIPROT', 'UP'):
        up_id = None
        # This is a simple test to see if name is a valid UniProt ID,
        # if we can't get a mnemonic, we assume it's not a UP ID
        if uniprot_client.get_mnemonic(name, web_fallback=False):
            up_id = name
        # We next check if it's a mnemonic
            up_id_from_mnem = uniprot_client.get_id_from_mnemonic(name)
            if up_id_from_mnem:
                up_id = up_id_from_mnem
        if not up_id:
            logger.info('Couldn\'t get UP ID from %s' % name)
            return name, None
        db_refs = {'UP': up_id}
        hgnc_id = uniprot_client.get_hgnc_id(up_id)
        if hgnc_id:
            db_refs['HGNC'] = hgnc_id
            name = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_name(hgnc_id)
            name = uniprot_client.get_gene_name(up_id)
    elif ns == 'FPLX':
        db_refs = {'FPLX': name}
    elif ns in ('GO', 'GOBP', 'GOCC'):
        if name == 'cell proliferation':
            name = 'cell population proliferation'
        go_id = go_client.get_go_id_from_label(name)
        if not go_id:
            logger.info('Could not find GO ID for %s' % name)
            return name, None
        db_refs = {'GO': go_id}
        name = go_client.get_go_label(go_id)
    elif ns in ('MESHPP', 'MESHD', 'MESH'):
        mesh_id, mesh_name = mesh_client.get_mesh_id_name(name)
        if not mesh_id:
            logger.info('Could not find MESH ID from %s' % name)
            return name, None
        name = mesh_name
        db_refs = {'MESH': mesh_id}
    # For now, handle MGI/RGD but putting the name into the db_refs so
    # it's clear what namespace the name belongs to
    # FIXME: Full implementation would look up MGI/RGD identifiers from
    # the names, and obtain corresponding Uniprot IDs
    elif ns == 'MGI':
        up_id = mouse_lookup.get(name)
        if up_id:
            db_refs = {'UP': up_id}
    elif ns == 'RGD':
        up_id = rat_lookup.get(name)
        if up_id:
            db_refs = {'UP': up_id}
    # Map Selventa families and complexes to FamPlex
    elif ns == 'SFAM':
        db_refs = {'SFAM': name}
        indra_name = bel_to_indra.get(name)
        if indra_name is None:
            logger.info('Could not find mapping for BEL/SFAM family: '
                        '%s (%s)' % (name, node_data))
            db_refs['FPLX'] = indra_name
            name = indra_name
    elif ns == 'SCOMP':
        db_refs = {'SCOMP': name}
        indra_name = bel_to_indra.get(name)
        if indra_name is None:
            logger.info('Could not find mapping for BEL/SCOMP complex: '
                        '%s (%s)' % (name, node_data))
            db_refs['FPLX'] = indra_name
            name = indra_name
    # Map Entrez genes to HGNC/UP
    elif ns in ('EGID', 'ENTREZ', 'NCBIGENE'):
        hgnc_id = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_from_entrez(name)
        db_refs = {'EGID': name}
        if hgnc_id is not None:
            db_refs['HGNC'] = hgnc_id
            name = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_name(hgnc_id)
            up_id = hgnc_client.get_uniprot_id(hgnc_id)
            if up_id:
                db_refs['UP'] = up_id
                    'HGNC entity %s with HGNC ID %s has no '
                    'corresponding Uniprot ID.', name, hgnc_id)
            mirbase_id = mirbase_client.get_mirbase_id_from_hgnc_id(hgnc_id)
            if mirbase_id:
                db_refs['MIRBASE'] = mirbase_id
            logger.debug('Could not map EGID%s to HGNC.' % name)
            name = 'E%s' % name
    elif ns == 'MIRBASE':
        mirbase_id = mirbase_client.get_mirbase_id_from_mirbase_name(name)
        if not mirbase_id:
            logger.info('Could not map miRBase name %s to ID', name)
            return name, None
        db_refs = {'MIRBASE': mirbase_id}
        hgnc_id = mirbase_client.get_hgnc_id_from_mirbase_id(mirbase_id)
        if hgnc_id:
            db_refs['HGNC'] = hgnc_id
            name = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_name(hgnc_id)
    # CHEBI
    elif ns == 'CHEBI':
        # We first look up BEL's own namespace map for ChEBI names to IDs
        chebi_id = chebi_name_id.get(name)
        # If that fails, we look up INDRA's ChEBI name to ID mapping
        if not chebi_id:
            chebi_id = chebi_client.get_chebi_id_from_name(name)
        if chebi_id:
            db_refs = {'CHEBI': chebi_id}
            logger.info('CHEBI name %s not found in map.' % name)
    # These appear in the name slot but are actually IDs
    elif ns == 'CHEBIID':
        chebi_id = identifiers.ensure_chebi_prefix(name)
        db_refs = {'CHEBI': chebi_id}
        name = chebi_client.get_chebi_name_from_id(chebi_id)
    # SDIS, SCHEM: Include the name as the ID for the namespace
    elif ns in ('SDIS', 'SCHEM', 'TEXT'):
        db_refs = {ns: name}
    elif ns == 'TAX':
        tid = taxonomy_client.get_taxonomy_id(name)
        if tid:
            db_refs = {'TAXONOMY': tid}
            logger.info('Could not get taxonomy ID for %s' % name)
        logger.info("Unhandled namespace: %s: %s (%s)" % (ns, name, node_data))
    return name, db_refs
def _urn_to_db_refs(urn):
    """Converts a Medscan URN to an INDRA db_refs dictionary with grounding

    urn : str
        A Medscan URN

    db_refs : dict
        A dictionary with grounding information, mapping databases to database
        identifiers. If the Medscan URN is not recognized, returns an empty
    db_name : str
        The Famplex name, if available; otherwise the HGNC name if available;
        otherwise None
    # Convert a urn to a db_refs dictionary
    if urn is None:
        return {}, None

    m = URN_PATT.match(urn)
    if m is None:
        return None, None

    urn_type, urn_id = m.groups()

    db_refs = {}
    db_name = None

    # TODO: support more types of URNs
    if urn_type == 'agi-cas':
        # Identifier is CAS, convert to CHEBI
        chebi_id = get_chebi_id_from_cas(urn_id)
        if chebi_id:
            db_refs['CHEBI'] = chebi_id
            db_name = get_chebi_name_from_id(chebi_id)
    elif urn_type == 'agi-llid':
        # This is an Entrez ID, convert to HGNC
        hgnc_id = get_hgnc_from_entrez(urn_id)
        if hgnc_id is not None:
            db_refs['HGNC'] = hgnc_id

            # Convert the HGNC ID to a Uniprot ID
            uniprot_id = get_uniprot_id(hgnc_id)
            if uniprot_id is not None:
                db_refs['UP'] = uniprot_id

            # Try to lookup HGNC name; if it's available, set it to the
            # agent name
            db_name = get_hgnc_name(hgnc_id)
    elif urn_type in [
            'agi-meshdis', 'agi-ncimorgan', 'agi-ncimtissue',
        if urn_id.startswith('C') and urn_id[1:].isdigit():
            # Identifier is probably UMLS
            db_refs['UMLS'] = urn_id
            # Identifier is MESH
            urn_mesh_name = unquote(urn_id)
            mesh_id, mesh_name = mesh_client.get_mesh_id_name(urn_mesh_name)
            if mesh_id:
                db_refs['MESH'] = mesh_id
                db_name = mesh_name
                db_name = urn_mesh_name
    elif urn_type == 'agi-gocomplex':
        # Identifier is GO
        db_refs['GO'] = 'GO:%s' % urn_id
    elif urn_type == 'agi-go':
        # Identifier is GO
        db_refs['GO'] = 'GO:%s' % urn_id

    # If we have a GO or MESH grounding, see if there is a corresponding
    # Famplex grounding
    db_sometimes_maps_to_famplex = ['GO', 'MESH']
    for db in db_sometimes_maps_to_famplex:
        if db in db_refs:
            key = (db, db_refs[db])
            if key in famplex_map:
                db_refs['FPLX'] = famplex_map[key]

    # If the urn corresponds to an eccode, groudn to famplex if that eccode
    # is in the Famplex equivalences table
    if urn.startswith('urn:agi-enz'):
        tokens = urn.split(':')
        eccode = tokens[2]
        key = ('ECCODE', eccode)
        if key in famplex_map:
            db_refs['FPLX'] = famplex_map[key]

    # If the Medscan URN itself maps to a Famplex id, add a Famplex grounding
    key = ('MEDSCAN', urn)
    if key in famplex_map:
        db_refs['FPLX'] = famplex_map[key]

    # If there is a Famplex grounding, use Famplex for entity name
    if 'FPLX' in db_refs:
        db_name = db_refs['FPLX']
    elif 'GO' in db_refs:
        db_name = go_client.get_go_label(db_refs['GO'])

    return db_refs, db_name
def _urn_to_db_refs(urn):
    """Converts a Medscan URN to an INDRA db_refs dictionary with grounding

    urn : str
        A Medscan URN

    db_refs : dict
        A dictionary with grounding information, mapping databases to database
        identifiers. If the Medscan URN is not recognized, returns an empty
    db_name : str
        The Famplex name, if available; otherwise the HGNC name if available;
        otherwise None
    # Convert a urn to a db_refs dictionary
    if urn is None:
        return {}, None

    m = URN_PATT.match(urn)
    if m is None:
        return None, None

    urn_type, urn_id = m.groups()

    db_refs = {}
    db_name = None

    # TODO: support more types of URNs
    if urn_type == 'agi-cas':
        # Identifier is CAS, convert to CHEBI
        chebi_id = get_chebi_id_from_cas(urn_id)
        if chebi_id:
            db_refs['CHEBI'] = 'CHEBI:%s' % chebi_id
            db_name = get_chebi_name_from_id(chebi_id)
    elif urn_type == 'agi-llid':
        # This is an Entrez ID, convert to HGNC
        hgnc_id = get_hgnc_from_entrez(urn_id)
        if hgnc_id is not None:
            db_refs['HGNC'] = hgnc_id

            # Convert the HGNC ID to a Uniprot ID
            uniprot_id = get_uniprot_id(hgnc_id)
            if uniprot_id is not None:
                db_refs['UP'] = uniprot_id

            # Try to lookup HGNC name; if it's available, set it to the
            # agent name
            db_name = get_hgnc_name(hgnc_id)
    elif urn_type in ['agi-meshdis', 'agi-ncimorgan', 'agi-ncimtissue',
        if urn_id.startswith('C') and urn_id[1:].isdigit():
            # Identifier is probably UMLS
            db_refs['UMLS'] = urn_id
            # Identifier is MESH
            urn_mesh_name = unquote(urn_id)
            mesh_id, mesh_name = mesh_client.get_mesh_id_name(urn_mesh_name)
            if mesh_id:
                db_refs['MESH'] = mesh_id
                db_name = mesh_name
                db_name = urn_mesh_name
    elif urn_type == 'agi-gocomplex':
        # Identifier is GO
        db_refs['GO'] = 'GO:%s' % urn_id
    elif urn_type == 'agi-go':
        # Identifier is GO
        db_refs['GO'] = 'GO:%s' % urn_id

    # If we have a GO or MESH grounding, see if there is a corresponding
    # Famplex grounding
    db_sometimes_maps_to_famplex = ['GO', 'MESH']
    for db in db_sometimes_maps_to_famplex:
        if db in db_refs:
            key = (db, db_refs[db])
            if key in famplex_map:
                db_refs['FPLX'] = famplex_map[key]

    # If the urn corresponds to an eccode, groudn to famplex if that eccode
    # is in the Famplex equivalences table
    if urn.startswith('urn:agi-enz'):
        tokens = urn.split(':')
        eccode = tokens[2]
        key = ('ECCODE', eccode)
        if key in famplex_map:
            db_refs['FPLX'] = famplex_map[key]

    # If the Medscan URN itself maps to a Famplex id, add a Famplex grounding
    key = ('MEDSCAN', urn)
    if key in famplex_map:
        db_refs['FPLX'] = famplex_map[key]

    # If there is a Famplex grounding, use Famplex for entity name
    if 'FPLX' in db_refs:
        db_name = db_refs['FPLX']
    elif 'GO' in db_refs:
        db_name = go_client.get_go_label(db_refs['GO'])

    return db_refs, db_name