def token_cb(token): self.indx_con = IndxClient(self.config['address'], self.config['box'], appid, token=token, client=authclient.client) return_d.callback(True)
def token_cb(token): if not self.indx: self.indx = IndxClient(self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.appid, token=token, client=self.client) do_call()
def call_action(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls an action by name. """ action = self.actions[name] f = action['f'] self.check_args(action['args']) if not self.indx: self.indx = IndxClient(self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.args['username'], self.args['password'], self.appid) return self.parse_status(name, f(*args, **kwargs))
def call_action(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls an action by name. """ return_d = Deferred() action = self.actions[name] f = action['f'] self.check_args(action['args']) def do_call(): f(*args, **kwargs).addCallbacks( lambda status: return_d.callback( self.parse_status(name, status)), return_d.errback) if not self.token: def token_cb(token): if not self.indx: self.indx = IndxClient(self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.appid, token=token, client=self.client) do_call() self.auth_and_get_token(IndxClient.requires_token(f)).addCallbacks( token_cb, return_d.errback) else: do_call() return return_d
def token_cb(token): indx = IndxClient(server_url, self.config_box, "INDX_Fitbit_Harvester", token=token, client=authclient.client) indx_d.callback(indx)
def token_cb(token): indx = IndxClient(server_url, box, "Slicer", token=token, client=authclient.client) logging.debug("Got the indx client token") indx_d.callback(indx)
def token_cb(remote_token): logging.debug("IndxSync sync_boxes token_cb") client = IndxClient(remote_server_url, remote_box, self.APPID, client = clientauth.client, token = remote_token, keystore = self.keystore) def updated_cb(empty): def pushed_cb(empty): def observer(data): if data.get('action') == 'diff' and data.get('operation') == 'update': diff = data['data'] def done_cb(empty): logging.debug("IndxSync updating from a websocket done.") def err_cb(failure): logging.error("IndxSync updating from a websocket error: {0}".format(failure)) self.update_to_latest_version(client, remote_server_url, remote_box, diff_in = diff).addCallbacks(done_cb, err_cb) else: logging.error("Sync: Unknown data message from WebSocket: {0}".format(data)) # auths and sets up listening for diffs, filtering them and passing them to the observer if websocket is None: wsclient = client.connect_ws(local_key['key']['private'], local_key_hash, observer, remote_encpk2, self.webserver) # open a new socket else: websocket.listen_remote(local_key['key']['private'], local_key_hash, observer, remote_encpk2) # use an existing websocket next_model(None) if not include_push_all: pushed_cb(None) return # push the whole box to the remote box def latest_cb(graph): def ver_cb(version): client.update_raw(version, graph.to_flat_json()).addCallbacks(pushed_cb, return_d.errback) client.get_version().addCallbacks(lambda resp: ver_cb(resp['data']), return_d.errback) self.root_store.get_latest(render_json = False).addCallbacks(latest_cb, return_d.errback) # compare local version to previous, and update one of them, or both self.update_to_latest_version(client, remote_server_url, remote_box).addCallbacks(updated_cb, return_d.errback)
def call_action(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls an action by name. """ return_d = Deferred() action = self.actions[name] f = action['f'] self.check_args(action['args']) def do_call(): f(*args, **kwargs).addCallbacks(lambda status: return_d.callback(self.parse_status(name, status)), return_d.errback) if not self.token: def token_cb(token): if not self.indx: self.indx = IndxClient(self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.appid, token = token, client = self.client) do_call() self.auth_and_get_token(IndxClient.requires_token(f)).addCallbacks(token_cb, return_d.errback) else: do_call() return return_d
def ver_cb(ver): def new_remote_key_cb(remote_keys): logging.debug("IndxSync link_remote_box, new_remote_key_cb, remote_keys: {0}".format(remote_keys)) # NB: no "private" in remote_keys, that never leaves the remote box. remote_keys = remote_keys['data'] # remove the Indx HTTP response padding remote_encpk = remote_keys['encpk2'] if type(remote_encpk) != type(""): remote_encpk = json.dumps(remote_encpk) remote_serverid = remote_keys['serverid'] link_uid = uuid.uuid1() local_key_uid = uuid.uuid1() remote_key_uid = uuid.uuid1() status1_uid = uuid.uuid1() status2_uid = uuid.uuid1() link_uri = "link-{0}".format(link_uid) status1_uri = "status-{0}".format(status1_uid) status2_uri = "status-{0}".format(status2_uid) # objects get updated to local box, and then synced across to the other boxes once the syncing starts new_objs = [ { "@id": link_uri, "type": [ {"@value": NS_ROOT_BOX + "link"} ], "boxes": [ {"@id": "box-{0}".format(local_key_uid)}, # links to the objs below {"@id": "box-{0}".format(remote_key_uid)}, # links to the objs below ], "statuses": [ {"@id": status1_uri}, {"@id": status2_uri} ], }, { "@id": status1_uri, "type": [ {"@value": NS_ROOT_BOX + "status"} ], "src-boxid": [ {"@value": remote_box} ], "src-server-url": [ {"@value": remote_address} ], "dst-boxid": [ {"@value": self.root_store.boxid} ], "dst-server-url": [ {"@value": self.url} ], "last-version-seen": [ {"@value": ver + 1} ], #we save this because we will push our whole box to it in a sec - it is incremented because the version is before we put this in }, { "@id": status2_uri, "type": [ {"@value": NS_ROOT_BOX + "status"} ], "dst-boxid": [ {"@value": remote_box} ], "dst-server-url": [ {"@value": remote_address} ], "src-boxid": [ {"@value": self.root_store.boxid} ], "src-server-url": [ {"@value": self.url} ], }, { "@id": "box-{0}".format(local_key_uid), "type": [ {"@value": NS_ROOT_BOX + "box"} ], "server-url": [ {"@value": self.url } ], "server-id": [ {"@value": server_id } ], "box": [ {"@value": self.root_store.boxid} ], "key": [ {"@id": local_keys['public-hash']}], # links to the key objs below }, { "@id": "box-{0}".format(remote_key_uid), "type": [ {"@value": NS_ROOT_BOX + "box"} ], "server-url": [ {"@value": remote_address } ], "server-id": [ {"@value": remote_serverid } ], "box": [ {"@value": remote_box} ], "key": [ {"@id": remote_keys['public-hash']}], # links to the key objs below }, { "@id": local_keys['public-hash'], "type": [ {"@value": NS_ROOT_BOX + "key"} ], "public-key": [ {"@value": local_keys['public']} ], # share the full public keys everywhere (private keys only in respective server's keystores) "public-hash": [ {"@value": local_keys['public-hash']} ], # share the full public keys everywhere (private keys only in respective server's keystores) }, { "@id": remote_keys['public-hash'], "type": [ {"@value": NS_ROOT_BOX + "key"} ], "public-key": [ {"@value": remote_keys['public']} ], # share the full public keys everywhere "public-hash": [ {"@value": remote_keys['public-hash']} ], # share the full public keys everywhere }, ] def update_cb(empty): def diff_cb(diff): def applied_cb(empty): def encpk_cb(empty): def remote_added_cb(empty): def local_added_cb(empty): logging.debug("IndxSync link_remote_box, local_added_cb") def added_indx_cb(empty): # start syncing/connecting using the new key self.sync_boxes([link_uri], include_push_all = True).addCallbacks(lambda empty: return_d.callback(remote_keys['public']), return_d.errback) self.database.save_linked_box(self.root_store.boxid).addCallbacks(added_indx_cb, return_d.errback) # add the local key to the local store self.keystore.put(local_keys, local_user, self.root_store.boxid).addCallbacks(local_added_cb, return_d.errback) # store in the local keystore self.keystore.put({"public": remote_keys['public'], "private": "", "public-hash": remote_keys['public-hash']}, local_user, self.root_store.boxid).addCallbacks(remote_added_cb, return_d.errback) # don't save the local encpk2 here, only give it to the remote server. # save the remote encpk2 self.database.save_encpk2(sha512_hash(remote_encpk), remote_encpk, remote_serverid).addCallbacks(encpk_cb, return_d.errback) client.apply_diff(diff).addCallbacks(applied_cb, return_d.errback) self.root_store.diff(0, None, "diff").addCallbacks(diff_cb, return_d.errback) self.root_store.update(new_objs, ver, propagate = True).addCallbacks(update_cb, return_d.errback) client = IndxClient(remote_address, remote_box, self.APPID, token = remote_token) client.generate_new_key(local_keys, local_encpk, server_id).addCallbacks(new_remote_key_cb, return_d.errback)
class CLIClient: def __init__(self, appid="INDX CLIClient"): """ Associate command-line actions with functions, and enforce required variables. """ self.actions = { 'create_box': { 'f': self.create_box, 'args': ['box'] }, 'delete_box': { 'f': self.delete_box, 'args': ['box'] }, 'list_boxes': { 'f': self.list_boxes, 'args': [] }, 'get_object_ids': { 'f': self.get_object_ids, 'args': ['box'] }, 'create_user': { 'f': self.create_user, 'args': ['target_username', 'target_password'] }, 'update': { 'f': self.update, 'args': ['box', 'data', 'version'] }, 'update_json': { 'f': self.update_json, 'args': ['box', 'data', 'version'] }, 'update_raw': { 'f': self.update_raw, 'args': ['box', 'data', 'version'] }, 'delete': { 'f': self.delete, 'args': ['box', 'id', 'version'] }, 'get_latest': { 'f': self.get_latest, 'args': ['box'] }, 'get_by_ids': { 'f': self.get_by_ids, 'args': ['box', 'id'] }, 'query': { 'f': self.query, 'args': ['box', 'query'] }, 'diff': { 'f': self.diff, 'args': ['box', 'from', 'return_objs'] }, #'listen': {'f': self.listen, 'args': ['box']}, 'add_file': { 'f': self.add_file, 'args': ['box', 'data', 'id', 'version', 'contenttype'] }, 'delete_file': { 'f': self.delete_file, 'args': ['box', 'id', 'version'] }, 'get_file': { 'f': self.get_file, 'args': ['box', 'id'] }, 'list_files': { 'f': self.list_files, 'args': ['box'] }, 'set_acl': { 'f': self.set_acl, 'args': ['box', 'acl', 'target_username'] }, 'set_acl_public': { 'f': self.set_acl_public, 'args': ['box', 'acl'] }, 'get_acls': { 'f': self.get_acls, 'args': ['box'] }, 'generate_new_key': { 'f': self.generate_new_key, 'args': ['box'] }, 'create_root_box': { 'f': self.create_root_box, 'args': ['box'] }, 'link_remote_box': { 'f': self.link_remote_box, 'args': ['box', 'remote_token', 'remote_box', 'remote_address'] }, 'generate_token': { 'f': self.generate_token, 'args': ['box'] }, } self.token = None self.appid = appid self.indx = None def set_args(self, args): """ Move relevant command-line arguments into local variable. """ logging.debug("Set args: {0}".format(args)) self.args = args """ Flatten single value lists into flat key/value pair. """ for key in args: if type(args[key]) == type([]) and len(args[key]) == 1: args[key] = args[key][0] """ Ensure self.server always ends in a / """ if self.args['server'][-1:] != "/": self.args['server'] += "/" def check_args(self, required): not_set = [] for key in required: if key not in self.args or self.args[key] is None or self.args[ key] == "": not_set.append(key) if not self.args['allowempty'] and len(not_set) > 0: raise Exception( "The following values cannot be empty for this action: {0}". format(", ".join(not_set))) def auth_and_get_token(self, get_token): """ Authenticate, get a token and call it back to the deferred. """ return_d = Deferred() def authed_cb(): def token_cb(token): if token is not None: self.token = token return_d.callback(token) else: return_d.callback(None) if get_token: authclient.get_token(self.args['box']).addCallbacks( token_cb, return_d.errback) else: token_cb(None) authclient = IndxClientAuth(self.args['server'], self.appid) self.client = authclient.client authclient.auth_plain(self.args['username'], self.args['password']).addCallbacks( lambda response: authed_cb(), return_d.errback) return return_d def call_action(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls an action by name. """ return_d = Deferred() action = self.actions[name] f = action['f'] self.check_args(action['args']) def do_call(): f(*args, **kwargs).addCallbacks( lambda status: return_d.callback( self.parse_status(name, status)), return_d.errback) if not self.token: def token_cb(token): if not self.indx: self.indx = IndxClient(self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.appid, token=token, client=self.client) do_call() self.auth_and_get_token(IndxClient.requires_token(f)).addCallbacks( token_cb, return_d.errback) else: do_call() return return_d def parse_status(self, source, status): """ Parse the status returned from the server, and raise an Exception if necessary. """ if status is not None: # status is None when a file has been printed raw if status['code'] < 200 or status['code'] > 299: raise Exception( "{0} in box {1} failed. Response is {2} with code {3}". format(source, self.args['box'], status['message'], status['code'])) else: if "data" in status and self.args['jsondata']: return json.dumps(status['data'], indent=2) else: pretty = pprint.pformat(status, indent=2, width=80) "{0} in box {1} successful, return is: {2}".format( source, self.args['box'], pretty)) return None """ Test functions.""" def create_box(self): """ Test to create a box. """ logging.debug("Creating box: '{0}' on server '{1}'".format( self.args['box'], self.args['server'])) return self.indx.create_box() def delete_box(self): """ Test to delete a box. """ logging.debug("Deleting box: '{0}' on server '{1}'".format( self.args['box'], self.args['server'])) return self.indx.delete_box() def list_boxes(self): """ List the boxes on the INDX server. """ logging.debug("Listing boxes on server '{0}'".format( self.args['server'])) return self.indx.list_boxes() def get_object_ids(self): """ Get the IDs of every object in this box. """ logging.debug( "Getting a list of object IDs on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.get_object_ids() def update(self): """ Test to update objects in a box. """ logging.debug("Updating data to box: '{0}' on server '{1}'".format( self.args['box'], self.args['server'])) #return self.indx.update(self.args['version'], cjson.decode(self.args['data'].read()), all_unicode=True) return self.indx.update(self.args['version'], json.loads(self.args['data'].read())) def update_json(self): """ Test to update json objects in a box. """ logging.debug("Updating data to box: '{0}' on server '{1}'".format( self.args['box'], self.args['server'])) #return self.indx.update(self.args['version'], cjson.decode(self.args['data'].read()), all_unicode=True) return self.indx.update_json(self.args['version'], json.loads(self.args['data'].read())) def update_raw(self): """ Test to update raw objects in a box. """ logging.debug("Updating raw data to box: '{0}' on server '{1}'".format( self.args['box'], self.args['server'])) #return self.indx.update(self.args['version'], cjson.decode(self.args['data'].read()), all_unicode=True) return self.indx.update_raw(self.args['version'], json.loads(self.args['data'].read())) def delete(self): """ Test to delete objects from a box. 'id' argument should be a list of ids e.g., --id=id1 --id=id2 """ logging.debug("Deleting data to box: '{0}' on server '{1}'".format( self.args['box'], self.args['server'])) return self.indx.delete(self.args['version'], self.args['id']) def get_latest(self): """ Get the latest version of every object in this box. """ logging.debug( "Getting latest objects on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.get_latest() def get_by_ids(self): """ Get the latest version of specific objects in this box. """ logging.debug( "Getting latest objects on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) ids = self.args['id'] if type(ids) != type([]): ids = [ids] # put a single id into an array return self.indx.get_by_ids(ids) def query(self): """ Query this box. e.g., query="{ '@id': 2983 }" or query="{ 'firstname': 'dan' }" """ logging.debug( "Querying server '{0}' in box '{1}' with depth '{2}'".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.args['depth'])) return self.indx.query(self.args['query'], depth=int(self.args['depth'])) def diff(self): """ Run a diff of two version of this box. """ logging.debug("Calling diff on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) to_version = None if "to" in self.args and self.args['to'] is not None: to_version = self.args['to'] return self.indx.diff(self.args['return_objs'], self.args['from'], to_version=to_version) # def listen(self): # """ Listen to updates to the database (locally, not with HTTP) and print out the diff in realtime. """ # self.check_args(['box', 'username', 'password']) # # def observer(notify): # print "Version updated to: {0}".format(notify.payload) # # def err_cb(failure): # logging.error("Error in test listen: {0}".format(failure)) # reactor.stop() # # def connected_cb(conn): # print "Listening..." # conns = {"conn": conn} # store = ObjectStoreAsync(conns, self.args['username'], self.appid, "") # TODO get the IP a better way? does it matter here? # store.listen(observer) # # d = database.connect_box_raw(self.args['box'], self.args['username'], self.args['password']) # d.addCallbacks(connected_cb, err_cb) # def add_file(self): """ Add a file to the database. """ logging.debug( "Adding a file to server '{0}' in box '{1}', with id: {2}".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.args['id'])) return self.indx.add_file(self.args['version'], self.args['id'], self.args['data'].read(), self.args['contenttype']) def delete_file(self): """ Delete a file from the database. """ logging.debug( "Deleting a file from server '{0}' in box '{1}', with id: {2}". format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.args['id'])) return self.indx.delete_file(self.args['version'], self.args['id']) def get_file(self): """ Get a file from the database. """ logging.debug("Calling get_file on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) # returns the file to stdout so it can be piped to a file print self.indx.get_file(self.args['id']) def list_files(self): """ Get a list of the files from the database. """ logging.debug("Calling list_files on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.list_files() def set_acl(self): """ Set an ACL for a target user for a database. """ logging.debug("Calling set_acl on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.set_acl(self.args['acl'], self.args['target_username']) def set_acl_public(self): """ Set an ACL for the public uer for a database. """ logging.debug( "Calling set_acl_public on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.set_acl_public(self.args['acl']) def get_acls(self): """ Get ACLs for a database. """ logging.debug("Calling get_acls on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.get_acls() def generate_new_key(self): """ Generate and store a new key, returning the public and public-hash parts of the key. """ logging.debug( "Calling generate_new_key on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.generate_new_key() def create_root_box(self): """ Create root box for a user. """ logging.debug( "Calling create_root_box on server '{0}' for box '{1}'".format( self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.create_root_box(self.args['box']) def create_user(self): """ Create a new user. """ logging.debug( "Calling create_user on server '{0}' with target username '{1}'". format(self.args['server'], self.args['target_username'])) return self.indx.create_user(self.args['target_username'], self.args['target_password']) def link_remote_box(self): """ Link a remote box with a local box. """ logging.debug( "Calling link_remote_box on remote_address '{0}', remote_box '{1}', remote_token '{2}'" .format(self.args['remote_address'], self.args['remote_box'], self.args['remote_token'])) return self.indx.link_remote_box(self.args['remote_address'], self.args['remote_box'], self.args['remote_token']) def generate_token(self): """ Generate a token for this box, and print it. """ logging.debug("Calling generate_token on box {0}.".format( self.args['box'])) return_d = Deferred() def token_cb(token): return_d.callback({"code": 200, "data": token}) self.auth_and_get_token(True).addCallbacks(token_cb, return_d.errback) return return_d
def token_cb(token): if not self.indx: self.indx = IndxClient(self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.appid, token = token, client = self.client) do_call()
def token_cb(token): indx = IndxClient(server_url, box, appid, token = token) return_d.callback(indx)
help="Earliest date to download in format: 2013-01-20") parser.add_argument('--debug', default=False, action="store_true", help="Enable debugging") args = vars(parser.parse_args()) password = getpass.getpass("Nike+ password: "******"INDX password: "******""" Assert data into the INDX. If the version is incorrect, the correct version will be grabbed and the update re-sent. data -- An object to assert into the box. """ global version try: response = indx.update(version, data) version = response['data']['@version'] # update the version except Exception as e: if isinstance(
class instagramService: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.api = InstagramAPI(access_token=config['access_token']) self.version = 0 self.batch = [] self.batch_users = [] self.feed_count = 0 self.feed_count_total = 0 self.instagram_username = config['instagram_username'] self.instagram_user_id = config['instagram_user_id'] def stop_and_exit_service(self): logging.debug('instagram Service - HARD QUIT - instagram SERVICE') sys.exit() def run_main_services(self): main_services_d = Deferred() try: print "running instagram main services" def find_followers_cb(res): def find_friends_cb(res): def get_authen_user_feed_cb(res): def get_popular_media_cb(res): main_services_d.callback(True) self.get_popular_media().addCallbacks( get_popular_media_cb, lambda failure: logging. error("Update Error {0}".format(failure))) self.get_authenticated_user_feed().addCallbacks( get_authen_user_feed_cb, lambda failure: logging.error( "Update Error {0}".format(failure))) self.find_friends( self.config['instagram_user_id']).addCallbacks( find_friends_cb, lambda failure: logging.error( "Update Error{0}".format(failure))) self.find_followers(self.config['instagram_user_id']).addCallbacks( find_followers_cb, lambda failure: logging.error( "Update Error{0}".format(failure))) #self.subscribe_to_objects_by_tag(self.config['instagram_search_words']) except: logging.debug( 'Service Instagram - Could not run main service due to error: {0}' .format(sys.exc_info())) return main_services_d def get_indx(self): return_d = Deferred() def authed_cb(): logging.debug("in service_tweets - Authed Callback") logging.debug( "in service_tweets - get_indx authclient Auth status: {0}". format(authclient.is_authed)) def token_cb(token): self.indx_con = IndxClient(self.config['address'], self.config['box'], appid, token=token, client=authclient.client) return_d.callback(True) authclient.get_token(self.config['box']).addCallbacks( token_cb, return_d.errback) def authed_cb_fail(re): logging.debug( "in service tweets - get_indx/authed_cb failed for reason {0}". format(re)) return_d.errback logging.debug("in service_instagram - get_indx") authclient = IndxClientAuth(self.config['address'], appid) authclient.auth_plain(self.config['user'], self.config['password']).addCallbacks( lambda response: authed_cb(), authed_cb_fail) return return_d def get_authenticated_user_feed(self): auth_d = Deferred() def found_cb(results): friends_number = 0 followers_number = 0 since_id = "" #let's see if the object has some nice things in it. try: config_returned = results['data']['service_instagram_config'] friends_number = int( config_returned['friends_list_size'][0]['@value']) followers_number = int( config_returned['followers_list_size'][0]['@value']) since_id = int(config_returned['since_id'][0]['@value'])'Found the instagram Config Object.') except: #print sys.exc_info() pass #print "Getting Auth User's feed" user_feed = self.api.user_media_feed()[0] try: latest_id = user_feed[0].id except: latest_id = "Null" ##find the highest id... if (latest_id != since_id):"Found some new media, will insert it to INDX") since_id = latest_id objects_to_insert = [] current_timestamp = str( time.time()).split(".")[0] #str( timestamp = str('T')).split(".")[0] current_timestamp = str( #the user responsible for this #now create some nice user objects... for media in user_feed: media_user_id = media_username = media.user.username uniq_id = "instagram_media_" + user_feed_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "post", "instagram_user_id_indx": "instagram_user_me", "instagram_user_id": media_user_id, "instagram_username": media_username, "media_id":, "media_caption": media.caption, "media_url": media.get_standard_resolution_url(), "media_like_count": media.like_count } #need to add INDX objects for tags and locations and the indx user of this #create location if available try: location = media.location uniq_id = "instagram_location_" + location_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "location", "instagram_location_id":, "location_name":, "latitude": location.point.latitude, "longitude": location.point.longitude } #now add this location to the user_feed_obj user_feed_obj['media_location_id'] = location_obj #thhen add it to a list of ojects to insert. objects_to_insert.append(location_obj) except: pass try: tag_ids = [] for tag in media.tags: uniq_id = "instagram_tag_" + tag_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "tag", "instagram_tag_name": } tag_ids.append(uniq_id) objects_to_insert.append(tag_obj) #now add this location to the user_feed_obj user_feed_obj['tags'] = tag_ids except: pass objects_to_insert.append(user_feed_obj) #now create the instagram_user_me object uniq_id = "instagram_user_me" instagram_me_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "user", "instagram_user_id": media_user_id, "instagram_username": media_username } objects_to_insert.append(instagram_me_obj) #and create the instagram config instagram_config_obj = { "@id": "service_instagram_config", "app_object": appid, "type": "config", "config_last_updated_at": timestamp, "config_for_instagram_user": self.instagram_username, "friends_list_generated_at": timestamp, "follower_list_generated_at": timestamp, "friends_list_size": friends_number, "followers_list_size": followers_number, "since_id": since_id } objects_to_insert.append(instagram_config_obj) def update_cb(re): logging.debug( "network harvest async worked {0}".format(re)) auth_d.callback(True) def update_cb_fail(re): logging.error( "network harvest async failed {0}".format(re)) auth_d.errback self.insert_object_to_indx(objects_to_insert).addCallbacks( update_cb, update_cb_fail) else: "already have the latest version of your instagram timeline" ) auth_d.callback(True) def error_cb(re): found_cb() def_search = Deferred() find_instagram_config = {"@id": "service_instagram_config"} "Searching for instagram_config to check if Popular feed already harvested... " ) def_search = self.indx_con.query(json.dumps(find_instagram_config)) def_search.addCallbacks(found_cb, error_cb) return auth_d # for feed in user_feed: # print feed def get_searched_media(self, search_terms): print "getting searched media for terms: " + str(search_terms) returned_results, page_num = self.api.tag_search(search_terms, 20) return returned_results # for result in returned_results: # print result def get_popular_media(self): pop_d = Deferred() def found_cb(results): friends_number = 0 followers_number = 0 since_id = "" #let's see if the object has some nice things in it. try: config_returned = results['data']['service_instagram_config'] friends_number = int( config_returned['friends_list_size'][0]['@value']) followers_number = int( config_returned['followers_list_size'][0]['@value']) since_id = int(config_returned['since_id'][0]['@value'])'Found the instagram Config Object.') except: #print sys.exc_info() pass #if(since_id > 0):"getting popular media") objects_to_insert = [] current_timestamp = str( time.time()).split(".")[0] #str( timestamp = str('T')).split(".")[0] current_timestamp = str( popular_media = self.api.media_popular(count=20) for media in popular_media: media_user_id = media_username = media.user.username #now create the instagram_user object uniq_user_id = "instagram_user_" + instagram_media_obj = { "@id": uniq_user_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "user", "instagram_user_id": media_user_id, "instagram_username": media_username } objects_to_insert.append(instagram_media_obj) uniq_id = "instagram_media_" + media_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "post", "instagram_user_id_indx": uniq_user_id, "instagram_user_id": media_user_id, "instagram_username": media_username, "media_id":, "media_caption": media.caption, "media_url": media.get_standard_resolution_url(), "media_like_count": media.like_count } #need to add INDX objects for tags and locations and the indx user of this #create location if available try: location = media.location uniq_id = "instagram_location_" + location_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "location", "instagram_location_id":, "location_name":, "latitude": location.point.latitude, "longitude": location.point.longitude } #now add this location to the user_feed_obj media_obj['media_location_id'] = location_obj #thhen add it to a list of ojects to insert. objects_to_insert.append(location_obj) except: pass try: tag_ids = [] for tag in media.tags: uniq_id = "instagram_tag_" + tag_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "type": "tag", "timestamp": timestamp, "instagram_tag_name": } tag_ids.append(uniq_id) objects_to_insert.append(tag_obj) #now add this location to the user_feed_obj media_obj['tags'] = tag_ids except: pass objects_to_insert.append(media_obj) def update_cb(re): logging.debug("network harvest async worked {0}".format(re)) pop_d.callback(True) def update_cb_fail(re): logging.error("network harvest async failed {0}".format(re)) pop_d.errback #and create the instagram config instagram_config_obj = { "@id": "service_instagram_config", "app_object": appid, "type": "config", "config_last_updated_at": timestamp, "config_for_instagram_user": self.instagram_username, "friends_list_generated_at": timestamp, "follower_list_generated_at": timestamp, "friends_list_size": friends_number, "followers_list_size": followers_number, "since_id": since_id } objects_to_insert.append(instagram_config_obj) self.insert_object_to_indx(objects_to_insert).addCallbacks( update_cb, update_cb_fail) def error_cb(re): found_cb() def_search = Deferred() find_instagram_config = {"@id": "service_instagram_config"} "Searching for instagram_config to check if Popular feed already harvested... " ) def_search = self.indx_con.query(json.dumps(find_instagram_config)) def_search.addCallbacks(found_cb, error_cb) return pop_d def find_user(self, username): data = self.api.user_search(username, count=20) print data def find_followers(self, userid): #first do a lookup and see if the latest set if followers has allready been found follower_d = Deferred() def found_cb(results): friends_number = 0 followers_number = 0 since_id = 0 #let's see if the object has some nice things in it. try: config_returned = results['data']['service_instagram_config'] friends_number = int( config_returned['friends_list_size'][0]['@value']) followers_number = int( config_returned['followers_list_size'][0]['@value']) since_id = int(config_returned['since_id'][0]['@value'])'Found the instagram Config Object.') except: #print sys.exc_info() pass followed_by = self.api.user_followed_by(userid)[0] #print "followed_by length: "+str(len(followed_by)) #print str(followed_by) #see if the number is different, if it is, then update.. could be nicer than this, but for now, it will work (ish) if (len(followed_by) != followers_number) or (followers_number == 0): followers_number = len(followed_by) objects_to_insert = [] current_timestamp = str( time.time()).split(".")[0] #str( timestamp = str('T')).split(".")[0] uniq_id = "instagram_follower_network_for_user_me" #+self.instagram_username followed_by_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "instagram_username": self.instagram_username, "instagram_user_id": self.instagram_user_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "followed_by_count": len(followed_by) } followers_ids = [] for follower in followed_by: #print follower.username uniq_id = "instagram_user_" + str(follower.username) follower_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "type": "user", "instagram_username": str(follower.username), "timestamp": timestamp } objects_to_insert.append(follower_obj) #we can add this to the followed_by_obj later followers_ids.append(uniq_id) #link the followers for me followed_by_obj['follower_ids'] = followers_ids # print followed_by_objs #for friend in friends_list: #print friend #now append the results def update_cb(re): logging.debug( "network harvest async worked {0}".format(re)) follower_d.callback(True) def update_cb_fail(re): logging.error( "network harvest async failed {0}".format(re)) follower_d.errback instagram_config_obj = { "@id": "service_instagram_config", "app_object": appid, "type": "config", "config_last_updated_at": timestamp, "config_for_instagram_user": self.instagram_username, "friends_list_generated_at": timestamp, "follower_list_generated_at": timestamp, "friends_list_size": friends_number, "followers_list_size": followers_number, "since_id": since_id } objects_to_insert.append(followed_by_obj) #objects_to_insert.append(followers) objects_to_insert.append(instagram_config_obj) self.insert_object_to_indx(objects_to_insert).addCallbacks( update_cb, update_cb_fail) else: follower_d.callback(True) def error_cb(re): found_cb() def_search = Deferred() find_instagram_config = {"@id": "service_instagram_config"} "Searching for instagram_config to check if network already harvested... " ) def_search = self.indx_con.query(json.dumps(find_instagram_config)) def_search.addCallbacks(found_cb, error_cb) return follower_d # print followed_by def find_friends(self, userid): friends_d = Deferred() def found_cb(results): friends_number = 0 followers_number = 0 since_id = 0 #let's see if the object has some nice things in it. try: config_returned = results['data']['service_instagram_config'] friends_number = int( config_returned['friends_list_size'][0]['@value']) followers_number = int( config_returned['followers_list_size'][0]['@value']) since_id = int(config_returned['since_id'][0]['@value'])'Found the instagram Config Object.') except: #print sys.exc_info() pass friends_by_list = self.api.user_follows(userid)[0] if (len(friends_by_list) != friends_number) or (friends_number == 0): friends_number = len(friends_by_list) objects_to_insert = [] current_timestamp = str( time.time()).split(".")[0] #str( timestamp = str('T')).split(".")[0] uniq_id = "instagram_friends_network_for_user_me" #+self.instagram_username friends_by_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "instagram_username": self.instagram_username, "instagram_user_id": self.instagram_user_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "followed_by_count": len(friends_by_list) } friends_ids = [] for friend in friends_by_list: #print follower.username uniq_id = "instagram_user_" + str(friend.username) friend_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "type": "user", "instagram_username": str(friend.username), "timestamp": timestamp } objects_to_insert.append(friend_obj) #we can add this to the followed_by_obj later friends_ids.append(uniq_id) friends_by_obj['friends_ids'] = friends_ids # print friends_by_objs #for friend in friends_list: #print friend #now append the results def update_cb(re): logging.debug( "network harvest async worked {0}".format(re)) friends_d.callback(True) def update_cb_fail(re): logging.error( "network harvest async failed {0}".format(re)) friends_d.errback instagram_config_obj = { "@id": "service_instagram_config", "app_object": appid, "type": "config", "config_last_updated_at": timestamp, "config_for_instagram_user": self.instagram_username, "friends_list_generated_at": timestamp, "follower_list_generated_at": timestamp, "friends_list_size": friends_number, "followers_list_size": followers_number, "since_id": since_id } objects_to_insert.append(friends_by_obj) #objects_to_insert.append(followers) objects_to_insert.append(instagram_config_obj) self.insert_object_to_indx(objects_to_insert).addCallbacks( update_cb, update_cb_fail) else: friends_d.callback(True) def error_cb(re): found_cb() def_search = Deferred() find_instagram_config = {"@id": "service_instagram_config"} "Searching for instagram_config to check if network already harvested... " ) def_search = self.indx_con.query(json.dumps(find_instagram_config)) def_search.addCallbacks(found_cb, error_cb) return friends_d # print followed_by def subscribe_to_objects_by_tag(self, search_terms): def process_tag_update(update): print update reactor = subscriptions.SubscriptionsReactor() reactor.register_callback(subscriptions.SubscriptionType.TAG, process_tag_update) self.api.create_subscription(object='tag', object_id=search_terms, aspect='media', callback_url='http://*****:*****@version'] logging.debug( "Succesfully Updated INDX with Objects in update_cb, new diff version of {0}" .format(self.version)) #logging.debug("Inserted Object into INDX: ".format(resp)) update_d.callback(True) #return update_d #time.sleep(2) def exception_cb(e, service=self, obj=obj): logging.debug( "Exception Inserting into INDX, probably wrong version given") if isinstance( e.value, urllib2.HTTPError ): # handle a version incorrect error, and update the version if e.value.code == 409: # 409 Obsolete response = json_response = json.loads(response) service.version = json_response['@version'] logging.debug( 'INDX insert error in Instagram Service Object: ' + str(response)) try: service.indx_con.update(service.version, obj).addCallbacks( update_cb, exception_cb) #logging.debug('Twitter Service - Successfully added Objects into Box') except: logging.error( 'Instagram Service, error on insert {0}'.format( response)) update_d.errback(e.value) else: logging.error('Instagram Service Unknow error: {0}'.format( update_d.errback(e.value) else: logging.error("Error updating INDX: {0}".format(e.value)) update_d.errback(e.value) logging.debug( "in Instagram - Trying to insert into indx...Current diff version: {0} and objects (len) given {1}" .format(self.version, len(obj))) self.indx_con.update(self.version, obj).addCallbacks(update_cb, exception_cb) return update_d
def token_cb(token): self.indx_con = IndxClient(self.config['address'], self.config['box'], app_id, token = token, client = authclient.client) return_d.callback(True)
class FacebookService: def __init__(self, config): logging.debug('Facebook Service - Getting configs from Facebook Controller') self.config = config self.facebook_access_token_long = config['facebook_access_token_long'] self.facebook_userid = config['facebook_userid'] self.facebook_access_token_expire_time = config['facebook_access_token_expire_time'] self.config_timestamp = config['config_timestamp'] self.version = 0 #in reality this is all we need from facebook, but we want to also check that the current date is not over 60 days... logging.debug('Facebook Service - Checking if token is not expired') self.token_active = False if self.check_if_token_not_expired():'Facebook Service - Token is active still. Great News!') self.token_active = True def get_indx(self): return_d = Deferred() def authed_cb(): logging.debug("in service_tweets - Authed Callback") logging.debug("in service_tweets - get_indx authclient Auth status: {0}".format(authclient.is_authed)) def token_cb(token): self.indx_con = IndxClient(self.config['address'], self.config['box'], app_id, token = token, client = authclient.client) return_d.callback(True) authclient.get_token(self.config['box']).addCallbacks(token_cb, return_d.errback) def authed_cb_fail(re): logging.debug("in Facebook Service - get_indx/authed_cb failed for reason {0}".format(re)) return_d.errback logging.debug("in Facebook Service - get_indx") authclient = IndxClientAuth(self.config['address'], app_id) authclient.auth_plain(self.config['user'], self.config['password']).addCallbacks(lambda response: authed_cb(), authed_cb_fail) return return_d # def get_indx(self): # return_d = Deferred() # # self.indx_con = IndxClient(self.config['address'], self.config['box'], self.config['user'], self.config['password'], app_id) # def authed_cb(): # def token_cb(token): # self.indx_con = IndxClient(self.config['address'], self.config['box'], app_id, token = token) # return_d.callback(True) # authclient.get_token(self.config['box']).addCallbacks(token_cb, return_d.errback) # authclient = IndxClientAuth(self.config['address'], app_id) # authclient.auth_plain(self.config['user'], self.config['password']).addCallbacks(lambda response: authed_cb(), return_d.errback) # return return_d def is_token_active(self): return self.token_active #need to check if the token has already expired, we have around 60 days. Returns true if token still active def check_if_token_not_expired(self): current_time = access_token_time = (self.config_timestamp).split(".")[0] # we just want it as yyyy-mm-ddT:hh:mm:ss access_token_time = self.createTimestamp(access_token_time); delta = current_time - access_token_time delta_days = delta.days if (delta_days) < 60: return True else: return False #this should be a library function somewhere... def createTimestamp(self,strTimestamp): try: return datetime.datetime.strptime(strTimestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%S:%M') except: if not ":" in str(strTimestamp): strTimestamp = strTimestamp+" 00:00:00" return datetime.datetime.strptime(strTimestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%S:%M') else: pass def harvest_all(self): harvest_d = Deferred() if(self.is_token_active()): logging.debug("Service Controller Facebook - Running Facebook Service!") def havest_friends_cb(re): logging.debug("Service Controller Facebook - Updated Profile") def havest_statuses_cb(res): logging.debug("Service Controller Facebook - Updated Status {0}".format(res)) harvest_d.callback(True) # def havest_profile_cb(resu): # logging.debug("Service Controller Facebook - Updated Friends") # #update every hour # #reactor.callLater(3600.0, loop_harvester); # harvest_d.callback(True) # self.harvest_facebook_profile().addCallbacks(havest_profile_cb, lambda failure: logging.error("Facebook Service Controller - Callback Failure: Harvest Profile")) self.harvest_facebook_statuses().addCallbacks(havest_statuses_cb, lambda failure: logging.error("Facebook Service Controller - Callback Failure: Harvest Statuses")) self.harvest_facebook_friends().addCallbacks(havest_friends_cb, lambda failure: logging.error("Facebook Service Controller - Callback Failure: Harvest Friends")) return harvest_d ##here are all the facebook methods to havest the data def harvest_facebook_profile(self): harvest_profile_d = Deferred()'Facebook Service - Getting users Facebook Profile') graph = GraphAPI(self.facebook_access_token_long) profile = graph.get_object("me") timestamp = str('T')).split(".")[0] uniq_id = "facebook_profile_for_me" object_to_insert = {"@id":uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "facebook_profile": profile} #now need to perform the asnc def insert_cb(re): logging.debug("Facebook Service - Found Facebook Profile information, Added To INDX {0} profile items".format(len(profile))) harvest_profile_d.callback(True) def insert_cb_fail(re): harvest_profile_d.callback(True) self.insert_object_to_indx(object_to_insert).addCallbacks(insert_cb, insert_cb_fail) return harvest_profile_d ##here are all the facebook methods to havest the data def harvest_facebook_statuses(self): harvest_status_d = Deferred() def found_cb(results): friends_number = 0 followers_number = 0 since_id = 0 #let's see if the object has some nice things in it. try: config_returned = results['data']['service_facebook_config'] friends_number = int(config_returned['friends_list_size'][0]['@value']) followers_number = int(config_returned['followers_list_size'][0]['@value']) since_id = int(config_returned['since_id'][0]['@value']) logging.debug('Found the Facebook Config Object.') except: #print sys.exc_info() pass'Facebook Service - Getting users Facebook Statuses') graph = GraphAPI(self.facebook_access_token_long) profile = graph.get_object("me") if len(profile)>1: #print "got Profile so should be able to get status" facebook_id = str(profile['id']) facebook_username = str(profile['name']) query = facebook_id#+"/permissions" statuses = graph.get_connections(facebook_id, "statuses", limit=10000) #graph.get_object(query) # timestamp = str('T')).split(".")[0] statuses = statuses['data'] #need to make sure that we are not fetching statuses already added... latest_status_id = 0 try: latest_status_id = statuses[0]['id'] except: pass if (latest_status_id > since_id) or (latest_status_id==0): since_id = latest_status_id objects_to_insert = [] for status in statuses: uniq_id = "facebook_statuses_"+str(status['id']) facebook_status_obj = {"@id":uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp":timestamp, "type": "post", "facebook_status_id":status['id'], "facebook_user_indx": "facebook_user_me", "facebook_user_id":facebook_id} #for each status, get the time facebook_status_obj['facebook_status_text'] = status['message'] facebook_status_obj['facebook_status_timestamp'] = str(status['updated_time']).split("+")[0] like_ids = [] try: likes = status['likes']['data'] totalLikes = len(likes) facebook_status_obj['facebook_status_total_likes'] = str(totalLikes) for like in likes: #construct the facebook user that liked your post uniq_id = "facebook_user_"+str(like['id']) facebook_user_obj = {"@id":uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp":timestamp, "type": "user", "facebook_username": like['name'], "facebook_id":like['id']} like_ids.append(uniq_id) objects_to_insert.append(facebook_user_obj) except: pass comment_ids = [] try: comments = status['comments']['data'] totalcomments = len(comments) facebook_status_obj['facebook_status_total_comments'] = str(totalcomments) for comment in comments: #first create the comment user facebook_comment_obj_id = "facebook_user_"+str(comment['from']['id']) facebook_user_obj = {"@id":facebook_comment_obj_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp":timestamp, "type": "user", "facebook_username": comment['from']['name'], "facebook_id":comment['from']['id']} #add it to the indx objects objects_to_insert.append(facebook_user_obj) #create the facebook comment object uniq_id = "facebook_comment_"+comment['id'] facebook_comment_obj = {"@id":uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp":timestamp, "type": "post", "facebook_user_indx": facebook_comment_obj_id, "facebook_id":comment['from']['id'], "facebook_username":comment['from']['name']} #for each status, get the time facebook_comment_obj['facebook_comment_text'] = comment['message'] facebook_comment_obj['facebook_comment_timestamp'] = str(comment['created_time']).split("+")[0] facebook_comment_obj['like_count'] = comment['like_count'] #add it to the indx objects objects_to_insert.append(facebook_comment_obj) #for reference comment_ids.append(uniq_id) except: pass facebook_status_obj['facebook_like_user_ids_indx'] = like_ids facebook_status_obj['facebook_comment_user_ids_indx'] = comment_ids #add it to the indx objects objects_to_insert.append(facebook_status_obj) #then create the user object uniq_id = "facebook_user_me" facebook_user_obj = {"@id":uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp":timestamp, "type": "user", "facebook_username": facebook_username, "facebook_id":facebook_id} objects_to_insert.append(facebook_user_obj) #then add all of the extra info #and create the instagram config facebook_config_obj = {"@id": "service_facebook_config", "app_object": app_id, "type":"config", "config_last_updated_at": timestamp, "config_for_facebook_user_id": self.facebook_userid, "friends_list_generated_at": timestamp, "follower_list_generated_at": timestamp, "friends_list_size":friends_number, "followers_list_size": followers_number, "since_id":since_id} objects_to_insert.append(facebook_config_obj) #now need to perform the asnc def insert_cb(re):"Facebook Service - Found {0} statuses, Added To INDX".format(len(statuses))) harvest_status_d.callback(True) def insert_cb_fail(re): harvest_status_d.callback(True) logging.debug("inserting statuses into indx") self.insert_object_to_indx(objects_to_insert).addCallbacks(insert_cb, insert_cb_fail) else: harvest_status_d.callback(True) def error_cb(re): found_cb() def_search = Deferred() find_instagram_config = {"@id": "service_facebook_config"}"Searching for facebook_config to check if latest statues already harvested... ") def_search = self.indx_con.query(json.dumps(find_instagram_config)) def_search.addCallbacks(found_cb, error_cb) return harvest_status_d def harvest_facebook_friends(self): harvest_friends_d = Deferred() def found_cb(results): friends_number = 0 followers_number = 0 since_id = 0 #let's see if the object has some nice things in it. try: config_returned = results['data']['service_facebook_config'] friends_number = int(config_returned['friends_list_size'][0]['@value']) followers_number = int(config_returned['followers_list_size'][0]['@value']) since_id = int(config_returned['since_id'][0]['@value']) logging.debug('Found the Facebook Config Object.') except: #print sys.exc_info() pass'Facebook Service - Getting users Facebook Friends') graph = GraphAPI(self.facebook_access_token_long) #profile = graph.get_object("me") #rint profile friends_all = graph.get_connections("me", "friends", limit=1000) friends = friends_all['data'] friends_number = len(friends) logging.debug('Facebook Service - Got users Facebook Friends: {0}'.format(friends_number)) objects_to_insert = [] timestamp = str('T')).split(".")[0] friend_ids = [] counter = 0 friends_objs_to_insert = [] for friend in friends: uniq_id = "facebook_user_"+str(friend['id']) friend_obj = {"@id":uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp":timestamp, "type": "user", "facebook_user_id": friend['id'], "facebook_username": friend['name']} friend_ids.append(uniq_id) friends_objs_to_insert.append(friend_obj) try: #now create the me facebook user friend object profile = graph.get_object("me") facebook_id = str(profile['id']) facebook_username = str(profile['name']) uniq_id = "facebook_friends_for_user_me" facebook_user_friend_obj = {"@id":uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp":timestamp, "faceboob_user_id_indx": "facebook_user_me", "facebook_user_id": facebook_id, "facebook_username": facebook_username, "facebook_friends_ids_indx": friend_ids} objects_to_insert.append(facebook_user_friend_obj) except: pass #now set the config facebook_config_obj = {"@id": "service_facebook_config", "app_object": app_id, "type":"config", "config_last_updated_at": timestamp, "config_for_facebook_user_id": facebook_id, "friends_list_generated_at": timestamp, "follower_list_generated_at": timestamp, "friends_list_size":friends_number, "followers_list_size": followers_number, "since_id":since_id} objects_to_insert.append(facebook_config_obj) def insertfriends(self): if (len(friends_objs_to_insert) > 0): def insert_friend_cb(re): insertfriends(self) def insert_friend_cb_fail(re): insertfriends(self) friends_to_add = [] pop_point = 0 for x in range(0, 100): try: friends_to_add.append(friends_objs_to_insert[x]) pop_point += 1 except: pass for x in range(0, pop_point): try: friends_objs_to_insert.pop(0) except: pass #friend_object = friends_objs_to_insert[0] #print "friends list length: "+str(len(friends_objs_to_insert)) self.insert_object_to_indx(friends_to_add).addCallbacks(insert_friend_cb, insert_friend_cb_fail) else:"All Facebook Friends Added to Indx, will now proceed.") #this is a trick as indxclient is a bit nasty with big inserts logging.debug("Inserting friends into indx") insertfriends(self) #now need to perform the asnc def insert_cb(re): logging.debug("Facebook Service - Found Friends List, Added To INDX {0} Friends".format(len(friends))) harvest_friends_d.callback(True) def insert_cb_fail(re): harvest_friends_d.callback(True) logging.debug("inserting friends config into indx") self.insert_object_to_indx(objects_to_insert).addCallbacks(insert_cb, insert_cb_fail) def error_cb(re): found_cb() def_search = Deferred() find_facebook_config = {"@id": "service_facebook_config"}"Searching for facebook_config to check if Popular feed already harvested... ") def_search = self.indx_con.query(json.dumps(find_facebook_config)) def_search.addCallbacks(found_cb, error_cb) return harvest_friends_d def insert_object_to_indx(self, obj): update_d = Deferred() def update_cb(resp): self.version = resp['data']['@version'] logging.debug("Succesfully Updated INDX with Objects in update_cb, new diff version of {0}".format(self.version)) #logging.debug("Inserted Object into INDX: ".format(resp)) update_d.callback(True) #return update_d #time.sleep(2) def exception_cb(e, service=self, obj=obj): logging.debug("Exception Inserting into INDX, probably wrong version given") if isinstance(e.value, urllib2.HTTPError): # handle a version incorrect error, and update the version if e.value.code == 409: # 409 Obsolete response = json_response = json.loads(response) service.version = json_response['@version'] logging.debug('INDX insert error in Instagram Service Object: '+str(response)) try: service.indx_con.update(service.version, obj).addCallbacks(update_cb, exception_cb) #logging.debug('Twitter Service - Successfully added Objects into Box') except: logging.debug('Instagram Service, error on insert {0}'.format(response)) update_d.errback(e.value) else: logging.debug('Instagram Service Unknow error: {0}'.format( update_d.errback(e.value) else: logging.error("Error updating INDX: {0}".format(e.value)) update_d.errback(e.value) logging.debug("in Instagram - Trying to insert into indx...Current diff version: {0} and objects (len) given {1}".format(self.version, len(obj))) self.indx_con.update(self.version, obj).addCallbacks(update_cb, exception_cb) return update_d
class FacebookService: def __init__(self, config): logging.debug( 'Facebook Service - Getting configs from Facebook Controller') self.config = config self.facebook_access_token_long = config['facebook_access_token_long'] self.facebook_userid = config['facebook_userid'] self.facebook_access_token_expire_time = config[ 'facebook_access_token_expire_time'] self.config_timestamp = config['config_timestamp'] self.version = 0 #in reality this is all we need from facebook, but we want to also check that the current date is not over 60 days... logging.debug('Facebook Service - Checking if token is not expired') self.token_active = False if self.check_if_token_not_expired(): 'Facebook Service - Token is active still. Great News!') self.token_active = True def get_indx(self): return_d = Deferred() def authed_cb(): logging.debug("in service_tweets - Authed Callback") logging.debug( "in service_tweets - get_indx authclient Auth status: {0}". format(authclient.is_authed)) def token_cb(token): self.indx_con = IndxClient(self.config['address'], self.config['box'], app_id, token=token, client=authclient.client) return_d.callback(True) authclient.get_token(self.config['box']).addCallbacks( token_cb, return_d.errback) def authed_cb_fail(re): logging.debug( "in Facebook Service - get_indx/authed_cb failed for reason {0}" .format(re)) return_d.errback logging.debug("in Facebook Service - get_indx") authclient = IndxClientAuth(self.config['address'], app_id) authclient.auth_plain(self.config['user'], self.config['password']).addCallbacks( lambda response: authed_cb(), authed_cb_fail) return return_d # def get_indx(self): # return_d = Deferred() # # self.indx_con = IndxClient(self.config['address'], self.config['box'], self.config['user'], self.config['password'], app_id) # def authed_cb(): # def token_cb(token): # self.indx_con = IndxClient(self.config['address'], self.config['box'], app_id, token = token) # return_d.callback(True) # authclient.get_token(self.config['box']).addCallbacks(token_cb, return_d.errback) # authclient = IndxClientAuth(self.config['address'], app_id) # authclient.auth_plain(self.config['user'], self.config['password']).addCallbacks(lambda response: authed_cb(), return_d.errback) # return return_d def is_token_active(self): return self.token_active #need to check if the token has already expired, we have around 60 days. Returns true if token still active def check_if_token_not_expired(self): current_time = access_token_time = (self.config_timestamp).split(".")[ 0] # we just want it as yyyy-mm-ddT:hh:mm:ss access_token_time = self.createTimestamp(access_token_time) delta = current_time - access_token_time delta_days = delta.days if (delta_days) < 60: return True else: return False #this should be a library function somewhere... def createTimestamp(self, strTimestamp): try: return datetime.datetime.strptime(strTimestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%S:%M') except: if not ":" in str(strTimestamp): strTimestamp = strTimestamp + " 00:00:00" return datetime.datetime.strptime(strTimestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%S:%M') else: pass def harvest_all(self): harvest_d = Deferred() if (self.is_token_active()): logging.debug( "Service Controller Facebook - Running Facebook Service!") def havest_friends_cb(re): logging.debug("Service Controller Facebook - Updated Profile") def havest_statuses_cb(res): logging.debug( "Service Controller Facebook - Updated Status {0}". format(res)) harvest_d.callback(True) # def havest_profile_cb(resu): # logging.debug("Service Controller Facebook - Updated Friends") # #update every hour # #reactor.callLater(3600.0, loop_harvester); # harvest_d.callback(True) # self.harvest_facebook_profile().addCallbacks(havest_profile_cb, lambda failure: logging.error("Facebook Service Controller - Callback Failure: Harvest Profile")) self.harvest_facebook_statuses().addCallbacks( havest_statuses_cb, lambda failure: logging.error( "Facebook Service Controller - Callback Failure: Harvest Statuses" )) self.harvest_facebook_friends().addCallbacks( havest_friends_cb, lambda failure: logging.error( "Facebook Service Controller - Callback Failure: Harvest Friends" )) return harvest_d ##here are all the facebook methods to havest the data def harvest_facebook_profile(self): harvest_profile_d = Deferred()'Facebook Service - Getting users Facebook Profile') graph = GraphAPI(self.facebook_access_token_long) profile = graph.get_object("me") timestamp = str('T')).split(".")[0] uniq_id = "facebook_profile_for_me" object_to_insert = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "facebook_profile": profile } #now need to perform the asnc def insert_cb(re): logging.debug( "Facebook Service - Found Facebook Profile information, Added To INDX {0} profile items" .format(len(profile))) harvest_profile_d.callback(True) def insert_cb_fail(re): harvest_profile_d.callback(True) self.insert_object_to_indx(object_to_insert).addCallbacks( insert_cb, insert_cb_fail) return harvest_profile_d ##here are all the facebook methods to havest the data def harvest_facebook_statuses(self): harvest_status_d = Deferred() def found_cb(results): friends_number = 0 followers_number = 0 since_id = 0 #let's see if the object has some nice things in it. try: config_returned = results['data']['service_facebook_config'] friends_number = int( config_returned['friends_list_size'][0]['@value']) followers_number = int( config_returned['followers_list_size'][0]['@value']) since_id = int(config_returned['since_id'][0]['@value']) logging.debug('Found the Facebook Config Object.') except: #print sys.exc_info() pass'Facebook Service - Getting users Facebook Statuses') graph = GraphAPI(self.facebook_access_token_long) profile = graph.get_object("me") if len(profile) > 1: #print "got Profile so should be able to get status" facebook_id = str(profile['id']) facebook_username = str(profile['name']) query = facebook_id #+"/permissions" statuses = graph.get_connections( facebook_id, "statuses", limit=10000) #graph.get_object(query) # timestamp = str('T')).split(".")[0] statuses = statuses['data'] #need to make sure that we are not fetching statuses already added... latest_status_id = 0 try: latest_status_id = statuses[0]['id'] except: pass if (latest_status_id > since_id) or (latest_status_id == 0): since_id = latest_status_id objects_to_insert = [] for status in statuses: uniq_id = "facebook_statuses_" + str(status['id']) facebook_status_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "post", "facebook_status_id": status['id'], "facebook_user_indx": "facebook_user_me", "facebook_user_id": facebook_id } #for each status, get the time facebook_status_obj['facebook_status_text'] = status[ 'message'] facebook_status_obj['facebook_status_timestamp'] = str( status['updated_time']).split("+")[0] like_ids = [] try: likes = status['likes']['data'] totalLikes = len(likes) facebook_status_obj[ 'facebook_status_total_likes'] = str( totalLikes) for like in likes: #construct the facebook user that liked your post uniq_id = "facebook_user_" + str(like['id']) facebook_user_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "user", "facebook_username": like['name'], "facebook_id": like['id'] } like_ids.append(uniq_id) objects_to_insert.append(facebook_user_obj) except: pass comment_ids = [] try: comments = status['comments']['data'] totalcomments = len(comments) facebook_status_obj[ 'facebook_status_total_comments'] = str( totalcomments) for comment in comments: #first create the comment user facebook_comment_obj_id = "facebook_user_" + str( comment['from']['id']) facebook_user_obj = { "@id": facebook_comment_obj_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "user", "facebook_username": comment['from']['name'], "facebook_id": comment['from']['id'] } #add it to the indx objects objects_to_insert.append(facebook_user_obj) #create the facebook comment object uniq_id = "facebook_comment_" + comment['id'] facebook_comment_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "post", "facebook_user_indx": facebook_comment_obj_id, "facebook_id": comment['from']['id'], "facebook_username": comment['from']['name'] } #for each status, get the time facebook_comment_obj[ 'facebook_comment_text'] = comment[ 'message'] facebook_comment_obj[ 'facebook_comment_timestamp'] = str( comment['created_time']).split("+")[0] facebook_comment_obj['like_count'] = comment[ 'like_count'] #add it to the indx objects objects_to_insert.append(facebook_comment_obj) #for reference comment_ids.append(uniq_id) except: pass facebook_status_obj[ 'facebook_like_user_ids_indx'] = like_ids facebook_status_obj[ 'facebook_comment_user_ids_indx'] = comment_ids #add it to the indx objects objects_to_insert.append(facebook_status_obj) #then create the user object uniq_id = "facebook_user_me" facebook_user_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "user", "facebook_username": facebook_username, "facebook_id": facebook_id } objects_to_insert.append(facebook_user_obj) #then add all of the extra info #and create the instagram config facebook_config_obj = { "@id": "service_facebook_config", "app_object": app_id, "type": "config", "config_last_updated_at": timestamp, "config_for_facebook_user_id": self.facebook_userid, "friends_list_generated_at": timestamp, "follower_list_generated_at": timestamp, "friends_list_size": friends_number, "followers_list_size": followers_number, "since_id": since_id } objects_to_insert.append(facebook_config_obj) #now need to perform the asnc def insert_cb(re): "Facebook Service - Found {0} statuses, Added To INDX". format(len(statuses))) harvest_status_d.callback(True) def insert_cb_fail(re): harvest_status_d.callback(True) logging.debug("inserting statuses into indx") self.insert_object_to_indx(objects_to_insert).addCallbacks( insert_cb, insert_cb_fail) else: harvest_status_d.callback(True) def error_cb(re): found_cb() def_search = Deferred() find_instagram_config = {"@id": "service_facebook_config"} "Searching for facebook_config to check if latest statues already harvested... " ) def_search = self.indx_con.query(json.dumps(find_instagram_config)) def_search.addCallbacks(found_cb, error_cb) return harvest_status_d def harvest_facebook_friends(self): harvest_friends_d = Deferred() def found_cb(results): friends_number = 0 followers_number = 0 since_id = 0 #let's see if the object has some nice things in it. try: config_returned = results['data']['service_facebook_config'] friends_number = int( config_returned['friends_list_size'][0]['@value']) followers_number = int( config_returned['followers_list_size'][0]['@value']) since_id = int(config_returned['since_id'][0]['@value']) logging.debug('Found the Facebook Config Object.') except: #print sys.exc_info() pass'Facebook Service - Getting users Facebook Friends') graph = GraphAPI(self.facebook_access_token_long) #profile = graph.get_object("me") #rint profile friends_all = graph.get_connections("me", "friends", limit=1000) friends = friends_all['data'] friends_number = len(friends) logging.debug( 'Facebook Service - Got users Facebook Friends: {0}'.format( friends_number)) objects_to_insert = [] timestamp = str('T')).split(".")[0] friend_ids = [] counter = 0 friends_objs_to_insert = [] for friend in friends: uniq_id = "facebook_user_" + str(friend['id']) friend_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "user", "facebook_user_id": friend['id'], "facebook_username": friend['name'] } friend_ids.append(uniq_id) friends_objs_to_insert.append(friend_obj) try: #now create the me facebook user friend object profile = graph.get_object("me") facebook_id = str(profile['id']) facebook_username = str(profile['name']) uniq_id = "facebook_friends_for_user_me" facebook_user_friend_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": app_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "faceboob_user_id_indx": "facebook_user_me", "facebook_user_id": facebook_id, "facebook_username": facebook_username, "facebook_friends_ids_indx": friend_ids } objects_to_insert.append(facebook_user_friend_obj) except: pass #now set the config facebook_config_obj = { "@id": "service_facebook_config", "app_object": app_id, "type": "config", "config_last_updated_at": timestamp, "config_for_facebook_user_id": facebook_id, "friends_list_generated_at": timestamp, "follower_list_generated_at": timestamp, "friends_list_size": friends_number, "followers_list_size": followers_number, "since_id": since_id } objects_to_insert.append(facebook_config_obj) def insertfriends(self): if (len(friends_objs_to_insert) > 0): def insert_friend_cb(re): insertfriends(self) def insert_friend_cb_fail(re): insertfriends(self) friends_to_add = [] pop_point = 0 for x in range(0, 100): try: friends_to_add.append(friends_objs_to_insert[x]) pop_point += 1 except: pass for x in range(0, pop_point): try: friends_objs_to_insert.pop(0) except: pass #friend_object = friends_objs_to_insert[0] #print "friends list length: "+str(len(friends_objs_to_insert)) self.insert_object_to_indx(friends_to_add).addCallbacks( insert_friend_cb, insert_friend_cb_fail) else: "All Facebook Friends Added to Indx, will now proceed." ) #this is a trick as indxclient is a bit nasty with big inserts logging.debug("Inserting friends into indx") insertfriends(self) #now need to perform the asnc def insert_cb(re): logging.debug( "Facebook Service - Found Friends List, Added To INDX {0} Friends" .format(len(friends))) harvest_friends_d.callback(True) def insert_cb_fail(re): harvest_friends_d.callback(True) logging.debug("inserting friends config into indx") self.insert_object_to_indx(objects_to_insert).addCallbacks( insert_cb, insert_cb_fail) def error_cb(re): found_cb() def_search = Deferred() find_facebook_config = {"@id": "service_facebook_config"} "Searching for facebook_config to check if Popular feed already harvested... " ) def_search = self.indx_con.query(json.dumps(find_facebook_config)) def_search.addCallbacks(found_cb, error_cb) return harvest_friends_d def insert_object_to_indx(self, obj): update_d = Deferred() def update_cb(resp): self.version = resp['data']['@version'] logging.debug( "Succesfully Updated INDX with Objects in update_cb, new diff version of {0}" .format(self.version)) #logging.debug("Inserted Object into INDX: ".format(resp)) update_d.callback(True) #return update_d #time.sleep(2) def exception_cb(e, service=self, obj=obj): logging.debug( "Exception Inserting into INDX, probably wrong version given") if isinstance( e.value, urllib2.HTTPError ): # handle a version incorrect error, and update the version if e.value.code == 409: # 409 Obsolete response = json_response = json.loads(response) service.version = json_response['@version'] logging.debug( 'INDX insert error in Instagram Service Object: ' + str(response)) try: service.indx_con.update(service.version, obj).addCallbacks( update_cb, exception_cb) #logging.debug('Twitter Service - Successfully added Objects into Box') except: logging.debug( 'Instagram Service, error on insert {0}'.format( response)) update_d.errback(e.value) else: logging.debug('Instagram Service Unknow error: {0}'.format( update_d.errback(e.value) else: logging.error("Error updating INDX: {0}".format(e.value)) update_d.errback(e.value) logging.debug( "in Instagram - Trying to insert into indx...Current diff version: {0} and objects (len) given {1}" .format(self.version, len(obj))) self.indx_con.update(self.version, obj).addCallbacks(update_cb, exception_cb) return update_d
class CLIClient: def __init__(self, appid = "INDX CLIClient"): """ Associate command-line actions with functions, and enforce required variables. """ self.actions = {'create_box': {'f': self.create_box, 'args': ['box']}, 'delete_box': {'f': self.delete_box, 'args': ['box']}, 'list_boxes': {'f': self.list_boxes, 'args': []}, 'get_object_ids': {'f': self.get_object_ids, 'args': ['box']}, 'create_user': {'f': self.create_user, 'args': ['target_username','target_password']}, 'update': {'f': self.update, 'args': ['box','data','version']}, 'delete': {'f': self.delete, 'args': ['box','id','version']}, 'get_latest': {'f': self.get_latest, 'args': ['box']}, 'get_by_ids': {'f': self.get_by_ids, 'args': ['box','id']}, 'query': {'f': self.query, 'args': ['box','query']}, 'diff': {'f': self.diff, 'args': ['box','from','return_objs']}, #'listen': {'f': self.listen, 'args': ['box']}, 'add_file': {'f': self.add_file, 'args': ['box','data','id','version','contenttype']}, 'delete_file': {'f': self.delete_file, 'args': ['box','id','version']}, 'get_file': {'f': self.get_file, 'args': ['box','id']}, 'list_files': {'f': self.list_files, 'args': ['box']}, 'set_acl': {'f': self.set_acl, 'args': ['box','acl','target_username']}, 'get_acls': {'f': self.get_acls, 'args': ['box']}, 'generate_new_key': {'f': self.generate_new_key, 'args': ['box']}, 'create_root_box': {'f': self.create_root_box, 'args': ['box']}, 'link_remote_box': {'f': self.link_remote_box, 'args': ['box', 'remote_token', 'remote_box', 'remote_address']}, 'generate_token': {'f': self.generate_token, 'args': ['box']}, } self.token = None self.appid = appid self.indx = None def set_args(self, args): """ Move relevant command-line arguments into local variable. """ logging.debug("Set args: {0}".format(args)) self.args = args """ Flatten single value lists into flat key/value pair. """ for key in args: if type(args[key]) == type([]) and len(args[key]) == 1: args[key] = args[key][0] """ Ensure self.server always ends in a / """ if self.args['server'][-1:] != "/": self.args['server'] += "/" def check_args(self, required): not_set = [] for key in required: if key not in self.args or self.args[key] is None or self.args[key] == "": not_set.append(key) if not self.args['allowempty'] and len(not_set) > 0: raise Exception("The following values cannot be empty for this action: {0}".format(", ".join(not_set))) def auth_and_get_token(self, get_token): """ Authenticate, get a token and call it back to the deferred. """ return_d = Deferred() def authed_cb(): def token_cb(token): if token is not None: self.token = token return_d.callback(token) else: return_d.callback(None) if get_token: authclient.get_token(self.args['box']).addCallbacks(token_cb, return_d.errback) else: token_cb(None) authclient = IndxClientAuth(self.args['server'], self.appid) self.client = authclient.client authclient.auth_plain(self.args['username'], self.args['password']).addCallbacks(lambda response: authed_cb(), return_d.errback) return return_d def call_action(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls an action by name. """ return_d = Deferred() action = self.actions[name] f = action['f'] self.check_args(action['args']) def do_call(): f(*args, **kwargs).addCallbacks(lambda status: return_d.callback(self.parse_status(name, status)), return_d.errback) if not self.token: def token_cb(token): if not self.indx: self.indx = IndxClient(self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.appid, token = token, client = self.client) do_call() self.auth_and_get_token(IndxClient.requires_token(f)).addCallbacks(token_cb, return_d.errback) else: do_call() return return_d def parse_status(self, source, status): """ Parse the status returned from the server, and raise an Exception if necessary. """ if status is not None: # status is None when a file has been printed raw if status['code'] < 200 or status['code'] > 299: raise Exception("{0} in box {1} failed. Response is {2} with code {3}".format(source, self.args['box'], status['message'], status['code'])) else: if "data" in status and self.args['jsondata']: return json.dumps(status['data'], indent = 2) else: pretty = pprint.pformat(status, indent=2, width=80)"{0} in box {1} successful, return is: {2}".format(source, self.args['box'], pretty)) return None """ Test functions.""" def create_box(self): """ Test to create a box. """ logging.debug("Creating box: '{0}' on server '{1}'".format(self.args['box'], self.args['server'])) return self.indx.create_box() def delete_box(self): """ Test to delete a box. """ logging.debug("Deleting box: '{0}' on server '{1}'".format(self.args['box'], self.args['server'])) return self.indx.delete_box() def list_boxes(self): """ List the boxes on the INDX server. """ logging.debug("Listing boxes on server '{0}'".format(self.args['server'])) return self.indx.list_boxes() def get_object_ids(self): """ Get the IDs of every object in this box. """ logging.debug("Getting a list of object IDs on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.get_object_ids() def update(self): """ Test to update objects in a box. """ logging.debug("Updating data to box: '{0}' on server '{1}'".format(self.args['box'], self.args['server'])) #return self.indx.update(self.args['version'], cjson.decode(self.args['data'].read()), all_unicode=True) return self.indx.update(self.args['version'], json.loads(self.args['data'].read())) def delete(self): """ Test to delete objects from a box. 'id' argument should be a list of ids e.g., --id=id1 --id=id2 """ logging.debug("Deleting data to box: '{0}' on server '{1}'".format(self.args['box'], self.args['server'])) return self.indx.delete(self.args['version'], self.args['id']) def get_latest(self): """ Get the latest version of every object in this box. """ logging.debug("Getting latest objects on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.get_latest() def get_by_ids(self): """ Get the latest version of specific objects in this box. """ logging.debug("Getting latest objects on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) ids = self.args['id'] if type(ids) != type([]): ids = [ids] # put a single id into an array return self.indx.get_by_ids(ids) def query(self): """ Query this box. e.g., query="{ '@id': 2983 }" or query="{ 'firstname': 'dan' }" """ logging.debug("Querying server '{0}' in box '{1}' with depth '{2}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.args['depth'])) return self.indx.query(self.args['query'], depth = int(self.args['depth'])) def diff(self): """ Run a diff of two version of this box. """ logging.debug("Calling diff on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) to_version = None if "to" in self.args and self.args['to'] is not None: to_version = self.args['to'] return self.indx.diff(self.args['return_objs'], self.args['from'], to_version = to_version) # def listen(self): # """ Listen to updates to the database (locally, not with HTTP) and print out the diff in realtime. """ # self.check_args(['box', 'username', 'password']) # # def observer(notify): # print "Version updated to: {0}".format(notify.payload) # # def err_cb(failure): # logging.error("Error in test listen: {0}".format(failure)) # reactor.stop() # # def connected_cb(conn): # print "Listening..." # conns = {"conn": conn} # store = ObjectStoreAsync(conns, self.args['username'], self.appid, "") # TODO get the IP a better way? does it matter here? # store.listen(observer) # # d = database.connect_box_raw(self.args['box'], self.args['username'], self.args['password']) # d.addCallbacks(connected_cb, err_cb) # def add_file(self): """ Add a file to the database. """ logging.debug("Adding a file to server '{0}' in box '{1}', with id: {2}".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.args['id'])) return self.indx.add_file(self.args['version'], self.args['id'], self.args['data'].read(), self.args['contenttype']) def delete_file(self): """ Delete a file from the database. """ logging.debug("Deleting a file from server '{0}' in box '{1}', with id: {2}".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'], self.args['id'])) return self.indx.delete_file(self.args['version'], self.args['id']) def get_file(self): """ Get a file from the database. """ logging.debug("Calling get_file on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) # returns the file to stdout so it can be piped to a file print self.indx.get_file(self.args['id']) def list_files(self): """ Get a list of the files from the database. """ logging.debug("Calling list_files on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.list_files() def set_acl(self): """ Set an ACL for a target user for a database. """ logging.debug("Calling set_acl on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.set_acl(self.args['acl'], self.args['target_username']) def get_acls(self): """ Get ACLs for a database. """ logging.debug("Calling get_acls on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.get_acls() def generate_new_key(self): """ Generate and store a new key, returning the public and public-hash parts of the key. """ logging.debug("Calling generate_new_key on server '{0}' in box '{1}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.generate_new_key() def create_root_box(self): """ Create root box for a user. """ logging.debug("Calling create_root_box on server '{0}' for box '{1}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['box'])) return self.indx.create_root_box(self.args['box']) def create_user(self): """ Create a new user. """ logging.debug("Calling create_user on server '{0}' with target username '{1}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['target_username'])) return self.indx.create_user(self.args['target_username'], self.args['target_password']) def link_remote_box(self): """ Link a remote box with a local box. """ logging.debug("Calling link_remote_box on remote_address '{0}', remote_box '{1}', remote_token '{2}'".format(self.args['remote_address'], self.args['remote_box'], self.args['remote_token'])) return self.indx.link_remote_box(self.args['remote_address'], self.args['remote_box'], self.args['remote_token']) def generate_token(self): """ Generate a token for this box, and print it. """ logging.debug("Calling generate_token on box {0}.".format(self.args['box'])) return_d = Deferred() def token_cb(token): return_d.callback({"code": 200, "data": token}) self.auth_and_get_token(True).addCallbacks(token_cb, return_d.errback) return return_d
class instagramService: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.api = InstagramAPI(access_token=config["access_token"]) self.version = 0 self.batch = [] self.batch_users = [] self.feed_count = 0 self.feed_count_total = 0 self.instagram_username = config["instagram_username"] self.instagram_user_id = config["instagram_user_id"] def stop_and_exit_service(self): logging.debug("instagram Service - HARD QUIT - instagram SERVICE") sys.exit() def run_main_services(self): main_services_d = Deferred() try: print "running instagram main services" def find_followers_cb(res): def find_friends_cb(res): def get_authen_user_feed_cb(res): def get_popular_media_cb(res): main_services_d.callback(True) self.get_popular_media().addCallbacks( get_popular_media_cb, lambda failure: logging.error("Update Error {0}".format(failure)) ) self.get_authenticated_user_feed().addCallbacks( get_authen_user_feed_cb, lambda failure: logging.error("Update Error {0}".format(failure)) ) self.find_friends(self.config["instagram_user_id"]).addCallbacks( find_friends_cb, lambda failure: logging.error("Update Error{0}".format(failure)) ) self.find_followers(self.config["instagram_user_id"]).addCallbacks( find_followers_cb, lambda failure: logging.error("Update Error{0}".format(failure)) ) # self.subscribe_to_objects_by_tag(self.config['instagram_search_words']) except: logging.debug("Service Instagram - Could not run main service due to error: {0}".format(sys.exc_info())) return main_services_d def get_indx(self): return_d = Deferred() def authed_cb(): logging.debug("in service_tweets - Authed Callback") logging.debug("in service_tweets - get_indx authclient Auth status: {0}".format(authclient.is_authed)) def token_cb(token): self.indx_con = IndxClient( self.config["address"], self.config["box"], appid, token=token, client=authclient.client ) return_d.callback(True) authclient.get_token(self.config["box"]).addCallbacks(token_cb, return_d.errback) def authed_cb_fail(re): logging.debug("in service tweets - get_indx/authed_cb failed for reason {0}".format(re)) return_d.errback logging.debug("in service_instagram - get_indx") authclient = IndxClientAuth(self.config["address"], appid) authclient.auth_plain(self.config["user"], self.config["password"]).addCallbacks( lambda response: authed_cb(), authed_cb_fail ) return return_d def get_authenticated_user_feed(self): auth_d = Deferred() def found_cb(results): friends_number = 0 followers_number = 0 since_id = "" # let's see if the object has some nice things in it. try: config_returned = results["data"]["service_instagram_config"] friends_number = int(config_returned["friends_list_size"][0]["@value"]) followers_number = int(config_returned["followers_list_size"][0]["@value"]) since_id = int(config_returned["since_id"][0]["@value"])"Found the instagram Config Object.") except: # print sys.exc_info() pass # print "Getting Auth User's feed" user_feed = self.api.user_media_feed()[0] try: latest_id = user_feed[0].id except: latest_id = "Null" ##find the highest id... if latest_id != since_id:"Found some new media, will insert it to INDX") since_id = latest_id objects_to_insert = [] current_timestamp = str(time.time()).split(".")[0] # str( timestamp = str("T")).split(".")[0] current_timestamp = str( # the user responsible for this # now create some nice user objects... for media in user_feed: media_user_id = media_username = media.user.username uniq_id = "instagram_media_" + user_feed_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "post", "instagram_user_id_indx": "instagram_user_me", "instagram_user_id": media_user_id, "instagram_username": media_username, "media_id":, "media_caption": media.caption, "media_url": media.get_standard_resolution_url(), "media_like_count": media.like_count, } # need to add INDX objects for tags and locations and the indx user of this # create location if available try: location = media.location uniq_id = "instagram_location_" + location_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "location", "instagram_location_id":, "location_name":, "latitude": location.point.latitude, "longitude": location.point.longitude, } # now add this location to the user_feed_obj user_feed_obj["media_location_id"] = location_obj # thhen add it to a list of ojects to insert. objects_to_insert.append(location_obj) except: pass try: tag_ids = [] for tag in media.tags: uniq_id = "instagram_tag_" + tag_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "tag", "instagram_tag_name":, } tag_ids.append(uniq_id) objects_to_insert.append(tag_obj) # now add this location to the user_feed_obj user_feed_obj["tags"] = tag_ids except: pass objects_to_insert.append(user_feed_obj) # now create the instagram_user_me object uniq_id = "instagram_user_me" instagram_me_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "user", "instagram_user_id": media_user_id, "instagram_username": media_username, } objects_to_insert.append(instagram_me_obj) # and create the instagram config instagram_config_obj = { "@id": "service_instagram_config", "app_object": appid, "type": "config", "config_last_updated_at": timestamp, "config_for_instagram_user": self.instagram_username, "friends_list_generated_at": timestamp, "follower_list_generated_at": timestamp, "friends_list_size": friends_number, "followers_list_size": followers_number, "since_id": since_id, } objects_to_insert.append(instagram_config_obj) def update_cb(re): logging.debug("network harvest async worked {0}".format(re)) auth_d.callback(True) def update_cb_fail(re): logging.error("network harvest async failed {0}".format(re)) auth_d.errback self.insert_object_to_indx(objects_to_insert).addCallbacks(update_cb, update_cb_fail) else:"already have the latest version of your instagram timeline") auth_d.callback(True) def error_cb(re): found_cb() def_search = Deferred() find_instagram_config = {"@id": "service_instagram_config"}"Searching for instagram_config to check if Popular feed already harvested... ") def_search = self.indx_con.query(json.dumps(find_instagram_config)) def_search.addCallbacks(found_cb, error_cb) return auth_d # for feed in user_feed: # print feed def get_searched_media(self, search_terms): print "getting searched media for terms: " + str(search_terms) returned_results, page_num = self.api.tag_search(search_terms, 20) return returned_results # for result in returned_results: # print result def get_popular_media(self): pop_d = Deferred() def found_cb(results): friends_number = 0 followers_number = 0 since_id = "" # let's see if the object has some nice things in it. try: config_returned = results["data"]["service_instagram_config"] friends_number = int(config_returned["friends_list_size"][0]["@value"]) followers_number = int(config_returned["followers_list_size"][0]["@value"]) since_id = int(config_returned["since_id"][0]["@value"])"Found the instagram Config Object.") except: # print sys.exc_info() pass # if(since_id > 0):"getting popular media") objects_to_insert = [] current_timestamp = str(time.time()).split(".")[0] # str( timestamp = str("T")).split(".")[0] current_timestamp = str( popular_media = self.api.media_popular(count=20) for media in popular_media: media_user_id = media_username = media.user.username # now create the instagram_user object uniq_user_id = "instagram_user_" + instagram_media_obj = { "@id": uniq_user_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "user", "instagram_user_id": media_user_id, "instagram_username": media_username, } objects_to_insert.append(instagram_media_obj) uniq_id = "instagram_media_" + media_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "post", "instagram_user_id_indx": uniq_user_id, "instagram_user_id": media_user_id, "instagram_username": media_username, "media_id":, "media_caption": media.caption, "media_url": media.get_standard_resolution_url(), "media_like_count": media.like_count, } # need to add INDX objects for tags and locations and the indx user of this # create location if available try: location = media.location uniq_id = "instagram_location_" + location_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "timestamp": timestamp, "type": "location", "instagram_location_id":, "location_name":, "latitude": location.point.latitude, "longitude": location.point.longitude, } # now add this location to the user_feed_obj media_obj["media_location_id"] = location_obj # thhen add it to a list of ojects to insert. objects_to_insert.append(location_obj) except: pass try: tag_ids = [] for tag in media.tags: uniq_id = "instagram_tag_" + tag_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "type": "tag", "timestamp": timestamp, "instagram_tag_name":, } tag_ids.append(uniq_id) objects_to_insert.append(tag_obj) # now add this location to the user_feed_obj media_obj["tags"] = tag_ids except: pass objects_to_insert.append(media_obj) def update_cb(re): logging.debug("network harvest async worked {0}".format(re)) pop_d.callback(True) def update_cb_fail(re): logging.error("network harvest async failed {0}".format(re)) pop_d.errback # and create the instagram config instagram_config_obj = { "@id": "service_instagram_config", "app_object": appid, "type": "config", "config_last_updated_at": timestamp, "config_for_instagram_user": self.instagram_username, "friends_list_generated_at": timestamp, "follower_list_generated_at": timestamp, "friends_list_size": friends_number, "followers_list_size": followers_number, "since_id": since_id, } objects_to_insert.append(instagram_config_obj) self.insert_object_to_indx(objects_to_insert).addCallbacks(update_cb, update_cb_fail) def error_cb(re): found_cb() def_search = Deferred() find_instagram_config = {"@id": "service_instagram_config"}"Searching for instagram_config to check if Popular feed already harvested... ") def_search = self.indx_con.query(json.dumps(find_instagram_config)) def_search.addCallbacks(found_cb, error_cb) return pop_d def find_user(self, username): data = self.api.user_search(username, count=20) print data def find_followers(self, userid): # first do a lookup and see if the latest set if followers has allready been found follower_d = Deferred() def found_cb(results): friends_number = 0 followers_number = 0 since_id = 0 # let's see if the object has some nice things in it. try: config_returned = results["data"]["service_instagram_config"] friends_number = int(config_returned["friends_list_size"][0]["@value"]) followers_number = int(config_returned["followers_list_size"][0]["@value"]) since_id = int(config_returned["since_id"][0]["@value"])"Found the instagram Config Object.") except: # print sys.exc_info() pass followed_by = self.api.user_followed_by(userid)[0] # print "followed_by length: "+str(len(followed_by)) # print str(followed_by) # see if the number is different, if it is, then update.. could be nicer than this, but for now, it will work (ish) if (len(followed_by) != followers_number) or (followers_number == 0): followers_number = len(followed_by) objects_to_insert = [] current_timestamp = str(time.time()).split(".")[0] # str( timestamp = str("T")).split(".")[0] uniq_id = "instagram_follower_network_for_user_me" # +self.instagram_username followed_by_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "instagram_username": self.instagram_username, "instagram_user_id": self.instagram_user_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "followed_by_count": len(followed_by), } followers_ids = [] for follower in followed_by: # print follower.username uniq_id = "instagram_user_" + str(follower.username) follower_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "type": "user", "instagram_username": str(follower.username), "timestamp": timestamp, } objects_to_insert.append(follower_obj) # we can add this to the followed_by_obj later followers_ids.append(uniq_id) # link the followers for me followed_by_obj["follower_ids"] = followers_ids # print followed_by_objs # for friend in friends_list: # print friend # now append the results def update_cb(re): logging.debug("network harvest async worked {0}".format(re)) follower_d.callback(True) def update_cb_fail(re): logging.error("network harvest async failed {0}".format(re)) follower_d.errback instagram_config_obj = { "@id": "service_instagram_config", "app_object": appid, "type": "config", "config_last_updated_at": timestamp, "config_for_instagram_user": self.instagram_username, "friends_list_generated_at": timestamp, "follower_list_generated_at": timestamp, "friends_list_size": friends_number, "followers_list_size": followers_number, "since_id": since_id, } objects_to_insert.append(followed_by_obj) # objects_to_insert.append(followers) objects_to_insert.append(instagram_config_obj) self.insert_object_to_indx(objects_to_insert).addCallbacks(update_cb, update_cb_fail) else: follower_d.callback(True) def error_cb(re): found_cb() def_search = Deferred() find_instagram_config = {"@id": "service_instagram_config"}"Searching for instagram_config to check if network already harvested... ") def_search = self.indx_con.query(json.dumps(find_instagram_config)) def_search.addCallbacks(found_cb, error_cb) return follower_d # print followed_by def find_friends(self, userid): friends_d = Deferred() def found_cb(results): friends_number = 0 followers_number = 0 since_id = 0 # let's see if the object has some nice things in it. try: config_returned = results["data"]["service_instagram_config"] friends_number = int(config_returned["friends_list_size"][0]["@value"]) followers_number = int(config_returned["followers_list_size"][0]["@value"]) since_id = int(config_returned["since_id"][0]["@value"])"Found the instagram Config Object.") except: # print sys.exc_info() pass friends_by_list = self.api.user_follows(userid)[0] if (len(friends_by_list) != friends_number) or (friends_number == 0): friends_number = len(friends_by_list) objects_to_insert = [] current_timestamp = str(time.time()).split(".")[0] # str( timestamp = str("T")).split(".")[0] uniq_id = "instagram_friends_network_for_user_me" # +self.instagram_username friends_by_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "instagram_username": self.instagram_username, "instagram_user_id": self.instagram_user_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "followed_by_count": len(friends_by_list), } friends_ids = [] for friend in friends_by_list: # print follower.username uniq_id = "instagram_user_" + str(friend.username) friend_obj = { "@id": uniq_id, "app_object": appid, "type": "user", "instagram_username": str(friend.username), "timestamp": timestamp, } objects_to_insert.append(friend_obj) # we can add this to the followed_by_obj later friends_ids.append(uniq_id) friends_by_obj["friends_ids"] = friends_ids # print friends_by_objs # for friend in friends_list: # print friend # now append the results def update_cb(re): logging.debug("network harvest async worked {0}".format(re)) friends_d.callback(True) def update_cb_fail(re): logging.error("network harvest async failed {0}".format(re)) friends_d.errback instagram_config_obj = { "@id": "service_instagram_config", "app_object": appid, "type": "config", "config_last_updated_at": timestamp, "config_for_instagram_user": self.instagram_username, "friends_list_generated_at": timestamp, "follower_list_generated_at": timestamp, "friends_list_size": friends_number, "followers_list_size": followers_number, "since_id": since_id, } objects_to_insert.append(friends_by_obj) # objects_to_insert.append(followers) objects_to_insert.append(instagram_config_obj) self.insert_object_to_indx(objects_to_insert).addCallbacks(update_cb, update_cb_fail) else: friends_d.callback(True) def error_cb(re): found_cb() def_search = Deferred() find_instagram_config = {"@id": "service_instagram_config"}"Searching for instagram_config to check if network already harvested... ") def_search = self.indx_con.query(json.dumps(find_instagram_config)) def_search.addCallbacks(found_cb, error_cb) return friends_d # print followed_by def subscribe_to_objects_by_tag(self, search_terms): def process_tag_update(update): print update reactor = subscriptions.SubscriptionsReactor() reactor.register_callback(subscriptions.SubscriptionType.TAG, process_tag_update) self.api.create_subscription( object="tag", object_id=search_terms, aspect="media", callback_url="http://*****:*****@version"] logging.debug( "Succesfully Updated INDX with Objects in update_cb, new diff version of {0}".format(self.version) ) # logging.debug("Inserted Object into INDX: ".format(resp)) update_d.callback(True) # return update_d # time.sleep(2) def exception_cb(e, service=self, obj=obj): logging.debug("Exception Inserting into INDX, probably wrong version given") if isinstance(e.value, urllib2.HTTPError): # handle a version incorrect error, and update the version if e.value.code == 409: # 409 Obsolete response = json_response = json.loads(response) service.version = json_response["@version"] logging.debug("INDX insert error in Instagram Service Object: " + str(response)) try: service.indx_con.update(service.version, obj).addCallbacks(update_cb, exception_cb) # logging.debug('Twitter Service - Successfully added Objects into Box') except: logging.error("Instagram Service, error on insert {0}".format(response)) update_d.errback(e.value) else: logging.error("Instagram Service Unknow error: {0}".format( update_d.errback(e.value) else: logging.error("Error updating INDX: {0}".format(e.value)) update_d.errback(e.value) logging.debug( "in Instagram - Trying to insert into indx...Current diff version: {0} and objects (len) given {1}".format( self.version, len(obj) ) ) self.indx_con.update(self.version, obj).addCallbacks(update_cb, exception_cb) return update_d