    def plot_bicycle_geometry(self,
        '''Returns a figure showing the basic bicycle geometry, the centers of
        mass and the moments of inertia.

        If the flywheel is defined, it's center of mass corresponds to the
        front wheel and is not depicted in the plot.

        par = io.remove_uncertainties(self.parameters['Benchmark'])
        parts = get_parts_in_parameters(par)

            slopes = io.remove_uncertainties(self.extras['slopes'])
            intercepts = io.remove_uncertainties(self.extras['intercepts'])
            penInertias = io.remove_uncertainties(
        except AttributeError:
            pendulum = False

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.axes()

        # define some colors for the parts
        numColors = len(parts)
        cmap = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
        partColors = {}
        for i, part in enumerate(parts):
            partColors[part] = cmap(1. * i / numColors)

        if inertiaEllipse:
            # plot the principal moments of inertia
            for j, part in enumerate(parts):
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, part)
                Ip, C = inertia.principal_axes(I)
                if part == 'R':
                    center = np.array([0., par['rR']])
                elif part in 'FD':
                    center = np.array([par['w'], par['rF']])
                    center = np.array([par['x' + part], -par['z' + part]])
                # which row in C is the y vector
                uy = np.array([0., 1., 0.])
                for i, row in enumerate(C):
                    if np.abs(np.sum(row - uy)) < 1E-10:
                        yrow = i
                # remove the row for the y vector
                Ip2D = np.delete(Ip, yrow, 0)
                # remove the column and row associated with the y
                C2D = np.delete(np.delete(C, yrow, 0), 1, 1)
                # make an ellipse
                Imin = Ip2D[0]
                Imax = Ip2D[1]
                # get width and height of a ellipse with the major axis equal
                # to one
                unitWidth = 1. / 2. / np.sqrt(Imin) * np.sqrt(Imin)
                unitHeight = 1. / 2. / np.sqrt(Imax) * np.sqrt(Imin)
                # now scaled the width and height relative to the maximum
                # principal moment of inertia
                width = Imax * unitWidth
                height = Imax * unitHeight
                angle = -np.degrees(np.arccos(C2D[0, 0]))
                ellipse = Ellipse((center[0], center[1]),

        # plot the ground line
        x = np.array([-par['rR'], par['w'] + par['rF']])
        plt.plot(x, np.zeros_like(x), 'k')

        # plot the rear wheel
        c = plt.Circle((0., par['rR']), radius=par['rR'], fill=False)

        # plot the front wheel
        c = plt.Circle((par['w'], par['rF']), radius=par['rF'], fill=False)

        # plot the fundamental bike
        deex, deez = geometry.fundamental_geometry_plot_data(par)
        plt.plot(deex, -deez, 'k')

        # plot the steer axis
        dx3 = deex[2] + deez[2] * (deex[2] - deex[1]) / (deez[1] - deez[2])
        plt.plot([deex[2], dx3], [-deez[2], 0.], 'k--')

        # don't plot the pendulum lines if a rider has been added because the
        # inertia has changed
        if self.hasRider:
            pendulum = False

        if pendulum:
            # plot the pendulum axes for the measured parts
            for j, pair in enumerate(slopes.items()):
                part, slopeSet = pair
                xcom, zcom = par['x' + part], par['z' + part]
                for i, m in enumerate(slopeSet):
                    b = intercepts[part][i]
                    xPoint, zPoint = geometry.project_point_on_line(
                        (m, b), (xcom, zcom))
                    comLineLength = penInertias[part][i]
                    xPlus = comLineLength / 2. * np.cos(np.arctan(m))
                    x = np.array([xPoint - xPlus, xPoint + xPlus])
                    z = -m * x - b
                    plt.plot(x, z, color=partColors[part])
                    # label the pendulum lines with a number
                    plt.text(x[0], z[0], str(i + 1))

        if centerOfMass:
            # plot the center of mass location
            def com_symbol(ax, center, radius, color='b'):
                '''Returns axis with center of mass symbol.'''
                c = plt.Circle(center, radius=radius, fill=False)
                w1 = Wedge(center,
                w2 = Wedge(center,
                return ax

            # radius of the CoM symbol
            sRad = 0.03
            # front wheel CoM
            ax = com_symbol(ax, (par['w'], par['rF']),
            plt.text(par['w'] + sRad, par['rF'] + sRad, 'F')
            # rear wheel CoM
            ax = com_symbol(ax, (0., par['rR']), sRad, color=partColors['R'])
            plt.text(0. + sRad, par['rR'] + sRad, 'R')
            for j, part in enumerate([x for x in parts if x not in 'RFD']):
                xcom = par['x' + part]
                zcom = par['z' + part]
                ax = com_symbol(ax, (xcom, -zcom),
                plt.text(xcom + sRad, -zcom + sRad, part)
            if 'H' not in parts:
                ax = com_symbol(ax, (par['xH'], -par['zH']), sRad)
                plt.text(par['xH'] + sRad, -par['zH'] + sRad, 'H')

        plt.ylim((0., 1.))

        # if there is a rider on the bike, make a simple stick figure
        if self.human:
            human = self.human
            mpar = self.parameters['Measured']
            bpar = self.parameters['Benchmark']
            # K2: lower leg, tip of foot to knee
            start = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.K2.end_pos, mpar,
            end = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.K2.pos, mpar, bpar)
            plt.plot([start[0, 0], end[0, 0]], [-start[2, 0], -end[2, 0]], 'k')
            # K1: upper leg, knee to hip
            start = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.K2.pos, mpar, bpar)
            end = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.K1.pos, mpar, bpar)
            plt.plot([start[0, 0], end[0, 0]], [-start[2, 0], -end[2, 0]], 'k')
            # torso
            start = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.K1.pos, mpar, bpar)
            end = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.B1.pos, mpar, bpar)
            plt.plot([start[0, 0], end[0, 0]], [-start[2, 0], -end[2, 0]], 'k')
            # B1: upper arm
            start = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.B1.pos, mpar, bpar)
            end = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.B2.pos, mpar, bpar)
            plt.plot([start[0, 0], end[0, 0]], [-start[2, 0], -end[2, 0]], 'k')
            # B2: lower arm, elbow to tip of fingers
            start = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.B2.pos, mpar, bpar)
            end = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.B2.end_pos, mpar, bpar)
            plt.plot([start[0, 0], end[0, 0]], [-start[2, 0], -end[2, 0]], 'k')
            # C: chest/head
            start = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.B1.pos, mpar, bpar)
            end = rider.yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.C.end_pos, mpar, bpar)
            plt.plot([start[0, 0], end[0, 0]], [-start[2, 0], -end[2, 0]], 'k')

        if show:

        return fig
    def steer_assembly_moment_of_inertia(self,
        Returns the inertia tensor of the steer assembly with respect to a
        reference frame aligned with the steer axis.

        handlebar : boolean, optional
            If true the handlebar will be included in the calculation.
        fork : boolean, optional
            If true the fork will be included in the calculation.
        wheel : boolean, optional
            If true then the wheel will be included in the calculation.
        aboutSteerAxis : boolean, optional
            If true the inertia tensor will be with respect to a point made
            from the projection of the center of mass onto the steer axis.
        nominal : boolean, optional
            If true the nominal values will be returned instead of a uarray.

        iAss : float
            Inertia tensor of the specified steer assembly parts with respect
            to a reference frame aligned with the steer axis.

        The 3 component is aligned with the steer axis (pointing downward), the
        1 component is perpendicular to the steer axis (pointing forward) and
        the 2 component is perpendicular to the steer axis (pointing to the

        This function does not currently take into account the flywheel, D, if
        it is defined, beware.

        # load in the Benchmark parameter set
        par = self.parameters['Benchmark']

        if 'mD' in par.keys():
                "You have a flywheel defined. Beware that it is ignored in " +
                "the calculations and the results do not reflect that it is " +

        # there should always be either an H (handlebar/fork) and sometimes
        # there is a G (handlebar) and S (fork) if the fork and handlebar were
        # measured separately
            if fork and handlebar:
                # handlebar/fork
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'H')
                m = par['mH']
                x = par['xH']
                z = par['zH']
            elif fork and not handlebar:
                # fork alone
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'S')
                m = par['mS']
                x = par['xS']
                z = par['zS']
            elif handlebar and not fork:
                # handlebar alone
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'G')
                m = par['mG']
                x = par['xG']
                z = par['zG']
                # if neither set to zero
                I = np.zeros((3, 3))
                m = 0.
                x = 0.
                z = 0.
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("The fork and handlebar were not measured " +
                             "separately for this bicycle." +
                             " Try making both the fork and handlebar either" +
                             " both True or both False.")

        if wheel:
            # list the mass and com of the handlebar/assembly and the front
            # wheel
            masses = np.array([m, par['mF']])

            coords = np.array([[x, par['w']], [0., 0.], [z, -par['rF']]])

            # mass and com of the entire assembly
            mAss, cAss = com.total_com(coords, masses)

            # front wheel inertia in the benchmark reference frame about the
            # com
            IF = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'F')

            # distance from the fork/handlebar assembly (without wheel) to the
            # new center of mass for the assembly with the wheel
            d = np.array([x - cAss[0], 0., z - cAss[2]])

            # distance from the front wheel center to the new center of mass
            # for the assembly with the wheel
            dF = np.array([par['w'] - cAss[0], 0., -par['rF'] - cAss[2]])

            # this is the inertia of the assembly about the com with reference
            # to the benchmark bicycle reference frame
            iAss = (inertia.parallel_axis(I, m, d) +
                    inertia.parallel_axis(IF, par['mF'], dF))

            # this is the inertia of the assembly about a reference frame aligned with
            # the steer axis and through the center of mass
            iAssRot = inertia.rotate_inertia_tensor(iAss, par['lam'])

        else:  # don't add the wheel
            mAss = m
            cAss = np.array([x, 0., z])
            iAssRot = inertia.rotate_inertia_tensor(I, par['lam'])

        if aboutSteerAxis:
            # this is the distance from the assembly com to the steer axis
            distance = geometry.distance_to_steer_axis(par['w'], par['c'],
                                                       par['lam'], cAss)
            print "handlebar cg distance", distance

            # now calculate the inertia about the steer axis of the rotated frame
            iAss = inertia.parallel_axis(iAssRot, mAss,
                                         np.array([distance, 0., 0.]))
            iAss = iAssRot

        if nominal:
            return unumpy.nominal_values(iAss)
            return iAss
def calculate_benchmark_from_measured(mp):
    '''Returns the benchmark (Meijaard 2007) parameter set based on the
    measured data.

    mp : dictionary
        Complete set of measured data.

    par : dictionary
        Benchmark bicycle parameter set.


    forkIsSplit = is_fork_split(mp)

    par = {}

    # calculate the wheelbase, steer axis tilt and trail
    par = geometry.calculate_benchmark_geometry(mp, par)

    # masses
    par['mB'] = mp['mB']
    par['mF'] = mp['mF']
    par['mR'] = mp['mR']
        # we measured the mass of the flywheel plus the mass of the front
        # wheel, mp['mD'], so to get the actual mass of the flywheel, subtract
        # the mass of the front wheel
        par['mD'] = mp['mD'] - mp['mF']
    except KeyError:
    if forkIsSplit:
        par['mS'] = mp['mS']
        par['mG'] = mp['mG']
        par['mH'] = mp['mH']

    # get the slopes, intercepts and betas for each part
    slopes, intercepts, betas = com.part_com_lines(mp, par, forkIsSplit)

    # calculate the centers of mass
    for part in slopes.keys():
        par['x' + part], par['z' + part] = com.center_of_mass(
            slopes[part], intercepts[part])

    # find the center of mass of the handlebar/fork assembly if the fork was
    # split
    if forkIsSplit:
        coordinates = np.array([[par['xS'], par['xG']], [0., 0.],
                                [par['zS'], par['zG']]])
        masses = np.array([par['mS'], par['mG']])
        mH, cH = inertia.total_com(coordinates, masses)
        par['mH'] = mH
        par['xH'] = cH[0]
        par['zH'] = cH[2]

    # local accelation due to gravity
    par['g'] = mp['g']

    # calculate the wheel y inertias
    par['IFyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mF'], mp['g'],
                                                    mp['lF'], mp['TcF1'])
    par['IRyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mR'], mp['g'],
                                                    mp['lR'], mp['TcR1'])
        # we measured the inertia of the front wheel with the flywheel inside
        iFlywheelPlusFwheel = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(
            mp['mD'], mp['g'], mp['lF'], mp['TcD1'])
        par['IDyy'] = iFlywheelPlusFwheel - par['IFyy']
    except KeyError:

    # calculate the y inertias for the frame and fork
    lB = (par['xB']**2 + (par['zB'] + par['rR'])**2)**(0.5)
    par['IByy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mB'], mp['g'], lB,

    if forkIsSplit:
        # fork
        lS = ((par['xS'] - par['w'])**2 + (par['zS'] + par['rF'])**2)**(0.5)
        par['ISyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(
            mp['mS'], mp['g'], lS, mp['TcS1'])
        # handlebar
        l1, l2 = geometry.calculate_l1_l2(mp['h6'], mp['h7'], mp['d5'],
                                          mp['d6'], mp['l'])
        u1, u2 = geometry.fwheel_to_handlebar_ref(par['lam'], l1, l2)
        lG = ((par['xG'] - par['w'] + u1)**2 +
              (par['zG'] + par['rF'] + u2)**2)**(.5)
        par['IGyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(
            mp['mG'], mp['g'], lG, mp['TcG1'])
        lH = ((par['xH'] - par['w'])**2 + (par['zH'] + par['rF'])**2)**(0.5)
        par['IHyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(
            mp['mH'], mp['g'], lH, mp['TcH1'])

    # calculate the stiffness of the torsional pendulum
    IPxx, IPyy, IPzz = inertia.tube_inertia(mp['lP'], mp['mP'], mp['dP'] / 2.,
    torStiff = inertia.torsional_pendulum_stiffness(IPyy, mp['TtP1'])
    #print "Torsional pendulum stiffness:", torStiff

    # calculate the wheel x/z inertias
    par['IFxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtF1'])
    par['IRxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtR1'])
        par['IDxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtD1']) - par['IFxx']
    except KeyError:

    pendulumInertias = {}

    # calculate the in plane moments of inertia
    for part, slopeSet in slopes.items():
        # the number of orientations for this part
        numOrien = len(slopeSet)
        # intialize arrays to store the inertia values and orientation angles
        penInertia = np.zeros(numOrien, dtype=object)
        beta = np.array(betas[part])
        # fill arrays of the inertias
        for i in range(numOrien):
            penInertia[i] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff,
                                                mp['Tt' + part + str(i + 1)])
        # store these inertias
        pendulumInertias[part] = list(penInertia)
        inert = inertia.inertia_components(penInertia, beta)
        for i, axis in enumerate(['xx', 'xz', 'zz']):
            par['I' + part + axis] = inert[i]

    if forkIsSplit:
        # combine the moments of inertia to find the total handlebar/fork MoI
        IG = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'G')
        IS = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'S')
        # columns are parts, rows = x, y, z
        coordinates = np.array([[par['xG'], par['xS']], [0., 0.],
                                [par['zG'], par['zS']]])
        masses = np.array([par['mG'], par['mS']])
        par['mH'], cH = com.total_com(coordinates, masses)
        par['xH'] = cH[0]
        par['zH'] = cH[2]
        dG = np.array([par['xG'] - par['xH'], 0., par['zG'] - par['zH']])
        dS = np.array([par['xS'] - par['xH'], 0., par['zS'] - par['zH']])
        IH = (inertia.parallel_axis(IG, par['mG'], dG) +
              inertia.parallel_axis(IS, par['mS'], dS))
        par['IHxx'] = IH[0, 0]
        par['IHxz'] = IH[0, 2]
        par['IHyy'] = IH[1, 1]
        par['IHzz'] = IH[2, 2]

    # package the extra information that is useful outside this function
    extras = {
        'slopes': slopes,
        'intercepts': intercepts,
        'betas': betas,
        'pendulumInertias': pendulumInertias

    return par, extras
    def plot_bicycle_geometry(self, show=True, pendulum=True,
                              centerOfMass=True, inertiaEllipse=True):
        '''Returns a figure showing the basic bicycle geometry, the centers of
        mass and the moments of inertia.

        If the flywheel is defined, it's center of mass corresponds to the
        front wheel and is not depicted in the plot.

        par = io.remove_uncertainties(self.parameters['Benchmark'])
        parts = get_parts_in_parameters(par)

            slopes = io.remove_uncertainties(self.extras['slopes'])
            intercepts = io.remove_uncertainties(self.extras['intercepts'])
            penInertias = io.remove_uncertainties(self.extras['pendulumInertias'])
        except AttributeError:
            pendulum = False

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.axes()

        # define some colors for the parts
        numColors = len(parts)
        cmap = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
        partColors = {}
        for i, part in enumerate(parts):
            partColors[part] = cmap(1. * i / numColors)

        if inertiaEllipse:
            # plot the principal moments of inertia
            for j, part in enumerate(parts):
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, part)
                Ip, C = inertia.principal_axes(I)
                if part == 'R':
                    center = np.array([0., par['rR']])
                elif part in 'FD':
                    center = np.array([par['w'], par['rF']])
                    center = np.array([par['x' + part], -par['z' + part]])
                # which row in C is the y vector
                uy = np.array([0., 1., 0.])
                for i, row in enumerate(C):
                    if np.abs(np.sum(row - uy)) < 1E-10:
                        yrow = i
                # remove the row for the y vector
                Ip2D = np.delete(Ip, yrow, 0)
                # remove the column and row associated with the y
                C2D = np.delete(np.delete(C, yrow, 0), 1, 1)
                # make an ellipse
                Imin =  Ip2D[0]
                Imax = Ip2D[1]
                # get width and height of a ellipse with the major axis equal
                # to one
                unitWidth = 1. / 2. / np.sqrt(Imin) * np.sqrt(Imin)
                unitHeight = 1. / 2. / np.sqrt(Imax) * np.sqrt(Imin)
                # now scaled the width and height relative to the maximum
                # principal moment of inertia
                width = Imax * unitWidth
                height = Imax * unitHeight
                angle = -np.degrees(np.arccos(C2D[0, 0]))
                ellipse = Ellipse((center[0], center[1]), width, height,
                                  angle=angle, fill=False,
                                  color=partColors[part], alpha=0.25)

        # plot the ground line
        x = np.array([-par['rR'],
                      par['w'] + par['rF']])
        plt.plot(x, np.zeros_like(x), 'k')

        # plot the rear wheel
        c = plt.Circle((0., par['rR']), radius=par['rR'], fill=False)

        # plot the front wheel
        c = plt.Circle((par['w'], par['rF']), radius=par['rF'], fill=False)

        # plot the fundamental bike
        deex, deez = geometry.fundamental_geometry_plot_data(par)
        plt.plot(deex, -deez, 'k')

        # plot the steer axis
        dx3 = deex[2] + deez[2] * (deex[2] - deex[1]) / (deez[1] - deez[2])
        plt.plot([deex[2], dx3],  [-deez[2], 0.], 'k--')

        # don't plot the pendulum lines if a rider has been added because the
        # inertia has changed
        if self.hasRider:
            pendulum = False

        if pendulum:
            # plot the pendulum axes for the measured parts
            for j, pair in enumerate(slopes.items()):
                part, slopeSet = pair
                xcom, zcom = par['x' + part], par['z' + part]
                for i, m in enumerate(slopeSet):
                    b = intercepts[part][i]
                    xPoint, zPoint = geometry.project_point_on_line((m, b),
                            (xcom, zcom))
                    comLineLength = penInertias[part][i]
                    xPlus = comLineLength / 2. * np.cos(np.arctan(m))
                    x = np.array([xPoint - xPlus,
                                  xPoint + xPlus])
                    z = -m * x - b
                    plt.plot(x, z, color=partColors[part])
                    # label the pendulum lines with a number
                    plt.text(x[0], z[0], str(i + 1))

        if centerOfMass:
            # plot the center of mass location
            def com_symbol(ax, center, radius, color='b'):
                '''Returns axis with center of mass symbol.'''
                c = plt.Circle(center, radius=radius, fill=False)
                w1 = Wedge(center, radius, 0., 90.,
                           color=color, ec=None, alpha=0.5)
                w2 = Wedge(center, radius, 180., 270.,
                           color=color, ec=None, alpha=0.5)
                return ax

            # radius of the CoM symbol
            sRad = 0.03
            # front wheel CoM
            ax = com_symbol(ax, (par['w'], par['rF']), sRad,
            plt.text(par['w'] + sRad, par['rF'] + sRad, 'F')
            # rear wheel CoM
            ax = com_symbol(ax, (0., par['rR']), sRad,
            plt.text(0. + sRad, par['rR'] + sRad, 'R')
            for j, part in enumerate([x for x in parts
                                      if x not in 'RFD']):
                xcom = par['x' + part]
                zcom = par['z' + part]
                ax = com_symbol(ax, (xcom, -zcom), sRad,
                plt.text(xcom + sRad, -zcom + sRad, part)
            if 'H' not in parts:
                ax = com_symbol(ax, (par['xH'], -par['zH']), sRad)
                plt.text(par['xH'] + sRad, -par['zH'] + sRad, 'H')

        plt.ylim((0., 1.))

        # if there is a rider on the bike, make a simple stick figure
        if self.human:
            human = self.human
            # K2: lower leg
            plt.plot([human.k[7].pos[0, 0], human.K2.pos[0, 0]],
                     [-human.k[7].endpos[2, 0], -human.K2.pos[2, 0]], 'k')
            # K1: upper leg
            plt.plot([human.K2.pos[0, 0], human.K1.pos[0, 0]],
                     [-human.K2.pos[2, 0], -human.K1.pos[2, 0]], 'k')
            # torso
            plt.plot([human.K1.pos[0, 0], human.B1.pos[0, 0]],
                     [-human.K1.pos[2, 0], -human.B1.pos[2, 0]], 'k')
            # B1: upper arm
            plt.plot([human.B1.pos[0, 0], human.B2.pos[0, 0]],
                     [-human.B1.pos[2, 0], -human.B2.pos[2, 0]], 'k')
            # B2: lower arm
            plt.plot([human.B2.pos[0, 0], human.b[6].pos[0, 0]],
                     [-human.B2.pos[2, 0], -human.b[6].endpos[2, 0]], 'k')
            # C: chest/head
            plt.plot([human.B1.pos[0, 0], human.C.endpos[0, 0]],
                     [-human.B1.pos[2, 0], -human.C.endpos[2, 0]], 'k')

        if show:

        return fig
    def steer_assembly_moment_of_inertia(self, handlebar=True, fork=True,
            wheel=True, aboutSteerAxis=False, nominal=False):
        Returns the inertia tensor of the steer assembly with respect to a
        reference frame aligned with the steer axis.

        handlebar : boolean, optional
            If true the handlebar will be included in the calculation.
        fork : boolean, optional
            If true the fork will be included in the calculation.
        wheel : boolean, optional
            If true then the wheel will be included in the calculation.
        aboutSteerAxis : boolean, optional
            If true the inertia tensor will be with respect to a point made
            from the projection of the center of mass onto the steer axis.
        nominal : boolean, optional
            If true the nominal values will be returned instead of a uarray.

        iAss : float
            Inertia tensor of the specified steer assembly parts with respect
            to a reference frame aligned with the steer axis.

        The 3 component is aligned with the steer axis (pointing downward), the
        1 component is perpendicular to the steer axis (pointing forward) and
        the 2 component is perpendicular to the steer axis (pointing to the

        This function does not currently take into account the flywheel, D, if
        it is defined, beware.

        # load in the Benchmark parameter set
        par = self.parameters['Benchmark']

        if 'mD' in par.keys():
            print("You have a flywheel defined. Beware that it is ignored in "
                + "the calculations and the results do not reflect that it is "
                + "there.")

        # there should always be either an H (handlebar/fork) and sometimes
        # there is a G (handlebar) and S (fork) if the fork and handlebar were
        # measured separately
            if fork and handlebar:
                # handlebar/fork
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'H')
                m = par['mH']
                x = par['xH']
                z = par['zH']
            elif fork and not handlebar:
                # fork alone
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'S')
                m = par['mS']
                x = par['xS']
                z = par['zS']
            elif handlebar and not fork:
                # handlebar alone
                I = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'G')
                m = par['mG']
                x = par['xG']
                z = par['zG']
                # if neither set to zero
                I = np.zeros((3, 3))
                m = 0.
                x = 0.
                z = 0.
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("The fork and handlebar were not measured " +
                             "separately for this bicycle." +
                             " Try making both the fork and handlebar either" +
                             " both True or both False.")

        if wheel:
            # list the mass and com of the handlebar/assembly and the front
            # wheel
            masses = np.array([m, par['mF']])

            coords = np.array([[x, par['w']],
                               [0., 0.],
                               [z, -par['rF']]])

            # mass and com of the entire assembly
            mAss, cAss = com.total_com(coords, masses)

            # front wheel inertia in the benchmark reference frame about the
            # com
            IF = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'F')

            # distance from the fork/handlebar assembly (without wheel) to the
            # new center of mass for the assembly with the wheel
            d = np.array([x - cAss[0], 0., z - cAss[2]])

            # distance from the front wheel center to the new center of mass
            # for the assembly with the wheel
            dF = np.array([par['w'] - cAss[0],
                           -par['rF'] - cAss[2]])

            # this is the inertia of the assembly about the com with reference
            # to the benchmark bicycle reference frame
            iAss = (inertia.parallel_axis(I, m, d) +
                    inertia.parallel_axis(IF, par['mF'], dF))

            # this is the inertia of the assembly about a reference frame aligned with
            # the steer axis and through the center of mass
            iAssRot = inertia.rotate_inertia_tensor(iAss, par['lam'])

        else: # don't add the wheel
            mAss = m
            cAss = np.array([x, 0., z])
            iAssRot = inertia.rotate_inertia_tensor(I, par['lam'])

        if aboutSteerAxis:
            # this is the distance from the assembly com to the steer axis
            distance = geometry.distance_to_steer_axis(par['w'], par['c'],
                    par['lam'], cAss)
            print "handlebar cg distance", distance

            # now calculate the inertia about the steer axis of the rotated frame
            iAss = inertia.parallel_axis(iAssRot, mAss, np.array([distance, 0., 0.]))
            iAss = iAssRot

        if nominal:
            return unumpy.nominal_values(iAss)
            return iAss
def calculate_benchmark_from_measured(mp):
    '''Returns the benchmark (Meijaard 2007) parameter set based on the
    measured data.

    mp : dictionary
        Complete set of measured data.

    par : dictionary
        Benchmark bicycle parameter set.


    forkIsSplit = is_fork_split(mp)

    par = {}

    # calculate the wheelbase, steer axis tilt and trail
    par = geometry.calculate_benchmark_geometry(mp, par)

    # masses
    par['mB'] = mp['mB']
    par['mF'] = mp['mF']
    par['mR'] = mp['mR']
        # we measured the mass of the flywheel plus the mass of the front
        # wheel, mp['mD'], so to get the actual mass of the flywheel, subtract
        # the mass of the front wheel
        par['mD'] = mp['mD'] - mp['mF']
    except KeyError:
    if forkIsSplit:
        par['mS'] = mp['mS']
        par['mG'] = mp['mG']
        par['mH'] = mp['mH']

    # get the slopes, intercepts and betas for each part
    slopes, intercepts, betas = com.part_com_lines(mp, par, forkIsSplit)

    # calculate the centers of mass
    for part in slopes.keys():
        par['x' + part], par['z' + part] = com.center_of_mass(slopes[part],

    # find the center of mass of the handlebar/fork assembly if the fork was
    # split
    if forkIsSplit:
        coordinates = np.array([[par['xS'], par['xG']],
                                [0., 0.],
                                [par['zS'], par['zG']]])
        masses = np.array([par['mS'], par['mG']])
        mH, cH = inertia.total_com(coordinates, masses)
        par['mH'] = mH
        par['xH'] = cH[0]
        par['zH'] = cH[2]

    # local accelation due to gravity
    par['g'] = mp['g']

    # calculate the wheel y inertias
    par['IFyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mF'], mp['g'],
                                            mp['lF'], mp['TcF1'])
    par['IRyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mR'], mp['g'],
                                            mp['lR'], mp['TcR1'])
        # we measured the inertia of the front wheel with the flywheel inside
        iFlywheelPlusFwheel = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mD'], mp['g'], mp['lF'], mp['TcD1'])
        par['IDyy'] = iFlywheelPlusFwheel - par['IFyy']
    except KeyError:

    # calculate the y inertias for the frame and fork
    lB = (par['xB']**2 + (par['zB'] + par['rR'])**2)**(0.5)
    par['IByy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mB'], mp['g'], lB,

    if forkIsSplit:
        # fork
        lS = ((par['xS'] - par['w'])**2 +
              (par['zS'] + par['rF'])**2)**(0.5)
        par['ISyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mS'], mp['g'],
                                                lS, mp['TcS1'])
        # handlebar
        l1, l2 = geometry.calculate_l1_l2(mp['h6'], mp['h7'],
                                 mp['d5'], mp['d6'], mp['l'])
        u1, u2 = geometry.fwheel_to_handlebar_ref(par['lam'], l1, l2)
        lG = ((par['xG'] - par['w'] + u1)**2 +
              (par['zG'] + par['rF'] + u2)**2)**(.5)
        par['IGyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mG'], mp['g'],
                                                lG, mp['TcG1'])
        lH = ((par['xH'] - par['w'])**2 +
              (par['zH'] + par['rF'])**2)**(0.5)
        par['IHyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mH'], mp['g'],
                                                lH, mp['TcH1'])

    # calculate the stiffness of the torsional pendulum
    IPxx, IPyy, IPzz = inertia.tube_inertia(mp['lP'], mp['mP'],
                                            mp['dP'] / 2., 0.)
    torStiff = inertia.torsional_pendulum_stiffness(IPyy, mp['TtP1'])
    #print "Torsional pendulum stiffness:", torStiff

    # calculate the wheel x/z inertias
    par['IFxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtF1'])
    par['IRxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtR1'])
        par['IDxx'] =  inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtD1']) - par['IFxx']
    except KeyError:

    pendulumInertias = {}

    # calculate the in plane moments of inertia
    for part, slopeSet in slopes.items():
        # the number of orientations for this part
        numOrien = len(slopeSet)
        # intialize arrays to store the inertia values and orientation angles
        penInertia = np.zeros(numOrien, dtype=object)
        beta = np.array(betas[part])
        # fill arrays of the inertias
        for i in range(numOrien):
            penInertia[i] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['Tt' + part + str(i + 1)])
        # store these inertias
        pendulumInertias[part] = list(penInertia)
        inert = inertia.inertia_components(penInertia, beta)
        for i, axis in enumerate(['xx', 'xz', 'zz']):
            par['I' + part + axis] = inert[i]

    if forkIsSplit:
        # combine the moments of inertia to find the total handlebar/fork MoI
        IG = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'G')
        IS = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'S')
        # columns are parts, rows = x, y, z
        coordinates = np.array([[par['xG'], par['xS']],
                                [0., 0.],
                                [par['zG'], par['zS']]])
        masses = np.array([par['mG'], par['mS']])
        par['mH'], cH = com.total_com(coordinates, masses)
        par['xH'] = cH[0]
        par['zH'] = cH[2]
        dG = np.array([par['xG'] - par['xH'], 0., par['zG'] - par['zH']])
        dS = np.array([par['xS'] - par['xH'], 0., par['zS'] - par['zH']])
        IH = (inertia.parallel_axis(IG, par['mG'], dG) +
              inertia.parallel_axis(IS, par['mS'], dS))
        par['IHxx'] = IH[0, 0]
        par['IHxz'] = IH[0, 2]
        par['IHyy'] = IH[1, 1]
        par['IHzz'] = IH[2, 2]

    # package the extra information that is useful outside this function
    extras = {'slopes' : slopes,
              'intercepts' : intercepts,
              'betas' : betas,
              'pendulumInertias' : pendulumInertias}

    return par, extras