def setUp(self):
     from inertial_wheel_pendulum import InertialWheelPendulum
     m1 = 1.
     l1 = 1.
     m2 = 2.
     l2 = 2.
     r = 1.0
     g = 10
     input_max = 10
     self.pendulum_plant = InertialWheelPendulum(
         m1 = m1, l1 = l1, m2 = m2, l2 = l2, 
         r = r, g = g, input_max = input_max)
class TestSetThree_ProblemThree(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        from inertial_wheel_pendulum import InertialWheelPendulum
        m1 = 1.
        l1 = 1.
        m2 = 2.
        l2 = 2.
        r = 1.0
        g = 10
        input_max = 10
        self.pendulum_plant = InertialWheelPendulum(
            m1 = m1, l1 = l1, m2 = m2, l2 = l2, 
            r = r, g = g, input_max = input_max)

    def test_problem_3_1_A(self):
        """Problem 3_1: Linearization, A matrix"""
        from inertial_wheel_pendulum import InertialWheelPendulum

        uf = np.array([0.])
        xf = np.array([math.pi, 0, 0, 0])
        A, B = self.pendulum_plant.GetLinearizedDynamics(uf, xf)

        self.assertEqual(A.shape[0], 4, "The shape of A is wrong.")
        self.assertEqual(A.shape[1], 4, "The shape of A is wrong.")

        # Take numerical Jacobian to get A and B
        f0 = self.pendulum_plant.evaluate_f(uf, xf)
        A_num = np.zeros((4, 4))
        for axis in range(4):
            xdiff = np.zeros(4)
            xdiff[axis] = 1E-4
            fd = self.pendulum_plant.evaluate_f(uf, xf+xdiff)
            A_num[:, axis] = (fd - f0)/1E-4

        self.assertLessEqual(np.sum(np.abs(A-A_num)), 1E-4, "Your A matrix didn't match a numerically-derived version.")

    def test_problem_3_1_B(self):
        """Problem 3_1: Linearization, B matrix"""
        from inertial_wheel_pendulum import InertialWheelPendulum

        uf = np.array([0.])
        xf = np.array([math.pi, 0, 0, 0])
        A, B = self.pendulum_plant.GetLinearizedDynamics(uf, xf)

        self.assertEqual(B.shape[0], 4, "The shape of B is wrong.")
        self.assertEqual(B.shape[1], 1, "The shape of B is wrong.")

        # Take numerical Jacobian to get A and B
        f0 = self.pendulum_plant.evaluate_f(uf, xf)
        B_num = np.zeros((4, 1))
        for axis in range(1):
            udiff = np.zeros(1)
            udiff[axis] = 1E-4
            fd = self.pendulum_plant.evaluate_f(uf+udiff, xf)
            B_num[:, axis] = (fd - f0)/1E-4

        self.assertLessEqual(np.sum(np.abs(B-B_num)), 1E-4, "Your B matrix didn't match a numerically-derived version.")   

    def test_problem_3_2(self):
        """Problem 3.2: Controllability"""

        from set_3_for_testing import is_controllable

        # Test controllability on a few reasonable test cases
        true_test_cases = [
            [ np.eye(2), np.eye(2) ],
            [ np.zeros((2, 2)), np.eye(2) ],
            self.pendulum_plant.GetLinearizedDynamics([0], [math.pi, 0., 0., 0.]),
            self.pendulum_plant.GetLinearizedDynamics([0], [0., 0., 0., 0.])

        false_test_cases = [
            [ np.eye(2), np.zeros((2, 1)) ],
            [ np.eye(2), np.ones((2, 1)) ],
            [ np.eye(5), np.zeros((5, 2)) ],

        for A, B in true_test_cases:
            self.assertTrue(is_controllable(A, B),
                "".join(["Controllability for A = ",
                         ", B = ", 
                         " should have been True"]))

        for A, B in false_test_cases:
            self.assertFalse(is_controllable(A, B),
                "".join(["Controllability for A = ",
                         ", B = ", 
                         " should have been False"]))

    def checkConvergenceOfStateLog(self, state_log, should_have_converged=True):
        num_steps =[1]

        # Checks that the final state is within a pretty permissive epsilon
        # of the upright fixed point

        def error(x):
            # Penalize deviation in inertial wheel speed much less
            theta_wrapped = (x[0]) % (2 * math.pi )
            return abs(theta_wrapped-math.pi) + abs(x[2]-0.) + 0.01*abs(x[3]-0.)

        final_state_epsilon = 0.1 # Pretty permissive, but will catch divergence
        initial_state =[:, 0]
        final_state =[:, -1]
        final_state_error = error(final_state)
        if should_have_converged:
            self.assertLess(final_state_error, final_state_epsilon,
                    "x0 = ",
                    " did not converge to the upright fixed point. ",
                    "Final state was instead ",
            self.assertGreater(final_state_error, final_state_epsilon,
                    "x0 = ",
                    " converged to the upright fixed point, but we ",
                    "expected it not to. ",
                    "Final state was ",

    def test_problem_3_3(self):
        """Problem 3.3: LQR"""

        from set_3_for_testing import create_reduced_lqr, lqr_controller
        from inertial_wheel_pendulum import RunSimulation

        A, B = self.pendulum_plant.GetLinearizedDynamics(np.array([0.]), 
            np.array([math.pi, 0., 0., 0.]))

        K, S = create_reduced_lqr(A, B)

        self.assertFalse(np.any(np.isnan(K)), "No elements of K should be NaN")
        self.assertFalse(np.any(np.isnan(S)), "No elements of S should be NaN")

        conditions_that_should_converge = [
            np.array([math.pi, 1000.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
            np.array([math.pi+0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
            np.array([math.pi-0.05, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0]),
            np.array([math.pi, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),

        for x0 in conditions_that_should_converge:
            # Run a forward sim from here
            duration = 1.
            input_log, state_log = RunSimulation(self.pendulum_plant,
                                    x0 = x0,
                                    duration = duration)
            self.checkConvergenceOfStateLog(state_log, True)

    def test_problem_3_4(self):
        """Problem 3.4: LQR ROA, Prologue"""

        from set_3_for_testing import lqr_controller
        from set_3_for_testing import get_x0_does_not_converge
        from set_3_for_testing import get_x0_does_converge
        from inertial_wheel_pendulum import RunSimulation

        # Run a forward sim from here
        duration = 2.
        eps = 1E-2 # pretty permissive, but should catch divergences
        x0 = get_x0_does_converge()
        input_log, state_log = RunSimulation(self.pendulum_plant,
                                x0 = x0,
                                duration = duration)
        self.checkConvergenceOfStateLog(state_log, True)

        x0 = get_x0_does_not_converge()
        input_log, state_log = RunSimulation(self.pendulum_plant,
                                x0 = x0,
                                duration = duration)
        self.checkConvergenceOfStateLog(state_log, False)

    def test_problem_3_5(self):
        """Problem 3.5: LQR ROA, Evaluating F, V, and Vdot"""
        from set_3_for_testing import calcF, calcV, calcVdot

        # Sample at a couple of points and sanity-check some
        # basic things.
        # Not super-involved testing -- visual checking of the
        # plots is easier and more informative.
        for i in range(100):
            sample_x = np.random.random(4)*100 - 50.
            # Make sure they don't return a nan for any of these conditions
                    ") returned a NaN"
            if np.sum(np.abs(sample_x)) > 0.0:
                self.assertGreater(calcV(sample_x), 0.0,
                        ") was nonpositive."
        vAtFP = calcV(np.array([math.pi, 0., 0., 0.]))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(vAtFP, 0.0,
            msg="V(pi,0,0,0) = %f != 0.0" % vAtFP)
        vdotAtFP = calcVdot(np.array([math.pi, 0., 0., 0.]))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(vdotAtFP, 0.0,
            msg="Vdot(pi,0,0,0) = %f != 0.0" % vdotAtFP)

    def test_problem_3_6(self):
        """Problem 3.6: LQR ROA, Numerical estimate of the ROA"""

        from inertial_wheel_pendulum import RunSimulation
        # Assume from the run-through that vsamples, vdot samples are good...
        from set_3_for_testing import (
            estimate_rho, V_samples, Vdot_samples, calcV, calcVdot, lqr_controller)

        # But regenerate rho to make sure that wasn't clobbered... more likely
        # to have been, as it's a simpler name and just a scalar
        rho = estimate_rho(V_samples, Vdot_samples)

        self.assertGreater(rho, 0.0, "rho should be bigger than 0.")
        self.assertLess(rho, calcV(np.zeros(4)), "rho can't include (0, 0, 0, 0) due to the input limits.")


        # Sample at a few points in the ROA
        # and sanity check that:
        #   Vdot is negative
        #   the LQR simulation converges from this position
        for i in range(10):

            # Rejection sample to find a rho
            # (this might be a bad idea for small rho...)
            sample_v = rho + 1.
            while sample_v >= rho:
                sample_x = np.random.random(4)*10
                sample_v = calcV(sample_x)

            sample_vdot = calcVdot(sample_x)
            self.assertLess(sample_vdot, 0.0,
                    "Vdot sampled at x0=",
                    " was positive (Vdot = ",

            # Run a forward sim from here
            duration = 10.
            eps = 1E-2 # pretty permissive, but should catch divergences
            input_log, state_log = RunSimulation(self.pendulum_plant,
                                    x0 = sample_x,
                                    duration = duration)
            self.checkConvergenceOfStateLog(state_log, True)

    def test_problem_3_8(self):
        """Problem 3.8: Combined Swing-Up and Stabilization"""

        # Assume from the run-through that vsamples, vdot samples are good...
        from inertial_wheel_pendulum import RunSimulation
        from set_3_for_testing import combined_controller

        conditions_that_should_converge = [
            np.array([0., 0., 0., 0.]),
            np.array([math.pi, 0., 0., 0.]),
            np.array([3*math.pi, 0., 0., 0.]),
            np.array([0., -100., 0., 0.]),
            np.array([0., 0., 0., 20.]),
            np.random.random(4), # Three random initial conditions for fun

        for x0 in conditions_that_should_converge:
            # Run a forward sim from here
            duration = 30.
            input_log, state_log = RunSimulation(self.pendulum_plant,
                                    x0 = x0,
                                    duration = duration)
            self.checkConvergenceOfStateLog(state_log, True)