def create_like_filter(column, value): value = maybe_unicode(value) if value: words = value.split() if words: like_str = u'%%%s%%' % u'%'.join(words) return
def create_rlike_filter(column, value): value = maybe_unicode(value) if value: words = value.split() if words: rlike_str = u'(%s)' % u'|'.join(words) return column.op('rlike')(rlike_str)
def validate_code(key, value, length, reverse=False, startswith=None): value = maybe_unicode(value) if not value: raise Error(key, _('Required')) number = value.strip().lower() if not number.isnumeric(): raise Error(key, _('Need to be a number')) elif len(number) != length: raise Error(key, _('Need to have ${length} digits', mapping={'length': length})) if startswith and str(number[0]) not in startswith: startswith_str = '"%s"' % '", "'.join(startswith) raise Error(key, _('Need to start with ${chars}', mapping={'chars': startswith_str})) last_number = int(number[-1]) number = number[:-1] if reverse: number_list = reversed(number) else: number_list = list(number) prime = find_next_prime(length) check_digit = prime - (sum(i * int(d) for i, d in enumerate(number_list, 2)) % prime) if last_number != check_digit: raise Error(key, _('Invalid number')) else: return value
def create_rlike_filter(column, value): value = maybe_unicode(value) if value: words = value.split() if words: rlike_str = u('(%s)') % unicode_join('|', words) column = postgresql_non_ascii_and_lower(column) return column.op('rlike')(rlike_str.lower())
def create_ilike_filter(column, value): value = maybe_unicode(value) if value: words = value.split() if words: like_str = u('%%%s%%') % '%'.join(clean_unicode(w) for w in words) column = postgresql_non_ascii_and_lower(column) return column.ilike(like_str.lower())
def normalize_full_name(value): value = maybe_unicode(value) if value: words = [] for word in clean_unicode(value, replace_case='_').lower().split(): if word not in IGNORE_FULL_NAME_WORDS: words.append(word) if words: return unicode_join(' ', words) return u('')
def validate_url(key, value, required=False): url = maybe_unicode(value) if required and (not url or url in URL_PROTOCOLS): raise Error(key, 'Obrigatório') elif url and url not in URL_PROTOCOLS: for protocol in URL_PROTOCOLS: if url.startswith(protocol): if len(url[len(protocol):]) < 2: raise Error(key, 'É necessário indicar um url') return url raise Error(key, 'O url tem de começar por "%s"' % '" ou "'.join(URL_PROTOCOLS))
def save_file( self, binary, application_code, code_key=None, type_key=None, data=None, filename=None, title=None, parent_id=None): file_path = self.save_file_path(binary, filename) session_id = session_type = None if self.request.authenticated: session_id = self.request.authenticated.session_id session_type = self.request.authenticated.session_type # Add applications file relation new = File(, parent_id=parent_id, key=make_unique_hash(70), application_code=to_unicode(application_code), code_key=maybe_unicode(code_key), type_key=maybe_unicode(type_key), data=maybe_unicode(data), filename=maybe_unicode(filename), title=maybe_unicode(title), session_type=session_type, session_id=session_id) self.session.add(new) self.session.flush() # Add some attributes new.size = file_path.size new.mimetype = file_path.mimetype return new
def save_file_path(self, binary, filename=None, compressed=False): # Generate a unique code using SHA256 if isinstance(binary, StorageFile): filename = filename or binary = if isinstance(binary, (binary_type, string_types)): unique_code = string_unique_code(binary) else: unique_code = file_unique_code(binary) if not filename: filename = basename( lock_key = 'storage save %s' % unique_code self.cache.lock(lock_key) try: file_path = ( self.session .query(*FilePath.__table__.c.values()) .filter(FilePath.code == unique_code) .first()) # Save file if dont exists if not file_path: # Create a new filepath filename = maybe_string(filename) mimetype = find_mimetype(filename=filename, header_or_file=binary) file_path = FilePath(code=unique_code, mimetype=maybe_unicode(mimetype), compressed=compressed) to_add = [] file_size = 0 # Save blocks blocks = self.save_blocks(binary) for order, (block_id, block_size) in enumerate(blocks): to_add.append(FileBlock(file_id_block=block_id, order=order)) file_size += block_size # Add file path to DB file_path.size = file_size = self.direct_insert(file_path).inserted_primary_key[0] # Relate blocks and file path for block_relation in to_add: block_relation.file_id_path = self.direct_insert(block_relation) return file_path finally: self.cache.unlock(lock_key)
def get_url_info(*args, **kwargs): headers = get_url_headers(*args, **kwargs) return { 'size': maybe_integer(headers.get('Content-Length')) or 0, 'type': maybe_unicode(headers.get('Content-Type')), 'updated': guess_datetime(headers.get('Last-Modified'))}
from colander import Invalid from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPError from translationstring import TranslationString from ines.convert import camelcase from ines.convert import force_string from ines.convert import force_unicode from ines.convert import make_sha256 from ines.convert import maybe_unicode from ines.i18n import translate_factory NOW_DATE = PROCESS_ID = getpid() DOMAIN_NAME = maybe_unicode(getfqdn()) # See: EMAIL_REGEX = regex_compile( "[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*" "@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?") class WarningDict(dict): def __init__(self, message='Duplicate item "{key}" with value "{value}"'): self.message = message def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in self: warnings.warn( self.message.format(key=key, value=value),