def get_config(self, cfg_type: str): """ 根据cfg_type参数获取相应的zk配置 :param cfg_type: :return: """ req_data = { "username": self.base_config[cfg_type][self.zkUser], "password": self.base_config[cfg_type][self.zkPassword], "zkPath": self.base_config[cfg_type][self.zkNode] } # 请求ZooKeeper服务器, 获取相应的节点配置信息 try: req =, data=req_data) resp = req.json() except: log.tag_error( InitSer.InitZk, "Get Zookeeper Info error, can't not get kafka config!") raise ActionError("Zk Server Error, Init Kafka server error!!!") if resp["status"] != ActionStatus.ActionSuccess: log.tag_error( InitSer.InitZk, "Get Kafka ZkConfig Failed!, Error: %s" % resp["errMsg"]) raise ActionError(resp["errMsg"]) conf = resp["zkData"] return conf
def offsets_for_time(self, partitions_time: list, timestamp: int = -1): """ 寻找指定时间后的partition最早offset :param partitions_time: list of (topic, partition) if timestamp > 0, (topic, partition, timestamp) if timestamp = -1 :param timestamp: 指定的开始查询时间, 如果是-1则表示每个partitions都有自己的时间配置 :return: """ if timestamp > 0: _partitions = { TopicPartition(_tuple[0], _tuple[1]): timestamp for _tuple in partitions_time } else: _partitions = { TopicPartition(_tuple[0], _tuple[1]): _tuple[2] for _tuple in partitions_time } try: result = self.consumer.offsets_for_times(_partitions) except UnsupportedVersionError or ValueError or KafkaTimeoutError as e: if e.__class__ == UnsupportedVersionError: log.tag_error(KafkaInfo.KafkaConsumer, "API VERSION ERROR, DO NOT SUPPORT") raise ActionError(KafkaErr.NotSupport) if e.__class__ == ValueError: log.tag_error(KafkaInfo.KafkaConsumer, "Value Error: Target Timestamp is negative") else: log.tag_error(KafkaInfo.KafkaConsumer, "Get offset by timestamp failed, Time out") raise ActionError(KafkaErr.GetOffsetFailed) return result
def inquire_record(self): """ log handle :return: """ # html post of submit request if self.request.method != "POST": raise ActionError(UserActionErr.RequestErr) data = self.request.form.to_dict() # ajax post request if "reqType" not in data.keys(): data = self.request.get_json() data_keys = data.keys() if "reqType" not in data_keys or "topic" not in data_keys: raise ActionError(UserActionErr.ParamErr) req_type = str(data["reqType"]) topic = data["topic"] topics = self.get_role_topic() msg_keys = self.get_msg_kye(topic) self.context["topics"] = topics self.context["currentTopic"] = topic self.context["msgKeys"] = msg_keys # if topic have no any message keys if len(msg_keys) == 0: self.context["currentMsgKey"] = "" self.context[ "filterTime"] = "" if "filterTime" not in data_keys else data[ "filterTime"] self.context["records"] = [] return render_template("record.html", **self.context) # first inquire log of topic if req_type == LogReq.TopicReq: records = self.inquire_msg(topic, msg_keys[0]) self.context["currentMsgKey"] = msg_keys[0] self.context["filterTime"] = "" self.context["records"] = records return render_template("record.html", **self.context) # then choice log inquire of topic if "currentMsgKey" not in data_keys or "filterTime" not in data_keys or "offset" not in data_keys: raise ActionError(UserActionErr.ParamErr) current_msg_key = data[ "currentMsgKey"] if data["currentMsgKey"] != "" else msg_keys[0] filter_time = data["filterTime"] offset = int(data["offset"]) if req_type != LogReq.TopicKeyReq: raise ActionError(UserActionErr.ParamErr) records = self.inquire_msg(topic, current_msg_key, offset, filter_time) self.context["currentMsgKey"] = current_msg_key self.context["filterTime"] = filter_time self.context["records"] = records # return jsonify(self.context) return render_template("record.html", **self.context)
def __init__(self, request): self.request = request self.obj = self.request.get_json() if "verify" not in self.obj.keys() or "timestamp" not in self.obj.keys( ) or "username" not in self.obj.keys(): raise ActionError(UserActionErr.ParamErr) self.role = User.query.filter_by(name=self.obj["username"]).first() if not self.role: raise ActionError(UserActionErr.UserNotExist) # verify action access if self.obj["verify"] != md5_check(self.role.md5_id, self.obj["timestamp"]): raise ActionError(UserActionErr.RequestErr)
def __init__(self, request): self.request = request self.context = dict() if not current_user.is_authenticated: log.tag_info(WebLogTag.UserAccess, UserActionInfo.SessionExpire) raise ActionError(UserActionInfo.SessionExpire) self.user = get_user( if self.user is None: log.tag_error( WebLogTag.UserAccess, "Web session error, couldn't get user(%s) " "when inquire log record" % str( raise ActionError(WebInfo.SessionErr)
def _get_msg_by_key(self, consumer: Consumer, key: str, offset: int, key_partition: int, need_num: int, timestamp: int): """ 获取消息(倒序查询), 我们用key区分topic下的具体消息 :param consumer: :param key: :param offset: :param key_partition: :param need_num: need_num is the number of message that you need, if it's not enough, return direct. :param timestamp: if timestamp not equal to 0, then all inquire records need recorded before timestamp :return: """ key_byte = key.encode("utf-8") not_enough = True current_offset = offset key_records = list() while not_enough: if current_offset <= self.ONCE_GET: seek_position = 0 max_record = current_offset if current_offset != 0 else self.ONCE_GET else: seek_position = current_offset - self.ONCE_GET max_record = self.ONCE_GET # seek至指定position 开始poll record(顺序poll的, 因此需要处理下再返回), key_partition), seek_position) records = consumer.poll(timeout_ms=10000, max_records=max_record) if records == {}: log.tag_error(InquireErr.TimeOut, "Inquire [%s] records failed, time out" % key) raise ActionError(InquireErr.TimeOut) records_value = records[consumer.get_topic_partition( self.topic, key_partition)] # 筛选出所需key的record if timestamp == 0: _records = [ _record for _record in records_value if _record.key == key_byte ] else: _records = [ _record for _record in records_value if _record.key == key_byte and _record.timestamp <= timestamp ] # 该partition下所有records遍历完毕则退出 current_offset = current_offset - self.ONCE_GET if current_offset <= 0: not_enough = False if len(_records) < need_num - len(key_records): _records.extend(key_records) key_records = copy.deepcopy(_records) continue else: _records = _records[len(_records) - need_num + len(key_records):] _records.extend(key_records) key_records = copy.deepcopy(_records) not_enough = False return key_records
def get_msg_with_offset(self, key: str, offset: int = 0, need_num: int = 20, timestamp: int = 0): """ 获取消息(倒序查询), 我们用key区分topic下的具体消息 :param key: :param offset: :param need_num: :param timestamp: :return: """ key_byte = key.encode("utf-8") with Consumer(self.group_id) as consumer: # 获取key默认分配的分区 key_partition = self.get_default_partition_by_key( key_byte, consumer) partitions = [(self.topic, key_partition)] consumer.assign(partitions) # seek offset to the end consumer.seek_many(partitions, is_begin=False) last_offset = consumer.position(partitions[0]) if last_offset == 0: return [] # 如果无记录则直接返回 if offset > last_offset: raise ActionError(InquireErr.OffsetErr) current_offset = offset records = self._get_msg_by_key(consumer, key, current_offset, key_partition, need_num, timestamp) return records
def inquire_topic(self): """ inquire user topic :return: """ if self.request.method != "GET": raise ActionError(UserActionErr.RequestErr) # inquire role topic self.context["topics"] = self.get_role_topic() return render_template("topic.html", **self.context)
def end_offsets(self, partitions: list): """ 获取指定partition结束的offset :param partitions: 指定topic分区[(topic: partition)] :return: """ _partitions = [TopicPartition(_par[0], _par[1]) for _par in partitions] try: result = self.consumer.end_offsets(_partitions) except UnsupportedVersionError or KafkaTimeoutError as e: if e.__class__ == UnsupportedVersionError: log.tag_error(KafkaInfo.KafkaConsumer, "API VERSION ERROR, DO NOT SUPPORT") raise ActionError(KafkaErr.NotSupport) else: log.tag_error(KafkaInfo.KafkaConsumer, "Get end offset failed, Time out") raise ActionError(KafkaErr.GetOffsetFailed) return result
def flush(self): """ 调用此方法会使得所有缓存记录变成立即可发送状态.(一般用于send之后, 需要刷新) :return: """ try: self.producer.flush(timeout=TIME_OUT) except KafkaTimeoutError: log.tag_error(KafkaInfo.KafkaProducer, "Flush buffered record failed, TimeOut") raise ActionError(KafkaErr.FlushFailed)
def commit_err(topic: str, partition: int, offset: int): """ consumer commit offset failed callback function :param topic: :param partition: :param offset: :return: """ log.tag_error( KafkaInfo.KafkaConsumer, "Kafka Consumer commit offset failed, " "{TopicPartition(%s, %s): %s}" % (topic, partition, offset)) raise ActionError(KafkaErr.CommitOffsetFailed)
def commit(): """ db session commit, will rollback when error occurred :return: """ try: db.session.commit() except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() log.tag_error(WebLogTag.DbErr, "Db Session Committed Err: %s" % e.__str__()) raise ActionError(UserActionErr.DataBaseErr)
def send_err(topic: str, value: bytes, key: str): """ producer send data failed callback function :param topic: :param value: :param key: :return: :return: """ log.tag_error( KafkaInfo.KafkaProducer, "Kafka send data failed, topic: %s, " "key: %s msg: %s" % (topic, key, value.decode("utf-8"))) raise ActionError(KafkaErr.SendDataFailed)
def get_msg_kye(topic_name: str): """ inquire all topic's msg_key according to topic_name :param topic_name: :return: """ topic_info = TopicInfo.query.filter_by(topic_name=topic_name).first() if not topic_info: raise ActionError(WebInfo.TopicNotExist) topic_key = TopicKey.query.filter_by( topic_id=topic_info.topic_id).all() msg_keys = [_key.msg_key for _key in topic_key] return msg_keys
def mock_clear_topic(topic_name: str, client: ClientAdmin = None): """ 删除模拟创建的topic :return: """ if client is not None: try: client.delete_topic(topic_name) print("clear mock topic") except ActionError as e: if e.message == KafkaErr.TopicNotExist: return raise ActionError(e.message) else: with ClientAdmin() as client: try: client.delete_topic(topic_name) print("clear mock topic") except ActionError as e: if e.message == KafkaErr.TopicNotExist: return raise ActionError(e.message)
def mock_test_topic(topic_name: str, client: ClientAdmin = None): """ 模拟创建topic :return: """ if client: try: client.create_topic(topic_name) print("mock topic") except ActionError as e: if e.message != KafkaErr.TopicExist: print("mock topic failed") raise ActionError("Mock Create Topic error") else: with ClientAdmin() as client: try: client.create_topic(topic_name) print("mock topic") except ActionError as e: if e.message != KafkaErr.TopicExist: print("mock topic failed") raise ActionError("Mock Create Topic error")
def pause(self, partitions: list): """ 挂起分区的请求(注意请求失败, 但可能有部分topic partition已经挂起) :param partitions: list of TopicPartition need pause, for example: [(topic1, partition1), (topic2, partition2)] :return: """ _partitions = [TopicPartition(_par[0], _par[1]) for _par in partitions] try: self.consumer.pause(*_partitions) except: log.tag_error( KafkaInfo.KafkaConsumer, "Pause TopicPartition error, TopicPartition not exist") raise ActionError(KafkaErr.TopicPartitionNotExist)
def str_to_datetime(time_str, raise_error=False): """ "2017-04-06 14:06:51" 字符串转日期时间对象 :param time_str: :param raise_error: :return: """ try: dt = parser.parse(time_str) except Exception as e: if raise_error: raise ActionError("时间字符串格式错误") else: raise e return dt
def send_msg(self): """ send message :return: """ if "topic" not in self.obj.keys() or "msgKey" not in self.obj.keys( ) or "msg" not in self.obj.keys(): raise ActionError(UserActionErr.ParamErr) _topic = self.obj["topic"] _msg_key = self.obj["msgKey"] _msg = self.obj["msg"] topic_info = TopicInfo.query.filter_by(topic_name=_topic).first() if topic_info is None: raise ActionError(UserActionErr.TopicNotExist) # check topic is belongs to role or not role_topics = RoleTopic.query.filter_by( role_topic_ids = [_role_topic.topic_id for _role_topic in role_topics] if topic_info.topic_id not in role_topic_ids: raise ActionError(UserActionErr.TopicNotBelong) # TODO 考虑是否启用批量send message try: send_msg(_topic, _msg_key, _msg) except ActionError: raise ActionError(UserActionErr.ActionFailed) # check msgKey is record or not, if not record it topic_key = TopicKey.query.filter_by(msg_key=_msg_key).first() if topic_key is None: key = TopicKey(topic_id=topic_info.topic_id, msg_key=_msg_key) db.session.add(key) commit() res = { "errCode": ResponseStatus.Success, "errMsg": ResponseMsg[ResponseStatus.Success], "obj": {} } return jsonify(res)
def delete_topic(self, topic_name: str): """ 删除集群中的topic :param topic_name: :return: """ topic_list = [topic_name] try: self.admin_client.delete_topics(topic_list, timeout_ms=TIME_OUT_ADMIN) except UnknownTopicOrPartitionError as e: log.tag_error( KafkaInfo.KafkaAdmin, "Topic [%s] not exist! Don't need delete" % topic_name) raise ActionError(KafkaErr.TopicNotExist)
def create_topic(self, topic_name: str): """ 在集群中创建新的topic(topic配置采用默认模式) :param topic_name: :return: """ topic_list = [self.new_topic(topic_name)] try: response = self.admin_client.create_topics( topic_list, timeout_ms=TIME_OUT_ADMIN) except TopicAlreadyExistsError: log.tag_error( KafkaInfo.KafkaAdmin, "Topic [%s] already exist! Create Failed !" % topic_name) raise ActionError(KafkaErr.TopicExist) return response
def subscribe(self, topic: list, pattern: str = None): """ 订阅一组topics :param topic: topic 列表 :param pattern: :return: """ try: self.consumer.subscribe(topic, pattern) except IllegalStateError or AssertionError or TypeError as e: if e.__class__ == IllegalStateError: log.tag_error(KafkaInfo.KafkaConsumer, "Subscribe topic error, %s" % e.__str__) log.tag_error(KafkaInfo.KafkaConsumer, "Subscribe topic error, Parameter Error") raise ActionError(KafkaErr.ParameterError)
def assign(self, partitions: list): """ 手动为当前consumer分配topic分区列表 :param partitions: 手动分配分区[(topic, partition)] :return: """ _partitions = [TopicPartition(_par[0], _par[1]) for _par in partitions] try: result = self.consumer.assign(_partitions) except IllegalStateError: log.tag_error( KafkaInfo.KafkaConsumer, "Manually consumer TopicPartitions error, " "Topic Consumer is being in used") raise ActionError(KafkaErr.ConsumerInUsed) return result
def get_kafka_cfg(): """ 获取kafka访问配置 :return: """ try: # 使用zk获取配置 cfg = ZkConfig("test", "ts1245", "/kafka").get_config(KaCfgType.KafkaCfg) except ActionError: # zk服务不可用时, 采用本地config配置 cfg = KafkaConfig # cfg 中的apiVersion需要单独处理 try: cfg["apiVersion"] = tuple(cfg["apiVersion"]) except Exception: raise ActionError("Kafka config error!!!") return cfg
def register(self): """ 用户注册 :return: """ if self.request.method == "GET": return render_template("register.html", **self.context) if self.request.method != "POST": raise ActionError(UserActionErr.RequestErr) par_dict = self.request.form.to_dict() user_name = par_dict["user_name"] password = par_dict["password"] email = par_dict["email"] sex = par_dict["sex"] # check name has been registered or not record = get_username(user_name) if record is not None: self.context["errMsg"] = UserActionErr.UserExist return render_template("register.html", **self.context) # check password if not pass_word_check(password): self.context["errMsg"] = UserActionErr.PasswordFormatErr return render_template("register.html", **self.context) # register user _password = generate_md5(password) user = User(name=user_name, password_hash=_password, email=email, sex=sex) db.session.add(user) commit() log.tag_info( WebLogTag.UserAccess, "Register Success, User: %s, email: %s, sex: %d" % (,, self.user_login(user) self.context["errMsg"] = UserActionInfo.RegisterSuccess + user_name return render_template("register.html", **self.context)
def login(self): """ 用户登录 :return: """ self.context["Check"] = "" if self.request.method == "GET": return render_template("login.html", **self.context) if self.request.method != "POST": raise ActionError(UserActionErr.RequestErr) par_dict = self.request.form.to_dict() user_name = par_dict["user_name"] password = par_dict['password'] user = get_username(user_name) if not user: self.context["Check"] = UserActionErr.LoginErr return render_template("login.html", **self.context) if user.verity_password(password): self.user_login(user) self.context["Check"] = UserActionInfo.LoginSuccess + user_name return render_template("login.html", **self.context)
def send_message(self, topic_name: str, value: bytes, key: str): """ Producer产生数据 :param topic_name: topic where the message will be published :param value: message value :param key: key to associate with the message :return: """ try: result = self.producer.send(topic_name, value=value, key=key.encode("utf-8")).add_errback( self.send_err, topic=topic_name, value=value, key=key) except KafkaTimeoutError: log.tag_warn( KafkaInfo.KafkaProducer, "Kafka send data timeout, topic: %s, key: %s, msg: %s" % (topic_name, key, value.decode("utf-8"))) raise ActionError(KafkaErr.SendDataFailed) return result