def login_post():
    data = request_dict.create(default_val='')

    email = data.email.lower().strip()
    password = data.password.strip()

    if not email or not password:
        return {
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'error': "Some required fields are missing.",
            'user_id': cookie_auth.get_user_id_via_auth_cookie(flask.request),

    user = user_service.login_user(email, password)
    if not user:
        return {
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'error': "The account does not exist or the password is wrong.",
            'user_id': cookie_auth.get_user_id_via_auth_cookie(flask.request),

    resp = flask.redirect('/account')
    cookie_auth.set_auth(resp, user.id)

    return resp
def login_post():
    # TODO: create view model for login
    data = request_dict.create()
    r = flask.request
    email = data.email.lower().strip()
    password = data.password.strip()

    if not email or not password:
        return {
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'error': "Some require fields are missing",

    user = user_service.login_user(email, password)

    if not user:
        return {
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'error': "The account does not exist or the password is wrong",

    resp = flask.redirect('/account')
    cookie_auth.set_auth(resp, user.id)
    return resp
def login_post():

    data = request_dict.create(default_val='')

    email = data.email.lower().strip()
    password = data.password.strip()

    if not email or not password:
        return {
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'error': "Some required fields are missing"

    # TODO: Validate the user
    user = user_service.login_user(email, password)
    if not user:
        return {
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'error': "The account does not exist or the password is incorrect"

    resp = flask.redirect(url_for('account.index'))
    cookie_auth.set_auth(resp, user.id)
    return resp
def register_post():
    data = request_dict.create(default_val='')

    name = data.name
    email = data.email.lower().strip()
    password = data.password.strip()

    if not name or not email or not password:
        return {
            'name': name,
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'error': "Some required fields are missing.",
            'user_id': cookie_auth.get_user_id_via_auth_cookie(flask.request),

    user = user_service.create_user(name, email, password)
    if not user:
        return {
            'name': name,
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'error': "A user with that email already exists.",
            'user_id': cookie_auth.get_user_id_via_auth_cookie(flask.request),

    resp = flask.redirect('/account')
    cookie_auth.set_auth(resp, user.id)

    return resp
def login_post():
    data = request_dict.create()
    email = data.email.lower().strip()
    password = data.password.strip()

    if not email or not password:
        return {
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'error': 'some required fields are missing.',
            'user_id': cookie_auth.get_user_id_via_auth_cookie(flask.request),
    # TODO: validate a user
    user = user_service.login_user(email, password)
    if not user:
        return {
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'error': 'The account does not ecist or password is incorrect',
            'user_id': cookie_auth.get_user_id_via_auth_cookie(flask.request),
    resp = flask.redirect('/account')
    cookie_auth.set_auth(resp, user.id)

    return resp
def register_post():
    r = flask.request
    name = r.form.get('name')
    email = r.form.get('email', '').lower().strip()
    password = r.form.get('password').strip()

    if not name or not email or not password:
        return {
            'name': name,
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'error': 'some required fields are missing.',
            'user_id': cookie_auth.get_user_id_via_auth_cookie(flask.request),
    # TODO: create a user
    user = user_service.create_user(name, email, password)
    if not user:
        return {
            'name': name,
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'error': 'email already associated with registered user',
            'user_id': cookie_auth.get_user_id_via_auth_cookie(flask.request),
    resp = flask.redirect('/account')
    cookie_auth.set_auth(resp, user.id)

    return resp
def login_post():
    vm = LoginViewModel()

    if vm.error:
        return vm.to_dict()

    # todo: log in browser as session
    resp = flask.redirect("/")
    cookie.set_auth(resp, str(vm.user.id))

    return resp
async def register(request: Request):
    vm = RegisterViewModel(request)
    await vm.load()

    if vm.error:
        return vm.to_dict()

    # Create the account
    account = user_service.create_account(vm.name, vm.email, vm.password)
    # Login user

    response = fastapi.responses.RedirectResponse(
        url='/account', status_code=status.HTTP_302_FOUND)
    cookie_auth.set_auth(response, account.id)
    return response
def register_post():
    vm = RegisterViewModel()

    if vm.error:
        return vm.to_dict()

    user = user_service.create_user(vm.name, vm.email, vm.password)
    if not user:
        vm.error = 'The account could not be created'
        return vm.to_dict()

    resp = flask.redirect('/account')
    cookie_auth.set_auth(resp, user.id)
    return resp
def login_post():
    vm = LoginViewModel()

    if vm.error:
        return vm.to_dict()

    user = user_service.login_user(vm.email, vm.password)
    if not user:
        vm.error = "The account does not exist or the password is wrong."
        return vm.to_dict()

    resp = flask.redirect('/account')
    cookie_auth.set_auth(resp, user.id)

    return resp
async def login_post(request: Request):
    vm = LoginViewModel(request)
    await vm.load()

    if vm.error:
        return vm.to_dict()

    # Create the account
    user = user_service.login_user(vm.email, vm.password)
    if not user:
        vm.error = "The account does not exist or the password is wrong."
        return vm.to_dict()
    # Login user

    response = fastapi.responses.RedirectResponse(
        url='/account', status_code=status.HTTP_302_FOUND)
    cookie_auth.set_auth(response, user.id)
    return response