def read_date(self, type_of_date): """ Reds the :py:attr:_creation_date or :py:attr:_last_backup_date attribute. :param type_of_date: 'creation_date' or 'last_backup_date'. :return: A datetime.datetime object or a object in function of the ``type_of_date``. """ metadata_data = read_ini_file(self._metadata_file) if type_of_date == 'creation_date': "The creation date is read form the repository's metadata file." ) return datetime.strptime( '{} {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format( metadata_data[type_of_date]['year'], metadata_data[type_of_date]['month'], metadata_data[type_of_date]['day'], metadata_data[type_of_date]['hour'], metadata_data[type_of_date]['minute'], metadata_data[type_of_date]['second'], metadata_data[type_of_date]['microsecond']), '%Y %m %d %H %M %S %f') elif type_of_date == 'last_backup_date': "The last backup date is read form the repository's metadata file." ) return datetime.strptime( '{:0>4} {} {}'.format(metadata_data[type_of_date]['year'], metadata_data[type_of_date]['month'], metadata_data[type_of_date]['day']), '%Y %m %d').date()
def load(self): """ Try to load a :py:class:Repository object. If the :py:attr:_location path already exists then it tries to load it, but if not it will create a new :py:class:Repository object by calling the :py:meth:initialize method. :exception ValueError is raised if the path is not a directory. :return: """ if path.exists(self._location): if path.isdir(self._location): self._creation_date = self.read_date('creation_date') self._last_backup_date = self.read_date('last_backup_date') self.create_repo_metadata_file(self._creation_date, self._last_backup_date) if self.is_backup_needed(): self._last_backup_date = datetime.utcnow().date() self.create_repo_metadata_file(self._creation_date, self._last_backup_date) self.create_backup(backup_file_name=self._name) self._name = read_ini_file( self._paths_file)['repository']['name'] else: raise ValueError('The repository should be a directory!') else: self.initialize()
def __init__(self, repository_location, paths_file): """ Initialisation of a new :py:class:RoleManager object. :param repository_location: The path of the users directory linked to the :py:class:Repository object. :param paths_file: Tbe paths file path of the :py:class:Repository object. """ metadata_data = read_ini_file(paths_file) self._location = path.join(repository_location, metadata_data['directories']['users'])
def __init__(self, repository_location, paths_file): """ Initialisation of a new :py:class:UserManager object. :param repository_location: The path of the linked to :py:class:Repository object. :param paths_file: The paths file of the :py:class:Repository object. """ self.paths_file = paths_file self.repository_location = repository_location metadata_data = read_ini_file(self.paths_file) self._location = path.join(self.repository_location, metadata_data['directories']['users'])
def __init__(self, repository_location, paths_file=None): """ Initialisation of a new :py:class:DocumentManager object. :param repository_location: The path of the repository for which is working. :param paths_file: The path where the repositorie's paths_file is, this is a metadata file of the repository. """ if not paths_file: self._location = repository_location else: metadata_data = read_ini_file(paths_file) self._location = path.join( repository_location, metadata_data['directories']['documents'])
def show_repository_info(self, name=''): """ Shows some information about the :py:class:Repository object in an index.html file. The following information is getherd in the HTML file: :py:class:Repository object :py:attr:name, :py:attr:_creation_date, :py:attr:_last_backup_date, the :py:attr:path_file meta data, number and all :py:class:User objects, all :py:class:Roles object and the number and all :py:class:Document objects. :param name: This attribute is not used to show information about an actual :py:class:Repository, because the information is printed into the index.html file, but we can prin out information about an archived :py:class:Repository too, and for those this parameter is the name of the backup file. :return: """ paths = read_ini_file(self._paths_file) users = dict() documents = dict() roles = dict() for user_id in self._user_manager.find_all_users(): users[user_id] = self._user_manager.load_user(user_id) for document_id in self._document_manager.find_all_documents(): documents[document_id] = self._document_manager.load_document( document_id, self._user_manager) for role_key, user_ids_value in self._user_manager.list_users_by_role( ).iteritems(): roles[role_key] = ', '.join([str(i) for i in user_ids_value]) abs_path = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))"All data is collected to show in HTML.") env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(path.join(abs_path, 'templates'))) template = env.get_template('rep_info.html') output_from_parsed_template = template.render( repository_name=self._name, creation_date=self._creation_date, backup_date=self._last_backup_date, paths=paths, users=users, roles=roles, documents=documents)"The template is rendered.") with open(path.join(abs_path, "index{}.html".format('_' + name)), "wb") as fh: fh.write(output_from_parsed_template)"The template is written to {} file.".format( "index{}.html".format('_' + name))), "index{}.html".format('_' + name)))"The {} file is opened in the browser.".format( "index{}.html".format('_' + name)))
def load_project(self, project_id): """ Loads a :py:class:Project object from the filesystem. :param project_id: The ID of the :py:class:Project object to load. :exception ValueError is raised if no :py:class:Project is found with the ``project_id``. :return: :py:class:Project object loaded from the filesystem. """ project_path = path.join(self.location, str(project_id)) if path.exists(project_path): project_metadata_path = path.join(project_path, PROJECT_METADATA_FILE_NAME_FORMAT.format(project_id)) project_data = read_ini_file(project_metadata_path)['project'] return Project(project_data['name'], project_data['description'], project_data['members'], project_data['documents']) else: raise ValueError("The {} path doesn't exists!".format(project_path))
def test_empty_repository_creation(self): Repository('Empty', '/tmp/test_repo') self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir('/tmp/test_repo/documents')) self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir('/tmp/test_repo/projects')) self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir('/tmp/test_repo/logs')) self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir('/tmp/test_repo/users')) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('/tmp/test_repo/paths.ini')) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('/tmp/test_repo/users/roles.txt')) # THIS IS WRONG!!! You can't predict the order of a dictionary => you can't test an INI file by line! # with open('/tmp/test_repo/paths.ini') as path_file: # self.assertEqual(path_file.readline().rstrip('\n'), '[directories]') # self.assertEqual(path_file.readline().rstrip('\n'), 'documents=documents') # self.assertEqual(path_file.readline().rstrip('\n'), 'logs=logs') # self.assertEqual(path_file.readline().rstrip('\n'), 'projects=projects') # self.assertEqual(path_file.readline().rstrip('\n'), 'users=users') metadata_file = read_ini_file('/tmp/test_repo/paths.ini') self.assertEqual(metadata_file['directories']['documents'], 'documents') self.assertEqual(metadata_file['directories']['logs'], 'logs') self.assertEqual(metadata_file['directories']['projects'], 'projects') self.assertEqual(metadata_file['directories']['users'], 'users') shutil.rmtree('/tmp/test_repo')
def restore(self, backup_file_name='backup', backup_path='./Backups', verbose=False, date_format='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', backup_documents=True, backup_logs=True, backup_projects=True, backup_reports=True, backup_users=True): """ Restores a :py:class:Repository object from the filesystem and deletes the old :py:class:Repository object. :param backup_file_name: The backup files name of the :py:class:Repository object, the default value is 'backup'. :param backup_path: The backup path from where the ``backup_file_name`` will be restored, the default value is './Backups' :param verbose: Bool, if it's True it will print out some information about the restore process, default value is False. :param date_format: The date format in which the date are printed out if the ``verbose`` parameter is True, the default value is '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'. :param backup_documents: Bool, determines if to restore the :py:class:Document objects of the :py:class:Repository. :param backup_logs: Bool, determines if to restpre the log files of the :py:class:Repository. :param backup_projects: Bool, determines if to restore the :py:class:Project objects of the :py:class:Repository. :param backup_reports: Bool, determines if to restore the :py:class:Report objects of the :py:class:Repository. :param backup_users: Bool, determines if to restore the :py:class:User objects of the :py:class:Repository. """ start_time = datetime.utcnow() "The restore of the {} repository has started on UTC {}.".format( self._name, start_time.strftime(date_format))) if verbose: print("The restore of the {} repository has started on UTC {}.". format(self._name, start_time.strftime(date_format))) rmtree(self._location)"The old repository is deleted on {} path.".format( self._location)) if verbose: print("The old repository is deleted on {} path.".format( self._location)) with ZipFile(path.join(backup_path, backup_file_name + '.zip'), "r") as z: z.extractall(self._location) if not (backup_documents and backup_logs and backup_projects and backup_reports and backup_users): pats_file = read_ini_file(self._paths_file) unimported = [] if not backup_documents: rmtree( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['documents'])) makedirs( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['documents'])) logger.debug("The {} directory is removed.".format( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['documents']))) unimported.append('documents') if not backup_logs: rmtree( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['logs'])) makedirs( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['logs'])) logger.debug("The {} directory is removed.".format( (path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['logs'])))) unimported.append('logs') if not backup_projects: rmtree( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['projects'])) makedirs( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['projects'])) logger.debug("The {} directory is removed.".format( (path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['projects'])))) unimported.append('projects') if not backup_reports: rmtree( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['reports'])) makedirs( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['reports'])) logger.debug("The {} directory is removed.".format( (path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['reports'])))) unimported.append('reports') if not backup_users: rmtree( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['users'])) makedirs( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['users'])) logger.debug("The {} directory is removed.".format( (path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['users'])))) unimported.append('users') if len(unimported) > 0: print("The {} were not imported.".format( ', '.join(unimported))) logger.debug("The {} were not imported.".format( ', '.join(unimported))) end_time = datetime.utcnow() if verbose: print( "The restore is completed on UTC {}, please check the {} repository" .format(end_time.strftime(date_format), self._location)) print("The process lasted {} seconds.".format( (end_time - start_time).total_seconds())) "The restore is completed on UTC {}, please check the {} repository" .format(end_time.strftime(date_format), self._location))"The process lasted {} seconds.".format( (end_time - start_time).total_seconds()))
def create_backup(self, backup_file_name='backup', backup_path='./Backups', verbose=False, date_format='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', backup_documents=True, backup_logs=True, backup_projects=True, backup_reports=True, backup_users=True): """ Creates a backup of the :py:class:Repository object to the ``backup_path`` with ``backup_file_name``. :param backup_file_name: The backup files name of the :py:class:Repository object, the default value is 'backup'. :param backup_path: The backup path where the ``backup_file_name`` is saved, the default value is './Backups' :param verbose: Bool, if it's True it will print out some information about the backup process, default value is False. :param date_format: The date format in which the date are printed out if the ``verbose`` parameter is True, the default value is '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'. :param backup_documents: Bool, determines if to back up the :py:class:Document objects of the :py:class:Repository. :param backup_logs: Bool, determines if to back up the log files of the :py:class:Repository. :param backup_projects: Bool, determines if to back up the :py:class:Project objects of the :py:class:Repository. :param backup_reports: Bool, determines if to back up the :py:class:Report objects of the :py:class:Repository. :param backup_users: Bool, determines if to back up the :py:class:User objects of the :py:class:Repository. :return: """ start_time = datetime.utcnow() "The backup of the {} repository has started on UTC {}.".format( self._name, start_time.strftime(date_format))) if verbose: print("The backup of the {} repository has started on UTC {}.". format(self._name, start_time.strftime(date_format))) if not path.exists(backup_path): makedirs(backup_path) "The {} backup path structure is created.".format(backup_path)) if verbose: print("The {} backup path structure is created.".format( backup_path)) else:"The {} backup path exists.".format(backup_path)) if verbose: print("The {} backup path exists.".format(backup_path)) backup_file_name = self.determine_export_file_name( backup_file_name, backup_path) "The name of the backup file is: {}.zip.".format(backup_file_name)) if verbose: print("The name of the backup file is: {}.zip.".format( backup_file_name)) new_location = self._location if not (backup_documents and backup_logs and backup_projects and backup_reports and backup_users): pats_file = read_ini_file(self._paths_file) copytree(new_location, './{}'.format(backup_file_name)) logger.debug( "The backup file is copied from to {} with {} name.".format( new_location, './{}'.format(backup_file_name))) new_location = './{}'.format(backup_file_name) if not backup_documents: rmtree( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['documents'])) makedirs( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['documents'])) logger.debug("The {} directory is removed.".format( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['documents']))) if not backup_logs: rmtree( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['logs'])) makedirs( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['logs'])) logger.debug("The {} directory is removed.".format( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['logs']))) if not backup_projects: rmtree( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['projects'])) makedirs( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['projects'])) logger.debug("The {} directory is removed.".format( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['projects']))) if not backup_reports: rmtree( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['reports'])) makedirs( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['reports'])) logger.debug("The {} directory is removed.".format( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['reports']))) if not backup_users: rmtree( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['users'])) makedirs( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['users'])) logger.debug("The {} directory is removed.".format( path.join(self._location, pats_file['directories']['users']))) make_archive(path.join(backup_path, backup_file_name), 'zip', new_location, verbose=verbose, logger=logger) if new_location == './{}'.format(backup_file_name) and path.exists( new_location): rmtree(new_location) end_time = datetime.utcnow() if verbose: print( "The backup is completed on UTC {}, please check the {} file". format(end_time.strftime(date_format), path.join(backup_path, backup_file_name))) print("The process lasted {} seconds.".format( (end_time - start_time).total_seconds())) "The backup is completed on UTC {}, please check the {} file". format(end_time.strftime(date_format), path.join(backup_path, backup_file_name)))"The process lasted {} seconds.".format( (end_time - start_time).total_seconds()))
def import_documents(self, from_path): """ Imports all :py:class:Document objects from a path to the :py:class:Repository. :param from_path: The path where to search for :py:class:Document objects. :exception RuntimeError is raised if the :py:class:Document object doesn't contains the referenced file. :exception ValueError is raised if the :py:class:Document object has no author. :exception ValueError is raised if there is no available :py:class:Document objects on the ``from_path`` path. :exception ValueError is raised if the ``from_path`` doesn't exists. :return: """ if path.exists(from_path): all_documents = Repository.find_all_documents_in_path(from_path) logger.debug( "All documents are loaded form the {} path.".format(from_path)) metadata_data = read_ini_file(self._paths_file) logger.debug("The content repositories metadata file is loaded.") to_path = path.join(self._location, metadata_data['directories']['documents']) if len(all_documents) > 0: for document_id in all_documents: new_path = reduce(path.join, [to_path, str(document_id)]) old_path = path.join(from_path, str(document_id)) copytree(old_path, new_path) "The {} directory's content is copied to {} path.". format(old_path, new_path)) try: document_files_existence = self._document_manager.document_files_exist( document_id, user_manager=self._user_manager) for file_name_key, exists_value in document_files_existence.iteritems( ): if not exists_value: logger.exception( "The {} file doesn't exists in the {} ID document!" .format(file_name_key, document_id)) raise RuntimeError( "The {} file doesn't exists in the {} ID document!" .format(file_name_key, document_id))"All the directory's files exist.") document = self._document_manager.load_document( document_id, self._user_manager) logger.debug( "The document with {} ID is loaded into the memory" .format(document_id)) if not isinstance(, list): doc_author = [] else: doc_author = if len(doc_author) == 0: logger.exception("No author related to document!") raise ValueError("No author related to document!") except Exception as e: rmtree(new_path) logger.exception( "An {} exception is raised when importing the document with {} ID." .format(e.__class__.__name__, document_id)) raise e else: logger.exception( "No document to import from the '{}' path!".format( from_path)) raise ValueError( "No document to import from the '{}' path!".format( from_path)) else: logger.exception("The '{}' doesn't exists!".format(from_path)) raise ValueError("The '{}' doesn't exists!".format(from_path))
def load_document(self, document_id, user_manager=None): """ Loads a document to the memory. :param document_id: The ID of the :py:class:Document. :param user_manager: The :py:class:UserManager of the :py:class:Repository. :exception DocumentDoesntExistsError is raised when the document is missing from the filesystem, :return: :py:class:Document object. """ document_path = path.join(self._location, str(document_id)) if not path.exists(document_path): raise DocumentDoesntExistsError( "The {} path doesn't exists, so the document with {} id can't be loaded!" .format(document_path, document_id)) else: metadata_file = reduce(path.join, [ self._location, str(document_id), '{}_document_metadata.edd'.format(document_id) ]) meta_data = read_ini_file(metadata_file) list_of_files = ([ str(file_name.strip("'")) for file_name in meta_data['document']['files'][1:-1].split(', ') ]) if 'author' in meta_data['document']: if '[' in meta_data['document']['author'] and ']' in meta_data[ 'document']['author']: list_of_authors = [ int(file_name.strip("'")) for file_name in meta_data['document']['author'][1:-1].split(', ') ] else: list_of_authors = meta_data['document']['author'] else: if '[' in meta_data['document'][ 'author_name'] and ']' in meta_data['document'][ 'author_name']: list_of_authors_by_name = [ file_name.strip("'") for file_name in meta_data['document']['author_name'][1:-1].split(', ') ] else: list_of_authors_by_name = meta_data['document'][ 'author_name'] if not isinstance(list_of_authors_by_name, list): list_of_authors_by_name = [list_of_authors_by_name] list_of_authors = set() for author_name in list_of_authors_by_name: for user_id in user_manager.find_users_by_name( author_name): list_of_authors.add(int(user_id)) list_of_authors = list(list_of_authors) document = Document(meta_data['document']['title'], meta_data['document']['description'], list_of_authors, list_of_files, meta_data['document']['doc_format']) document.creation_date = datetime.strptime( meta_data['document']['creation_date'], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %f') document.modification_date = datetime.strptime( meta_data['document']['modification_date'], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %f') if 'author' in meta_data['document']: document.state = meta_data['document']['state'] if meta_data['document']['is_public'] == 'True': document.make_public() else: document.state = 'new' document.make_private() return document