def StartNodeAndImport(port,

    datadir = _lib.CreateTestFolder(suffix)

    # this will create config file to remember other node address
    configfile = "{\"Port\": " + str(
        port) + ",\"Nodes\":[{\"Host\": \"localhost\",\"Port\":" + str(
            importport) + "}]}"
    _lib.SaveConfigFile(datadir, configfile)

    address = initblockchain.ImportBockchain(datadir, "localhost", importport)

    _complex.AddMinterToConfig(datadir, address)

    if dbproxyport > 0:
        _complex.AddProxyToConfig(datadir, "localhost:" + str(dbproxyport))
                                        address)  # init internal signing

    startnode.StartNode(datadir, address, port, title, host)

    #check nodes. must be minimum 1 and import port must be present
    nodes = managenodes.GetNodes(datadir)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) > 0, "Should be minimum 1 nodes in output")

    return [datadir, address]
def test(testfilter):
    global datadir1
    global datadir2

    _lib.StartTestGroup("Import long blockchain")


    _lib.StartTestGroup("Copy blockchain from dataset")

    datadir1 = _lib.CreateTestFolder()
    datadir2 = _lib.CreateTestFolder()

    _lib.CopyTestData(datadir1, "bigchain")

    balances = _transfers.GetGroupBalance(datadir1)
    address = balances.keys()[0]

    startnode.StartNode(datadir1, address, '30000', "Server 1")

    address2 = initblockchain.ImportBockchain(datadir2, "localhost", '30000')


    startnode.StartNode(datadir2, address2, '30001', "Server 2")


    #managenodes.AddNode(datadir1, "localhost",'30001')

    blocks1 = _blocks.GetBlocks(datadir1)

    state = _node.NodeState(datadir1)

    _node.WaitBlocksInState(datadir2, len(blocks1), 120)

    blocks2 = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir2, len(blocks1), 120)

    #print len(blocks1), len(blocks2)

        len(blocks1) == len(blocks2),
        "Number of bocks must be same on both servers")

    startnode.StopNode(datadir1, "Server 1")
    startnode.StopNode(datadir2, "Server 2")

    datadir1 = ""
    datadir2 = ""

def StartNodeAndImport(port, importport, title, suffix=""):

    datadir = _lib.CreateTestFolder(suffix)

    address = initblockchain.ImportBockchain(datadir, "localhost", importport)

    # this will create config file to remember other node address
    configfile = "{\"MinterAddress\":\"" + address + "\",\"Port\": " + str(
        port) + ",\"Nodes\":[{\"Host\": \"localhost\",\"Port\":" + str(
            importport) + "}]}"
    _lib.SaveConfigFile(datadir, configfile)

    startnode.StartNode(datadir, address, port, title)

    #check nodes. must be minimum 1 and import port must be present
    nodes = managenodes.GetNodes(datadir)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) > 0, "Should be minimum 1 nodes in output")

    return [datadir, address]
def test(testfilter):
    global datadir1
    global datadir2
    global datadir3

    _lib.StartTestGroup("Manage nodes list")

    datadir1 = _lib.CreateTestFolder('_1_')
    datadir2 = _lib.CreateTestFolder('_2_')

    _lib.StartTestGroup("Create blockchain and run node 1")
    r = blocksbasic.PrepareBlockchain(datadir1, '30000')
    address = r[0]

    startnode.StartNode(datadir1, address, '30000', "Server 1")

    address2 = initblockchain.ImportBockchain(datadir2, "localhost", '30000')

    nodes = GetNodes(datadir1)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) == 0, "Should be 0 nodes in output")

    AddNode(datadir1, "localhost", '30001')

    nodes = GetNodes(datadir1)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) == 1, "Should be 1 nodes in output")

    RemoveNode(datadir1, "localhost", '30001')

    nodes = GetNodes(datadir1)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) == 0, "Should be 0 nodes in output")

    startnode.StartNode(datadir2, address2, '30001', "Server 2")


    #AddNode(datadir1, "localhost",'30001')

    nodes = GetNodes(datadir1)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) == 1, "Should be 1 nodes in output")

    startnode.StopNode(datadir2, "Server 2")

    startnode.StartNode(datadir2, address2, '30001', "Server 2")

    nodes = GetNodes(datadir1)

    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) == 1, "Should be 1 nodes in output")
        nodes.keys()[0] == "localhost:30001"
        or nodes.keys()[0] == "", "Wrong node in the list")

    # check transactions work fine between nodes
    _transfers.Send(datadir1, address, address2, '3')

    txlist = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir1)

    _lib.FatalAssert(len(txlist) == 1, "Should be 1 unapproved transaction")

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir1, 2)

    # send another 2 TX to make a block
    tx = _transfers.Send(datadir1, address, address2, '0.01')

    tx = _transfers.Send(datadir1, address, address2, '0.01')

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir1, 3)

    tx = txid1 = _transfers.Send(datadir1, address, address2, '1')

    txlist = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir1)

        len(txlist) == 1,
        "Should be 1 unapproved transaction. Got " + str(len(txlist)))

    # and now get transactions from second node
    txlist = _transfers.WaitUnapprovedTransactions(datadir2, 1)

        len(txlist) == 1,
        "Should be 1 unapproved transaction on second node. Got " +
        str(len(txlist)) + " " + str(txlist))
    #print txid1
    #print txlist
    if txid1 not in txlist.keys():
            "Transaction 1 is not in the list of transactions on second node")

    # start one more node
    datadir3 = _lib.CreateTestFolder('_3_')
    address3 = initblockchain.ImportBockchain(datadir3, "localhost", '30000')

    startnode.StartNode(datadir3, address3, '30002', "Server 3")


    #AddNode(datadir3, "localhost",'30001')

    time.sleep(2)  # wait while nodes exchange addresses

    nodes = GetNodes(datadir1)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) == 2, "Should be 2 nodes in output of 1")

    nodes = GetNodes(datadir2)

    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) == 2, "Should be 2 nodes in output of 2")

    nodes = GetNodes(datadir3)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) == 2, "Should be 2 nodes in output of 3")

    txid1 = _transfers.Send(datadir1, address, address3, '4')

    # unapproved TX is pulled from node 1 on start
    txlist3 = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir3)

        len(txlist3) == 1, "Should be 1 unapproved transactions on 3")

    time.sleep(3)  # we need to give a chance to sync all

    txlist1 = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir1)
    txlist2 = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir2)

        len(txlist1) == 2, "Should be 2 unapproved transactions on 1")
        len(txlist2) == 2, "Should be 2 unapproved transactions on 2")

    if txid1 not in txlist1.keys():
            "Transaction 2 is not in the list of transactions on node 1")

    if txid1 not in txlist2.keys():
            "Transaction 2 is not in the list of transactions on node 2")

    # send one more TX. Block must be created
    txid3 = _transfers.Send(datadir1, address, address2, '1')

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir3, 4)
    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir2, 4)
    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir1, 4)


    # check if a block is present on all nodes. it must be 2 block on every node
    blockshashes = _blocks.GetBlocks(datadir1)

        len(blockshashes) == 4, "Should be 4 blocks in blockchain on 1")

    blockshashes = _blocks.GetBlocks(datadir2)
        len(blockshashes) == 4, "Should be 4 blocks in blockchain on 2")

    blockshashes = _blocks.GetBlocks(datadir3)
        len(blockshashes) == 4, "Should be 4 blocks in blockchain on 3")

    startnode.StopNode(datadir1, "Server 1")
    startnode.StopNode(datadir2, "Server 2")
    startnode.StopNode(datadir3, "Server 3")


    datadir1 = ""
    datadir2 = ""
    datadir3 = ""

def test(testfilter):
    global datadir, datadir2

    _lib.StartTestGroup("SQL basic")


    datadir = _lib.CreateTestFolder('_1_')
    datadir2 = _lib.CreateTestFolder('_2_')

    address = startnode.InitBockchain(datadir)
    startnode.StartNode(datadir, address, '30000')

    _lib.StartTestGroup("Do transactions")


    tx1 = _sql.ExecuteSQL(
        datadir, address,
        "CREATE TABLE test (a INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, b VARCHAR(20))")

    # check new table exists
    tables = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SHOW TABLES")
    found = False
    for table in tables:
        if table[0] == "test":
            found = True

    _lib.FatalAssert(found, "Table not found in the DB")

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir, 2)

    tx2 = _sql.ExecuteSQL(datadir, address, "INSERT INTO test SET b='row1'")
    tx3 = _sql.ExecuteSQL(datadir, address,
                          "INSERT INTO test SET a=2,b='row2'")
    tx4 = _sql.ExecuteSQL(datadir, address,
                          "INSERT INTO test (b) VALUES ('row3')")

    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SELECT * FROM test")

    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 3, "Must be 3 rows in a table")

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir, 3)

    time.sleep(1)  # while all caches are cleaned

    txlist = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(txlist) == 1, "Should be 1 unapproved transaction")

    # update data
    _sql.ExecuteSQL(datadir, address,
                    " update test SET b=\"row3 updated\" where a=3")
    _sql.ExecuteSQL(datadir, address,
                    " update test SET b=\"row2 updated\" where a = '2'")

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir, 4)
    time.sleep(1)  # while all caches are cleaned

    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SELECT * FROM test")
    for row in rows:
        if row[0] == "1":
            _lib.FatalAssert(row[1] == "row1",
                             "Row 1 value is wrong. Got: " + row[1])

        if row[0] == "2":
            _lib.FatalAssert(row[1] == "row2 updated",
                             "Row 2 value is wrong. Got: " + row[1])

        if row[0] == "3":
            _lib.FatalAssert(row[1] == "row3 updated",
                             "Row 3 value is wrong. Got: " + row[1])

    error = _sql.ExecuteSQLFailure(datadir, address,
                                   "INSERT INTO test SET a=2,b='row2'")

    txid = _sql.ExecuteSQL(datadir, address, " DELETE  from   test where a=3")

    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SELECT * FROM test")
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 2, "Must be 2 rows in a table")

    address2 = initblockchain.ImportBockchain(datadir2, "localhost", '30000')

    startnode.StartNode(datadir2, address2, '30001', "Server 2")
    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir2, 4)

    # must be 3 rows because delete transaction was not posted to that node
    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir2, "SELECT * FROM test")
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 3, "Must be 3 rows in a table")

    txid = _sql.ExecuteSQL(datadir, address, " DELETE  from   test where a=2")

    # should be 1 row on first node
    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SELECT * FROM test")
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 1, "Must be 1 rows in a table")

    time.sleep(1)  # give time to send transaction
    # and 2 row on second
    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir2, "SELECT * FROM test")
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 2, "Must be 2 rows in a table")

    datadir = ""

    datadir2 = ""

def test(testfilter):
    global datadir, datadir2

    _lib.StartTestGroup("SQL Sync with Proxy. care offline")


    datadir = _lib.CreateTestFolder('_1_')


    address = startnode.InitBockchain(datadir)
    _complex.AddProxyToConfig(datadir, "localhost:40041")
    _complex.AddInternalKeyToConfig(datadir, address)  # init internal signing

    startnode.StartNode(datadir, address, '30000')

    _lib.StartTestGroup("Do initial transactions")


        "CREATE TABLE test (a INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, b VARCHAR(20))")

    # check new table exists
    tables = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SHOW TABLES", True)
    found = False
    for table in tables:
        if table[0] == "test":
            found = True

    _lib.FatalAssert(found, "Table not found in the DB")

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir, 2)

    _sql.ExecuteSQLOnProxy(datadir, "INSERT INTO test SET b='row1'")

    datadir2 = _lib.CreateTestFolder('_2_')
    address2 = initblockchain.ImportBockchain(datadir2, "localhost", '30000')

    _complex.AddProxyToConfig(datadir2, "localhost:40042")
                                    address2)  # init internal signing

    startnode.StartNode(datadir2, address2, '30001', "Server 2")
    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir2, 2)

    _sql.ExecuteSQLOnProxy(datadir2, "INSERT INTO test SET b='row1.2'")

    # must be 1 row , because the first row from the first node is not yet in a block and is not synced
    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir2, "SELECT * FROM test", True)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 1, "Must be 1 row in a table on node 2")

    _sql.ExecuteSQLOnProxy(datadir, "INSERT INTO test SET b='row2'")
    # should be 1 row on first node
    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SELECT * FROM test", True)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 2, "Must be 2 rows in a table on node 1")

    # wait 3-rd block
    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir, 3)

    time.sleep(1)  # give time to send transaction

    # wait 3-rd block on a second node
    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir2, 3)
    # and 2 row on second
    rows2 = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir2, "SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY a", True)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows2) == 2, "Must be 2 rows in a table")

    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY a", True)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 2, "Must be 2 rows in a table")

        set(rows) == set(rows2),
        "COntents of tables on both nodes must be same")

    _lib.StartTestGroup("Check cancel of following transactions")

    # temporary stop second node

    _sql.ExecuteSQLOnProxy(datadir, "INSERT INTO test SET b='row3'")

    startnode.StartNode(datadir2, address2, '30001', "Server 2")

    _sql.ExecuteSQLOnProxy(datadir2, "INSERT INTO test SET b='row3.2'")
                           "UPDATE test SET b='row3_updated' WHERE a=3")
                           "UPDATE test SET b='row3_updated_2' WHERE a=3")

                           "UPDATE test SET b='row3_updated_again' WHERE a=3")

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir, 4)
    time.sleep(1)  # give time to send transaction

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir2, 4)
    time.sleep(1)  # give time to send transaction

    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY a", True)

    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 3, "Must be 3 rows in a table")

    rows2 = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir2, "SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY a", True)

    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows2) == 3, "Must be 3 rows in a table")

        set(rows) == set(rows2),
        "COntents of tables on both nodes must be same")

    datadir = ""

    datadir2 = ""

def test(testfilter):
    global datadir, datadir2

    _lib.StartTestGroup("SQL Sync with Proxy")


    datadir = _lib.CreateTestFolder('_1_')


    address = startnode.InitBockchain(datadir)
    _complex.AddProxyToConfig(datadir, "localhost:40041")
    _complex.AddInternalKeyToConfig(datadir, address)  # init internal signing

    startnode.StartNode(datadir, address, '30000')

    _lib.StartTestGroup("Do transactions")


        "CREATE TABLE test (a INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, b VARCHAR(20))")

    # check new table exists
    tables = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SHOW TABLES", True)
    found = False
    for table in tables:
        if table[0] == "test":
            found = True

    _lib.FatalAssert(found, "Table not found in the DB")

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir, 2)

    _sql.ExecuteSQLOnProxy(datadir, "INSERT INTO test SET b='row1'")
    _sql.ExecuteSQLOnProxy(datadir, "INSERT INTO test SET a=2,b='row2'")
    _sql.ExecuteSQLOnProxy(datadir, "INSERT INTO test (b) VALUES ('row3')")

    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SELECT * FROM test", True)

    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 3, "Must be 3 rows in a table")

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir, 3)

    time.sleep(2)  # while all caches are cleaned

    txlist = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir)

    _lib.FatalAssert(len(txlist) == 1, "Should be 1 unapproved transaction")

    # update data
                           " update test SET b=\"row3 updated\" where a=3")
        datadir, " update test SET b=\"row2 updated\" where a = '2'")

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir, 4)
    time.sleep(1)  # while all caches are cleaned

    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SELECT * FROM test", True)
    for row in rows:
        if row[0] == "1":
            _lib.FatalAssert(row[1] == "row1",
                             "Row 1 value is wrong. Got: " + row[1])

        if row[0] == "2":
            _lib.FatalAssert(row[1] == "row2 updated",
                             "Row 2 value is wrong. Got: " + row[1])

        if row[0] == "3":
            _lib.FatalAssert(row[1] == "row3 updated",
                             "Row 3 value is wrong. Got: " + row[1])

    _sql.ExecuteSQLOnProxyFail(datadir, "INSERT INTO test SET a=2,b='row2'")

    _sql.ExecuteSQLOnProxy(datadir, " DELETE  from   test where a=3")

    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SELECT * FROM test", True)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 2, "Must be 2 rows in a table")

    datadir2 = _lib.CreateTestFolder('_2_')

    address2 = initblockchain.ImportBockchain(datadir2, "localhost", '30000')

    _complex.AddProxyToConfig(datadir2, "localhost:40042")
                                    address2)  # init internal signing

    startnode.StartNode(datadir2, address2, '30001', "Server 2")
    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir2, 4)

    # Send money to new node address
    txid1 = _transfers.Send(datadir, address, address2, 1)


    # must be 2 delete transaction should be imported
    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir2, "SELECT * FROM test", True)

    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 2, "Must be 2 rows in a table")

    _sql.ExecuteSQLOnProxy(datadir, " DELETE  from   test where a=2")

    # send money again
    txid2 = _transfers.Send(datadir, address, address2, 1)

    # should be 1 row on first node
    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SELECT * FROM test", True)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 1, "Must be 1 rows in a table")

    time.sleep(1)  # give time to send transaction
    # and 2 row on second
    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir2, "SELECT * FROM test", True)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 1, "Must be 1 rows in a table")

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir, 5)
    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir2, 5)

    # send money back

    txid3 = _transfers.Send(datadir2, address2, address, 2)
    # insert on second node. check on first
    _sql.ExecuteSQLOnProxy(datadir2, "INSERT INTO test SET a=2,b='row2'")

    time.sleep(3)  # give time to send transaction

    rows = _lib.DBGetRows(datadir, "SELECT * FROM test", True)

    _lib.FatalAssert(len(rows) == 2, "Must be 2 rows in a table")

    # check balances
    bal1 = _transfers.GetBalance(datadir, address)
    bal2 = _transfers.GetBalance(datadir2, address2)

    _lib.FatalAssert(bal2[2] == -2,
                     "Pending balance should be -2 for second address")
    _lib.FatalAssert(bal1[2] == 2,
                     "Pending balance should be 2 for first address")

    datadir = ""

    datadir2 = ""
