    def _default_area(self):
        """ Create the area based on the size specified by the Device Driver

        d = self.declaration
        area = AreaBase()
        w = parse_unit(d.width)
        if d.length:
            h = parse_unit(d.length)
            h = 900000
        area.size = [w, h]
        return area
    def _default_area(self):
        """ Create the area based on the size specified by the Device Driver

        d = self.declaration
        area = AreaBase()
        w = parse_unit(d.width)
        if d.length:
            h = parse_unit(d.length)
            h = 900000
        area.size = [w, h]
        return area
    def _default_step_time(self):
        """ Determine the step time based on the device speed setting

        #: Convert speed to px/s then to mm/s
        units = self.speed_units.split("/")[0]
        speed = parse_unit('%s%s' % (self.speed, units))
        speed = to_unit(speed, 'mm')
        if speed == 0:
            return 0

        #: No determine the time and convert to ms
        return max(0, round(1000 * self.step_size / speed))
    def _default_step_time(self):
        """ Determine the step time based on the device speed setting

        #: Convert speed to px/s then to mm/s
        units = self.speed_units.split("/")[0]
        speed = parse_unit('%s%s' % (self.speed, units))
        speed = to_unit(speed, 'mm')
        if speed == 0:
            return 0

        #: No determine the time and convert to ms
        return max(0, round(1000*self.step_size/speed))
class DeviceConfig(Model):
    """ The default device configuration. Custom devices may want to subclass

    #: Time between each path command
    #: Time to wait between each step so we don't get
    #: way ahead of the cutter and fill up it's buffer
    step_time = Float(strict=False).tag(config=True)
    custom_rate = Float(-1, strict=False).tag(config=True)

    #: Distance between each command in user units
    #: this is effectively the resolution the software supplies
    step_size = Float(parse_unit('1mm'), strict=False).tag(config=True)

    #: Interpolate paths breaking them into small sections that
    #: can be sent. This allows pausing mid plot as many devices do not have
    #: a cancel command.
    interpolate = Bool(False).tag(config=True)

    #: How often the position will be updated in ms. Low power devices should
    #: set this to a high number like 2000 or 3000
    sample_rate = Int(100).tag(config=True)

    #: Final output rotation
    rotation = Enum(0, 90, -90).tag(config=True)

    #: Final out scaling
    scale = ContainerList(Float(strict=False), default=[1, 1]).tag(config=True)

    #: In cm/s
    speed = Float(4, strict=False).tag(config=True)
    speed_units = Enum('in/s', 'cm/s').tag(config=True)
    speed_enabled = Bool().tag(config=True)

    #: Force in g
    force = Float(40, strict=False).tag(config=True)
    force_units = Enum('g').tag(config=True)
    force_enabled = Bool().tag(config=True)

    #: Use absolute coordinates
    absolute = Bool().tag(config=True)

    #: Device output is spooled by an external service
    #: this will cause the job to run with no delays between commands
    spooled = Bool().tag(config=True)

    #: Use a virtual connection
    test_mode = Bool().tag(config=True)

    #: Initi commands
    commands_before = Unicode().tag(config=True)
    commands_after = Unicode().tag(config=True)
    commands_connect = Unicode().tag(config=True)
    commands_disconnect = Unicode().tag(config=True)

    def _default_step_time(self):
        """ Determine the step time based on the device speed setting

        #: Convert speed to px/s then to mm/s
        units = self.speed_units.split("/")[0]
        speed = parse_unit('%s%s' % (self.speed, units))
        speed = to_unit(speed, 'mm')
        if speed == 0:
            return 0

        #: No determine the time and convert to ms
        return max(0, round(1000 * self.step_size / speed))

    @observe('speed', 'speed_units', 'step_size')
    def _update_step_time(self, change):
        if change['type'] == 'update':
            self.step_time = self._default_step_time()