 def generateCircle(self, x, y, r, strokeWidth, stroke, fill, name):
     circle = Circle()
     circle.center = (x, y)
     circle.radius = r
     circle.style = {
         'stroke': stroke,
         'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
         'fill': fill
     circle.label = name
     return circle
    def test_circle_with_stroke(self):
        r = 5
        cx = 10
        cy = 20

        stroke_half_width = 1.0

        circle = Circle(r=str(r), cx=str(cx), cy=str(cy))

        circle.style = Style("stroke-width:{};stroke:red".format(stroke_half_width * 2))

                                          (cx - (r + stroke_half_width), cx + (r + stroke_half_width)),
                                          (cy - (r + stroke_half_width), cy + (r + stroke_half_width)))
    def test_circle_with_stroke_scaled(self):
        r = 5
        cx = 10
        cy = 20

        scale_x = 2
        scale_y = 3

        stroke_half_width = 1.0

        circle = Circle(r=str(r), cx=str(cx), cy=str(cy))

        circle.style = Style("stroke-width:{};stroke:red".format(stroke_half_width * 2))

        circle.transform = Transform(scale=(scale_x, scale_y))

                                          (scale_x * (cx - (r + stroke_half_width)),
                                           scale_x * (cx + (r + stroke_half_width))),
                                          (scale_y * (cy - (r + stroke_half_width)),
                                           scale_y * (cy + (r + stroke_half_width))))
    def render_pie(self, keys, values, pie_abs=False):
        """Draw pie chart"""
        pie_radius = self.options.pie_radius

        # Iterate all values to draw the different slices
        color = 0
        x = float(self.width) / 2
        y = float(self.height) / 2

        # Create the shadow first (if it should be created):
        if self.blur:
            shadow = Circle(cx=str(x), cy=str(y))
            shadow.set('r', str(pie_radius))
            shadow.style = self.blur + inkex.Style(fill='#000000')
            yield shadow

        # Add a grey background circle with a light stroke
        background = Circle(cx=str(x), cy=str(y))
        background.set("r", str(pie_radius))
        background.set("style", "stroke:#ececec;fill:#f9f9f9")
        yield background

        # create value sum in order to divide the slices
            valuesum = sum(values)
        except ValueError:
            valuesum = 0

        if pie_abs:
            valuesum = 100

        # Set an offsetangle
        offset = 0

        # Draw single slices
        for cnt, value in enumerate(values):
            # Calculate the PI-angles for start and end
            angle = (2 * 3.141592) / valuesum * float(value)
            start = offset
            end = offset + angle

            # proper overlapping
            if self.options.segment_overlap:
                if cnt != len(values) - 1:
                    end += 0.09  # add a 5° overlap
                if cnt == 0:
                    start -= 0.09  # let the first element overlap into the other direction

            # then add the slice
            pieslice = inkex.PathElement()
            pieslice.set('sodipodi:type', 'arc')
            pieslice.set('sodipodi:cx', x)
            pieslice.set('sodipodi:cy', y)
            pieslice.set('sodipodi:rx', pie_radius)
            pieslice.set('sodipodi:ry', pie_radius)
            pieslice.set('sodipodi:start', start)
            pieslice.set('sodipodi:end', end)
                "fill:" + self.get_color() + ";stroke:none;fill-opacity:1")
            ang = angle / 2 + offset

            # If text is given, draw short paths and add the text
            if keys:
                elem = inkex.PathElement()
                elem.path = [
                        (self.width / 2) + pie_radius * math.cos(ang),
                        (self.height / 2) + pie_radius * math.sin(ang),
                        (self.options.text_offset - 2) * math.cos(ang),
                        (self.options.text_offset - 2) * math.sin(ang),

                elem.style = {
                    'fill': 'none',
                    'stroke': self.options.font_color,
                    'stroke-width': self.options.stroke_width,
                    'stroke-linecap': 'butt',
                yield elem

                label = keys[cnt]
                if self.options.show_values:
                    label += ' ({}{})'.format(str(value), ('', '%')[pie_abs])

                # check if it is right or left of the Pie
                anchor = 'start' if math.cos(ang) > 0 else 'end'
                text = self.draw_text(label, anchor=anchor)

                off = pie_radius + self.options.text_offset
                text.set("x", (self.width / 2) + off * math.cos(ang))
                text.set("y", (self.height / 2) + off * math.sin(ang) +
                yield text

            # increase the rotation-offset and the colorcycle-position
            offset = offset + angle
            color = (color + 1) % 8

            # append the objects to the extension-layer
            yield pieslice

        yield self.draw_header(self.width / 2 - pie_radius)