    def effectHook(self):
        if len(self.selected) != 1:
            log.outMsg("You have to only select the object whose you want \
to copy the Xmoto parameters.")
            return False

        node = self.selected[self.options.ids[0]]
        label = node.get(addNS('xmoto_label', 'xmoto'))

        if label is None:
            log.outMsg("The selected object has no Xmoto properties to copy.")
            return False

        node = self.svg.getAndCreateMetadataNode()
        node.set(addNS('saved_xmoto_label', 'xmoto'), label)

        return False
    def effectLoadHook(self):
        def setSublayerAttrs():
            self.node = convertToXmNode(self.node, self.svg)
            self.circle = self.node.getCircleChild()
            self.isBitmap = True
            self.nodeId = self.circle.get('id', '')

        if len(self.selected) != 1:
            log.outMsg("You have to only select the object whose you want to \
change the id.")
            return (True, False)

        # this extension exists to handle the case when you want to
        # change an entity id
        self.isBitmap = False

        self.node = self.selected[self.options.ids[0]]
        if self.node.tag == addNS('g', 'svg'):
            if self.node.get(addNS('xmoto_label', 'xmoto')) is None:
                # if someone group a single sprite, and then try to
                # change it's id, it will spit this on his face :
                log.outMsg("You have to only select the object whose you want \
to change the id.")
                return (True, False)
        elif self.node.tag in [addNS('use', 'svg'), addNS('image', 'svg')]:
            if self.node.getparent().tag != addNS('g', 'svg'):
                log.outMsg("You have selected an image which is not part of a \
sublayer entity.\nStop doing that.")
                return (True, False)
                self.node = self.node.getparent()
            self.nodeId = self.node.get('id', '')

        return (False, False)
    def effectUnloadHook(self):
        nodeNewId = self.get('objectId').get_text()
        if checkVarId(nodeNewId) == False:
            log.outMsg("You can only use alphanumerical characters and the \
underscore for the id.\nThe id can't begin with a number.")
            return False

        if nodeNewId != self.nodeId:
            if self.isBitmap == True:
                self.circle.set('id', nodeNewId)
                self.node.set('id', 'g_' + nodeNewId)
                image = self.node.find(addNS('image', 'svg'))
                if image is not None:
                    image.set('id', 'image_' + nodeNewId)
                self.node.set('id', nodeNewId)

        return False
    def effectHook(self):
        if len(self.selected) == 0:
            log.outMsg("You have to select the objects whose you want to \
paste the Xmoto parameters.")
            return False
        descNode = self.svg.getMetaDataNode()
        if descNode is None:
            log.outMsg("You have to copy the Xmoto properties of an \
object first.")
            return False

        self.label = descNode.get(addNS('saved_xmoto_label', 'xmoto'))

        if self.label is None:
            log.outMsg("You have to copy the Xmoto properties of an \
object first.")
            return False

        applyOnElements(self, self.selected, self.setLabel)

        # we want to update the nodes shapes with their new style
        return True
 def setLabel(self, node):
     node.set(addNS('xmoto_label', 'xmoto'), self.label)
    def effectHook(self):
        #read svg information, find selected path to use in the line.
        if len(self.selected) != 1:
            log.outMsg("You have to select only one object.")
            return False

        for node in self.selected.values():
            if node.tag not in [addNS('path', 'svg'), addNS('rect', 'svg')]:
                log.outMsg("You need to select path and rectangle only.")
                return False

        # there's only one selected object
        node = self.selected.values()[0]

        self.jointType = self.options.joint
        self.space = self.options.space
        self.numBlocks = self.options.blocks

        # is it a physic block?
        node = convertToXmNode(node, self.svg)
        label = node.getParsedLabel()
        createIfAbsent(label, 'position')
        if 'physics' not in label['position']:
            log.outMsg("The selected object has to be an Xmoto physics block.")
            return False

        # we need uniq ids
        idPrefix = node.get('id')
        blockPrefix = idPrefix + 'jl_block'
        jointPrefix = idPrefix + 'jl_joint'

        # TODO::if called different times on the same object
        node.set('id', blockPrefix + '0')

        aabb = node.getAABB()
        offset = self.space + aabb.width()
        jointHeight = 10
        if jointHeight > aabb.height() / 2.0:
            jointHeight = aabb.height() / 2.0

        ex = AddJoint(self.jointType)
        for no in xrange(1, self.numBlocks + 1):
            node = node.duplicate(blockPrefix + str(no))
            node.translate(offset, 0)

            if no < self.numBlocks + 1:
                newJoint = None
                if self.jointType == 'pin':
                    jointX = aabb.x() - aabb.width() / 2.0 - self.space
                    jointY = aabb.y() + aabb.height() / 2.0 - jointHeight / 2.0
                    jointWidth = aabb.width() + self.space
                    newJoint = etree.Element(addNS('rect', 'svg'))
                    newJoint.set('x', str(jointX))
                    newJoint.set('y', str(jointY))
                    newJoint.set('width', str(jointWidth))
                    newJoint.set('height', str(jointHeight))
                elif self.jointType == 'pivot':
                    jointX = aabb.x() - self.space / 2.0
                    jointY = aabb.cy()
                    newJoint = etree.Element(addNS('path', 'svg'))
                        getCenteredCircleSvgPath(jointX, jointY,
                                                 jointHeight / 2.0))

                newJoint.set('id', jointPrefix + str(no))

                transform = node.get('transform')
                if transform is not None:
                    newJoint.set('transform', transform)

                label, style = ex.getLabelAndStyle(blockPrefix + str(no - 1),
                                                   blockPrefix + str(no))
                ex.updateNodeSvgAttributes(newJoint, label, style)

        return False