    def generate_image(self):
        """Generate image for this module"""

        # Define new image size with respect to padding
        im_width = int(self.width - (2 * self.padding_left))
        im_height = int(self.height - (2 * self.padding_top))
        im_size = im_width, im_height

        logger.info(f'Image size: {im_size}')

        # initialize custom image class
        im = Images()

        # use the image at the first index

        # Remove background if present

        # if autoflip was enabled, flip the image
        if self.autoflip == True:

        # resize the image so it can fit on the epaper
        im.resize(width=im_width, height=im_height)

        # convert images according to specified palette
        im_black, im_colour = im.to_palette(self.palette)

        # with the images now send, clear the current image

        # return images
        return im_black, im_colour
    def generate_image(self):
        """Generate image for this module"""

        # Define new image size with respect to padding
        im_width = int(self.width - (2 * self.padding_left))
        im_height = int(self.height - (2 * self.padding_top))
        im_size = im_width, im_height

        logger.info(f'Image size: {im_size}')

        # rotates list items by 1 index
        def rotate(somelist):
            return somelist[1:] + somelist[:1]

        # Switch to the next image if this is not the first run
        if self._first_run == True:
            self._first_run = False
            self.images = rotate(self.images)

        # initialize custom image class
        im = Images()

        # temporary print method, prints current filename
            f'slideshow - current image name: {self.images[0].split("/")[-1]}')

        # use the image at the first index

        # Remove background if present

        # if autoflip was enabled, flip the image
        if self.autoflip == True:

        # resize the image so it can fit on the epaper
        im.resize(width=im_width, height=im_height)

        # convert images according to specified palette
        im_black, im_colour = im.to_palette(self.palette)

        # with the images now send, clear the current image

        # return images
        return im_black, im_colour
  def generate_image(self):
    """Generate image for this module"""   

    # Create tmp path
    tmpPath = '/tmp/inkycal_xkcd/'

    except OSError:
        print ("Creation of tmp directory %s failed" % path)
        print ("Successfully created tmp directory %s " % path)

    # Define new image size with respect to padding
    im_width = int(self.width - (2 * self.padding_left))
    im_height = int(self.height - (2 * self.padding_top))
    im_size = im_width, im_height
    logger.info('image size: {} x {} px'.format(im_width, im_height))

    # Create an image for black pixels and one for coloured pixels (required)
    im_black = Image.new('RGB', size = im_size, color = 'white')
    im_colour = Image.new('RGB', size = im_size, color = 'white')

    # Check if internet is available
    if internet_available() == True:
      logger.info('Connection test passed')
      raise Exception('Network could not be reached :/')

    # Set some parameters for formatting feeds
    line_spacing = 1
    line_height = self.font.getsize('hg')[1] + line_spacing
    line_width = im_width
    max_lines = (im_height // (self.font.getsize('hg')[1] + line_spacing))

    logger.debug(f"max_lines: {max_lines}")

    # Calculate padding from top so the lines look centralised
    spacing_top = int( im_height % line_height / 2 )

    # Calculate line_positions
    line_positions = [(0, spacing_top + _ * line_height ) for _ in range(max_lines)]

    logger.debug(f'line positions: {line_positions}')
    logger.info(f'getting xkcd comic...')
    if self.mode == 'random':
        if self.scale_filter == 'no':
            xkcdComic = xkcd.getRandomComic()
            xkcdComic.download(output=tmpPath, outputFile='xkcdComic.png')
            perc = (2.1,0.4)
            url = "test variable, not a real comic"
            while max(perc) > 1.75:
                print("looking for another comic, old comic was: ",perc, url)
                xkcdComic = xkcd.getRandomComic()
                xkcdComic.download(output=tmpPath, outputFile='xkcdComic.png')
                actual_size = Image.open(tmpPath+'/xkcdComic.png').size
                perc = (actual_size[0]/im_width,actual_size[1]/im_height)
                url = xkcdComic.getImageLink()
            print("found one! perc: ",perc, url)
        xkcdComic = xkcd.getLatestComic()
        xkcdComic.download(output=tmpPath, outputFile='xkcdComic.png')

    logger.info(f'got xkcd comic...')
    title_lines = []
    altOffset = int(line_height*1)
    if self.alt == "yes":
        alt_text = xkcdComic.getAltText() # get the alt text, too (I break it up into multiple lines later on)
        # break up the alt text into lines
        alt_lines = []
        current_line = ""
        for _ in alt_text.split(" "):
            # this breaks up the alt_text into words and creates each line by adding
            # one word at a time until the line is longer than the width of the module
            # then it appends the line to the alt_lines array and starts testing a new line
            if self.font.getsize(current_line + _ + " ")[0] < im_width:
                current_line = current_line + _ + " "
                current_line = _ + " "
        alt_lines.append(current_line) # this adds the last line to the array (or the only line, if the alt text is really short)
        altHeight = int(line_height*len(alt_lines)) + altOffset
        altHeight = 0 # this is added so that I don't need to add more "if alt is yes" conditionals when centering below. Now the centering code will work regardless of whether they want alttext or not
    comicSpaceBlack = Image.new('RGBA', (im_width, im_height), (255,255,255,255))  
    comicSpaceColour = Image.new('RGBA', (im_width, im_height), (255,255,255,255)) 
    im = Images()
    imageAspectRatio = im_width / im_height
    comicAspectRatio = im.image.width / im.image.height
    if comicAspectRatio > imageAspectRatio:
        imageScale = im_width / im.image.width
        imageScale = im_height / im.image.height        
    comicHeight = int(im.image.height * imageScale)      
    headerHeight = int(line_height*3/2)    
    if comicHeight + (headerHeight+altHeight) > im_height:
        comicHeight -= (headerHeight+altHeight)
    im.resize( width=int(im.image.width * imageScale), height= comicHeight)        
    im_comic_black, im_comic_colour = im.to_palette(self.palette)  

    headerCenterPosY = int((im_height/2)-((im.image.height+headerHeight+altHeight)/2))
    comicCenterPosY = int((im_height/2)-((im.image.height+headerHeight+altHeight)/2)+headerHeight)
    altCenterPosY = int((im_height/2)-((im.image.height+headerHeight+altHeight)/2)+headerHeight+im.image.height)
    centerPosX = int((im_width/2)-(im.image.width/2))
    comicSpaceBlack.paste(im_comic_black, (centerPosX, comicCenterPosY))
    comicSpaceColour.paste(im_comic_colour, (centerPosX, comicCenterPosY))
    logger.info(f'added comic image')    
    # Write the title on the black image 
    write(im_black, (0, headerCenterPosY), (line_width, line_height),
              title_lines[0], font = self.font, alignment= 'center')    
    if self.alt == "yes":
        # write alt_text
        for _ in range(len(alt_lines)):
          write(im_black, (0, altCenterPosY+_*line_height + altOffset), (line_width, line_height),
                    alt_lines[_], font = self.font, alignment='left')

    # Save image of black and colour channel in image-folder
    return im_black, im_colour