def _invitation_records(): secret_user_id = request.args.to_dict().get('secret_usid') if not secret_user_id: return from inquiry.extensions.interface.user_interface import is_user if not is_user(): return'>>>>>>>>record invitation<<<<<<<<') try: inviter_id = base_decode(secret_user_id)'secret_usid --> inviter_id: {inviter_id}') except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(f'解析secret_usid时出错: {e}') return usid = getattr(request, 'user').id if inviter_id == usid:'inviter == invitee') return from inquiry.models.user import UserInvitation from inquiry.extensions.register_ext import db import uuid try: with db.auto_commit(): uin = UserInvitation.create({ 'UINid': str(uuid.uuid1()), 'USInviter': inviter_id, 'USInvited': usid, 'UINapi': request.path })'{request.path} 创建邀请记录') db.session.add(uin) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(f'存储邀请记录时出错: {e}')
def list(self): data = parameter_required() filter_args = [ Product.isdelete == false(), ProductCategory.isdelete == false() ] if is_admin(): _ = get_current_admin() elif is_user(): user = get_current_user() if not user.USinWhiteList: raise AuthorityError('用户无权限,请联系管理员') else: raise AuthorityError pcid = data.get('pcid') prname = data.get('prname') if pcid: filter_args.append(Product.PCid == pcid) if prname: filter_args.append(Product.PRname.ilike('%{}%'.format(prname))) product_list = Product.query.join( ProductCategory, ProductCategory.PCid == Product.PCid).filter( *filter_args).order_by( Product.PRsort.desc(), Product.createtime.desc()).all_with_page() for product in product_list: self._fill_pcname(product) return Success('获取成功', data=product_list)
def get_inforcode(self): """发送/校验验证码""" args = request.args.to_dict() # print('get inforcode args: {0}'.format(args)) Utel = args.get('ustelphone') if not Utel or not re.match(r'^1[1-9][0-9]{9}$', str(Utel)): raise ParamsError('请输入正确的手机号码') if is_user(): user = User.query.filter_by_( if (user and user.UStelphone) and str(Utel) != user.UStelphone: raise ParamsError('请使用已绑定手机号 {} 获取验证码' ''.format( str(user.UStelphone).replace( str(user.UStelphone)[3:7], '*' * 4))) # 拼接验证码字符串(6位) code = "" while len(code) < 6: item = random.randint(1, 9) code = code + str(item) # 获取当前时间,与上一次获取的时间进行比较,小于60秒的获取直接报错 time_time = # 根据电话号码获取时间 time_up = IdentifyingCode.query.filter( IdentifyingCode.ICtelphone == Utel, IdentifyingCode.isdelete == False).order_by( IdentifyingCode.createtime.desc()).first_() # print("this is time up %s", time_up) if time_up: delta = time_time - time_up.createtime if delta.seconds < 60: raise TimeError("验证码已发送") with db.auto_commit(): newidcode = IdentifyingCode.create({ "ICtelphone": Utel, "ICcode": code, "ICid": str(uuid.uuid1()) }) db.session.add(newidcode) params = {"code": code} response_send_message = SendSMS(Utel, params) if not response_send_message: raise SystemError('发送验证码失败') response = {'ustelphone': Utel} return Success('获取验证码成功', data=response)
def useristory(self): """用户查询记录""" data = parameter_required() usname, ustelphone, starttime, endtime = data.get('usname'), data.get( 'ustelphone'), data.get('starttime'), data.get('endtime') filter_args = [] if is_user(): user = get_current_user() filter_args.append(User.USid == user.USid) if usname: filter_args.append(User.USname.ilike("%{}%".format(usname))) if ustelphone: filter_args.append( (User.UStelphone.ilike("%{}%".format(ustelphone)))) starttime = self._check_time(starttime) endtime = self._check_time(endtime) if starttime: filter_args.append(UserHistory.createtime >= starttime) if endtime: filter_args.append(UserHistory.createtime <= endtime) uhlist = UserHistory.query.join( User, User.USid == UserHistory.USid).filter(*filter_args).order_by( UserHistory.createtime.desc()).all_with_page() productdict = {} product_list = Product.query.join( UserHistory, UserHistory.PRid == Product.PRid).filter( Product.isdelete == false(), UserHistory.isdelete == false()).all() for product in product_list: productdict[product.PRid] = product.PRname user_list = User.query.join(UserHistory, UserHistory.USid == User.USid).filter( User.isdelete == false(), UserHistory.isdelete == false()).all() user_dict = {user_item.USid: user_item for user_item in user_list} for uh in uhlist: uh.add("createtime") uh.fill('prname', productdict.get(uh.PRid)) user_item = user_dict.get(uh.USid) uh.fill('usname', user_item.USname) uh.fill('ustelphone', user_item.UStelphone) uh.fill('uhparams', json.loads(uh.UHparams)) uh.fill('uhcost', json.loads(uh.UHcost or '[]')) return Success("获取查询记录成功", data=uhlist)
def get(self): if is_admin(): _ = get_current_admin() elif is_user(): user = get_current_user() if not user.USinWhiteList: raise AuthorityError('用户无权限,请联系管理员') else: raise AuthorityError data = parameter_required(('prid', )) prid = data.get('prid') product = Product.query.join( ProductCategory, ProductCategory.PCid == Product.PCid).filter( Product.PRid == prid, Product.isdelete == false(), ProductCategory.isdelete == false()).first_("产品已删除") self._fill_pcname(product) return Success('获取成功', data=product)
def download(self): """导出""" data = parameter_required(('uhid', )) uhid = data.get('uhid') uh = UserHistory.query.filter( UserHistory.UHid == uhid, UserHistory.isdelete == false()).first_('查询记录已删除') if is_user(): uhcost = json.loads(uh.UHcost) return Success('获取成功', data=uhcost) filepath, filename = uh.UHabs, uh.UHfile, if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(filepath, filename)): raise ParamsError('报表未能成功导出') return send_from_directory(filepath, filename, as_attachment=True, cache_timeout=-1)
def list_pp(self): data = parameter_required(('prid', )) if is_admin(): _ = get_current_admin() elif is_user(): user = get_current_user() if not user.USinWhiteList: raise AuthorityError('用户无权限,请联系管理员') else: raise AuthorityError prid = data.get('prid') product = Product.query.filter( Product.PRid == prid, Product.isdelete == false()).first_('产品已删除') pplist = ProductParams.query.filter( ProductParams.PRid == prid, ProductParams.isdelete == false()).order_by( ProductParams.PPsort.desc(), ProductParams.createtime.desc()).all() for pp in pplist: pp.fill('prname', product.PRname) # 产品参数填充 self._fill_ppv(pp) return Success('获取成功', data=pplist)
def calculation(self): """通过参数计算价格""" if not is_user(): raise AuthorityError user = get_current_user() if not user.USinWhiteList: raise AuthorityError data = parameter_required(('prid', 'params')) prid = data.get('prid') product = Product.query.filter( Product.PRid == prid, Product.isdelete == false()).first_('商品已删除') params = data.get('params') # 参数分析 wide = 0 high = 0 area = 0 pillarshigh = 0 perimeter = 0 minner = 0 ppvidlist = [] try: for param in params: if param.get('ppvid'): ppvidlist.append(param.get('ppvid')) pptype = int(param.get('pptype')) if pptype == ProductParamsType.wide.value: wide = Decimal(param.get('value')) elif pptype == ProductParamsType.high.value: high = Decimal(param.get('value')) elif pptype == ProductParamsType.pillarshigh.value: pillarshigh = Decimal(param.get('value')) except: raise ParamsError('参数异常') area = wide * high perimeter = 2 * (wide + high) minner = min(wide, high) # 获取价格系数 ul = UserLevelSetting.query.filter( UserLevelSetting.ULSlevel == user.USlevel, UserLevelSetting.isdelete == false()).first() coefficient = Decimal(ul.ULScoefficient if ul else 1) # 先计算固定成本 filter_proudct = [ or_(and_(Unit.PRid == product.PRid, ), Unit.PRid == None), Unit.PCid == product.PCid, Unit.isdelete == false(), UnitCategory.isdelete == false() ] import configparser conf = configparser.ConfigParser() conf_path = os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'inquiry', 'config', 'lightprice.cfg') subway = conf.get('subway', 'subway') if product.PRid == subway: filter_proudct.append(Unit.UNtype == UnitType.metro.value) # 成本 cost = Decimal('0') cost_item_list = [] # unlist = Unit.query.join(UnitCategory, UnitCategory.UCid == Unit.UCid).filter(*filter_proudct, # Unit.UCrequired == True).all() # for un in unlist: # cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient) # 计算除人工费的其他费用 unlist = Unit.query.join(UnitCategory, UnitCategory.UCid == Unit.UCid).filter( *filter_proudct, Unit.UNtype != UnitType.cost.value, Unit.UNtype != UnitType.mount.value, or_(Unit.PPVid == None, Unit.PPVid.in_(ppvidlist))).order_by( UnitCategory.UCsort.desc(), Unit.UNtype.asc(), Unit.UNlimit.asc()).all() for un in unlist: if un.UCrequired == True: if un.UNtype: if un.UNtype == UnitType.wide.value: if not self._check_limit(wide, un): continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.high.value: if not self._check_limit(high, un): continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.pillarshigh.value: if not self._check_limit(pillarshigh, un): continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.perimeter.value: if not self._check_limit(perimeter, un): continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.area.value: if not self._check_limit(area, un): continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.alarea.value: if not self._check_limit(area, un): continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.minner.value: if not self._check_limit(minner, un): continue cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient) continue if un.UNtype == UnitType.wide.value: if self._check_limit(wide, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, wide) continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.high.value: if self._check_limit(high, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, high) continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.pillarshigh.value: if self._check_limit(pillarshigh, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, pillarshigh) continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.perimeter.value: if self._check_limit(perimeter, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, perimeter) continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.area.value: if self._check_limit(area, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, area) continue elif un.UNtype == UnitType.alarea.value: if self._check_limit(area, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, perimeter) elif un.UNtype == UnitType.minner.value: if self._check_limit(minner, un): cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient, minner) continue else: cost += self._add_price(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient) continue # 计算电源费用 todo 限制产品 if wide and high: cost += self._caculate_power(ppvidlist, wide, high, cost_item_list, coefficient, conf) # 计算人工费等依赖成本的费用 unlist = Unit.query.join(UnitCategory, UnitCategory.UCid == Unit.UCid).filter( *filter_proudct, Unit.UNtype == UnitType.cost.value, or_(Unit.PPVid == None, Unit.PPVid.in_(ppvidlist))).order_by( Unit.UNtype.asc(), Unit.UNlimit.asc()).all() # mount = Decimal(0) ex_cost = Decimal(0)'get cost = {}'.format(cost)) for un in unlist: ex_cost += self._add_ex_cost(cost, cost_item_list, un, coefficient)'get ex cost = {}'.format(ex_cost)) mount = cost + ex_cost'get mount = {}'.format(mount)) # 计算 依赖总额的费用 unlist = Unit.query.join(UnitCategory, UnitCategory.UCid == Unit.UCid).filter( *filter_proudct, Unit.UNtype == UnitType.mount.value, or_(Unit.PPVid == None, Unit.PPVid.in_(ppvidlist))).order_by( Unit.UNtype.asc(), Unit.UNlimit.asc()).all() final_mount = mount for un in unlist: final_mount += self._add_ex_cost(mount, cost_item_list, un, coefficient)'get final_mount = {}'.format(final_mount)) cost_item_list.append(('合计', '', '', '', '', final_mount)) # 建立表格 todo filepath, filename = self._create_table(cost_item_list) cost_dict_list = [{ 'ucname': item[0], 'unname': item[1], 'ununit': "{} * {}".format(item[2], item[4]), 'ununitprice': item[3], 'mount': item[5] } for item in cost_item_list] # 创建查询记录 with db.auto_commit(): uh = UserHistory.create({ "UHid": str(uuid.uuid1()), "USid": user.USid, "UHparams": json.dumps(params, cls=JSONEncoder), "PRid": prid, "UHprice": final_mount, "UHcost": json.dumps(cost_dict_list, cls=JSONEncoder), "UHfile": filename, "UHabs": filepath, }) db.session.add(uh) return Success('询价成功', data={"mount": mount, "uhid": uh.UHid})