def _gotEnvironment(self, resdict): info("Got environment %r", resdict) self._environment = resdict self.emit("start") self._starttime = int(time.time()) self._storage.startNewTestRun(self, self._clientid) self._runNextBatch()
def next(self): if not self._initialized: self._initialize() if not self.globalidx < self.combinations: raise StopIteration # return the next dict of arguments # contains a copy of all static arguments # plus the next combination of generators res = self.statics.copy() if self.generators: info("we have generators") # extend with current generator values for key in self.genlist: info("key") gen, idx = self.generators[key][:2] # split generator name keys = key.split(",") if len(keys) > 1: if isinstance(gen[idx],list): gens = gen[idx] else: gens = gen[idx].split(",") for i in range(len(keys)): res[keys[i]] = gens[i] else: res[keys[0]] = gen[idx] # update values self._updateGeneratorsPosition() # update global idx self.globalidx += 1 return res
def tearDownVmethod(self): info("uuid:%s", self.uuid) # FIXME : tear down the other process gracefully # by first sending it the termination remote signal # and then checking it's killed try: self.callRemoteTearDown() finally: if self._testrun: if self._newremotetestsid: self._testrun.disconnect(self._newremotetestsid) self._newremotetestsid = 0 if self._testrunremovedtestsigid: self._testrun.disconnect(self._testrunremovedtestsigid) self._testrunremovedtestsigid = 0 if self._processpollid: gobject.source_remove(self._processpollid) self._processpollid = 0 if self._process: # double check it hasn't actually exited # give the test up to one second to exit if self._returncode is None: self._returncode = utils.kill_process (self._process) self._process = None if self._redir_tty_thread is not None: self._redir_tty_thread.exit() self._redir_tty_thread = None if not self._returncode is None: info("Process returned %d", self._returncode) self.extraInfo("subprocess-return-code", self._returncode) self.validateChecklistItem("subprocess-exited-normally", self._returncode == 0)
def test(self): info("uuid:%s proxy:%r", self.uuid, self._isproxy) if self._isproxy: self.callRemoteTest() else: # really do the test raise Exception("I shouldn't be called ! I am the remote test !")
def remoteTearDown(self): """ Remote-side tearDown() method. Subclasses wishing to clean up their tests or collect information to send at the end, should implement this in their subclass and chain up to the parent remoteTearDown() at the *beginning of their implementation. If the parent method returns False, return False straight-away """ if self._remote_tearing_down: return False self._remote_tearing_down = True info("%s remoteTimeoutId:%r", self.uuid, self._remotetimeoutid) if self.rusage_start: usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) rusage_end = (time.time(), usage.ru_utime, usage.ru_stime) rusage_diffs = [end - start for start, end in zip(self.rusage_start, rusage_end)] real_time, user_time, system_time = rusage_diffs if real_time: cpu_load = float(user_time + system_time) / real_time * 100.0 self.extraInfo("cpu-load", cpu_load) # remote the timeout if self._remotetimeoutid: gobject.source_remove(self._remotetimeoutid) self._remotetimedout = False self._remotetimeoutid = 0 self.validateStep("no-timeout", not self._remotetimedout) return True
def validateChecklistItem(self, checkitem, validated=True, description = None): """ Validate a checklist item in the checklist. checkitem is one of the keys of __test_checklist__ validated is a boolean indicating whether that item should be validated or not. Called by the test itself """ info("checklist item %s for item %r : %r" % (checkitem, self, validated)) # check for valid checkitem if not checkitem in self._possiblechecklist: return # check to see if we don't already have it if checkitem in dict(self._checklist): return self._checklist.append((checkitem, bool(validated))) if not validated: if self.isExpectedFailure(checkitem, self._extrainfo): self._expected_failures[checkitem] = True if description and description != "": explanation = description else: explanation = self.processFailure(checkitem, self._extrainfo) if explanation is not None: self._error_explanations[checkitem] = explanation self.emit("check", checkitem, validated)
def stop(self): info("uuid:%s proxy:%r", self.uuid, self._isproxy) if self._isproxy: Test.stop(self) else: self.tearDown() self.remoteStopSignal()
def _start(self, glob): desc = self.arguments.get("desc") basename = self.arguments.get("outputfile-basename") category = self.arguments.get("category") files = [] paths = {} if desc: info("No path set, trying to use stdout and stding specific files") if not 'stderr' in desc and not 'stdout' in desc: warning("Neither of stdout-path, stderr-path and path specified" "Can not use the monitor") return False if 'stderr' in desc: stderr_file, stderr_path = self._getTempFiles(basename, "stderr", glob, category) self.test.setStderr(stderr_file) files.append(stderr_file) paths["stderr-file"] = stderr_path if 'stdout' in desc: stdout_file, stdout_path = self._getTempFiles(basename, "stdout", glob, category) self.test.setStdout(stdout_file) files.append(stdout_file) paths["stdout-file"] = stdout_path else: _file, path = self._getTempFiles(basename, "stdoutanderr", glob, category) self.test.setStdOutAndErr(path) files.append(_file) paths["stdout-and-stderr-file"] = path return files, paths
def _runNextBatch(self): """ Runs the next test batch """ if len(self._tests) == 0: # if nothing left, stop info("No more tests batch to run, we're done") self._stoptime = int(time.time()) self._storage.endTestRun(self) self._running = False self.emit("done") return False info("Getting next test batch") # pop out the next batch test, args, monitors = self._tests.pop(0) self._currenttest = test self._currentmonitors = monitors self._currentarguments = args info("Current test : %r" % test) info("Current monitors : %r" % monitors) info("Current arguments : %r" % args) # and run the first one of that batch self._runNext() return False
def _stopMonitors(self): for monitorinstance in self._monitorinstances: if not monitorinstance.stop(): info("Could not stop monitor %s", monitorinstance) continue ofiles = monitorinstance.getIterationOutputFiles(self._iteration) if ofiles: self.iteration_outputfiles.update(ofiles)
def _singleTestDone(self, test): info("Done with test %r , success rate %02f%%", test, test.getSuccessPercentage()) self.emit("single-test-done", test) # FIXME : Improvement : disconnect all signals from that test if test in self._runninginstances: self._runninginstances.remove(test) self._storage.newTestFinished(self, test) self._runNext()
def _removedRemoteTest(self, testrun, uuid): if not uuid == self.uuid: return info("%s our remote counterpart has left", self.uuid) # abort if the test hasn't actually finished self._remoteinstance = None if not self._stopping: self.stop()
def remoteTest(self): """ Remote-side test() method. Subclasses should implement this method and chain up to the parent remoteTest() method at the *beginning* of their implementation. """ info("%s", self.uuid) # add a timeout self._remotetimeoutid = gobject.timeout_add(self._timeout * 1000, self._remoteTestTimeoutCb)
def _generate(self): res = [] for path in self.paths: fullpath = os.path.abspath(path) if os.path.isfile(fullpath) and self._is_valid_file(fullpath): res.append(fullpath) else: res.extend(self._get_files(fullpath)) info("Returning %d files" % len(res)) return res
def probe_test(self, filename): if not "insanity-test-" in filename: return False info ('Running %s, which might be a test', filename) try: process = subprocess.Popen([filename, '--insanity-metadata'], stdin = None, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) except Exception,e: info('Exception running process (%s), not a test', e) return False
def kill_private_dbus(): """ Kill the private dbus daemon used by the client """ global private_bus_pid, private_bus, private_bus_address if private_bus_pid: info("Killing private dbus daemon [pid:%d]" % int(private_bus_pid)) os.kill(int(private_bus_pid), signal.SIGKILL) private_bus = None private_bus_address = None private_bus_pid = None
def _dbusNameOwnerChangedSignal(self, name, oldowner, newowner): # we only care about connections named info("name:%s , oldowner:%s, newowner:%s" % (name, oldowner, newowner)) if not name.startswith("net.gstreamer.Insanity.Test.Test"): return # extract uuid uuid = name.rsplit('.Test', 1)[-1] if newowner == "": self.emit("removed-remote-test", uuid) elif oldowner == "": self.emit("new-remote-test", uuid)
def validateChecklistItem(self, checkitem): """ Validate a checklist item in the checklist. checkitem is one of the keys of __test_checklist__ Called by the test itself """ info("checklist item %s for item %r" % (checkitem, self)) if not checkitem in self._checklist: return self._checklist[checkitem] = True
def extraInfo(self, key, value): """ Give extra information obtained while running the tests. If key was already given, the new value will override the value previously given for the same key. Called by the test itself """ info("uuid:%s, key:%s, value:%r", self.uuid, key, value) self._extrainfo[key] = value self.emit("extra-info", key, value)
def remoteSetUp(self): """ Remote-side setUp() method. Subclasses should implement this method and chain up to the parent remoteSetUp() method at the *end* of their implementation. """ info("%s", self.uuid) usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) self.rusage_start = (time.time(), usage.ru_utime, usage.ru_stime) # if not overriden, we just emit the "ready" signal self.remoteReadySignal()
def _voidRemoteStopCallBackHandler(self): info("%s", self.uuid) self.validateChecklistItem("subprocess-exited-normally") self._prepareArguments() Test.stop(self) # Check if we have new arguments and # have to run another time if self.args: self.start() else: self.tearDown()
def tearDown(self): info("uuid:%s proxy:%r", self.uuid, self._isproxy) if self._isproxy: # FIXME : tear down the other process gracefully # by first sending it the termination remote signal # and then checking it's killed try: self.callRemoteStop() finally: if self._testrun: if self._newremotetestsid: self._testrun.disconnect(self._newremotetestsid) self._newremotetestsid = 0 if self._testrunremovedtestsigid: self._testrun.disconnect(self._testrunremovedtestsigid) self._testrunremovedtestsigid = 0 if self._processpollid: gobject.source_remove(self._processpollid) self._processpollid = 0 if self._process: # double check it hasn't actually exited # give the test up to one second to exit tries = 10 while self._returncode is None and not tries == 0: time.sleep(0.1) self._returncode = self._process.poll() tries -= 1 if self._returncode is None: info("Process isn't done yet, terminating it") os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM) time.sleep(1) self._returncode = self._process.poll() if self._returncode is None: info("Process did not terminate, killing it") os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) time.sleep(1) self._returncode = self._process.poll() if self._returncode is None: # Probably turned into zombie process, something is # really broken... info("Process did not exit after SIGKILL") self._process = None if not self._returncode is None: info("Process returned %d", self._returncode) self.validateStep("subprocess-exited-normally", self._returncode == 0) self.extraInfo("subprocess-return-code", self._returncode) else: self.remoteTearDown() Test.tearDown(self)
def setUp(self): info("uuid:%s", self.uuid) if Test.setUp(self) == False: return False # get the remote launcher pargs = self._preargs pargs.extend(self.get_remote_launcher_args()) shell = isinstance (pargs, basestring) cwd = self._testrun.getWorkingDirectory() self._environ["PRIVATE_DBUS_ADDRESS"] = self._bus_address info("Setting PRIVATE_DBUS_ADDRESS : %r" % self._bus_address) info("bus:%r" % self._bus) self._prepareArguments() if False: # useful to allow some time to run dbus-monitor on the private bus print("Setting PRIVATE_DBUS_ADDRESS : %r" % self._bus_address) time.sleep(5) # spawn the other process info("opening %r" % pargs) info("cwd %s" % cwd) try: self._subprocessspawntime = time.time() self._process = subprocess.Popen(pargs, stdin = self._stdin, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, env=self._environ, shell = shell, cwd=cwd) self._ensureOutRedirection() self._pid = except: exception("Error starting the subprocess command ! %r", pargs) self.validateChecklistItem("dbus-process-spawned", False) return False debug("Subprocess created successfully [pid:%d]", self._pid) self.validateChecklistItem("dbus-process-spawned") # add a poller for the proces self._processpollid = gobject.timeout_add(500, self._pollSubProcess) # Don't forget to set a timeout for waiting for the connection return True
def __init__(self, paths=[], recursive=True, matching=[], reject=[], *args, **kwargs): """ paths : list of paths and/or files recursive : go down in subdirectories matching : will only return files matching the given masks reject : will not return files matching the given masks """ Generator.__init__(self, paths=paths, recursive=recursive, matching=matching, reject=reject, *args, **kwargs) self.paths = paths self.recursive = recursive self.matching = matching self.reject = reject info("paths:%r, recursive:%r, matching:%r, reject:%r" % (paths, recursive, matching, reject))
def _newRemoteTest(self, testrun, uuid): if not uuid == self.uuid: return info("%s our remote counterpart has started", self.uuid) self.validateStep("dbus-process-connected") self._subprocessconnecttime = time.time() delay = self._subprocessconnecttime - self._subprocessspawntime self.extraInfo("subprocess-spawn-time", delay) # we need to give the remote process the following information: # * filename where the Test class is located (self.get_file()) # * class name (self.__class__.__name__) # * the arguments (self.arguments) + proxy=True rname = "net.gstreamer.Insanity.Test.Test%s" % self.uuid rpath = "/net/gstreamer/Insanity/Test/RemotePythonRunner%s" % self.uuid # get the proxy object to our counterpart remoteobj = self._bus.get_object(rname, rpath) debug("Got remote runner object %r" % remoteobj) # call createTestInstance() remoterunner = dbus.Interface(remoteobj, "net.gstreamer.Insanity.RemotePythonRunner") debug("Got remote iface %r" % remoterunner) args = self.arguments.copy() args["bus_address"] = self._bus_address args["timeout"] = self._timeout if self._outputfiles: args["outputfiles"] = self.getOutputFiles() debug( "Creating remote instance with arguments %s %s %s %r", self.get_file(), self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, args, ) try: remoterunner.createTestInstance( self.get_file(), self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, args, reply_handler=self._createTestInstanceCallBack, error_handler=self._voidRemoteErrBackHandler, ) except: exception("Exception raised when creating remote instance !") self.validateStep("remote-instanced-created", False) self.stop()
def validateStep(self, checkitem, validated=True): """ Validate a step in the checklist. checkitem is one of the keys of __test_checklist__ validated is a boolean indicating whether that step should be validated or not. Called by the test itself """ info("step %s for item %r : %r" % (checkitem, self, validated)) # check for valid checkitem if not checkitem in self._possiblechecklist: return # check to see if we don't already have it if checkitem in dict(self._checklist): return self._checklist.append((checkitem, bool(validated))) # self._checklist[checkitem] = True self.emit("check", checkitem, validated)
def addTest(self, test, arguments, monitors=None): """ Adds test with the given arguments (or generator) and monitors to the list of tests to be run monitors are a list of tuples containing: * the monitor class * (optional) the arguments to use on that monitor """ if not isinstance(test, type) and not issubclass(test, Test): raise TypeError("Given test is not a Test object !") # arguments NEED to be an Arguments object or a dictionnary if isinstance(arguments, dict): # convert dictionnary to Arguments info("Creating Arguments for %r" % arguments) arguments = Arguments(**arguments) elif not isinstance(arguments, Arguments): raise TypeError("Test arguments need to be of type Arguments or dict") self._tests.append((test, arguments, monitors))
def __init__(self, singlerun=False, storage=None, *args, **kwargs): dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) info("starting") self._ml = gobject.MainLoop() self._bus = dbustools.get_private_session_bus() self._busname = dbus.service.BusName("net.gstreamer.TesterClient", self._bus) # dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, dbustools.get_private_session_bus(), "/here") dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, self._bus, "/here") self._testruns = [] self._storage = None self._clientid = None if storage: self.setStorage(storage) # _current is the current TestRun being executed self._current = None # _running is True if the mainloop is running self._running = False # If _singlerun == True, the client will quit after # all testruns are done self._singlerun = singlerun
def setUp(self): info("uuid:%s proxy:%r", self.uuid, self._isproxy) if Test.setUp(self) == False: return False if self._isproxy: # get the remote launcher pargs = self._preargs pargs.extend(self.get_remote_launcher_args()) cwd = self._testrun.getWorkingDirectory() self._environ["PRIVATE_DBUS_ADDRESS"] = self._bus_address info("Setting PRIVATE_DBUS_ADDRESS : %r" % self._bus_address) info("bus:%r" % self._bus) # spawn the other process info("opening %r" % pargs) info("cwd %s" % cwd) try: self._subprocessspawntime = time.time() self._process = subprocess.Popen( pargs, stdin=self._stdin, stdout=self._stdout, stderr=self._stderr, env=self._environ, cwd=cwd ) self._pid = except: exception("Error starting the subprocess command ! %r", pargs) self.validateStep("dbus-process-spawned", False) return False debug("Subprocess created successfully [pid:%d]", self._pid) self.validateStep("dbus-process-spawned") # add a poller for the proces self._processpollid = gobject.timeout_add(500, self._pollSubProcess) # Don't forget to set a timeout for waiting for the connection else: # remote instance setup # self.remoteSetUp() pass return True
def _newRemoteTest(self, testrun, uuid): if not uuid == self.uuid: return info("%s our remote counterpart has started", self.uuid) self.validateChecklistItem("dbus-process-connected") self._subprocessconnecttime = time.time() delay = self._subprocessconnecttime - self._subprocessspawntime self.extraInfo("subprocess-spawn-time", int(delay * 1000)) # we need to give the remote process the following information: # * filename where the Test class is located (self.get_file()) # * class name (self.__class__.__name__) # * the arguments (self.arguments) rname = "net.gstreamer.Insanity.Test.Test%s" % self.uuid rpath = "/net/gstreamer/Insanity/Test/Test%s" % self.uuid # get the proxy object to our counterpart remoteobj = self._bus.get_object(rname, rpath) debug("Got remote runner object %r" % remoteobj) # call createTestInstance() remoterunner = dbus.Interface(remoteobj, "net.gstreamer.Insanity.Test") debug("Got remote iface %r" % remoterunner) try: delay = time.time() - self._subprocessconnecttime self._remoteinstance = dbus.Interface(remoteobj, "net.gstreamer.Insanity.Test") info ('Listening to signals from %s' % self._remoteinstance) self._remoteinstance.connect_to_signal("remoteDoneSignal", self._remoteDoneCb) self._remoteinstance.connect_to_signal("remoteValidateChecklistItemSignal", self._remoteValidateChecklistItemCb) self._remoteinstance.connect_to_signal("remoteExtraInfoSignal", self._remoteExtraInfoCb) self._remoteinstance.connect_to_signal("remotePingSignal", self._remotePingCb) self.callRemoteSetUp() except: exception("Exception raised when creating remote instance !") self.stop()