def _get_catch_all_email_text(domain, startdate, enddate):
    data = _get_flat_data_for_domain(domain, startdate, enddate)        
    context = {}
    heading = "%s report: %s - %s" % (domain, startdate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), enddate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'))
    context['report_heading'] = heading    
    context['daterange_header'] = repinspector.get_daterange_header(startdate, enddate, add_total=True)
    context['startdate'] = startdate
    context['enddate'] = enddate
    context['results'] = data
    return render_to_string("hq/reports/email_hierarchy_report.txt", context)
def render_direct_email(prepared_data, startdate, enddate, template_name, params={}):

    # CZUE: I hate this code.  This is a really bad level of encapsulation.
    # Oh yeah, pass in a template and we'll set some magic variables involving
    # the dates and pass them in.  This is some of the most confusing and
    # poor coupling I've seen.

    # We should destroy this beast.

    context = {}

    context["daterange_header"] = repinspector.get_daterange_header(startdate, enddate)
    context["startdate"] = startdate
    context["enddate"] = enddate

    if params.has_key("heading"):
        context["report_heading"] = params["heading"]
        raise Exception("Error to render an Email, you must specify a heading")

    context["results"] = prepared_data
    rendered = render_to_string(template_name, context)
    return rendered