def default_ldap_user_password(): # Manage primary LDAP user/password restricted_chars = ["'", "\"", "=", ";", ",", "$", "`", "~", "%", " "] password_regex = "^(?:(?=.*[a-z])(?:(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[\d\W])|(?=.*\W)(?=.*\d))|(?=.*\W)(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)).{8,}$" if args.ldap_password_file is None: install_parameters["ldap_password"] = get_input(f"[Step 4/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[4]}", args.ldap_password, None, str, hide=True) while not re.match(password_regex, install_parameters["ldap_password"]) \ or install_parameters["ldap_user"].lower() in install_parameters["ldap_password"].lower() \ or [element for element in restricted_chars if (element in install_parameters["ldap_password"])]: print(f"{fg('red')} LDAP password must have 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 digit and be 8 chars min.\n LDAP password cannot contain your username, white space, or any of the following special characters {''.join(restricted_chars)}{attr('reset')}") install_parameters["ldap_password"] = get_input(f"[Step 4/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[4]}", None, None, str, hide=True) if not args.ldap_password: # when pw is entered interactively via getpass, we ask for a verification ldap_password_verify = get_input("[Verification] Please re-enter the password of your first LDAP account", args.ldap_password, None, str, hide=True) if install_parameters["ldap_password"] != ldap_password_verify: print(f"{fg('red')} You entered two different passwords. Please try again and make sure password and password (verification) are the same.{attr('reset')}") return False else: return True else: # Retrieve password from file print(f"{fg('yellow')}Retrieving password from {args.ldap_password_file}{attr('reset')}") try: with open(args.ldap_password_file) as f: install_parameters["ldap_password"] ="\n", "").replace("\r", "") if not re.match(password_regex, install_parameters["ldap_password"]): print(f"{fg('red')} LDAP password must have 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 digit and be 8 char min{attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) except FileNotFoundError: print(f"{fg('red')}Unable to found {args.ldap_password_file}. Please specify absolute path {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1)
def get_subnets(self, vpc_id, environment, selected_subnets=[]): try: if environment == "private": print(f"\n====== Select {fg('misty_rose_3')}3 subnets to use for your compute nodes (private subnets preferably) {attr('reset')} ======\n") else: print(f"\n====== Select {fg('misty_rose_3')}3 subnets to use for the main Scheduler and Load Balancer (public subnets preferably) {attr('reset')} ======\n") subnets_by_name = {} token = True next_token = None max_results = 50 while token is True: if not next_token: all_subnets = self.ec2.describe_subnets(MaxResults=max_results, Filters=[{'Name': 'vpc-id', 'Values': [vpc_id]}, {'Name': 'ipv6-native', 'Values': ['false']}]) else: all_subnets = self.ec2.describe_subnets(Filters=[{'Name': 'vpc-id', 'Values': [vpc_id]}, {'Name': 'ipv6-native', 'Values': ['false']}], MaxResults=max_results, NextToken=next_token) try: next_token = all_subnets['Token'] except KeyError: token = False for subnet in all_subnets['Subnets']: resource_name = False if "Tags" in subnet.keys(): for tag in subnet["Tags"]: if tag["Key"] == "Name": resource_name = tag["Value"] if not resource_name: continue subnets_by_name[resource_name] = subnet subnets = {} count = 1 for resource_name in sorted(subnets_by_name): subnet = subnets_by_name[resource_name] if f"{subnet['SubnetId']},{subnet['AvailabilityZone']}" not in selected_subnets: subnets[count] = {"id": subnet['SubnetId'], "availability_zone": subnet['AvailabilityZone'], "description": f"{resource_name if resource_name is not False else ''} {subnet['CidrBlock']} in {subnet['AvailabilityZone']}"} count += 1 [print(" {:2} > {}".format(key, value["description"])) for key, value in subnets.items()] selected_subnets_count = get_input(f"How many of these subnets do you want to use?", None, list(range(1, count)), int) while selected_subnets_count < 2: print(f"{fg('red')} You must use at least 2 subnets for high availability {attr('reset')}") selected_subnets_count = get_input(f"How many of these subnets do you want to use?", None, list(range(1, count)), int) selected_subnets = [] while len(selected_subnets) != selected_subnets_count: allowed_choices = list(subnets.keys()) if len(allowed_choices) == 0: return {"success": False, "message": "Not enough subnets available"} choice = get_input(f"Choose your subnet #{len(selected_subnets) + 1} ?", None, allowed_choices, int) selected_subnets.append(f"{subnets[choice]['id']},{subnets[choice]['availability_zone']}") del subnets[choice] return {"success": True, "message": selected_subnets} except Exception as err: return {"success": False, "message": str(err)}
def get_iam_roles(self, environment, selected_roles=[]): try: print(f"\n====== Choose the {fg('misty_rose_3')}IAM role to use for the {environment.upper()}{attr('reset')} ======\n") roles = {} count = 1 marker = True next_marker = None max_items = 50 while marker is True: if not next_marker: all_roles = self.iam.list_roles(MaxItems=max_items) else: all_roles = self.iam.list_roles(MaxItems=max_items, Marker=next_marker) try: next_marker = all_roles['Marker'] except KeyError: marker = False for role in all_roles["Roles"]: if role['RoleName'] not in selected_roles: roles[count] = {"arn": f"{role['Arn']}", "name": role["RoleName"], "description": f"{role['RoleName']} - {role['Description'] if 'Description' in role.keys() else ''}"} count += 1 [print(" {} > {}".format(key, value["description"])) for key, value in roles.items()] allowed_choices = list(roles.keys()) choice = get_input(f"What IAM Role for you want to use for {environment.upper()}", None, allowed_choices, int) return {'success': True, 'message': roles[choice]} except Exception as err: print(err) return {'success': False, 'message': str(err)}
def find_directory_services(self, vpc_id): try: print(f"\n====== What {fg('misty_rose_3')}Directory Services (Microsoft AD){attr('reset')} do you want to use? [region: {self.region}, vpc: {vpc_id}] ======\n") ds = {} count = 1 token = True next_token = None max_results = 50 while token is True: if not next_token: all_ds = self.ds.describe_directories(MaxResults=max_results) else: all_ds = self.ds.describe_directories(MaxResults=max_results, NextToken=next_token) try: next_token = all_ds['Token'] except KeyError: token = False for directory in all_ds["DirectoryDescriptions"]: if directory["VpcSettings"]["VpcId"] == vpc_id: ds[count] = {"id": directory["DirectoryId"], "name": directory["Name"], "netbios": directory["ShortName"], "dns": directory["DnsIpAddrs"], "description": f"{directory['Name']} (Domain: {directory['ShortName']}, Id: {directory['DirectoryId']})"} count += 1 [print(" {:2} > {}".format(key, value["description"])) for key, value in ds.items()] allowed_choices = list(ds.keys()) choice = get_input(f"Choose the directory you want to use?", None, allowed_choices, int) return {"success": True, "message": ds[choice]} except Exception as err: return {"success": False, "message": str(err)}
def find_vpc(self): try: print(f"\n====== What {fg('misty_rose_3')}VPC{attr('reset')} in {self.region} do you want to use? ======\n") vpcs_by_name = {} token = True next_token = None max_results = 50 while token is True: if not next_token: all_vpcs = self.ec2.describe_vpcs() else: all_vpcs = self.ec2.describe_vpcs(MaxResults=max_results, NextToken=next_token) try: next_token = all_vpcs['Token'] except KeyError: token = False for vpc in all_vpcs["Vpcs"]: resource_name = False if "Tags" in vpc.keys(): for tag in vpc["Tags"]: if tag["Key"] == "Name": resource_name = tag["Value"] if not resource_name: continue vpcs_by_name[resource_name] = vpc vpcs = {} count = 1 for resource_name in sorted(vpcs_by_name): vpc = vpcs_by_name[resource_name] vpcs[count] = {"id": vpc["VpcId"], "description": f"{resource_name if resource_name is not False else ''} {vpc['VpcId']} {vpc['CidrBlock']}", "cidr": vpc['CidrBlock']} count += 1 [print(" {:2} > {}".format(key, value["description"])) for key, value in vpcs.items()] allowed_choices = list(vpcs.keys()) choice = get_input(f"Choose the VPC you want to use?", None, allowed_choices, int) return {"success": True, "message": vpcs[choice]} except Exception as err: return {"success": False, "message": str(err)}
def get_security_groups(self, vpc_id, environment, scheduler_sg=[]): try: print(f"\n====== Choose the {fg('misty_rose_3')}security group to use for the {environment.upper()}{attr('reset')} [region: {self.region}, vpc: {vpc_id}] ======\n") sgs_by_name = {} token = True next_token = None max_results = 50 while token is True: if not next_token: all_sgs = self.ec2.describe_security_groups(MaxResults=max_results, Filters=[{"Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [vpc_id]}]) else: all_sgs = self.ec2.describe_security_groups(MaxResults=max_results, NextToken=next_token, Filters=[{"Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [vpc_id]}]) try: next_token = all_sgs['Token'] except KeyError: token = False for sg in all_sgs['SecurityGroups']: resource_name = False if "Tags" in sg.keys(): for tag in sg["Tags"]: if tag["Key"] == "Name": resource_name = tag["Value"] if not resource_name: continue sgs_by_name[resource_name] = sg sgs = {} count = 1 for resource_name in sorted(sgs_by_name): sg = sgs_by_name[resource_name] if sg['GroupId'] not in scheduler_sg: sgs[count] = {"id": f"{sg['GroupId']}", "description": f"{resource_name if resource_name is not False else ''} {sg['GroupId']} {sg['GroupName']}"} count += 1 [print(" {:2} > {}".format(key, sgs[key]["description"])) for key in sorted(sgs) ] allowed_choices = list(sgs.keys()) choice = get_input(f"What security group for you want to use for {environment.upper()}", None, allowed_choices, int) return {'success': True, 'message': sgs[choice]["id"]} except Exception as err: return {'success': False, 'message': str(err)}
def find_elasticsearch(self, vpc_id): try: print(f"\n====== What {fg('misty_rose_3')}ElasticSearch cluster{attr('reset')} do you want to use? [region: {self.region}, vpc: {vpc_id}] ======\n") es = {} count = 1 # note: list_domain_names() does not seems to support pagination for es_cluster in["DomainNames"]: es[count] = {"name": es_cluster["DomainName"]} count += 1 [print(" {} > {}".format(key, value["name"])) for key, value in es.items()] allowed_choices = list(es.keys()) choice = get_input(f"Choose the ElasticSearch Cluster you want to use?", None, allowed_choices, int) # note: describe_elasticsearch_domain() does not seems to support pagination domain_info =[choice]["name"]) if domain_info["DomainStatus"]["VPCOptions"]["VPCId"] == vpc_id: for scope, endpoint in domain_info["DomainStatus"]["Endpoints"].items(): es[choice]["endpoint"] = endpoint return {"success": True, "message": es[choice]} except Exception as err: return {"success": False, "message": str(err)}
def validate_sg_rules(self, cfn_params, check_fs=True): try: # Begin Verify Security Group Rules print(f"\n====== Please wait a little as we {fg('misty_rose_3')}validate your security group rules {attr('reset')} ======\n") security_groups = [cfn_params["scheduler_sg"], cfn_params["compute_node_sg"]] if "vpc_endpoint_sg" in cfn_params: security_groups.append(cfn_params["vpc_endpoint_sg"]) sg_rules = self.get_rules_for_security_group(security_groups) if check_fs is True: fs_sg = self.get_fs_security_groups(cfn_params) if sg_rules["success"] is True: scheduler_sg_rules = sg_rules["message"][cfn_params["scheduler_sg"]] compute_node_sg_rules = sg_rules["message"][cfn_params["compute_node_sg"]] vpc_endpoint_sg_rules = sg_rules["message"].get(cfn_params.get("vpc_endpoint_sg", None), None) else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {sg_rules['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) errors = {} # status == True means that the check passed errors["SCHEDULER_SG_IN_COMPUTE"] = { "status": False, "error": f"Compute Node SG must allow all TCP traffic from Scheduler SG", "resolution": f"Add new rule on {cfn_params['compute_node_sg']} that allow TCP ports '0-65535' for {cfn_params['scheduler_sg']}"} errors["COMPUTE_SG_IN_SCHEDULER"] = { "status": False, "error": f"Scheduler SG must allow all TCP traffic from Compute Node SG", "resolution": f"Add a new rule on {cfn_params['scheduler_sg']} that allow TCP ports '0-65535' for {cfn_params['compute_node_sg']}"} errors["CLIENT_IP_HTTPS_IN_SCHEDULER"] = { "status": False, "error": f"Client IP must be allowed for port 443 (80 optional) on Scheduler SG", "resolution": f"Add two rules on {cfn_params['scheduler_sg']} that allow TCP ports 80 and 443 for {self.client_ip}"} errors["CLIENT_IP_SSH_IN_SCHEDULER"] = { "status": False, "error": f"Client IP must be allowed for port 22 (SSH) on Scheduler SG", "resolution": f"Add one rule on {cfn_params['scheduler_sg']} that allow TCP port 22 for {self.client_ip}"} errors["SCHEDULER_SG_EQUAL_COMPUTE"] = { "status": False, "error": "Scheduler SG and Compute SG must be different", "resolution": "You must choose two different security groups"} errors["COMPUTE_SG_EGRESS_EFA"] = { "status": False, "error": "Compute SG must reference egress traffic to itself for EFA", "resolution": f"Add a new (EGRESS) rule on {cfn_params['compute_node_sg']} that allow TCP ports '0-65535' for {cfn_params['compute_node_sg']}. Make sure you configure EGRESS rule and not INGRESS"} if 'vpc_endpoint_sg' in cfn_params: errors["COMPUTE_EGRESS_TO_VPC_ENDPOINTS"] = { "status": False, "error": "Compute SG must allow port 443 egress to the vpc endpoints security group", "resolution": f"Add a new (EGRESS) rule on {cfn_params['compute_node_sg']} that allows TCP port '443' for {cfn_params['vpc_endpoint_sg']}. Make sure you configure EGRESS rule and not INGRESS"} errors["VPC_ENDPOINTS_INGRESS_FROM_COMPUTE"] = { "status": False, "error": "vpc Endpoints SG must allow port 443 ingress from the Compute SG", "resolution": f"Add a new (INGRESS) rule on {cfn_params['vpc_endpoint_sg']} that allows TCP port '443' from {cfn_params['compute_node_sg']}. Make sure you configure INGRESS rule and not EGRESS"} errors["SCHEDULER_EGRESS_TO_VPC_ENDPOINTS"] = { "status": False, "error": "Scheduler SG must allow port 443 egress to the vpc endpoints security group", "resolution": f"Add a new (EGRESS) rule on {cfn_params['scheduler_sg']} that allows TCP port '443' for {cfn_params['vpc_endpoint_sg']}. Make sure you configure EGRESS rule and not INGRESS"} errors["VPC_ENDPOINTS_INGRESS_FROM_SCHEDULER"] = { "status": False, "error": "vpc Endpoints SG must allow port 443 ingress from the Scheduler SG", "resolution": f"Add a new (INGRESS) rule on {cfn_params['vpc_endpoint_sg']} that allows TCP port '443' from {cfn_params['scheduler_sg']}. Make sure you configure INGRESS rule and not EGRESS"} if check_fs is True: errors["FS_APP_SG"] = { "status": False, "error": f"SG assigned to EFS App {cfn_params['fs_apps']} must allow Scheduler SG and Compute SG", "resolution": f"Add {cfn_params['scheduler_sg']} and {cfn_params['compute_node_sg']} on your EFS Apps {cfn_params['fs_apps']}"} errors["FS_DATA_SG"] = { "status": False, "error": f"SG assigned to EFS App {cfn_params['fs_data']} must allow Scheduler SG and Compute SG", "resolution": f"Add {cfn_params['scheduler_sg']} and {cfn_params['compute_node_sg']} on your EFS Data {cfn_params['fs_data']}"} # Verify Scheduler Rules for rules in scheduler_sg_rules: if rules["from_port"] == 0 and rules["to_port"] == 65535: for rule in rules["approved_ips"]: if cfn_params['compute_node_sg'] in rule: errors["COMPUTE_SG_IN_SCHEDULER"]["status"] = True if rules["from_port"] == 443 or rules["from_port"] == 22: for rule in rules["approved_ips"]: client_ip_netmask = 32 if client_ip_netmask == '32': if ipaddress.IPv4Address(self.client_ip) in ipaddress.IPv4Network(rule): if rules["from_port"] == 443: errors["CLIENT_IP_HTTPS_IN_SCHEDULER"]["status"] = True if rules["from_port"] == 22: errors["CLIENT_IP_SSH_IN_SCHEDULER"]["status"] = True else: if self.client_ip in rule: if rules["from_port"] == 443: errors["CLIENT_IP_HTTPS_IN_SCHEDULER"]["status"] = True if rules["from_port"] == 22: errors["CLIENT_IP_SSH_IN_SCHEDULER"]["status"] = True # Verify Compute Node Rules for rules in compute_node_sg_rules: if rules["from_port"] == 0 and rules["to_port"] == 65535: for rule in rules["approved_ips"]: if cfn_params['scheduler_sg'] in rule: errors["SCHEDULER_SG_IN_COMPUTE"]["status"] = True if rules["type"] == "egress": if cfn_params['compute_node_sg'] in rule: errors["COMPUTE_SG_EGRESS_EFA"]["status"] = True # Verify VPC Endpoint Rules if 'vpc_endpoint_sg' in cfn_params: for rule in compute_node_sg_rules: # Make sure compute node allows egress to vpc endpoints if rule["type"] != "egress": continue for approved_ip in rule["approved_ips"]: if rule["from_port"] <= 443 and rule["to_port"] >= 443: if cfn_params['vpc_endpoint_sg'] in approved_ip: errors["COMPUTE_EGRESS_TO_VPC_ENDPOINTS"]["status"] = True for rule in scheduler_sg_rules: # Make sure scheduler allows egress to vpc endpoints if rule["type"] != "egress": continue for approved_ip in rule["approved_ips"]: if rule["from_port"] <= 443 and rule["to_port"] >= 443: if cfn_params['vpc_endpoint_sg'] in approved_ip: errors["SCHEDULER_EGRESS_TO_VPC_ENDPOINTS"]["status"] = True for rule in vpc_endpoint_sg_rules: # Make sure endpoints allow ingress from compute nodes and scheduler if rule["type"] != "ingress": continue for approved_ip in rule["approved_ips"]: if rule["from_port"] <= 443 and rule["to_port"] >= 443: if cfn_params['scheduler_sg'] in approved_ip: errors["VPC_ENDPOINTS_INGRESS_FROM_SCHEDULER"]["status"] = True if cfn_params['compute_node_sg'] in approved_ip: errors["VPC_ENDPOINTS_INGRESS_FROM_COMPUTE"]["status"] = True if check_fs is True: if cfn_params['scheduler_sg'] in fs_sg["message"][cfn_params['fs_apps']] and cfn_params['compute_node_sg'] in fs_sg["message"][cfn_params['fs_apps']]: errors["FS_APP_SG"]["status"] = True if cfn_params['scheduler_sg'] in fs_sg["message"][cfn_params['fs_data']] and cfn_params['compute_node_sg'] in fs_sg["message"][cfn_params['fs_data']]: errors["FS_DATA_SG"]["status"] = True if cfn_params["scheduler_sg"] != cfn_params["compute_node_sg"]: errors["SCHEDULER_SG_EQUAL_COMPUTE"]["status"] = True sg_errors = {} confirm_sg_settings = False for error_id, error_info in errors.items(): if error_info["status"] is False: if check_fs is False and "EFS" in error_id: pass else: print(f"{fg('yellow')}ATTENTION!! {error_info['error']} {attr('reset')}\nHow to solve: {error_info['resolution']}\n") sg_errors[error_info["error"]] = error_info["resolution"] confirm_sg_settings = True if confirm_sg_settings: choice = get_input("Your security groups may not be configured correctly. Verify them and determine if the warnings listed above are false-positive.\n Do you still want to continue with the installation?", None, ["yes", "no"], str) if choice.lower() == "no": sys.exit(1) else: print(f"{fg('green')} Security Groups seem to be configured correctly{attr('reset')}") return {"success": True, "message": ""} except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(f"{exc_type} {fname} {exc_tb.tb_lineno}") return {"success": False, "message": f"{exc_type} {fname} {exc_tb.tb_lineno}"}
def get_fs(self, environment, vpc_id, selected_fs=[]): try: print(f"\n====== What {fg('misty_rose_3')}EFS/FSx for Lustre{attr('reset')} do you want to use for {fg('misty_rose_3')}{environment}{attr('reset')}? [region: {self.region}, vpc: {vpc_id}] ======\n") filesystems = {} count = 1 marker = True next_marker = None max_items = 50 while marker is True: if not next_marker: all_efs = self.efs.describe_file_systems(MaxItems=max_items) else: all_efs = self.efs.describe_file_systems(MaxItems=max_items, Marker=next_marker) try: next_marker = all_efs['Marker'] except KeyError: marker = False for filesystem in all_efs["FileSystems"]: verified_vpc = False for mount_target in self.efs.describe_mount_targets(FileSystemId=filesystem["FileSystemId"])["MountTargets"]: if mount_target["VpcId"] == vpc_id: verified_vpc = True if verified_vpc is True: if filesystem["FileSystemId"] not in selected_fs: filesystems[count] = {"id": f"{filesystem['FileSystemId']}", "description": f"EFS: {filesystem['Name'] if 'Name' in filesystem.keys() else 'EFS: '} {filesystem['FileSystemId']}.efs.{self.region}"} count += 1 efs_count = count - 1 token = True next_token = None max_results = 50 while token is True: if not next_token: all_fsxl = self.fsx.describe_file_systems(MaxResults=max_results) else: all_fsxl = self.fsx.describe_file_systems(MaxResults=max_results, NextToken=next_token) try: next_token = all_fsxl['Token'] except KeyError: token = False for filesystem in all_fsxl["FileSystems"]: resource_name = False if filesystem["VpcId"] == vpc_id: if filesystem["FileSystemId"] not in selected_fs: for tag in filesystem['Tags']: if tag["Key"] == 'Name': resource_name = tag["Value"] filesystems[count] = {"id": f"{filesystem['FileSystemId']}", "description": f"FSX for Lustre: {resource_name if resource_name is not False else 'FSx for Lustre: '} {filesystem['FileSystemId']}.fsx.{self.region}"} count += 1 [print(" {} > {}".format(key, value["description"])) for key, value in filesystems.items()] allowed_choices = list(filesystems.keys()) choice = get_input(f"Choose the filesystem to use for {environment}?", None, allowed_choices, int) if choice <= efs_count: return {"success": True, "message": filesystems[choice]["id"], "provider": "efs"} else: return {"success": True, "message": filesystems[choice]["id"], "provider": "fsx_lustre"} except Exception as err: return {"success": False, "message": str(err)}
def get_install_parameters(): # Retrieve User Specified Variables print("\n====== Validating SOCA Parameters ======\n") install_parameters["cluster_name"] = get_input(f"[Step 1/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[1]}",,None, str) while len(install_parameters["cluster_name"]) < 3 or len(install_parameters["cluster_name"]) > 11: print(f"{fg('red')}SOCA cluster name must greater than 3 chars and shorter than 11 characters (soca- is automatically added as a prefix) {attr('reset')}") install_parameters["cluster_name"] = get_input(f"[Step 1/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[1]}", None, None, str) # Sanitize cluster name (remove any non alphanumerical character) or generate random cluster identifier sanitized_cluster_id = re.sub(r"\W+", "-", install_parameters["cluster_name"]) sanitized_cluster_id = re.sub(r"soca-", "", sanitized_cluster_id) # remove soca- if specified by the user install_parameters["cluster_id"] = f"soca-{sanitized_cluster_id.lower()}" # do not remove soca- prefix or DCV IAM permission will not be working. install_parameters["bucket"] = get_input(f"[Step 2/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[2]}", args.bucket, None, str) while check_bucket_permission(install_parameters["bucket"]) is False: install_parameters["bucket"] = get_input(f"[Step 2/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[2]}", None, None, str) install_parameters["ldap_user"] = get_input(f"[Step 3/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[3]}", args.ldap_user, None, str) while len(install_parameters["ldap_user"]) < 5 or not install_parameters["ldap_user"].isalnum(): print(f"{fg('red')}LDAP user must be 5 characters mins and can only contains alphanumeric.{attr('reset')}") install_parameters["ldap_user"] = get_input(f"[Step 3/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[3]}", None, None, str) if install_props.Config.directoryservice.provider == "activedirectory": while install_parameters["ldap_user"].lower() == "admin": print(f"{fg('yellow')} To prevent conflict with Directory Service, the first SOCA user cannot be named admin. Please pick a different name.{attr('reset')}") install_parameters["ldap_user"] = get_input(f"[Step 3/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[3]}", None, None, str) create_ldap_user = default_ldap_user_password() while create_ldap_user is False: create_ldap_user = default_ldap_user_password() # Encode password to avoid any special char error while running bash CDK install_parameters["ldap_password"] = (base64.b64encode(install_parameters["ldap_password"].encode("utf-8"))).decode("utf-8") install_parameters["base_os"] = get_input(f"[Step 5/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[5]}", args.base_os,["amazonlinux2", "centos7", "rhel7"], str) install_parameters["ssh_keypair"] = get_input(f"[Step 6/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[6]}", args.ssh_keypair, accepted_aws_values["accepted_keypairs"], str) # Validate the prefix list id if args.prefix_list_id: try: found_prefix_list_id = ec2.describe_managed_prefix_lists(PrefixListIds=[args.prefix_list_id])['PrefixLists'][0]['PrefixListId'] if found_prefix_list_id != args.prefix_list_id: raise RuntimeError(f"Found prefix list {found_prefix_list_id} does not match {args.prefix_list_id}. This is a programming error; please create an issue.") else: install_parameters["prefix_list_id"] = args.prefix_list_id except Exception as e: print(f"{fg('red')}Error. {args.prefix_list_id} not found. Check that it exists and starts with pl-.\nException:\n{e} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) install_parameters["custom_ami"] = args.custom_ami if args.custom_ami else None # Network Configuration cidr_regex = r'^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))$' if not args.vpc_cidr: choice_vpc = get_input(f"[Step 7/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[7]}", None, ["new", "existing"], str) if choice_vpc == "new": install_parameters["vpc_cidr"] = get_input("What CIDR do you want to use your your VPC? We recommend", args.vpc_cidr, None, str) while not re.match(cidr_regex, install_parameters["vpc_cidr"]): print(f"{fg('red')} Invalid CIDR {install_parameters['vpc_cidr']}. Format must be x.x.x.x/x (eg:{attr('reset')}") install_parameters["vpc_cidr"] = get_input("What CIDR do you want to use your your VPC? We recommend", None, None, str) else: # List all VPCs running on AWS account existing_vpc = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).find_vpc() if existing_vpc["success"] is True: install_parameters["vpc_id"] = existing_vpc["message"]["id"] install_parameters["vpc_cidr"] = existing_vpc["message"]["cidr"] else: sys.exit(1) # List all Subnets public_subnets = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).get_subnets(install_parameters["vpc_id"], "public", []) if public_subnets["success"] is True: install_parameters["public_subnets"] = base64.b64encode(str(public_subnets["message"]).encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {public_subnets['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) private_subnets = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).get_subnets(install_parameters["vpc_id"], "private", public_subnets["message"]) if private_subnets["success"] is True: install_parameters["private_subnets"] = base64.b64encode(str(private_subnets["message"]).encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {private_subnets['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) vpc_azs = [] for subnet in public_subnets["message"] + private_subnets["message"]: az = subnet.split(",")[1] if az not in vpc_azs: vpc_azs.append(az) install_parameters["vpc_azs"] = ",".join(vpc_azs) else: install_parameters["vpc_cidr"] = args.vpc_cidr while not re.match(cidr_regex, install_parameters["vpc_cidr"]): print(f"{fg('red')} Invalid CIDR {install_parameters['vpc_cidr']}. Format must be x.x.x.x/x (eg:{attr('reset')}") install_parameters["vpc_cidr"] = get_input("What CIDR do you want to use your your VPC? We recommend", None, None, str) # Security Groups Configuration (only possible if user use an existing VPC) if install_parameters["vpc_id"]: choice_security_groups = get_input(f"[Step 8/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[8]}", None, ["new", "existing"], str) if choice_security_groups == "existing": scheduler_sg = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).get_security_groups(install_parameters["vpc_id"], "scheduler", []) if scheduler_sg["success"] is True: install_parameters["scheduler_sg"] = scheduler_sg["message"] else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {scheduler_sg['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) compute_node_sg = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).get_security_groups(install_parameters["vpc_id"], "compute nodes", install_parameters["scheduler_sg"]) if compute_node_sg["success"] is True: install_parameters["compute_node_sg"] = compute_node_sg["message"] else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {compute_node_sg['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) if vpc_endpoint_sg = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).get_security_groups(install_parameters["vpc_id"], "vpc endpoints", install_parameters["scheduler_sg"]) if vpc_endpoint_sg["success"] is True: install_parameters["vpc_endpoint_sg"] = vpc_endpoint_sg["message"] else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {vpc_endpoint_sg['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) else: vpc_endpoint_sg = None # Filesystem Configuration (only possible if user use an existing VPC) if install_parameters["vpc_id"]: choice_filesystem = get_input(f"[Step 9/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[9]}", None, ["new", "existing"],str) if choice_filesystem == "existing": # List FS fs_apps = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).get_fs("/apps", install_parameters["vpc_id"]) if fs_apps["success"] is True: install_parameters["fs_apps_provider"] = fs_apps["provider"] install_parameters["fs_apps"] = fs_apps["message"] else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {fs_apps['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) fs_data = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).get_fs("/data", install_parameters["vpc_id"], selected_fs=install_parameters["fs_apps"]) if fs_data["success"] is True: install_parameters["fs_data_provider"] = fs_data["provider"] install_parameters["fs_data"] = fs_data["message"] if install_parameters["fs_data"] == install_parameters["fs_apps"]: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: EFS/FSx for Lustre /apps and /data must be different {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {fs_data['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) # Verify SG permissions if install_parameters["fs_apps"] or install_parameters["scheduler_sg"]: FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).validate_sg_rules(install_parameters, check_fs=True if install_parameters["fs_apps"] else False) # AWS Directory Service Managed Active Directory configuration (only possible when using existing VPC) if install_props.Config.directoryservice.provider == "activedirectory": if install_parameters["vpc_id"]: choice_mad = get_input(f"[Step 10/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[10]}", None, ["new", "existing"],str) if choice_mad == "existing": directory_service = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).find_directory_services(install_parameters["vpc_id"]) if directory_service["success"] is True: install_parameters["directory_service_ds_user"] = get_input(f"Username of a domain user with admin permissions?", None, None, str) install_parameters["directory_service_ds_user_password"] = get_input(f"Password of the domain user with admin permissions", None, None, str) install_parameters["directory_service"] = directory_service["message"]["id"] install_parameters["directory_service_shortname"] = directory_service["message"]["netbios"] install_parameters["directory_service_name"] = directory_service["message"]["name"] install_parameters["directory_service_dns"] = directory_service["message"]["dns"] else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {directory_service['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) # ElasticSearch Configuration (only possible when using existing VPC) if install_parameters["vpc_id"]: choice_es = get_input(f"[Step 11/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[11]}", None, ["new", "existing"], str) if choice_es == "existing": elasticsearch_cluster = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).find_elasticsearch(install_parameters["vpc_id"]) if elasticsearch_cluster["success"] is True: install_parameters["es_endpoint"] = elasticsearch_cluster["message"]["endpoint"] else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {elasticsearch_cluster['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) else: install_parameters["es_endpoint"] = None # IAM Roles configuration (only possible when using existing VPC) if install_parameters["vpc_id"]: choice_iam_roles = get_input(f"[Step 12/{total_install_phases}] {install_phases[12]}", None, ["new", "existing"], str) if choice_iam_roles == "existing": scheduler_role = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).get_iam_roles("scheduler") if scheduler_role["success"] is True: install_parameters["scheduler_role_name"] = scheduler_role["message"]["name"] install_parameters["scheduler_role_arn"] = scheduler_role["message"]["arn"] else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {scheduler_role['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) if get_input(f"Was this role generated by a previous SOCA deployment? If yes, are you also using the same S3 bucket?", None, ["yes", "no"], str) == "yes": install_parameters["scheduler_role_from_previous_soca_deployment"] = True else: get_input(f"[IMPORTANT] Make sure this role is assumed by '' and ''\n Type ok to continue ...", None, ["ok"], str, color="yellow") compute_node_role = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).get_iam_roles("compute nodes", selected_roles=[install_parameters["scheduler_role_name"]]) if compute_node_role["success"] is True: install_parameters["compute_node_role_name"] = compute_node_role["message"]["name"] install_parameters["compute_node_role_arn"] = compute_node_role["message"]["arn"] else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {compute_node_role['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) if get_input(f"Was this role generated by a previous SOCA deployment?", None, ["yes", "no"], str) == "yes": install_parameters["compute_node_role_from_previous_soca_deployment"] = True else: get_input(f"[IMPORTANT] Make sure this role is assumed by '' and ''\n Type ok to continue ...", None, ["ok"], str, color="yellow") spotfleet_role = FindExistingResource(install_parameters["region"], install_parameters["client_ip"]).get_iam_roles("spot fleet", selected_roles=[install_parameters["scheduler_role_name"], install_parameters["compute_node_role_name"]]) if spotfleet_role["success"] is True: install_parameters["spotfleet_role_name"] = spotfleet_role["message"]["name"] install_parameters["spotfleet_role_arn"] = spotfleet_role["message"]["arn"] else: print(f"{fg('red')}Error: {spotfleet_role['message']} {attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) if get_input(f"Was this role generated by a previous SOCA deployment?", None, ["yes", "no"], str) == "yes": install_parameters["spotfleet_role_from_previous_soca_deployment"] = True else: get_input(f"[IMPORTANT] Make sure this role is assumed by ''\n Type ok to continue ...",None, ["ok"], str, color="yellow")
"compute_node_role_arn": None, "computenode_role_from_previous_soca_deployment": None, "scheduler_role_name": None, "scheduler_role_arn": None, "scheduler_role_from_previous_soca_deployment": None, "spotfleet_role_name": None, "spotfleet_role_arn": None, "spotfleet_role_from_previous_soca_deployment": None, # ElasticSearch "es_domain": None, } print("\n====== Validating Default SOCA Configuration ======\n") install_props = json.loads(json.dumps(get_install_properties(args.config)), object_hook=lambda d: SimpleNamespace(**d)) if not args.skip_config_message: if get_input(f"SOCA will create AWS resources using the default parameters specified on installer/default_config.yml. \n Make sure you have read, reviewed and updated them (if needed). Enter 'yes' to continue ...", None, ["yes", "no"], str) != "yes": sys.exit(1) print("\n====== Validating AWS Environment ======\n") # Load AWS custom profile if specified if args.profile: try: session = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=args.profile) except ProfileNotFound: print(f"{fg('red')} Profile {args.profile} not found. Check ~/.aws/credentials file{attr('reset')}") sys.exit(1) else: session = boto3.session.Session() # Determine all AWS regions available on the account. We do not display opt-out region default_region = os.environ.get("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION", "us-east-1")