  def update_conda(self):
    Update the version of conda, if possible. The defaults channel is
    used because that is the default for a normal miniconda installation.

    command_list = [self.conda_exe, 'update', '-n', 'base', '-c', 'defaults',
                    '-y', 'conda']
      output = check_output(command_list, env=self.env)
    except Exception:
There was a failure in updating your base conda installaion. To update
manually, try running

  conda update -n base -c defaults conda

If you are using conda from a different channel, replace "defaults" with that
  def install_miniconda(self, prefix=None):
    Download a miniconda installer and install. The default installation
    location is at the same directory level as the "modules" directory.

    prefix: str
      The installation directory for miniconda

    conda_base: str
      The location of the "base" conda environment

    if prefix is None:
      prefix = self.root_dir

    # construct Miniconda3 filename
    os_names = {
      'Darwin': 'MacOSX',
      'Linux': 'Linux',
      'Windows': 'Windows',
    filename = 'Miniconda3-latest-{platform}-x86_64'.format(
    if self.system == 'Windows':
      filename += '.exe'
      filename += '.sh'
    url_base = 'https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/'
    url = urljoin(url_base, filename)
    filename = os.path.join(prefix, filename)

    # Download from public repository
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
      print('Downloading {url}'.format(url=url), file=self.log)
      download_file(url, filename)
      print('Downloaded file to {filename}'.format(filename=filename),
      print('Using local copy at {filename}'.format(filename=filename),

    # run the installer
    install_dir = os.path.join(prefix, 'mc3')
    if self.system == 'Windows':
      flags = '/InstallationType=JustMe /RegisterPython=0 /AddToPath=0 /S /D={install_dir}'.\
      command_list = ['"' + filename + '"', flags]
      flags = '-b -u -p "{install_dir}"'.format(install_dir=install_dir)
      command_list = ['/bin/sh', filename, flags]
    print('Installing miniconda to "{install_dir}"'.format(
      install_dir=install_dir), file=self.log)
    output = check_output(command_list, env=self.env)
    if self.verbose:
      print(output, file=self.log)

    return install_dir
  def create_environment(self, builder='cctbx', filename=None, python=None,
    copy=False, offline=False):
    Create the environment based on the builder and file. The
    environment name is "conda_base".

    builder: str
      The builder from bootstrap.py. The default environment is defined
      by the env_locations class variable
    filename: str
      If filename is not None, the argument overrides the file defined
      in the env_locations dictionary. The filename should be a
      relative path to the "modules" directory.
    python: str
      If set, the specific Python version of the environment for the
      builder is used instead of the default. Current options are
      '27' and '36' for Python 2.7 and 3.6, respectively.
    copy: bool
      If set to True, the --copy flag is passed to conda
    offline: bool
      If set to True, the --offline flag is passed to conda

    # handles check for choices in case parser is not available
    if builder not in self.env_locations:
      raise RuntimeError("""
The builder, {builder}, is not recognized. The available builders are,
format(builder=builder, builders=', '.join(sorted(self.env_locations.keys()))))

    if self.conda_base is None:
      raise RuntimeError("""A conda installation is not available.""")

    if filename is None:
      filename = os.path.join(
        self.root_dir, 'modules', self.env_locations[builder])
      if python is not None:
        if python not in ['27', '36']:
          raise RuntimeError(
            """Only Python 2.7 and 3.6 are currently supported.""")
        filename = filename.replace('PYTHON_VERSION', python)
      filename = os.path.abspath(filename)

    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
      raise RuntimeError("""The file, {filename}, is not available""".\

    yaml_format = False
    if filename.endswith('yml') or filename.endswith('yaml'):
      yaml_format = True

    # make a new environment directory
    if self.conda_env is None:
      name = 'conda_base'
      prefix = os.path.join(self.root_dir, name)
    # or use the existing one
      prefix = os.path.abspath(self.conda_env)

    # install a new environment or update and existing one
    if prefix in self.environments:
      command = 'install'
      if yaml_format:
        command = 'update'
      text_messages = ['Updating', 'update of']
      command = 'create'
      text_messages = ['Installing', 'installation into']
    command_list = [self.conda_exe, command, '--prefix', prefix,
                    '--file', filename]
    if yaml_format:
      command_list.insert(1, 'env')
    if self.system == 'Windows':
      command_list = [os.path.join(self.conda_base, 'Scripts', 'activate'),
                      'base', '&&'] + command_list
    if copy and not yaml_format:
    if offline and not yaml_format:
    if builder == "dials":
    # RuntimeError is raised on failure
    print('{text} {builder} environment with:\n  {filename}'.format(
          text=text_messages[0], builder=builder, filename=filename),
    for retry in range(self.max_retries):
      retry += 1
        output = check_output(command_list, env=self.env)
      except Exception:
There was a failure in constructing the conda environment.
Attempt {retry} of {max_retries} will start {retry} minute(s) from {t}.
""".format(retry=retry, max_retries=self.max_retries, t=time.asctime()))
    if retry == self.max_retries:
      raise RuntimeError("""
The conda environment could not be constructed. Please check that there is a
working network connection for downloading conda packages.
    if self.verbose:
      print(output, file=self.log)
    print('Completed {text}:\n  {prefix}'.format(text=text_messages[1],
          prefix=prefix), file=self.log)

    # on Windows, also download the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable
    # use the same version as conda-forge
    # https://github.com/conda-forge/vs2008_runtime-feedstock
    if self.system == 'Windows' and prefix.endswith('conda_base'):
        filename=os.path.join(prefix, 'vcredist_x64.exe'))

    # check that environment file is updated
    self.environments = self.update_environments()
    if prefix not in self.environments:
      raise RuntimeError("""
The newly installed environment cannot be found in
  def __init__(self, root_dir=root_dir, conda_base=None, conda_env=None,
               check_file=True, max_retries=5, verbose=False, log=sys.stdout):
    Constructor that performs a basic check for the conda installation.
    If an installation is not found, the latest version can be downloaded
    and installed.

    root_dir: str
      Required argument for specifying the root level directory for
      CCTBX builds. This is where the "modules" and "build" directories
      reside. If a new conda installation is required, it will be placed
      here under the "mc3" directory. The conda environment for building
      will also be placed in this directory
    conda_base: str
      Required argument for specifying location of a conda installation.
      If this is None, miniconda will be installed unless conda_env is
      set to a valid path.
    conda_env: str
      Optional argument for specifying location of a conda environment.
      Since this is assumed to be a working conda environment, a new
      installation of conda will not be created. This is for developers
      that want to manage their own environments.
    check_file: bool
      Flag for checking if a file exists. A RuntimeError is raised if a
      this flag is set and a file does not exist. Used in get_conda_exe
      and get_conda_python.
    max_retries: int
      When downloading conda packages, there may be network issues that
      prevent the environment from being constructed. This parameter
      controls the number of retry attempts for constructing the conda
      environment. The first retry is attempted 1 minute after the
      initial failure. The second retry is attempted 2 minutes, etc.
    verbose: bool
      Flag for showing conda output
    log: file
      For storing log output
    self.system = platform.system()

    self.root_dir = root_dir

    self.conda_base = None
    if conda_base is not None:
      self.conda_base = os.path.normpath(conda_base)

    self.conda_env = None
    if conda_env is not None:
      self.conda_env = os.path.normpath(conda_env)

    self.check_file = check_file
    self.max_retries = max_retries
    self.verbose = verbose
    self.log = log

    self.conda_exe = None
    if self.conda_base is not None:
      self.conda_exe = self.get_conda_exe(self.conda_base, check_file=False)

    # default environment file for users
    self.environment_file = os.path.join(
      os.path.expanduser('~'), '.conda', 'environments.txt')
    self.environments = self.update_environments()

    # Clean environment for external Python processes
    self.env = os.environ.copy()
    self.env['PYTHONPATH'] = ''

    # error messages
    self.conda_exe_not_found = """
The conda executable cannot be found. Please make sure the correct
directory for the base conda installation was provided. The directory
can be found by running "conda info" and looking the "base environment"

    # try to determine base environment from $PATH
    if self.conda_base is None:
      paths = os.environ.get('PATH')
      if paths is not None:
        if self.system == 'Windows':
          paths = paths.split(';')
          paths = paths.split(':')
        for path in paths:
          conda_base = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, '..'))
          conda_exe = self.get_conda_exe(conda_base, check_file=False)
          if os.path.isfile(conda_exe):
            self.conda_base = conda_base
            self.conda_exe = conda_exe

    # try to determine base environment from .conda/environments.txt
    if self.conda_base is None:
      for environment in self.environments:
        conda_exe = self.get_conda_exe(environment, check_file=False)
        if os.path.isfile(conda_exe):
          self.conda_base = environment
          self.conda_exe = conda_exe

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # helper function for searching for conda_exe
    def walk_up_check(new_conda_base, new_conda_exe):
      if new_conda_base is None:
        new_conda_base = ''
      if new_conda_exe is None:
        new_conda_exe = ''
      while not os.path.isfile(new_conda_exe):
        # move up directory and recheck
        new_conda_base = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(new_conda_base, '..'))
        new_conda_exe = self.get_conda_exe(new_conda_base, check_file=False)
        if os.path.isfile(new_conda_exe):
          return new_conda_base, new_conda_exe

        # moved to root directory
        if new_conda_base == \
          os.path.abspath(os.path.join(new_conda_base, '..')):
          return '', ''
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # try to determine base evironment from conda_env
    if (self.conda_base is None) and (self.conda_env is not None):
      conda_base, conda_exe = walk_up_check(self.conda_env, self.conda_exe)
      if os.path.isfile(conda_exe):
        self.conda_base = conda_base
        self.conda_exe = conda_exe

    # install conda if necessary
    if (self.conda_base is None) and (self.conda_env is None):
      install_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'mc3')
      if os.path.isdir(install_dir):
        print('Using default conda installation', file=self.log)
        self.conda_base = install_dir
        print('Location of conda installation not provided', file=self.log)
        print('Proceeding with a fresh installation', file=self.log)
        self.conda_base = self.install_miniconda(prefix=self.root_dir)
      self.conda_exe = self.get_conda_exe(self.conda_base, check_file=False)

    self.environments = self.update_environments()

    # verify consistency and check conda version
    if self.conda_base is not None:

      # maybe a conda evironment was provided instead of the base environment
      if not os.path.isfile(self.conda_exe):
        self.conda_base, self.conda_exe = \
          walk_up_check(self.conda_base, self.conda_exe)
        self.environments = self.update_environments()

      if not os.path.isfile(self.conda_exe):
        raise RuntimeError(self.conda_exe_not_found)

      conda_info = json.loads(check_output([self.conda_exe, 'info', '--json'],
      consistency_check = [self.conda_base == conda_info['root_prefix']]
      for env in self.environments:
        consistency_check.append(env in conda_info['envs'])
      if False in consistency_check:
        message = """
There is a mismatch between the conda settings in your home directory
and what "conda info" is reporting. This is not a fatal error, but if
an error is encountered, please check that your conda installation and
environments exist and are working.
        warnings.warn(message, RuntimeWarning)
      if conda_info['conda_version'] < '4.4':
        raise RuntimeError("""
CCTBX programs require conda version 4.4 and greater to make use of the
common compilers provided by conda. Please update your version with
"conda update conda".

      print('Base conda installation:\n  {base}'.format(base=self.conda_base),
      if self.verbose:
        output = check_output([self.conda_exe, 'info'], env=self.env)
        print(output, file=self.log)

    if self.conda_env is not None:
      print('Build environment:\n  {conda_env}'.format(
        conda_env=self.conda_env), file=self.log)
    def create_environment(self,
    Create the environment based on the builder and file. The
    environment name is "conda_base".

    builder: str
      The builder from bootstrap.py. The default environment is defined
      by the env_locations class variable
    filename: str
      If filename is not None, the argument overrides the file defined
      in the env_locations dictionary. The filename should be a
      relative path to the "modules" directory.
    copy: bool
      If set to True, the --copy flag is passed to conda
    offline: bool
      If set to True, the --offline flag is passed to conda

        # handles check for choices in case parser is not available
        if builder not in self.env_locations:
            raise RuntimeError("""
The builder, {builder}, is not recognized. The available builders are,
      format(builder=builder, builders=', '.join(sorted(self.env_locations.keys()))))

        if self.conda_base is None:
            raise RuntimeError("""A conda installation is not available.""")

        if filename is None:
            filename = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'modules',
            filename = os.path.abspath(filename)

        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise RuntimeError("""The file, {filename}, is not available""".\

        # make a new environment directory
        if self.conda_env is None:
            name = 'conda_base'
            prefix = os.path.join(self.root_dir, name)
        # or use the existing one
            prefix = os.path.abspath(self.conda_env)

        # install a new environment or update and existing one
        if prefix in self.environments:
            command = 'install'
            text_messages = ['Updating', 'update of']
            command = 'create'
            text_messages = ['Installing', 'installation into']
        command_list = [
            self.conda_exe, command, '--prefix', prefix, '--file', filename
        if self.system == 'Windows':
            command_list = [
                os.path.join(self.conda_base, 'Scripts', 'activate'), 'base',
            ] + command_list
        if copy:
        if offline:
        # RuntimeError is raised on failure
        print('{text} {builder} environment with:\n  {filename}'.format(
            text=text_messages[0], builder=builder, filename=filename),
        output = check_output(command_list, env=self.env)
        if self.verbose:
            print(output, file=self.log)
        print('Completed {text}:\n  {prefix}'.format(text=text_messages[1],

        # on Windows, also download the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable
        # use the same version as conda-forge
        # https://github.com/conda-forge/vs2008_runtime-feedstock
        if self.system == 'Windows' and prefix.endswith('conda_base'):
                filename=os.path.join(prefix, 'vcredist_x64.exe'))

        # check that environment file is updated
        self.environments = self.update_environments()
        if prefix not in self.environments:
            raise RuntimeError("""
The newly installed environment cannot be found in