def generate_smb_conf():
    d, err = cifs_common.load_auth_settings()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    smb_conf_path, err = common.get_smb_conf_path()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    with open("%s/smb.conf"%smb_conf_path, "w+") as f:
      ret, err = cifs_common.generate_global_header(f)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      ret, err = _generate_unicell_specific_global_section(f)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      ret, err = cifs_common.generate_common_global_section(f, d)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      shl, err = cifs_common.load_shares_list()
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      if shl:
        for share in shl:
          ul = []
          gl = []
          if not share["guest_ok"]:
            vul, err = cifs_common.load_valid_users_list(share["share_id"])
            if err:
              raise Exception(err)
            if vul:
              for vu in vul:
                if vu["grp"]:
          ret, err = _generate_share_section(f, share["name"], d["workgroup"], share["path"], share["read_only"], share["browseable"], share["guest_ok"], ul, gl, share["comment"], d["security"])
          if err:
            raise Exception(err)
    ret, errors = _reload_config()
    if errors:
      raise Exception(errors)
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error generating CIFS configuration : %s'%str(e)
def generate_smb_conf():
  d = load_auth_settings()
  with open("%s/smb.conf"%common.get_smb_conf_path(), "w+") as f:
    _generate_global_section(f, d)
    shl = load_shares_list()
    if shl:
      for share in shl:
        ul = []
        gl = []
        if not share["guest_ok"]:
          vul = load_valid_users_list(share["share_id"])
          if vul:
            for vu in vul:
              if vu["grp"]:
        _generate_share_section(f, share["name"], share["vol"], d["workgroup"], share["path"], share["read_only"], share["browseable"], share["guest_ok"], ul, gl, share["comment"], d["security"])
  errors = _reload_config()
  if errors != '':
    raise Exception(errors)