    import pandas as pd
    import datetime
    from datetime import timedelta
    #import flow dev data
    FileHandle = FileHandler()
    #Paths to files
    #dev_data_path = "integrated/Modules/Ecology/Inputs"
    dev_data_path = "Inputs"

    # Read in flow data
    #flow_data_path = "integrated/Modules/Ecology/Inputs/Hydrology/sce1/406201.csv" #201,202, 265
    flow_data_path = dev_data_path+"/Hydrology/sce1/406201.csv"

    flow_data = FileHandle.loadCSV(flow_data_path, index_col="Date", parse_dates=True, dayfirst=True)
    flow_data[flow_data<0] = np.nan
    flow_col = "Flow"

    #import environmental flow requirement data
    #eflow_req_path = "integrated/Modules/Ecology/Inputs/Ecology/Platypus_flow_req.csv"
    eflow_req_path = dev_data_path+"/Ecology/Platypus_flow_req.csv"
    eflow_req = FileHandle.loadCSV(eflow_req_path)

    # minimum duration requirements for low flow index
    summerlowday = 120
    winterlowday = 60 #winter low is limiting the low flow index -> u/c required
    # inputs for food index and dispersal index
    durations = {
### Script starts here ###

FileHandle = FileHandler()

#Read in input data

## Read in input data

# read in all breakpoint files from 1900 til end of file
date_range = ["1900-01-01", None]
indexes = FileHandle.importFiles("Inputs/index", ext=".csv", walk=False)

# read in asset table
#This could be set as class attribute as it is used as a global in the R script
asset_table = FileHandle.loadCSV("Inputs/ctf_dss.csv")

# read in weights
weightall = FileHandle.loadCSV("Inputs/index/weight/weight.csv")

# Set up additional parameters:
# Set up weight for groundwater index
gweight = 0.2

#scenarios = FileHandle.getFolders('Inputs/')
scenarios = ["Inputs/Hist"]  #FileHandle.getFolders('Inputs/')

# For DSS, can use RRGMS only as a minimum.
specieslist = [
    "RRGMS", "RRGRR", "BBMS", "BBRR", "LGMS", "LGRR", "WCMS", "WCRR"
    dev_data_path = "Integrated/Modules/Ecology/Inputs"
    #dev_data_path = "Inputs"

    # Read in flow data
    scenarios = [dev_data_path+"/Hydrology/sce1"]#, dev_data_path+"/Hydrology/sce2"]

    date_range = ["1900-01-01", None]

    # Read in index data
    # NOTE: Left most column will be used as the DataFrame index
    indexes = FileHandle.importFiles(dev_data_path+"/Ecology/index", ext=".csv", index_col=0, walk=False)
    indexes = indexes["index"] #Remove parent folder listing from Dict, as this is unneeded

    # read in asset table
    #This could be set as class attribute as it is used as a global in the R script
    asset_table = FileHandle.loadCSV(dev_data_path+"/Ecology/Water_suitability_param.csv")
    eco_assets = ['A2','A4','A5']

    # read in weights
    weights = indexes["weights"]

    #change headers to lowercase to make it consistent with other csvs
    weights.columns = [x.lower() for x in weights.columns]

    # Set up additional parameters:
    # Set up weight for groundwater index
    gw_weight = 0.4
    sw_weight = 0.6

    # For DSS, can use RRGMS only as a minimum.
    specieslist = ["RRGMS","RRGRR"]
    import datetime
    from datetime import timedelta

    #import flow dev data
    FileHandle = FileHandler()
    #Paths to files
    #dev_data_path = "integrated/Modules/Ecology/Inputs"
    dev_data_path = "Inputs"

    # Read in flow data

    #flow_data_path = "integrated/Modules/Ecology/Inputs/Hydrology/sce1/406201.csv" #201,202, 265
    flow_data_path = dev_data_path + "/Hydrology/sce1/406201.csv"

    flow_data = FileHandle.loadCSV(flow_data_path,
    flow_data[flow_data < 0] = np.nan

    flow_col = "Flow"

    #import environmental flow requirement data
    #eflow_req_path = "integrated/Modules/Ecology/Inputs/Ecology/Platypus_flow_req.csv"
    eflow_req_path = dev_data_path + "/Ecology/Platypus_flow_req.csv"
    eflow_req = FileHandle.loadCSV(eflow_req_path)

    # minimum duration requirements for low flow index
    summerlowday = 120
    winterlowday = 60  #winter low is limiting the low flow index -> u/c required

    # inputs for food index and dispersal index
        temp_data['irrigation_name'] = irrigation_name

        irrigation_params[irrigation_name] = ParameterSet(**temp_data)

        globals()[irrigation_name+"_params"] = irrigation_params[irrigation_name]

        temp_params = irrigation_params[irrigation_name].getParams()
        temp_params['name'] = irrigation_name

        globals()[irrigation_name] = IrrigationPractice(**temp_params)

    #End for
#End for

#Pumping System
DieselPump = DataHandle.loadCSV('PumpingSystems/data/shallow.csv', index_col=0, skipinitialspace=True)
DieselPump = Pumps(name='Diesel Pump', **DieselPump['Best Guess'].to_dict())

NoPump = DataHandle.loadCSV('PumpingSystems/data/no_pump.csv', index_col=0, skipinitialspace=True)
NoPump = Pumps(name='No Pump', **NoPump['Best Guess'].to_dict())

crop_data_files = DataHandle.importFiles('Crops/data/variables', walk=True, index_col=0, skipinitialspace=True)
crop_data = {}
crop_params = {}
for folder in crop_data_files:
    for crop_name in crop_data_files[folder]:
        crop_data[crop_name] = crop_data_files[folder][crop_name]

        temp_data = crop_data[crop_name]['Best Guess'].to_dict()
        temp_data['crop_name'] = crop_name
                 ]  #, dev_data_path+"/Hydrology/sce2"]

    date_range = ["1900-01-01", None]

    # Read in index data
    # NOTE: Left most column will be used as the DataFrame index
    indexes = FileHandle.importFiles(dev_data_path + "/Ecology/index",
    indexes = indexes[
        "index"]  #Remove parent folder listing from Dict, as this is unneeded

    # read in asset table
    #This could be set as class attribute as it is used as a global in the R script
    asset_table = FileHandle.loadCSV(dev_data_path +
    eco_assets = ['A2', 'A4', 'A5']

    # read in weights
    weights = indexes["weights"]

    #change headers to lowercase to make it consistent with other csvs
    weights.columns = [x.lower() for x in weights.columns]

    # Set up additional parameters:
    # Set up weight for groundwater index
    gw_weight = 0.4
    sw_weight = 0.6

    # For DSS, can use RRGMS only as a minimum.
    specieslist = ["RRGMS", "RRGRR"]