def example3(): # one more likely than the other #points = [ (-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5), None] points = [ (-0.6, -0.6), (0.6, 0.6)] probs = [ 0.20, 0.8] action = PointAction((0.5, 0.6)) #action = SweepAction([(0.6, 0.6)]) return Scenario(Belief(points, probs), action)
def example2(): # one far away, unlikely, two close together, likely #points = [ (-0.5, -0.5), (0.3, 0.5), (0.5, 0.3), None] points = [ (-0.6, -0.6), (0.2, 0.4), (0.2, 0.4)] probs = [0.10, 0.45, 0.45] action = PointAction((0.4, 0.4)) #action = SweepAction([(0.4, 0.4)]) return Scenario(Belief(points, probs), action)
def make_bayes_filter(scenario, use_uniform): states = [One_Obj_State(point) for point in scenario.belief.states] non_obj = One_Obj_State(None) states.append(non_obj) nil_fun = nil_fun_maker(states) def nil_observation_f(s, o): if == None: return nil_fun(o) else: return o.observation_function(s) def observation_f(s, o): return o.observation_function(s) transition_f = lambda s, s_n: s.transition_function(s_n, object_switch_prob=0.1) new_belief = Belief(states, scenario.belief.probs + [0.000001]) initial_belief = Belief.make_uniform(states) if use_uniform else new_belief return interaction.BayesFilter(states, transition_f, nil_observation_f, initial_belief)
def read_scenario_file(filename): ss = json.load(open(filename)) # scenarios are in 0 to 10 in x to y scenario_min = 0 scenario_max = 10 def convert_to_domain_scale(number): scale = (domain_max - domain_min)/(scenario_max - scenario_min) return round(domain_min + scale * (number - scenario_min), 3) def ctds_tup(tup): return map(convert_to_domain_scale, tup) scenarios = [] for s in ss: points = map(lambda s: tuple(ctds_tup(s)), s['points']) probs = map(lambda p: p if p > 0 else 0.0000000001, s['probs']) action = PointAction(tuple(ctds_tup(s['action']))) if s['action'] else None scenarios.append(Scenario(Belief(points, probs), action)) return scenarios
def main(): points_list = read_points('points.csv') scenarios = [] annotated = [] for points in points_list: distrs = binned_distributions(points, 0.333) distrs = [dist for dist in distrs if not 0.999 in dist] distrs = [dist for dist in distrs if not 0.666 in dist] distrs = [dist for dist in distrs if not 0.001 in dist] for distr in distrs: scenario = Scenario(Belief(points, distr), None) if 1.0 in distr: scenario.action = points[distr.index(1.0)] annotated.append(scenario) else: scenarios.append(scenario) v = Visualizer(scenarios) print len(annotated) annotated += v.get_annotated() write_scenarios('scenarios.csv', annotated)
def main(): #scenarios = read_scenario_file('scenarios.csv') scenarios = [example1(), example2(), example3()] + read_scenario_file('scenarios.csv') random.shuffle(scenarios) scenarios = scenarios[:100] heuristics = [ ('kl divergence', interaction.kl_divergence_heuristic) ] #('entropy + kl', interaction.kl_entropy_divergence_heuristic), #('entropy', interaction.entropy_heuristic), #('random', lambda rbf, hbf, a: random.random())] actions = [ (x, y) for x in irange(-1.4, 1.4, 0.2) for y in irange(-1.4, 1.4, 0.2) ] point_actions = [ PointAction(tup) for tup in actions ] print 'actions done' print 'number of actions', len(point_actions) #generators = action_generators(3) #num = 200 #sweep_actions = sample_uniformly(num, generators[0]) + sample_uniformly(num, generators[1]) + sample_uniformly(num, generators[2]) read_scenario_file('scenarios.csv') #names = ['kl divergence', 'entropy + kl', 'entropy', 'random'] names = [ x for x, y in heuristics ] diffs = [] dists = [] show = [] colors = [] sizes = [] #according to entropy colormap = {names[0]:'r'} #,names[1]:'g', names[2]:'b', names[3]:'k'} dists_h = {names[0]:[]}#, , names[1]:[], names[2]:[], names[3]:[]} diffs_h = {names[0]:[]}#, names[1]:[], names[2]:[], names[3]:[]} for s in scenarios: for name, heuristic in heuristics: #print name dist, diff = test_scenario(s, sample_uniformly(100,iter(point_actions)), heuristic) if dist != None and diff != None: show.append(s) dists.append(dist) dists_h[name].append(dist) #diffs_h[name].append(diff) colors.append(colormap[name]) diffs_h[name].append(interaction.kl_divergence(Belief.make_uniform(s.belief.states), s.belief)*20 + 10) sizes.append(15) #print diffs #print dists for name in names: m = max(diffs_h[name]) diffs_h[name] = map(lambda a: a/m, diffs_h[name]) print name, ' avg difference', sum(diffs_h[name])/len(diffs_h[name]) print name, ' avg distance', sum(dists_h[name])/len(dists_h[name]) print name, 'percent under 0.5 dist', len([1 for x in dists_h[name] if x < 0.5])/len(dists_h[name]) diffs = reduce(lambda b, a: diffs_h[a] + b, names, []) print 'avg difference', sum(diffs)/len(diffs) print 'avg distance', sum(dists)/len(dists) plot_diffs = [sum(diffs_h[name])/len(diffs_h[name]) for name in names] plot_dists = [sum(dists_h[name])/len(dists_h[name]) for name in names] #ind = np.arange(len(names)) # the x locations for the groups #width = 0.35 # the width of the bars #fig, ax = plt.subplots() #rects1 =, plot_diffs, width, color='r') #rects2 =, plot_dists, width, color='b') ## add some text for labels, title and axes ticks ##ax.set_ylabel('') #ax.set_title('Average distances and scores of annotated action by heuristic') #ax.set_xticks(ind+width) #ax.set_xticklabels( names ) #ax.legend( (rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('Average score', 'Average distance'), loc=2) #def autolabel(rects): # for rect in rects: # height = rect.get_height() # ax.text(rect.get_x()+rect.get_width()/2., height+0.03, '%.3f'%round(height, 3), # ha='center', va='bottom') #plt.savefig('heuristic_barchart.png') plt.scatter(diffs, dists,s=sizes, c=colors,marker='o', alpha=0.6) plt.xlabel('score of annotated action') plt.ylabel('distance between annontated action and chosen action') blue = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', marker='o', markersize=10) red = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='red', marker='o', markersize=10) green = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='green', marker='o', markersize=10) black = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='black', marker='o', markersize=10) small = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='black', marker='o', markersize=5) large = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='black', marker='o', markersize=10) plt.legend([red, green, blue, black, small, large], ['kl divergence', 'kl divergence + entropy', 'entropy', 'scenario entropy low', 'scenario entropy = high'], prop={'size':8}) #for scenario, diff, dist in zip(show, diffs, dists): # plt.annotate( # str(scenario.belief), # xy=(diff, dist), xytext=(-10, 10), # textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'bottom', # arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=0')) plt.savefig('heuristic_scatter.png')