def draw(self, cr, hover=None): cr.set_line_width(2) if self._dropdown_active or hover == 1: cr.set_source_rgba( * accent ) else: cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) # v downchevron(cr, 3, 1) cr.stroke() show_text(cr, self._current) show_text(cr, self._label)
def draw(self, cr, hover=None): cr.set_line_width(2) if self._dropdown_active or hover == 1: colors = [accent] + [(0, 0, 0, 0.7)] * 3 else: colors = [(0, 0, 0, 0.7)] * 4 if hover is not None: colors[hover - 1] = accent # v cr.set_source_rgba( * colors[0] ) downchevron(cr, 3, 1) cr.stroke() if self._O is None: # + cr.set_source_rgba( * colors[2] ) show_text(cr, self._nonelabel) plus_sign(cr, self._d3, 1) cr.fill() else: cr.translate(self._d1, 0) self._NAMEWIDGET.draw(cr, hover) cr.restore() # + cr.set_source_rgba( * colors[2] ) plus_sign(cr, self._d2, 1) cr.fill() # x cr.set_source_rgba( * colors[3] ) cross(cr, self._d3, 1) cr.stroke()
def draw(self, cr, hover=(None, None)): cr.set_line_width(2) y1 = self._y for i, (value, textlines) in enumerate(zip(self._fullcontent, self._labels)): if value is self._active: radius = 5 halfpi = pi*0.5 y2 = y1 + self._itemheight cr.move_to(self._x , y1 + radius) cr.arc(self._x + radius, y1 + radius, radius, pi , 3*halfpi) cr.arc(self._x_right - radius, y1 + radius, radius, 3*halfpi, 2*pi ) cr.arc(self._x_right - radius, y2 - radius, radius, 0 , halfpi ) cr.arc(self._x + radius, y2 - radius, radius, halfpi , pi ) cr.close_path() if self._colored(value): cr.set_source_rgb( * accent ) else: cr.set_source_rgb(0.7, 0.7, 0.7) cr.fill() cr.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) upchevron(cr, self._subdivisions[0], y1) downchevron(cr, self._subdivisions[1], y1) cross(cr, self._subdivisions[2], y1) cr.stroke() elif hover[1] is not None and hover[1][0] == i: colors = [(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)] * 3 if hover[1][1] > 1: colors[hover[1][1] - 2] = accent cr.set_source_rgba( * colors[0] ) upchevron(cr, self._subdivisions[0], y1) cr.stroke() cr.set_source_rgba( * colors[1] ) downchevron(cr, self._subdivisions[1], y1) cr.stroke() cr.set_source_rgba( * colors[2] ) cross(cr, self._subdivisions[2], y1) cr.stroke() if self._colored(value): cr.set_source_rgba( * accent ) else: cr.set_source_rgb(0.6, 0.6, 0.6) elif self._colored(value): cr.set_source_rgb(0.3, 0.3, 0.3) else: cr.set_source_rgb(0.6, 0.6, 0.6) for textline in textlines: show_text(cr, textline) y1 += self._itemheight if hover[1] is not None and hover[1][0] == self._LMAX: cr.set_source_rgb( * accent ) else: cr.set_source_rgb(0.3, 0.3, 0.3) plus_sign(cr, self._x, y1) cr.fill()
def draw(self, cr, hover=(None, None)): cr.set_line_width(2) y1 = self._y for i, (value, textlines) in enumerate(zip(self._fullcontent, self._labels)): if value is self._active: radius = 5 halfpi = pi * 0.5 y2 = y1 + self._itemheight cr.move_to(self._x, y1 + radius) cr.arc(self._x + radius, y1 + radius, radius, pi, 3 * halfpi) cr.arc(self._x_right - radius, y1 + radius, radius, 3 * halfpi, 2 * pi) cr.arc(self._x_right - radius, y2 - radius, radius, 0, halfpi) cr.arc(self._x + radius, y2 - radius, radius, halfpi, pi) cr.close_path() if self._colored(value): cr.set_source_rgb(*accent) else: cr.set_source_rgb(0.7, 0.7, 0.7) cr.fill() cr.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) upchevron(cr, self._subdivisions[0], y1) downchevron(cr, self._subdivisions[1], y1) cross(cr, self._subdivisions[2], y1) cr.stroke() elif hover[1] is not None and hover[1][0] == i: colors = [(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)] * 3 if hover[1][1] > 1: colors[hover[1][1] - 2] = accent cr.set_source_rgba(*colors[0]) upchevron(cr, self._subdivisions[0], y1) cr.stroke() cr.set_source_rgba(*colors[1]) downchevron(cr, self._subdivisions[1], y1) cr.stroke() cr.set_source_rgba(*colors[2]) cross(cr, self._subdivisions[2], y1) cr.stroke() if self._colored(value): cr.set_source_rgba(*accent) else: cr.set_source_rgb(0.6, 0.6, 0.6) elif self._colored(value): cr.set_source_rgb(0.3, 0.3, 0.3) else: cr.set_source_rgb(0.6, 0.6, 0.6) for textline in textlines: show_text(cr, textline) y1 += self._itemheight if hover[1] is not None and hover[1][0] == self._LMAX: cr.set_source_rgb(*accent) else: cr.set_source_rgb(0.3, 0.3, 0.3) plus_sign(cr, self._x, y1) cr.fill()